FOR CIV'L SERVANTS M r,., tnd Full Termt 0,n0P Order Mot Pet Made Public j -r Thp Cabinet Th'a. pawed an order-ln. juH'" ..,. nr bonus for . ,,,.rvanii ----- ,.- order... arc. .. ttnnnuuLCIl Ull" ...iUVJn " . .1 ... i .,:ivrniu "- , , , .. generally rr."- -- , nil a lUb "- """ V I ..imm bonus.10. ...... 111 e. 1 1 u i 1 ..nis and geii'i'B 1 I. o II I It fll 1 . , marricu wwi - i" B- tn .. .. I.... II.nil XI Ullll ii.awa aaa nn a a 1 1 31 IKE flrmatJOn-BOOTY.IS Canada CAN and WILL TAKEN BY ITALY IN LAST GKbAl r.uiii ON July 31, 1918, Canadians had on de-posit aria Army Headquarter,--. in banks more than a billion five ...Mi !I Lbc material captured r " -- . million dollars that was l a 1111 at a i.aa a .... ...ill . .!. hundred .,(ni l 1 3 esiliu ' $160,000,000 more than was on deposit on . u.ouO Horses aim w.vuu , ii. . r iffh count it is c- i ' the same date in 1917. are now in tno oMiuncrs anno ut ik v llnlinnA- And, in the meantime, Canadians had invested $425,-" ..FN7.A. - UNlnhlhLl.Miinnffrf 000,000 in the Victory Loan 1917. Besides that they had , IN CITY OF EDMONTON bought$60,000,000 worth of provincial and municipal bonds. tUo So the people of Canada during; the past year have , on i. ivfl from Ltlmonton .. .. i.. t..i.uhl fciirci lliat accumulated $485,000,000 in bonds and over $160,000,-000 . . it..i ,iU tii fiiftvnr in cash more than they had on July 31, 1917. That I iuftt iued a tUUmcal ay- represents concrete accumulated wealth. IT Lliaij III VI V " mw - - v . .. a It...-,. Canada is to-day the richest country in the world, per capita. 13- v1 fif Hi u-tii before. Fruni . Pier war debt per capita is lower than that of any other r-: ui nu let uu. What is true fighting nation. , f v Ldmonion i ...saiu. 10 uv....aio p r i.. iUltr hoc thft "nhilirv to over-- 1 1. J OU V-iilIIlUl uiiuuuulouij v ' subscribe the Victory Loan 1918. HAESENT TO U. 8, iiadon, iov. 7Iu order to And Canada must manfully and loyally support the ; r ascretialion of the part the Victory Loan 1918, because the national safety, the national i kmi. hfi. iniiitn ill inn a c::iic.i is now oil its way honor and the prosperity of the country are at stake. i WiihinKuii Learimr Rifts for i iiiiMiiaii aukia baa u iiiiivi Canada's business prosperity is necessary to the maintenance sua the ully of cw of Canada's war efficiency. oversubscribe the Victory Loan. (jUfl) il frrnmnn tnnrlv iltA- Get ready to r anil nTninPAfsi fir Airiri INFLUENZA REPORTS BUY VICTORY BONDS W..:aiig Nov. 7- The Inllu- J cu u mtcrering with shipping r tfcr ureal Lakes owing to an- I waj;ainls by tho crews that others to buy-then mst inipn were victims of tho and help to get tttuc in I-astcrn Canada ine Im ,,..1 .. i....i witd.Tonlo Tho worst is ovor in buy some more yourself it: and things are fast as- iKiay a normal condition. lued by Cuudt'i Victory U Committ-. YOUrQ HERO DIE8 in co-operetion with tho Minuter of Fuunca of the Dominion of Cuucit Winnipeg Nov. 7. Limit. Alau "tlw, V t... Manitoba's IdolUed Jc'Jng h.ero. died last night of in--snja, Only to years of ago he I 1 MMggagasHgaaBWawawwwagfBB'jpt win xsEBB&BKKH&BIBBBB0KB0B&3&3BB0KBKtBB u Ul youngest V. C. on record. KgMMPaaaiMBBa"iaWSiaaiaaaaBr"",' . -- m" on Hie decoration by per-otynlnK . .aiAnnA ami Haahaiaul fKilTl Kflttlllst niiFviiin. i ). n...i Mtnit ni the Knisor; LAND REGISTRY ACT ud ny claim 10 or in respect of the una ManaBer Llpsett. llim" u mint - (Section S and is.) so sola tor uxe, nu r nri.i.i Ldward Lipsett. President Harry '"8 nen,nlnn0 wn8 fa" hnlf a dozen bonds today and rvglster the porson entitled under such Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Inj