n THE DAILY NlvWS I'lJfty. Pafs 2 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE f PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA t WRIGL For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sot-irdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 0:30 a. in, H. F. PULLEN, Managing,Editor. mam r, it From the East. Sunday", Tuesdays and Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; standard at 5:15 p. ni. GfcyDeHvery, by-carrier or mail, per month 75c. For Vancouver: in $G.OO. IUtUI J V MIV J VM0 J V W Br ilill Canada or Great Britain, advance, per year bsc is more important Sundays 10 p. in. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. than ever. Use Royal Tuesdays , . .3 p.m. Telepho.se 93. Yeast Cakes. Their quality Thursdays 10 p. m. is absolutely reliable. Saturdays . . 7 a.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. Bread made with Royal contract Kates on application. least will keep fresh and From Vancouver moist longer than that Sundays 10 p.m. nut.Y FntTinN. Et?cSMi Friday. November 1, 1918. made with any other. Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. Send name and address Saturdays 10:30 a. in. for copy Royal Yeait The Fitting Rebuke Bake Book. For Anvox: n t-t A Dsl4nt a E.W.GILLETTCO.LTD. Sundays 10 pan. J. J. Gaetz, Liberaland supporter of the fatcwart Government TORONTO, CANADA Wednesdays 10 p. ni. in Alberta, has been elected over hid opponent, an Independent WINNIPEG MONTREAL Saturdays SO p. m. military Unionist candidate, by a large majority? Looked at from a dis tance it seems as if the defeat was a just rebuke to a man for From Anyox: service Tuesdays .a.m, introducing into provincial pontics an issue wmcn uoes not oeiong Thursdays a.m. there. Apparently the People of Red Deer were wise to the TO SUBSCRIBERS undays pan, srhemp nnri refused tn ho turned aside from their determination to support a certain policy by any injection of Dominion affairs Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson and Nam ftlvet into the provincial field. I . are asked to pay the...ue- points: A Soldier's offering to hU of late to to livery boys each month Sundays 10 p.m. It is a common practise try stampede a con stituencv bv a lovaltv crv. a wave of the lla? or some similar out when they call, except sweetheart Is naturally the where payment has beer From Port Simpson and Nau side influence. That the people of Red Deer did not allow this, sweetmeat that gave Mm made for the year in advance. lllver Points: shows their good judgment. Let us fight Dominion elections on The boys when (Tuesdays a.m. most refreshment and Dominion issues and Provincial'elections on Provincial issues, collecting carry official receipts greatest afso city elections on city issues. To do otherwise is to pervert which should always Queen CharlotLa Islands: enjoyment when on duty. politics into gross partyism be preserved. For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island points: Conference of Vedncsdays 0. p, m. Premiers Soon. The Flavour Lasts " There is to be a conference of provincial premiers soon with ATTENTION CITY VOTERS 7rom Masset, Port Clements and the object of preparing for the return of the soldiers from over Upper Island points: VOTERS, either male or female. seas. Hon. John Oliver, Premier of this ridays, p. m. province, has taken the Iaimintr to vote on road tas cer initiative in having this meeting called, and at -it the Dominion iflcates or as licence holders must Vor Skldegate, Queen Charlotto Government will be represented. The Conference should produce le declarations with me this City and Lower Island points: results if the various premiers go to it with plans already in mind nonth. aturdays . , 8 p. in. and with a determination to deal in a big way with the issues, it I will attend at the City Clerk's 'rom Skldegate. Quevn Charlotte fflce on Tuesday. Thursday and is the biggest question that has ever presented itself to any Gov 'rlday of every week between 8 City and Lower Island points - ernment or group of Governments. Jt is not a matter to be con nd 10 p.m. to facilitate the tak- Tuesdays. I