ittt, THE DAILY NEWS, Page' 3 FORTY-EIGHT HOURS WORK ON GOVERNMENT IN MID ATLANTIC LINE THROUGH WINTER ut Music You Cannot AWAITING RESCUE Paolflo Great Eastern Extension LJve a Full Life Wn Who To Qo to Mils 35 Before Jams Back and Forth Between American, British Frost. NOTICE -TO SOLDIERS ON HARVEST' LEAVE: "d French Porta Tells Music is now? recognized tj a necessity fn the His Story. In the event of frost and snow Attention is directed to n recent announcement published Music feeds.the iou!, as food feeds the body making their, appearance in Ihe t .11 the Prces by the Military Service Branch, Department, home.nd literature feeds,the brain. Next to religion, it is Tenth Aventin umilri linvn Miilt Clinton section somewhere In the f.of ErCEiMPTED Justice, regarding AS FARMERS.extensions to be granted, to men comforter. d him belter than Wall. region of the usual date, A. F. Street, humanity's greatest and It is pointed out that this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY South Strict better than ellh- Proctor, Chief Engineer of the FFECT MEN' WHO HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY THE, The New Edison opens the-doors to the world Vel he stood with a certain British Columbia Department of ! EG IHTRAR TO REPORT to Depot Battalions and who of music It brings the supreme art of the greatest potic and dignity In the sleek Hallways, sees no reason why Uve thereafter received leave of absence from the Military instrumentalists and musical organizations crowd that applauded -Liberty work on the Pacific Great Eastern ' Authorities. linger,wf h such unerring fidelity that the artists Loan speakers at the Sub-Treasury Railway Company's Clinton extension Cneo a man has been ordered to report for duty, by, the-Registrar w you yesterday. should not go at least 35 ho leaves the jurisdiction of the Registrar and conies themselve could give yoU no more. s cap was jammed dawn over miles out of the 52, before the rnder that ofithe Department of Militia and Defence, anJ is to his eyes. A shiny black coatl tie-up, Unconsidered as a soldier. This applies to men of the 20 to 22 greenish here,and there from long Up to date sixteen miles have Class,who have been ordered to report, by the Registrar in e NEW EDISON wear, with collar upturned, was been laid, two bridges have been virtue of the cancellation of exemptions by Order-in-Council of gathered close about his turpat. completed and fifty per cent, of the 20th April last, as well as to those ordered to report in the "The Phonograph with a Soul" His trousers, usual way on refusal of claim for exemption, or on expiration stained and worn. the work on bridge No. 3 has already of exemption granted. drooped and bagged and hung In been done. Thirteen miles AH men, accordingly, who have been ordered to and doei not merely imitate ; it actually re-creates. innges about his dilanidated of telegraph line are complete, in are therefore SOLDIERS; and who have subsequently report,been shoes. There was no Liberty Loan addition to which four passing ' granted harvest leave by the military authorities, MUST, Before audiences totalling more than two millions, button in his lapel, and il was.ap-parent tracks are in operation. NOTWITHSTANDING THE NOTICE ABOVE REFERRED artists have conducted tone tests which sundry other buttons As soon as the third bridge has TO. REPORT ON THE EXPIRATION OF thirty great were lacking likewise. The speaker been completed, additional track-laying THAT LEAVE, unless they are notified to the contrary by provcu win nu snauc or ennerence transfixed htm with a pair of will be carried on ahead ' their Commandnrg Officer or by general notice published by could be detected between the artist eiicu-rimmed glassed and an ora in the hope, as above indicated, the Department of Mint la and Defence. and the instrument. They have sung loijical finger. of reaching Hore Lake Summit, DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. in direct compiriwo with the New Eduon,, thtn 'There is nothing shameful in or the 35-milc post, before winter $v4dtny ctmd, permitting