Page 8 THE DAILY NEWS i 2 2 Hut, or Person Assessed Short Description of rroperty 15 .Nam f rtrson Assets: ts.rl Dtscrlailta r rrcptrly 'J 9 M a 3 o 0 ft MM 3 Ellncott C. II. Lot 818. 178 ae 183 00 tl 16 t 78 176 81 .Mcholls 4c Renouf r.8..'! T 7IOoT a NcRae, IL F Asslrned Lots IB k II of Lot 866, 1 ae 18 f0 I 41 t 78 17 16 Tolmle, A. and atewart o. .......... 'utuviuia iv-14 intertst of K. 1-t of W E It cuihberL Arthur Atsirued Lot 4 of Lot 866, I ae 1 16 41 1 73 6 41 1-4 See 86. Tp 9. 68 ac 66 ' Richer. IL O. Asslrned Lot ts of Lot 866, t ae ....... I 00 07 t 76 3 tt Haynes, Oto. Wm of Undivided 6-14 interest of t. i-i of wVl IS titl Patmore, L. W, ................. Lot tin. 168.7 ae 141 80 19 70 t 78 165 11 1.4 aa. Tn o in liihernian Western Canadian Inresient Com' Mcholls 4. rtanoaf 1. i-t of 8.E. 1.4 see tt, Tp, Yo"a'' ; : ; ; 81 1711 00 i it. pany Ltd. Lot o, 80 ae 8100 8 68 175 60 40 Glhson, H. r, , Undivided 11 interest of Lot 1670, 48.7 ac 31 3 3 41 t 71 t7 74l 4wtOltlln of Ul 81, Rang , oeal North iloaat Land Co, Ltd. Lot lioi, sto ae 117 60 30 09 178 Dl. ' North Coast.Land Co. Ltd. Lot ttoi, 810 ae 17100 37 61 t 78 It ji'si'ltf, Jostth, . . Ik. 85. 1.1 arr.. 8 16 North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot 04. 60 ae 433 10 60 18 t 78 488 ii'Ssst, Joaiah. .. iM. in, i,i7 acres it Korlb Coast Land Co. Ltd Lot not. 6o ae 438 10 60 18 t 78 496 10'8aart, Josish. . . Bit. 87, acres 3 SO ii North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot 1106. 640 ae 433 10 60 18 t 78 498 10 MctwUon, Henry, 1 77 II North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot 1107, 310 ac 117 60 30 09 t 78 189 44Mcholson, litory, Ulkl 11, 3.40 acres 50 17. ti Nortn Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot 1108. 640 ac 433 10 60 13 t 76 488 10 It to 171 Norm Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot 1100, 6o ae , 433 10 60 13 1 76 496 It! tub-DUIalon f (,E. 1-4 ant Fraction N. K. North Coast Land Co. Ltd. ......... loi mo, bid ac 438 10 60 16 t 78 498 10 1-4, . 4, Tp. 1, sung , Coast Dlalrlct, North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot mi, 310 ae 117 60 30 09 t 78 run ,no. Nona Coast Land Co. Ltd. ......... Lot mi, 6io ac 433 10 60 16 1 78 486 kifort Simpson Land A ImpL Co.. Ltd. Blk. I, L0I8 I to 19 ... II II Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lot nil, 6li ae Iti 31 16 73 t 78 488 81 Port Simpson Land 4c ImpL Co., Ltd. tllk. t. Lou 1 to It . . . .At IBV0 18 71 III Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. ......... Lot 1113a, 31 ac , II 23 ttt t 78 tt 91 fori Simpson Land 4c ImpL Co., Ltd, Blk. 1, Lois I to IT ... 