THE DAILY NEWS. Friday, HovfmUp Page 4 1815 MANY PUBLICATIONS SPANISH PlintiM 111 rrT! 11 o ., , ARE SUPPRESSED i .u. Box 772 INFLUENZA Reasons Given In Each Case for PILLS Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply C0 Action of Government; Some Are Revolutionary. Goal blood makes firm tissue, stronp nerves, Engineers, Jobbers, ContractoTT RAGES INCH steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure and Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring Warrants have been issued by full of healrJiy, red corpuscles, and your liver active, by Plant Installation. and r . tho Secretary of Stato under tho using Becclum's Pills, which remove poisonous matters Consolidated Orders Respecting from the system, assist the stomach to assimilate it3 Northern B.C. Representative! ThouncIa of Cases Reported Censorship forbidding tho possession food, and the food to nourish the body. A world-famous Canadian Westinghouso f;iwiriei With Many Deaths. in Canada of the following the vital and help to 45 publications; lemcdy to strengthen organs Co., Hamilton K;&cMoU,ri' 1. A pamphlet entitled "I'ouu- Goodyear Tiro & Rubber Mechanical Rubber THOSE WhTa fit MOST cal Parties in Russia," by Mcholas Make Pure Blood Co., Toronto. "Extra lW' Wl!lfl,' Lenine, published by the Socialist Worth a Guinea a Box Canada Wire & Cable Hare and t TO IT Publication Society, 1 19 Larayelie SUSCEPTIBLE PrxwrsJ i k Tlmu tUMlMtit, Si lW.Uadd.EiUJ. Co., Montreal SLtcl and Iron Wi7e Street, Now York. SMTrrrUCauaaa4U.3.Anca. U ,SScMta. 2. A post-card entitled "Alter Domestic Engineering -Deico;; LiKht FRurr-A-TiVEs--n Wonderful War" issued by the International Fruit Medicine Civet Uio Power Socialist Review, 118 West Kinsie why, synopsis or - Pelton Water Wheel Co. "Vours not to reason t Wsler Wheel and To Rit Th! Dituit. Street, Chicago. "Yours but to go and buy LAND ACT AMENDMENT San Francisco 3. "The World Tomorrow, a The epidemic of Spanish Influent "Victory Ponds. conflneJ to aurvyd published monthly by rre-amptun now Pacific Coast Piie Co. which played such havoa in Europe, magazine lands only Wood Stove has reached this continent. Thou tho Fellowship Press. Inc., 118 LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 Record wiu bo cratnttd covarlnr only Vancouver l'tpc.Taw sands of cases of the strange malady West 28th Street, New York. Und and which suitable r non-tlmbvr for arrtctiltur!Und. purpoM TraiumlMion hare appeared and many deaths are abollahed. DodgC Manufacturillg Machla, 4. "The Canadian Forward, a NOTICE OF I.HESTIOJI TO ArrlY TO l'jnnrhlp pr-mptlona four may I"ulieyi, already reported; Surjteon-General but partlea of iot mort than Co., Toronto tthafui Blue of the United States l'ublic nublication published twice a LEASE LA.1D arrant fur a4jacnl pc.inDtlora. with" Health Service having- stated that month at 397 Spadina avenue To IM Ql'EE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Joint ry lmprvvcmenu rldnc. but on Mh rapctlv maxtrir clatraa. A line of Westinghouso Motors, Lamps and "Spanish Influents Trill probably DISTRICT: RECOItDWO DISTRICT Of l-r-raitos must occupy claim for other Else, ipread all over the country in ronlo, and edited by I. Bainbrdge .SKEE.1A AJID SITUATE O'A SOUTH Ov yar and mala lrniwsmnl to trical Equipment and Goodyaor Belting carried vain of 110 per acre, Indudlnr clearlof initocl six weeks". 