THE DAILY NEWS. — —a ——- “Not what we wish but what we want.’ ’_-Merrick. tt et — aes WATCH THIS SPACE’ In Tomorrow’s Issue FOR SALE OM.HELGERSON LTD. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C There Will Appear a Complete List of PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE That Wi'! Be Offered for Sale by Public Auction In the Empress Theatre Thursday, February 15 at 7.30 P. M. WAY Q). M. Helgerson, Limited Rea! Estate Brokers Office Helgerson Biock ONE NIGHT ONLY A Three-Act Comedy ‘BREEZY POINT’ Presented by the Bethany Girls EMPRESS THEATRE Friday, Feb. 2nd at 8 P. M. Proceeds for a “Bethany” Ward in the Hospital SEAT BOOKING AT KEELEY’S ADMISSION 50c AND 75c Mathieu’s Syrup of far and Cod Liver Oil not only stops a cough butcures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35c for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. 1. MATHIEU CO., Prop, SHERBROOKE. ATHIEUS SYR Or TAR 2 COD LIVER Ol | a ed _— —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES tbe ib tssbinioieiabdadedie te eee SEE et rs es rs es re” mere oaes EE os ee ees ns es rs ts ms ps rE