18 IS II tt Ul Bowman, O. H. Lot list (Except o. T. r. ntht of wiy; Tori Dtaipsoa Land 4t ImpL Co Ltd. Blk. 4, Lot I 14 ttt ut 184.83 ae 101 61 33 66 t 71 jina'Porl tsuupson Land 4c ImpL Co., Ltd. Blk. 8. U.U 6. to 14 . 196 41 Lot 1316, W. so ae 3 00 14 t 76 -Jijoi Drtsaer, Fred. J. D Blk. 6. Lot IS ... . . . 134 A. II t44 1 80 Mclsaac, Llchtman. Harry . Lot 1318, 160 ae , 14 00 t 36 t 78 til aa .I i Port Simpson Land 4 ImpL Co., Ltd. Blk. 6, Lou t to t aod 18 to 17 tl 60 6 tot 74 li. '! Lot 1318, 640 ac 433 10 60 IS t 78 uiii. wmiam. via. o. Lot 11 Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. .. 3 80 im Lot mo, 80 ae 68 00 9 38 1 78 Vol 3 Chaney. Paul R, , Blk. 6. Lot It t 31 Land Co. Ltd. .. Worth Coast 3 83 in Land Co. Ltd. .. Lot 1334, 310 ac 171 00 37 61 t 78 311 37 ('url Simpson Land k ImpL Co., Ltd. Blk. 7, Lots I to 6, 3 t II ti Worth Coast 10 Ltd. .. Lot 133S, 480 ac 316 40 48 06 t 78 374 tl , ort Simpson Land 4c ImpL Co Ltd. Blk. 8. Lota to 10 I II Land Co. Worth coast 7 60 Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. .. Lot 1337, 640 ac 436 10 60 It t 78 4914 3 'orl Simpson Land 6. ImpL Uk, Ltd. Blk. 0. LOU 1 10 4, 7, t, 4 80 I 4 10 Ur II Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. .. . . Lot 1338. 480 ac 408 00 36 44 178 467 19 8fn. p ia. v, kAJl o, ....... 188 II Worth Coast Land Co. Ltd. .. ... . Lot 1330. 640 ac 433 10 40 It t 78 498 10 Blk. 10, LOU I 10 4 7 08 4 It Hosenlhal, Gustavo A. ...... Lot 1378, 310 ac 336 00 36 41 t 78 398 16 'ort Simpson Land 6. ImpL Co Ltd. Blk. 10, Loll 6 10 It It SO 3 31 pi ' Raltenhury, F. M. .......... Lot 1703, 640 BC 416 00 48 84 t 78 464 09 Port Simpson Land A ImpL Co Ltd. Blk. II, LOU 1 to I, It SO IT 4 tt 10 tt Sit Rattenbury, F. M. , Lot 1704. 640 ae 41600 43 34 t 78 464 Oti ana tl II Rattenbury, F. M. Lot 1703, 640 8C 416 00 46 34 t 78 464 09 Gaube, Martha Blk 11. Lou I and 1 . 7 30 1141 Rattenbury, F. M Lot 1706. 640 ac 41600 43 34 t 78 44 09 Port almpsoo Land k ImpL Co Ltd. Blk. II, Lou t to T. It to It, tl. tt, tt, 711 III 2 Rattenbury, F. M. , Lot 1707, 676 ae 374 40 40 SO 1 71 417 931 mw S ..oai. ,, .4,, 13 76 to 11 Rattenbury, F. M , Lot 1708, 871 ac ,. 370 80 40 37 t 78 .'.'J ii port Simpson Land 1 ImpL Co Ltd. Ok. 13, LOU 8 to 7. II to IT, 31 to 37 .. ft 76 II t SO in Rattenbury, F. M Lot 1711. 114 ac .Tl.. 138 10 18 II t 78 Batrd. Jaa. Gordon. Est of, Bll. II, Lou t and t S 80 to :i luttenbury, F. M Lot 1713. 