5. "Rahotnicbeska Proveta, SHORE Or LAOO0.1 IK LET. MORESBT and cultivation of al Imul a aosa v Practically every ship which publication issued weekly in the ISLAND. AOOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS for rce'v-a" rown Urant touches our shores from abroad. Whr emptor In occupation t MOUTH. Bulgarian language at Granite leaa than . .ara, and haa road proportional brines those infected with the Imi, jvmnu, h may. bCAU disease. City in the state of Illinois. other t rnlM TIVV UnTIf P that I JOI11 V MAC- of lU-hMlltt er cua. Surcreon-General Blue ursres that 0. All publications, journals bitermtdlat certificate of lrnprwvmnt "the individual take all the MILLAX, ef Vaneotmr. B.C., occupation and Iranafer hta claim precautions circulars, leaflets, and other CiDnennian, Intends lo apply lor permit Racords without permanent ridnc he can against contracting may b t4 twvtdeI applicant make lUlwartl Llpett, rrcsldcnt. llnrry Lipaet; Mini the disease by care and personal printed matter issued by or for ilon lo lease Me rollowlnr dcrUed lands: Improvement to atnt of I'M pr annum Edward Cunniiiglmtn. Vice-President ComiiMDClnr t pott piloted on U anU record aam ch ar KU-ur fcygiene . I'lenty or exercise suouia the of or in the interests purpose to mak lntfwvmfitt or r-ofa touth short of Laroon Inlet. Moresby be uken;tneaietsnouidbe regulated, of the known as the Indus aam wiu operal a forfatlur. Till etc. body land, about cn mile from Its moutn; ranoot b obtained on lh claim In Spanish Influenza affects most trjal Workers of the World. thence west to chains; thence north 10 tM than year, with Improvemwil of severely elderly jx-rsons and others The objection to the book en chains; thence eati 10 chains more or lest and lit per ciluvalvd,acre, tnclodlrr and ratdnc t re clj4 of at Lipsett-Cunningiiam & Co. whose powers of resistance are titled "Political Parties in Russia to low water mark tt the beach; ibenc leaat 1 yara. weakened by illness, work or worry, southerly rollowlnr low water mark to the rr-mptor hold Id a Crwwn Grant may especially those who are"run-down" is that it advocates international point of commencement; contalninr record another land In pr-mplon.conjunction If with h r-nl - - , limited;: or "not feeling ap to the mark." revolution and contains false and seres more or less. ?ulr without actual occupation, pro-Tided The really great danger from the misleading statements to the JOHN MeLARTY MACMILLAX statutory Improvement mad and FISHING ti CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWUt disease is not so much in the disc&so as Dated Aurust 19th. ISIS. .11 rtdnn maintained on Crowu at anted itself, as that it often develops into causes and operations of the war, Uiiurvy4 area, not iedlcr It Steamship Supplies, Qas Engines and Accessories pneumonia. The post-card "After War ElEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF acraa. may b leaaed a homaalt;: Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and rd-dnUal What everyone needs now Is a ttu to k obtained axttr fuiWHtie Cordsgi contained of tho most QUEEN CHARLOTTE I8LA5DS. general tonic like "FruiUa-Uves". a picture and Improvement condition. This wonderful fruit medicine is not gruesome and revolting charac ara Kor araatpr xoMdlss and acre ladustrtal may pnrnoi,b la4 PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. & germ-killer. It is a body-builder; ter, calculated and doubtless intended TAKE NOTICE that the Massci lalet by on pron or coropaJiy a strength-maker; a blood-purifier; to arouse opposition to the Lumber Co., Ltd.. of Tort Clements, occu PRE.EMPTORS FREE GRANT ACT. registered Office: I'rlnce ft .r v 0 a power in protecting against the pation sawmill operators, Intends to apply Th acop of this Act U ilad to ravages of disease. continuance of the war. for permission to lease the rollowlnr de Include all parson jolnlec and aarvlar 08 Water Street. Telephone S; "Fruit-a-lives" regulates tho The publication "The Woijd scribed lands: with within Ills which Majesty Iba heir K"orc.or dvU Tb Urn of a Vancouver, I). C. P. U Ik 1 1661 kidneys and bowels, causing these