i -JkVfrAVW or.vvi'vaw BHHHH aa srrvua sarened. i 1 i II t m1 ill sidered hastily, neither is it a matter that can be delayed. The n g- of such declarations. I Mr ..7K--AV7 BBBBl - i y rffl-l I I 1 1 For Skagvsjy and the Yukon. very best advice must be taken and the returned men themselves FREDERICK PETEftS, Kvcry ten days. t ii City Clerk. m u si do consuueu. From SKagway and Yukon. Farmer John Advertise in the Dally News. Every ten days. Man Who Does Thlnas. John Oliver has shown himsnlf rnn.nlilA nf h MINERAL ACT since he has taken the lead in the British Columbia Government. Certificate of Improvements. iie nas maae lew ii any mistakes. He is a resourceful man and he has the confidence of the majority of the people of both parties. Probably there is no more resourceful man in British Columbia .NOTICE rnu rrtEuva inrril vi.ifn, I ru.I. m I e has lllllp nnhsh nf mnnnpps nnH ho enma-llhe .kna Mlnlnv hlruinn f r.Ai.. Keep up, the iimac nlTonAe l.r l.lo nl,.nnl .42r.: -I . ii. iDIJtTlCt. ' however, trnnd hnrse sVmsn whir-h ho frr. iUa nA ull loealed. Hear II bead of Alice T AM assured tbrt can be depended unon to nsn it in thn infprf if ihn man JL my beoble will ;r have been fighting the country's battles. I1"1 Miner" Certificate .to. toioi-c, a Food Supply spend (o every cell When John Oliver. wanted a settlement of ihe i r. v. nn. ?."" ,ohn wtiford siromuck. .. w - " m. uuvw-iu n,-, rrtlftaf Va iiiai n ...... the linn h tvoiil nf hk . Ha.. nnA t ..i:i 1. . si iul.1 . I" . ...icuu, necessary tq m ua, uu uigiit umij jic gut iu wnen ne mxty dan from the dale hereor. to ipply wanted a railway built on Vancouver Island to get out spruce'for 10 "ninr riccordcr for criinct of cess of our cause- uith the Allies he went after the Ottawa Government and in spite of lnrirocran. 'or me purpo of bum and Help the same indomitable the most strenuous nnnnil!nn nf nil Ihn n. n n mr " Crovn ir,n of "n. w. - luttca ucuuuui a oa rnriber Uk notice tut ictloa. tin- ardour and devotion by Lord Shaughnessy and backed by a number of the two by four Ur ion is mut be commenced before members nf the Hnmininn P.nliinot ha lirl nnl .1... 1.1 I ihe Issue of such CerUfirsle of IroDfiTe that have filled m e with until he KOt the railway work stnrlp.l menu. Make lio ht,A t ru. , - - . . - .auu iu IU UllUMd DATED thli Victory pride and gratitude IStb day of AnruiL A n nimseii tne against wishes of some of the members of his cabinet Kit. i.tt a..u lu uuwu uie wnoie uomimon Government and argue it out since the war began." with them before he got the required promise that It would be LAND ItEGISTRY ACT. His Majuty Kixo Glioses 7X hV.r'r. vvuc"1w,e Promise was given it look more effort (Sections 16 and in.) Sure , rte Application No. s:g.It 0771-1 In the University TAKE AOTICE that application ba oeeo Of Hard Knocks. made to rcrlitrr Nathan Loula Undo and Honest John may. look like a backwoodsman... sometimes, but Pora two Tax Schelnnian sale Deedi at from owneri the lo Collector fee under or soldiers must be fed; the people at lfl... t n 1 O inn n I r f 1. I w-um,,. ui uucKwooasmen we know that the very best men tbe City of Prince ttupert. bearlnc tUie OUR are trained in the university of hard knocks. That is where John A-tD the Ilth SI.'tOULAR day of November,that ceruin t7, of ALL must be fed. And in spite of parecl or govnis training. He has learned to give and take. He does not tract -Of land and nrnnlui ilimi. i.-in- make a good peg on which to mount a plug hat, but he does and belnr In the Monlelpallly of the City Germany's murderous campaign to carry beneath his tile enough of the matter well 1 niuvi nuveri, more particularly known grey corrugated lo make him a match for the brightest minds the country has and twenty-live dcacribed(Ml.as Lot Section eleven (II), Block cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking aeren (7). and produced. He will be the commanding figure in the conference Lot thirteen (13) Block thlny-nre every ship on the High Seas and or premiers and if he does not formulate most of the plans or Section el glit 8;. Map its. You ar required an ample John t ;Z