640 ae 416 00 43 34 t 7S Zi , 0" aimpson Laua . impi. co lio. Blk. 14, Lota t to t. II to tt, ttso 14 71 11 in . r. u Rattenbury, F. M Lot 1714. 640 ac 416 00 43 34 1 78 464 03 UlUe, D 77.. . .TT BU. 14, LoU 0 411 10 4 40 ti Rauenbury, F. M. .......... Lot 1717, 611 ae 403 00 43 91 t 78 "on Simpson Land t ltnpL Co Ltd. . . Blk. tt, Lou 1 10 I, 6 tO It It II II Itl 14 li Rattenbury, r. n. Lot 1718, 640 ae 416 00 43 34 17$ J DrtHtr, Vrtd. J. D uia. 1 a, ixi i a too in t 7 Rattenbury. F. M. Lot 1711, 640 ac 416 00 t 78 'J S Port Simpson Und k ImpL Co, Ltd. . . 'Blk. 16, LOU I 10 It It II 1 ii ,1t Rattenbury F. M. Lot 1711. 640 ac , 416 00 1 78 iii 5! '"o" Simpson Und k ImpL Co Ltd. . . Blk. IT, LOU I 10 It I 66 4 til in i 50 Rattenbury. F. M. Lot 1713. 640 ae 416 00 176 ;! S! lort Simpson Und k ImpL Co Ltd. . . li, LOU 1 M II 17 10 in Rattenbury. F. M .... Lot 1734. 640 ac 116 60 t 76 iii S;i ,,orl Simpson Und A ImpL Co Ltd. . . Blk. 19, LoU t W II 1661 161 111 T3 I Hattennury, . m. . .. . Lot 1718. 610 ac . 416 03 1 7S J. Hawkins, James ; Blk. I. LOI I 71 Rattenhury. F. M .. . . Lot 1716, 6io ae 416 00 43 34 1 78 '.J Port SimrsonTXW 1 iZTVUL .. Blk. tt, LoU t to tt 16 3 66 66 I lit 71 III T; 84 1 78 Rauk, Kanuta L. Lot 1118. 4.87 ac 3 13 v. run v mnuA 1 iM a fnnt rj. f ia Blk. II. Lou 1 to II, II to St 1664 I 71 03 10 13 It t 78 Munro, Kenneth D, Lot 1148, 111 ac in ; jjii-ort eimpson Lana imp. Co., Lid, . . ma. xx, uw a to 31 1610 I 81 Smith. Kenneth J. . Lot 1181, 181 ac 138 86 33 01 t 76 iiS!!r"" Simpson Land A Imp. Co Ltd. . . Lou ITl Blk. I to S tt. I. M It .... 6 10 4 17 I 86 1 73 16 00 ti? . Lot 113 Mackenzie. Anruj 1388, ac in ."iPort Und Simpson k Imp. Co Ltd. .. Blk. II. UU 1 to It K. k Ltd. Lot 1387. X W. SO 106 00 1097 t 78 8 10 4 H it? Jones. B. Co, ac '1 If Port Simpson Land k Hun. Co. Ltd. . . Blk. tt, Lou t 10 tl ! Senoit l-eon Lot 1813, South Easterly 34 ac 11 10 t 38 t 73 J; loM simpaoa Land Co-76 Ltd. 17 10 t 60 ! i mp. Blk. Lou . . 9 II tt. to . 17 10 it Amoi, James .. .......... Lot 1813. Westerly 104.3 ac 66 43 7 tO 1 78 31 pun buupaun Und k Imp. Co.. Ltd. . ttl DociertU. t. M. Lndlrlded 10-36 int of Lot 1618, 89.17 ae. 106 86 It 03 8 78 ixieiifort sunpton tnj 4 imp, Co Ltd. Blk. tl, LOU 1 to 38 . 17 It t Bourne, Harry A. Undivided 10-36 lnt of Lot 3618. ss.iT ae. 106 86 II 03 1 78 Itl 64 port sicipaon Und k Imp. Co Ltd. Blk. 16, Loll I to 36 . 17 10 t HI tt? ?s E boss, ii. ji. ................. Undivided 6-36 lnt or Lot 1618. S3.48 ac . 