Tomorrow" contains matter of i Commenctnr at s post planted at the deceaMd pr-mplor may apply for organs to eliminate wasto regularly northeast corner or Block IS or the subdivision till under thl Art I eaUnded from and naturally as nature intended. most pronounced pacifist charac of Lot 718, thence N. SO dkg.. tt on year rrom tno oeoin oi ocx person, a formerly, until on year after th "Fruit-a-tives" keeps the skin active, ter and denouncing war as alto mln. E. tiO reel, thence ft. SO der. D mln. conclusion of th pravent war. ThU and purifies and enriches tho blood. gether unjustified, whatever the W. ,. feet, thence S. to Otg. tt mln. prt Tilts la also mad retroacuv. "Fruit actives" tones up and W. 650 reel lo tho northwest comer et TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT strengthens the organs of digestion, causes. Lot 10. Block J or said subdlrUion. thence ACT. Phon 37 P.O. Zt VA insuring food being properly digested 'The Canadian Forward" has southeasterly and rollowlnr the blrh water Provtaton I mad for th grant to and assimilated. persisted in publishing1 false and are required to contest the claim or the snnt beraona to hold Iurcha ire uneofnoUtM from th Croon Acr of Everyone can take ordinary precautions, misleading statements as to the mark or Stewart Bay MOO reel more or itch proportion of th land. If divUlbla, For Comfort, Courtesy and Service avoid crowded places, and less to the point or commencement and as lb paymenta already mad will use "Fruit-a-tives" regularly to causes and operations of the war contalninr 1T.8 acres more or less. cover Ui whole In proportion pare!. Two to th or mora ai prtc pnoo of insure sound digestion, to keep the and matter intended to divide the MASSET INLET LUMBER CO.. LTD. holding- uch A(rmnt may a roup THE SAVOY HOTEL bowels and kidneys regular and the people of Canada and to exhale Per Fred. Nash. B. C. L. 3.. Arnt, Uilr lntarta and appiy lor a proportional whole system in the best possible aikttmfot Jolnlly Jf It u not tated Aoiuit 10th, 1911. 019 oonatdered adviaabl to dlvid tb land condition. Then dissension and disaffection. we are safe from eovrd br an application for a proportional r. T. BOWNUi. UuiKi "Rabotnicheska Prosveta" is an S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF allotment, an allotment of land 'Fruit-a-tives" is sold by dealers of oqual vaiu aalected from atallabl Fifth and Fraser'St.,- Prince Rupert, B.C. extreme Socialist publication that QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Crown land In th loralttr mar b everywhere at 60c a box, 6 for 2JW, mada. Th aJlotinenla ar conditional trial size 25c or sent postpaid on publishes . false and misleading upon payment or aJ! taaa du lb receipt of price . by Fruit a-tivcs statements as to the causes and TAKE NOTICE, that I.John McLarty Mac Crown or to any municipality. Th Horn Cooking Running- Hot and CoUVtuc United, Ottawa. Out. mlllan. or Vancourer, B. C occupation nvni or pro to whom ih pur- operations of the war. claaer rrom th crown lia a-red to Intends lo apply for rails canneryman. pe ell ar also protected. Th decision oi anada Food Board License 14-1561 slon lo lease the fallowing described lands u.o Minuter or lariU in reopect lo lb Commencing at a post planted on the Oluaimeni oi a propnrtionai auotment I final. Th tlm lor ruaklra anclKa- Ml SPANISH INFLUENZA south shore or La soon Bay, Moresby Island, tln for the allolmnl I UmM to You Never about one mile from its moutn. it 9 it day or May, tsis. Any appllca CASES HAYE RECOVERED thence south SO chains, thence west to tlan made after this dat will not b NOTICE eonldrd. The aliotment apply to TO FISHERMEN! chains, thence north 10 chains, to nee Know What nn ma ana laaa oi in urown aoto Wi easterly alocr tbo short Hoe to point or at puDiie auction The press reports several hun-red commencement, contatnlar 40 acres more elvl For Oovrnmnt Information Acent pl, or I-, any lo Provtn. Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present A Man thousand cases of Spanish or less. tl R NAl'KN. JOHN MCLARTY M ACHILLA. Deputy ilL UItr r( Land. nfluenza in the South -:- Watch this for our -:-announcement Argentine, Dated June totb, 1911. vinorta, 0 C space wm Do mm merica, and not a snigle death. of a new supply Cinchona Tree Bark, a powerful Mrs. Williams has been using onic from which Quinine is ex- WESTERN LIMITED Pacific Milk for cooking a long traded. macerated in wine, is PACKERS, long time. Her husband got t heir Great Remedy for Influenza BUTEDALE - - - RC using it in his morning coffee If the people only knew that the so they never buy fresh mill principal ingredient in KENNEDY'S any more TONIC PORT was this NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP. RESERVE The other evening Mrs. W ame Cinchona Tree Bar-Jc macer- NOTICE IS hereby tiven that iha ui una w dc neia on the twenty-fourth bought some fresh creain to ated in pure wine, thereby assim- NOTICE Is berthr vtn th.i ih. ......... day of October best upon which delluqueot give him a treat (as she laling all the various quinine al existing on certain portions of Lots Two .v ua, umw ueeo posironea so far hundred and live (tos and Two hundred iioui in m rnnca itubert Assessment thought) with his porridge and kaloids, there would be very little, and el slit (tot) hang Three (1) coast uii-.rici are coaceraea and iriai aii km TlIii!!llilllll)!!!li;!H1" District, surveyed and known as Lots oay or november rollowlnr a sale will be to use with his coffee it of the Spanish Influenza in Eleven any, hundred and nrty-nlne (till), Me,., n 5u umis in me said Assess . However, Mr..Williams didn' Janada today as the quinine alka Eleven hundred and alitr-one (IIM1 and tneut District. Eleven hundred and slxir-two (lift) br C V. HOMER. Asieaane rll-,n. see it that and olds In KENNEDY'S TONIC PORT reason or notice way when he a appearlnr In the Bt.iitb t" iiui ma oay or ucpber, A. V. I VIS discovered it was a different are three to five times more efTec Is uoiuoiuia cancelled uaient for sale or S7tn purposes.Decunber, 107. LAWD cream in the pitcher, he asked ual than ordinary capsule qui DATED at Victoria, British Columbia. ACT Ibis loth of rorm o. ji. day September. A. D. ISIS. for the same as he'd been get- tine, O, R. NADEN. ling every morning couldn' uwuig to its powerxui recon Deputy Minister of Lands. police or intention lo Apply to Leaie Land. I drink his coffee with the othei stiluent and blood-making prop NAVIGABLE WATEHS PIOTECTION ACT. uiciniur;OCEEJI CIIAIILOTTK IlKCOIIDino l8LAMS HI ST 111 CT LAND UF Two Questions "stuff." erlies, it gives to weakened, run IL8. C. CIIAfTEXt lit. f.,1A An" niTUATa. ll.t SOUTH KIIOIIE vr ljiuuu.1 imKr. miiiihii7 ibi ami down people the very support and AUUUr U.BMILK Sit DM ITS MOUTH. Pacific Milk Co. strength needed. It is the most The Tort Edward Flsherlea Limited ?fT6,l:J'0T,CEuf 1 ioto'M. SlscMllIsn. hereby fives noilre that thrv i,v. im Vancouver, B. c, With LIMITED efficient general tonio and builder Section 7 of the said Act. deDoslled with !.. Ji, . rmty occupation!0T Permission cannery-10 so many low-priced the Minister of Public Work al Ottawa ,i 332 DRAKE STREET pf body tissues you can possibly and In the office or tbe District Ileristrar " vi.wwiii-si uescnoea isiius- a tl;o"'"'rin post planted the Factory at Ladner, B. C. use, of the Land llerlatry, District of 1-rliice on so-called anti-skids obtainable, ltuiert, at Prince ftupert, It. C, a dcscrlp- In('. about one mil imn ti. Drug Stores Sell It. liou