lniv tax sale as owner oi mo " " " thou If bo Is not gone, a few more ne Application Mo. 10118 1. File taxes " TAKE NOTICE that application Ua beer im vvnrncAS annllcitlon has been MlNKHAL ACT tomorrow. made to rerlater Drenton 0, Moore and made for a Certmcate of Indefeasible Title & Co. rncn of lmprov(ninu. UAND ACT FORM NO. 11 Hoy I. Moore of I'rtnce ivupert. B.C. o the above-mentioned lands, in ine iwnio Lipsett-Cunningham owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from f Drenton 0. Moore and noy L. Moore, INTENTION TO APTLY TO the Collector of the City of Trlnce nuperl. ivn w-MPiiria nn Investlaatlns the , ""lit.. ROTICr OF ... .1. ttu. isth dav r n .v-inh'T, LIMITED b ria IM'.I I M.v - lo i'J layi "Buuoii, x that cerUill Itlo it appears that prior Hi, L, CaUdonU. Mii, of ALL ANP SINOULAR tST which the: Nuaiu.. rb"'. rtumtrlea, Pirirl or tract of land and premlie ' of October, ll (the date on taxes), FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPIWEIIT MARINK HARDWARE . . . orerdue sold for ......I.m.lltv nf iaid lands were 'J' M'hlt. Cupprlt. Orey Ilia "'i SOUTH m uii" aua ueina 0m Tl. on at, U'lnr thereof. "TU ..1. mn iii auixird owners Accessories Uuiu i ,na Uunkr rolueral cltiiiu. 8KEF.NA ND win. r98V the City of rrlnce nuperl, more prtlcu J w w TAKE NOTICE that at me i Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and KUIlTIIEn Humi 8kMM Minlnr DltUlon of siionE or UOOON known and deacrlbed aa Lot eighteen i Ropaat and Cordage wrly Lines, CwM ABOUT ONE KIM- Section al same lime I shall effect registration In pursuance Fish Netting, Twines, tJL Clrm. Oa Where located! ISLAND, I, IS). Mock elrbteen I8), and Issue a of such application Tli. """I1" UUIHIl, MOUTH. i... Vi, nf lrlnca nur.ort. Map f. VOU PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a Certificate of Indefeasible Tine w mo iu notice ibai , John D. Andsrwn "77 JOHN M. MAC- tax purcbaier within J daya from tUo parties lands lu the name or the aroresaid lr Ly 7,,u- C.. actlni at arenl TAKE nonw "r occupitton ih. i.rvir or this notice (which may the proper Prince Rupert Office; Vsneouwr. and at unless you take and prosecute Registered Ollloe: of your Uauid -uDimon Copptr Mines MILLAN. effected by publication), be proceedinga to establish your claim,.If any, No. 95 l.r MlDr' Cernncaie No. t, Cnneryman. Intend J und,: tention la cawea to section so 01 im 68 Water Street Telephone k..i '.""W. lly davi from ih data lion to lr... the follotn on lieflstry Act" with amendments, and to to the said lands, or to prevent sucn pro- P. O. Box 1698 miAit aftlrtn nn hit Mr! B. C, followlnf extract therefrom: Vancouver, K.r runci In L lb Pitml ml tuo Land r.ertitry ornce, pr!nc of south .for. of Laaoon oin. And In default of a eaveal or certificate mils from pendens belnr filed before the reris nuperl. ii. C, this am day or aepwuuwr, J ,,,(frr.r.-f. one J0 of Its ttK, ' Crown 0rnu of ', land, about nnrlh . ... cuim, -,9'?lZ iraiiuu "" i A, II, ti. . lurih.i. ..i. , more ? ae'.,"1.:" .',T' ...v...!elilmT a. T. MACLEOD, chalna: men ---. .rh-. inenc- throufh' all District Registrar of Titles. In The Daily New under and persons uii, fl. "V1 commenced before mil' Wlinr mn in iii7 inr or them, To Walter 0. Laurie, Advertise ou, k" rncw t Improve commencement. nf any unrerlstered Instrument, and all i Robert AVIUtams, of . lnlrj.M.t In 1h lAUd ' .ittmln. point n ,;N IM d.r of Sepumber. A. i icrei m- tall.--..-tv uaCMILI."'...u . U...descent vhose title Is not retlstered William )ocea, The Paper that gets Quick Results ; ika npAvlaUni skle a ah II TiU i rnaca nupert, n, u. l. ANDERSON. rated Aur