43 16 173 riir Port simpsoci Und k Imp. Co Ltd. Blk. tt, LOU t to 31 . 1719 too X7 111 Dockerlll. F. M. Undivided 10-36 lnt of Lot 1610, 67.78 ac . 67 10 1 73 91 .V,Porl sim(iuu Land a Imp. 41 Ltd. Blk. 36, Lou I to It I 66 4 t'l Itl ITl Bourne, Harry A. Undivided 10-36 lnt or Lot 3610, 67.78 ac . 67 10 1 73 - Blk. II, Lots I to tt 3 36 I 61 II . ITl ' a Boss, IL N Undivided 6-36 lnt of Lot 1610. 40.66 ae . 34 13 t 73 ;: ; 1 on suupauo una 41 imp, ca Ltd. . Blk. It, LOU I 10 tO . 7 90 t tt Salvus, Oeorre A. ........... Lot SI85, 64 ac 41 60 t 73 i;.1 ;;i,url i.'I'ort Simpson Simpson Land Land k k Imp.Imp. Co Co.. Ltd.Ltd. .. Blk. 11, Lots I to 10 . 7 t I II IM ll i Perkins, James H Lot 1038, 40 ac 34 00 7 78 "1 Port SimDSon Und k Ism. Co- Ltd. . Blk. tt. LOU I to tt 70 I It I IS , I 7 Blk. Lou I 10 II, to 7 00 1 81 Port Simpson Land A Imp. Co Ltd. . I 16 j itl Blk. 16, Lots t M tO - QUEEX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Port 7 66 t kt I II Itl Simpson Land k Imp. Co., Ltd. . BU.J7. LOIS I tO II 3 16 I 91 McKay. Donald. Estate of I Lot t. 161 ae 330 80 63 97 I 98 06 1.7 S 7J1 St Port Port Simpson Simrsoa Land Land k A Imp.Into. Co Co.. Ltd.Ltd. .. Blk. II, Lou I to II 336 I tl 66 61 ' .1 t 71 Castleman. S. P. 133.8 ac of Lot 18, as per plan annexed to I Port Simpson Land A Inn. Co.. Ltd. Blk. t. LOU t 10 11, tt to tt 6 66 ttl i i n Blk. 40. LoU I Mil 70 33 11 73 17$ 66 7 I If i conveyance .10. xi 47 ut .iti !il,ort Simpion Land k Keith. J. C. Estate of I Unsubdlrlded Dortion or Lot is co ae 101 to 14 08 t 78 ill IJU'ort Simpson Und Imp, Co.. Ltd. Blk. 41. Lou I to 10 Ttt 1 It I ii ' in k Imp. Co Ltd. Keith, J. C, Estate of I L'nsubdlrlded portion of Lot 15 A, 181 ae. 316 00 44 36 178 ill ;I ,,o" mpson Und k Imp. Co., Ltd. Bit 4t, UU I to t 7 90 I 51 in iti .................. 107 90 II 74 S 78 Blk. 41, Lois t to It 74 urysaaie. xiffie u. juoi is, 179 ac , I 81 in in Younr, D. R Estate of Undivided 1-8 lnt of Lot 29, B 3-4 ac 8 40 1 13 1 60 t 78 .iii'o" Simpson Land A Imp. Co.. Ltd. Blk. 41, Lou I to 1 3 16 I tl ii iti. Keith, J. C, Estate of Undivided 1-6 lnt or Lot 10. 8 3-4 ac .. 6 80 80 97 t 78 11 J. .1 ril Port'r simpaon Simpson Und Und 4 A lmn.Imp. Co.,Cc Ltd.Ltd. .. .. Blk. 46. LOU I 80 It 4 tt t II ' in Pallant, A. and Ray, A. C. Lot 139, 138.61 ac 80 00 7 88 178 BU. 46, Lots to 13. 8 4 4 II tit in Pallant, A. and Ray, A. C. Lot 159 A, 18.18 ac 6 0 38 t 78 il,""', Simpson Und 4 Imp. Co Ltd. Blk. 47. UU I to It f 04 4 66 1 it in aiia'0" SUupson Land A Keith, J. C Estate or Lot 164. 