the Iwtrument to shabbrness. my friends." he said Luring the winter months, when continue !one. Tbc only the luteneri There is nothing shameful in construction will not be possible, could tell ben Use rtiit (topped wu br having a sound body and strong it is expected that about 280,000 witching, hit lip. And ! the lihti low erf d, muscles clad in workman's clothes ties will be got out and possibly tkejr were umb!e to ty when It" wi the liinj instead of olive drab. There may some bridge timber, so that an BANK OF MONTREAL voice they hetrd tod when the New Edioiu be nothing shameful In buying no ordinary Cariboo winter season Could a more eonrincing teit this this be Liberty bonds. Jlut when we- sec will not cause the activities of tho derbedf Poein't it prore the truth of our tttmloa a hulking, fellow loafing through Department to cease on that that ownenhtp of tht initrvment h eouinJeot to the day, content to dress .like a branch of Ihe Goverjiment-owned luting 3ih grctt irtiiu of the world literal scarecrow, neither working nor system. Bank of Montreal announces that dating tt one'i command I Oghling nor yet buying Liberty THE, bonds that man shows a white Queen Charlotte Islanders cannot Saturday, October 12th, ihe offices of Come to md ktir the Nsw Edlion here, or iSow t to tend feather; plainer than a black do better than mail their the Bank of British North America will be one to jrooi home, where you cn heir St t your leisure. 174 cocked hatl" printing needs to The News Print operated as Branches of the Bank of Montreal Addresses the Crowd. Shop and get the work done To. the customers of that Bank we extend romptly and well. a The speaker fell he had reached Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. his climax ami stopped. But his cordial invitation to continue their accounts with climax was just approaching. It paid was made out in the name us and an assurance that their business, whether it was dressed in faded shin)' black; of John Cornwall by a man who be large or small, will receive our best care and its coat said his name didn't matter. II attention. was pinned up about its tbroal and was for a $100 bond. its cap was pulled down FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR, over its eyes. The speaker started back, raising a sharply creased t Centra Matagt. sleeve, as though to ward off a Cleaning, Pressing blow. Ills climax ignored him REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF and faced the wondering crowd. and "My name's John Cot 31 wall," he Repairing 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' said. "I'm a Britisher and sailor a 'Limey' they'd call me a LADIES AND, GENTS BUT MELP TO SAVE few blocks easl or west of here I don't shoulder a gun. I don't WHEAT dress neat, I don't even make Way by using these dependable Cereal. 8ubstltutest bullets and I don't own a Liberty Jack Dunbar Things Look Brighter COILN FLOUII HYE FLOUR' bond. PUttSIO 725 Stc-,4 A. YELLOW COIINMEAL "1 jam back and forth between HOLLED OATS here and British and French ports and sometimes into the Mediterranean, 0 ATM HAL helping gel the stuff OIL Miiro" Aluminium Ware across that keeps this war moving, Vancouver Milling & Gram and sailing in packets some-limes the pijospecls of! a Mixings Bowls Percolatcrs Bread Pans CO., LIMITED that'd make some of you commercial oil field Combination Kettle and Double Boiler gentlemen shiver, in a snug bunk near Vancouver Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" to hear their plates grind in a bit Frypans H.ien L:, en 139 Wholesale License 12-195 of a blow. Packs? Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 His Share In the War. "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping 'You don't know the likes of Jmmu ll us; never seen us most like. You f 1 don't know what it is to run without Call and see ths latest shipment at lights in convoy in a thick S. S. PRINCE RUPERT night; to know that tho old teakettle can't do ten knots in a fair FRED STORK'S HARDWARE on sea; to remember every time il thickens up she ain'l seen a dry-dock SECOXD AVENUE S.S. PRINCE GEORGE since the Lord knows when. Send for copy of "Six times they got the boat I above book. FreS to 8AUJN0 sailed on. any uddress on request "I'm just out o' the hospital 1DNIQHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY fop Swanson Bay, to I gellin' rid df pneumonia that Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. got roostin' forty.cight hours in S. W. MILLER & CO. HNIQHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Bay. the middle o' tho Atlantic for; a Stock and Bond Brokers spick-and-span little destroyer to Class Printing Vancouver. Vancouver Block, 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. gh pick mo up. Now I'm waltin' fe.r Members Vancouver Stock tUrnatlng Weekly to Queen Charlotte Island. the old tub to get her belly full o' Exchange. shells and high explosives, an' TRAIN SERVICE then we're off again. f""tr MOftDAV, WCDNKIOAV nd SATURDAY tt II JO I m, for Smllhtri "It ain't a job that gets you the do Print is to The News equipped Daily Shop 0ort, Edmooton tad Wlrtolpef, ranilor direct eooneetlom for ill uniforms, nor yet Liberty bonds. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. imlau tut isd SWtB. I've had girls In London pin a finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable white feather on me liko. this CIRCUIT NO, U For infnrmatinn ntwl rtmrviil In tin nnnlv to ccntlcman said and I've had BM 12 SUl SL Ud Srd AT. prices. No job is too small to receive careful Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. waitresses in Brest refuse to servo bi ts tn St. tad Srd Ave. wt Ticket Office, E20 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 me tho very grub that I'd helped Boi Boa 14 IS Jiri Junction SL ud or Srd lit.Are.tod tod attention and none too big for the shop to handle. bring oven because I wasn't in Srd Ave. uniform. I como very close, mister, Bar IS tit Ave., between-Ito tod nl rein minute ago, 9ia SU. (Knox Itoul). In n vou one a Bei 17111 4e. tnd 7 in St .Cental because I'm about fed up on that Hotel). I1USIM-SS A. U SOCIAL CAIUfeJ RAILWAY sort o' thing-. CANADIAN PACIFIC CIRCUIT NO. X. AOTH J lian.S AND liXVELOl'KS Tells Story to Sell Bonds. f Bat 22 3rd Ave tnd Srd SL (Post "But I see y'was in earnest an' omee). DISl'UW fOSTKIW AND DODOEIW Lowest Rates U all Eastern Points was only doin' it to sell these here 4i 23 3rd Ave. m Ncnnde sl via Steamer to Vancouver and the bonds, so, thinks I, I'll just tell Boi 24 lit Ave. tnd McUrlde 8L UOOKLKTd AND I'OLDKKS Box 28 Snd Ave. tnd nd SL em about myself, John Cornwall, Canadian Pacific Railway Boi 2 tod Ave. tnd SU SL CIIICULAUS AND lHJSTAb NOTICKS sails in. anil the kind o" ships we Bo 27 a T. P. Meals and Berth Included on Steamer nn' nraybo some oue 11 buy nn FKATKHXAb SOCIETY' WOUJi oxtryi hond or so that'll drive CIRCUIT NO. S. Ihe rivets faster in tho snips you boi 31 Mb Are. tnd Fulton SL ItECEIIT UOOKS AND CHECKS FR VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Boi 32- Uordea tnd Ttjlor SU. AND VICTORIA buildln'." Yanks are Bai 34 Tib Ave. tnd rultoa SL ""H?"" ,0PMI m Prince Rupert September III. Not a word had come from his Box SB 9th Ave. tnd Carooi Ave. ", Kit, .04 ,h. niidience. and John Lonnwan Boi 37 8 in Ave. tad Dodt i'ltee stopped down in silenoe, a look of Boi 3S -etlt Ave. tnd Thompion SL ?" "TCHHAN, ALASKA shadowing his features. The News Print JUNIAU, WRANQILL, SKAOWAV, doubt -But CIRCUIT NO. 4. Daily Shop sidewalk a reaohed the nTT '0f,HI "' rrtot nPr September life. i n he Boi 41 41U Ave, tnd Enuueriou. and forward young woman darted I'ltce. pinned a Liberty button in ins upturned Boi 42 tin Ave. tud Mcrirldt St. Third Ave.,Prince Rupert lapel and another matched Box 43--SUi Ave. tnd Oreen 8L Boi.44 Sin Ave. And Dull St. w. O, OROHARn. o.narAl Arjsnt. It with a small American flag, and Box 4& 7U Ave. tnd;Ktertt. t ' then the crowd oame to and turned Boi 1 7tJ Ave, tnd Youm SL Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention F-u,ih Str..t end Third Annu., Peine. loose. Subscriptions come in fast, and ono of the first- fully