or the site and the nlana (if i Ilience west lo chaiim ii,n,. n,,.,h A uery aau wuari proposea lo be bull I situ chainsi thence to would that host at on portion or pbrpolse Sw or less great Harlr at port o T iuTrit at Ke leah- thenre St. James Hotel It is Just as cheap to get your "77,rdi;.nurec 'hSrjutLr" cf U" rrlv' i printing done well and done at '. mnninm. in of motorists for Aa ie nonce tnai arter the explrat on acres less pay more (LATE "QUEENS") lome as It is to send it away. Try or one month from the iji r .,- n,., i .!r2r. FIRST CLASS ROOMS The News Print Shop. Hsherles publication Limited or this will,nollce,under the Port Section Edward T -f i DATE October ivtn. yins, D.ll Dunlop "Traction" Tread Hot and Cold Water. the Slid Act. aonlv la the Unlit,, nr tnh. THE BUPKEMK us vtorns at nis omce In the citv of C0U1IT Or I1IUTI8II Wo par Nlflht, and 93 pr Wk. MINERAL ACT Oltawi. rne innmvil nr fii a.i.f . I CMLUMUIA. plans cannery and and for wharr.leave lo construct the aald M DECEASED THE MATTEIt OF CllfllBTin OlUSOfl if they could get its merits Certmcato or Improvements. natea at Vancouver, n. C. th a twrntv. and fourth POrtT day EDWAIID of October,FISIIKRIES If is, LIMITED t'jn actT" n ur TI,E "Ar,M,NI8TnA elsewhere ? NOTICE 0V. 19, . ft. E. WALKEII. Secretary TAKB NOTICE that In order of Ills llono Prince-Rupert Feed Co. Drum Lummon, I XL, Caledonia. Marls. 1 ,,,. F.1017.Mcll.1 was Younr,annnlnleri.made the Af1mlUtraln Stti day vt in Msy 11, Ibis. Kitchener, Illr Thing, Dumrrles, NAVI0ADLK WATEltS PROTECTION ACTjesute or the said Christie Olboon.ideceased Also, would that other PHONE E8 Monislve, Indei, Malachite, Cupprlte. Orey it. 8. C. Cap. (It. ana an parties navinr Claims aralnst th copper, Wharr and Bunker mineral claims. ssld estate are Iicrby-required 10 furnls FOOD C0A.1D . LICENCE NO. SCSI situate In the Skeena Mining Division or The ueorrelown Saw mti r,.....,: isnie, properly verflied, lo me on or be large list of car owners buy UniUed, fore the list dsy of October, A. D. tela Rsnre 4, Coast District. Where located: hereby fives notice thai n lias and all parlies indebted to the ostat ar On Copper Creek, DourUs Channel. h ,i i., i ; ' lla Acl oPoilted required to pay the amount of tlwlr in " SPECIAL" HAY, GRAIN, FEED, TAKE NOTICE that I. John D, Anderson, awa,,t. and In nmiiKr Hie omce vi of i'uuiic the District works at Itcris OI deblrdness lo me forthwith. c. c. L, S., or Trail, B, C aciinr as arent ?.r,,J. '.'"h J,r"?c?, nup;r, ULd llrj I. II.omcisl MCMUI.LIN, Administrator. ......... . SEEDS AND FERTILIZER for the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, uc.vuiuuii w mo use and a if tires which somewhat Limited. Free Miner Cerllneate No, , of Block "r" Prince llunen Tnu-n.ti. aAaAAAAAAAAAAAAil A-aSha C39-C, intend, sixty days from the date f,' ?,n2," ,,n nI0 Ind resemble it hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr Ilecorder PE-NTISTRY in appearar :e CMcken Feod a Specialty. ror certificate or Improvements, for the And take notice that ttr ih ...1...1 purpose or obttlnlor Crown Grants or tbe v, yi.o iiivuiu 1 run 111a an nr ilia nr.. resembled above clitms, ubllcsi pn of Ibis notice The Oeoraeiown it in efficiency? aw Mill Company. Lliniiert OFFICE H0UI18; And further take notice that action, un section 7 or the said Act apply In the lo 1iS0 Mall Orders Promptly Atttrdsd to. . ,. . S a.m. 1?I p.m. to OiJO p.m., der section 17, mutt be commenced before .'.....wn. vi umiL nurii. a, aiii.. the city or Ollsws. rn'i."..'" A. tne issue or such Certificate or Improve DR. J. 8. BROWN ments, DSNTIST . O. Bom S3. OS Third As. Dated this list dsy or September. A. D. Offlcai Smith block, Thlr4 Avsnus. (til, "TRA( rhon 4S4. J J. D. ANDERSON. 1'AHy, LIMITED, oiJ