138.89 ac 111 78 48 96 t 78 Imp. Co Ltd. ma. 41, lou 1 to tl 6 66 t 15 in .in. Lot 169 31 60 4 06 t 78 laitl'"0" StoP Und 4 Imp. Dn Ltd. BIX. iS Lola ! Elliott, F. C 169. ae il Port Und 613 I 34 lit 'in' 671 00 83 10 11S Simpson Imp. Co Ltd. Blk. tot Lots I to tt Flander, Jess ., Lot 119, 640 ac tt 178 I to 3 It in in J"?;lPort Suupson Und Allison. James ..... Lot 133. 481.33 ae 313 30 74 66 80 84 1 78 Imp. Co Ltd. Blk. tt, Lou I to it 1 10 I 16 ii in Emboe, John t. I Lot 133 (Excepting- asslrned Jots 1, l, and va.oaa ac -....... II It 1 tt t 78 IS 13 Iran lub-llilaloo of Lot 78. SUa 8, H.W, Yarwood, E M. S 1-1 of Lot 183, 310 ac 17t 00 37 et t 78 J1II7 ..... . . 1 rtn 71. Graham Island Land II Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 361, 611 ae 397 60 4t 36 7S 443 III "'. urns a. Lut. , Loll to and 11 I II it in iii Graham Island Land A Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 363, 860 ae 361 00 tt 70 78 406 46 Graham Island Land k Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 366. 640 ae t ......... t. . 41600 4$ II 1 7$ 464 Ot lk-4lf UIM of . W. Osraor Ut 7. 8Us Graham Island Land k Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 167, 640 ae 416 00 4$ 34 t 7$ 464 09' rtmm ,. I m. Graham Island Land It Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 371, 161.8 ae 103 30 II 48 1 78 119 60 tltT. 0. H.. I Blk. 61, LoU 4. It to tt. tl. ft it in ti Graham Island Land 4c Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 373 134.4 ac 87 10 9 44 7t nicks uvuk : -.Ik a I Int.... -.VM 4 . .. ..... it in Blrely, Louis D. Undivided I-t lnt-or Lot 374, 74.8 ae .... 46 11 3 It IS sso4 J"'' ". 0. a I Blk. 6t, Lou 4 to 7 and II ... ii in Lursch. Herman J Undivided 1-1 61 90 8 61 17S P"' A 4 lnt of Lot 374, 74.8 ae .... 74 16 . ci, una id p ii in Graham Island Land k Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 373 196 ae 9t 40 tO 97 1 78 116 it u,r Simon 4 Mat , I Hlk A.--. I A!. ..... ... .... a. , . ti m Barlow, W. 0 8 W 1-4 or Lot 379, 160 ac 104 DO II It 1 78 Ili67 I'tcher. K. L : I---.Blk. !. Loll 11 sod II IV tc Graham Island Land k Improvem't Co. Ltd. W E 1-4 or Lot 379, 160 ac .. . 104 00 It It 1 71 Ill 07 Graham Island Land 4c Improvem't Co. Ltd. S E 1-4 of Lot 179, 160 ae ............ 104 00 11 3t 1 78 116 07 8nb-4IIi1 af fort Ut 78. tUnaa 8, Oaoat Graham Island Land k Improvem't Co. Ltd. S W 1-4 or Lot 381, 160 ac 104 00 II 31 t 78 Graham Island Land 4c Improvem't Co. Ltd. 6 E 1-4 or Lot 331, 160 ae 104 00 II 11 1 76 3il07.Wanr 'amei. Estate of Likl T. & 8rt4i Cross, Robert X E 1-4 or Lot 383, 188.4 ae 10 00 49 t 78 13 74 l"nur, James. Utile or Graham Island Land 4c Improvem't Co. Ltd. Lot 366, 180 ac 117 00 11 11 t 7S lit 4t Sieele, J. L and Dinner, James. tlUU OflLoi f. ft ef ' '" '" DodrsoD, J. H. Lot 40. 