in s pmns worKatle he will not be the same purchaser to within content 31 the davi claim rrnm nr 11,.ih ,1.,... unfailing flow of food to England and Oliver that has been handling provincial affairs since the of th aerrlce of thla notice whlch may France must be maintained. u wjc ioio jauienieu 1'remier urewster. be en-ected by publication In the Dally When the provincial by-election was on in Victoria Premier e1 and your attention la called lo e. Oliver lion SIS of the "Land hrrutrv ...11, stumped for the Liberal candidate against the soldier 'amendments, and to the foIlowln eitraet This is (.aiiuiuuiB wno was ejected. As soon as the election was over and luereiromt National Service-Not tne soldier was elected. Premier m; 'anrl In rfjtfanli P -r.u... . ... the position of Frank Giolma and of----III ---pendena belnr nied-'"before Mr tho ccruucaiv rerla-tratlon to the Farmer only consulted with him on matters aa owner of the neraon enuilt in. W r. iwitjr c r 'I'1-.uuimecieu 1 .wan the returned. soldiers.... and continues to der with auch notice tax aale, all and persona those so cUlmlna served But to YOU to everybody o ou. lllul ls noi macnine pontics, but It is good sense. The through or under them, and all persons man is big enough to get out of the conventional rut and do wr,i.itir imiruiTicfli. ana all This appeal is directed "iiuks in ins own way, and he has more respect for an honest persons claliulnr any Interest In the land 1 mii is nr.1 re rill, red w,.,,v.iivw man mr a urniifirig supporter it tf?,'.e.v!r1."top.pf', ,nd 0'Brrl must unite aa a Nation to SERVE Willie from et WE PLANT a garden nall or large. to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men. own back yard. Cultivate the !ft.!L' r"1"' I' person entitled ci.der women and children; Uieyoune, the middle lots. food "' ie as owner or il im.rt to vacant Make them all yield old for Utes." aged and the oldall can helD In the Team Work Few WIIEIIEAS aoollcatlon I,.. 1 Neefcdjor Days maae ror a certincate of indefeasibi tm. Natlon'a Army of Production. to the above-mentioned Isndi.. in-. th WOMEN of towns can find no better M.H.V 01 naiuan ixuis Lando and Dors ah..i VERY noti ruf of PODD outlet for tbel While the Important people of Prince Rupert, in man. the common with - ' reduce tho cost of livlnc and add a to energies than In vegetable people in almost every part of the world, are being AND WIIEnEAS on Investlratlnr Ihe title cultivating a sorely tried just now it must not bo forgotten that the Jetober.iiprars 1918 11111(the rrifir dale tn nn tiu hi.h i,ih a..... the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. men at the front have been in much more difficult situations tonda were sold for overdue taxei).' you colors than flying.confront us and they have come through with riiiiiir.11" rciierea take owner nn-rirp thereof.fh, ii .... tor Information on any tubjtct relating Be patriotic in act as . - 1 1 mr aui nine 1 injn effect rri,!F-.n to the farm and mitt: Oardtn, With courage we must all face the issue and keep pursuance of aura application mri 1..... well as in thought cheerful. By helping our neighbors we can best help cruiitaie or innratttiiA -pi.i. INFORMATION OUJUUU ourselves. Team work and m isiujs in iiia nmm ai .. . community work is the order 1 ...,. . . " . " "iiuMi LOUIS Department of Agriculture of the ..m vurm srueinman unle day. you take . . . . Use available-Overlook u.vvuw 1 1 in 1 1 r.it every means It must not bo forgotten that in ....... '. . -". v criijr iq OTTAWA spite of our difficulties our m"' " "ST. "y. " e said here it will he necessary for us to continue our iiuj, ul- 10 prevent such r'r,i-,.' .., ",,un.... nothing. preparations for on my pari. providing money for the men at the front. Victory bonds will be on sale commencing October rlnc nuDerl. n r. n... ....1 'i 28 and we shall all have to do our best when the sale Dominion Department of Agriculture opens, even though we have needs of our own to sunnlv . MACLEOD,. OTTAWA, ntilrtot n.. CANADA. THE EDITOR. Tn l)h... ,, r."V." "'"rr " Till!. HOW. MARTIN BUKKAaX, Minister. Frindi Cilve, pfinc Rupert, B. C