640 ae ItO 00 It OS 1 78 117 fl 6ut-4lilalaa Stewart, Allen . Lot 403, 640 ae ..... 41600 4$ 34 t 78 464 09 sf louUi 1-1 ut SO, at4W . BaH, Joseph - Lot 408, 160 ac . 104 00 4 7 II 90 t 78 Itl 6t ailTord. c w. D.. Etut or, Bik. X. vw-ii,in ft. ..w.n fM. unis, j. sa ixeasc, a. v. ............ ilci 4,5, 640 ae . 6 I 416 60 48 34 t 78 464 Ot Cliff ort, C. W. l. Lsute of. 81k. A, t.ll Carlln, H. and Crease. A. D. Lot 477. S67.S ae 368 83 40 14 178 411 44 Clifford. C W. ti " s .111. ,.p Blk. C fill acres rni-r-. Carlln. H. and Crease, A. D 'Lot 478, 640 ac ! 416 00 43 34 175 4 64 09. wiuiscroft, W. a Esuie or.'. BU, I. Ul I "..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.' Carlln, M. and Crease, A. D. Lot 479, 371.6 ae ...... ' " 371 IS 40 44 I 78 ..... . v. ... v.. uuu or. Blk. I, uu t to 14 Carlln, M. and Create, A. D ..Lot 480, 376 ae 371 40 31 06 1 78 40ltt WlUiserofL W. A J liuu ct Blk. a. i.nt a SW7' fS?. ; Undivided 1 1 lnt of Lot 631. 11.87 ae 10 0 I 36 S 78 1 4 3 1 Cliff jrd. C W. D. ESUI4 of, Blk. 6. Lola lA ii '. Hanson. J 'undivided 1 3 lnt of Lot 631 11.87 ae 10 to 1 36 t 76 14 31' Clifford, c, W. l). turn or. Blk. UU I 10 Younr. D. R., Estate or Undivided 1-3 Int or Lot 64 3. 83.33 ae 31 60 I 71 I 7t 41 C7 Wllilscrofl, W. A EtUU of. 01a. a,. loi 11 IS... Keith. J. C Estate or Undivided 1-3 lnt or Lot ii n il r 34 60 3 71 t 75 4107 Clidord. a W. D.. Hut of, Blk. 7 11. I Ia f I Gorr. James 8 W 1-4 of Lot 833A, 16(1 ac 16 00 1 86 1 71 tail Clifford. C. W. 11. Lsuu of, Buchanan. Calvin . . . . . n r l- Ol uo S07A, 1C0 8C 16 00 1 86 t 78 10 31 WilUserofl, W. a Estate of. . ma.Blk. 4.wu ut la II SW I Hardy. Wlnnlfred .... 71 40 9 76 178 33 83 .Clifford. C. W. U.. Lsuu Of, Blk. 10, UU tt to 17 Bastlan, Paul V or E 1-V "and w i'-4 iWlUlscrort. W. A7 ILllala or. Hlk IB aa d l. j-t, wo ac i lOt 00 14 08 S 78 Ill II wiuuro. 1. w. tl. a.sutc or. Blk. uu Bond. Lambert W 11, t to 1 iiiiserort. w. A esum or. . Blk. II, Ut 7 .. .1'.l.or.8 E and S E 1-4 or Jt E f w 1 macron, w. A uum r. . Blk. II, Ut tt ' - ac ...... 131 :s 16 16 t 78 Clifford, c W. Zimmerman, Karl Lot.aai in 181 61, V.. Little of, Blk. IS. fiia 1 a ia ai . . ........... 171 O0 37 S3 t 78 11. a a 1 Wllllarrikft w A, Esuu or, . UUock, J. O. .. I i, r r !'" irlllTanl Blk. 14, Ul ft r w V. Esuu or, BIX. 4, LOU 71 to tl ? '"J.? Dd 8 w i- or s wl WllliaerorL W." A Esuie or, . ma. 1 a. ijii . I Warren. F. B Lot 408 00 66 44 178 4Q7 If wwih, w. H. f.suie or, Rlk. IS. Iila I Ia II .......... 1004, E l-l, 310 ae ....... 336 00 86 37 1 78 sss it Clifford, c w. Lsuta or. 4 m Hoffman, Sarah R. Blk. UU S W tt, 1 to It 1-4 r Lot 1814 160 ... 104 00 ae II 31 1 78 A.'ESUM Of. . Ormes, Frederick w i-l Blk. II, Ul II .... or Lot 1814, 310 ae 108 00 tt 66 1 78 Clifford, W. w. 133 40 D. Esuie of. Blades, James S W Blk. to. Uu I 10 10 1-4 or H E 1-4 or ae! Lot 14 00 1816. 4 67 1 76 41 ItjWIUlaefOfL W. A. ESUU 4J Of. Llddlnrton. James O. Lot 1816. X E 1.4 at N v . , 1" Rlk Id Int .1 cy. Jaiuei ..................... !4 OS 4 67 S 78 A M I KukLl.l'.lAM nff ....' '11.' 'm''.! - .t Hannay Ir, J. It l.YtJ:' y? .w.j-"4 or isle. 40 374 34 CO 00 4 67 S 78 41 41 1 . Hi T 1, stanf 8, Ooaal DltUkt, Bnrrlnrton. F. and Svilft, L. F. El 74 I7S 411 49 Graham Island Co. Ltd. 2 .'"J or.w,.", or 6o"ae".;". 141 40 18 46 t 78 161 l.lBlanchsrd. John f Ut It Mltchle, Mrs. Sarah 401 tO 58 46 1 78 439 43 Wyland, James UU It Slid 14 7. Maben, C C 116 30 31 CO t 78 171 68 Wyland, John. Lot la , h e 1-4 or w w 1-4' and sw i-Y o'r'ri'w 1 Grant, Alex. Lot IS I- UI IOI tl7U. Dl 4. m 79 03 Haines, Georre , . . E i-V 10 tt 61 61,West, JcmnlalL, ... ' LOtS 10 tO It i-J Of Lot 36 14 08 1679, c t 60 1 9 4 0 Fox, WlUlamC. ! Colqnhoun, Robt. T, 8c Gellelly, Robert... Lot 1S80, E 1-1. s 1-1 or s w 1-4 and s ! Hudson, Howard, ... . UU 16, 17, It, 41 " UI asi.Bo ae ..... 369 41 tl 01 " Ul 31 Beebe. Charles E. i W 1-1 of X W 1.4 r.f lt n 84 00 411 14 Wilson, Thomas .. .. " Uls 4 and 17 Star Realty Co. Ltd. -Etmoto l2 "4 or 8 w - o -o 1681. 40 ae '.'. 34 00 14 I 67 07 10011 Wyllle, Wliilam A UU 86 and 87 ! ' 41.41 Ciirrord. Maekay,4c John Kato .... 2.? !-f s -i s v o'.ko 40 ac ;. 4t 00 7 01 tl 76 Paniarsaes,Uwson Ormond Omar u, ..' Ut St ... Scitan. Alfred S"r .."' i"'" P' "il ,SM 9 ac. 41 00 7 01 81 761 UU 76 and 76 Satljere, Sakakeara . J-JY-.1- f -E. 1-4 Cf Lot 1881. 40 ae 41 CO -7 01 81 76 tub-Oliltlon of Ut Itl, Rani 8, Coait Beebe William S. . 41 00 7 01 61 76 Greenbaum. AUiert rii.iit. i.. im' ...... . -. vi - Weal s( ri .r im o.vt. 1 01 40 41 00 Colquboun, Robt T. 4c GeUetly. R, Lot IS81. S. 1-1 i NW t.i 15 itv 4.A 701 SI 76j Btib-DUIalon ml Part Lit' 646, ' ftaa'a'a' 8, 1 so Cunnlnrham, Obed $ m.S. or 8' W- ,- 6.88 ac tOO 94 17 71 1 78 til 41 Bowen, John L. Oi..1'4 01 K w- - r L01 fHowen, John I ' ... ., .uvu, i va ft 08 ll.BB ac ........... 99 96 ' I Blk. . UU S to It Merrill, Merton A. 14 38 I 78 117 09 Bowen. John L. tl 00 - s. H.W. Blk. Lou i;Of 1-4. x i-t or 4, to t ... tt 60 W.W. 1-4 P 1.1 tan . ..'?'eD' ,obD Blk. 136 00 &. I ai. l in a Henderson, Alex f . ,.. ... . v 173 66 Bowen, John L, .... ' tl 60 669 Blk. 90 7. UU ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.1'.'.', I Sharpies, H. V f;D5 v ?e5 ,' litrest or Lot 1736 310 ac 172 00 716 Ill 31 OS 'Bowen, John L. . . . . Blk. . UU I to 10 7. 10, II to so Parsons. tt so Sharpies, John Wilson Joanna , . . Undivided 1-1 Interest or Lot 1736' 310 ac 171 00 ' Blk. a. l-oi i Mitheson, Walter . . !Lot 1740, 640 ae lit 14 Ue, John 844 00 Blk. 8. Ul It . ....y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''lY. Wearmoutn. C. W, .. 'Lot 1744, 160 ae . 104 00 611 69 Bowen, John L. ... Blk. 0. ijiia i ia i a Matheson, Annie .. Lot 118 07 How en. John L. . . . f 6 00 1747, 368 ac , , 804 30 BIX. If. UU I to 6, I'lVii'..... Raedlrer, IL .. lLot 1748, 631 ac 41080 319 II Bowen, John L. .. . Blk. 13, UU 1 tO tl It tl Ellbach. R. J .. 'Lot 1749, S87 ac 362 OS 458 33 Dowrn, John L. ... to to Warren, F. B. ..'E. 1-1 or Lot 1771, ilO ac 336 00 Hi ?! J"-'""'. Charles A. SIS-VV2f.W J . 17 tl 61 Turney, II., Estate or. ., 18 80 11 Meron M. E. . Blk. 14, Ul 16 Mason. II. L., Representatives or, .... " ' Bec-.?9-Tp V.'iii'ie 178 43 17 70 Bowen, John L. ' Blk. IS, UU I 10 16 w' til 01 Martin, Joseph Bowen, John L. ... to 00 108 20 Blk. 16, UU t to 16 Kicholls, J. V .. W, 1-1, Sec 16, TP 6, J10 ac . . . S08 00 119 to Bowen, John L. . . . Blk. 17, UU I to It 17 10 Nlchous. J. w 113 40 Berrsiron. Aurutt ..' ft 31 Wleholls, J. W. ..'S. 1-1, 108 00 133 4 0 Bowen, ma, ii, LMl it , I 8 See John f 34, Tp 8, 320 . L. ... ac Blk. UU 108 00 19, t to II 8. to Graham Island Development Co. ... .. N. 1-1, See 85, Tp S, 310 ac . 133 40 Bowen, John L. ..... Blk. UU 14 tt 60 336 00 to, I to 10, It 10 Mcholls, 398 14 J. w. II Bowen, John ft 10 L. VI' Btee Td 0 ae 108 00 Blk. tt. UU 1 to 9 Graham Island S33 7. to It ....... Development Co . . X 1-1. See 36. Tn K on 40, Bowen, John L Illk. tl. l-ril I in 6l 14 II 336 Anderson, W. J. ,)t ..I Undivided i-l interest" 8. 1-1 6ec'l,"TpV, 00 89S it Bowen, John L. .... Bik. tt, uu to li, is'to t'i, 13,'ii ft 80 I how John to to en, L. ....... Bruhn, Charles 168 00 18 IS ) 1 78 198 93 Bowen. John L. " ..., .w, JV.. i .u ... i. iu n ..... 10 9V III.. 9 1, IM9 I IV I, ll 10 II 168 00 a.".,.JkV"nj,t' iUrry Blk. 7, Ul 9 ." 4 4 14 tO II II Castleman, S. J, 198 Z-J'' 6e5 TP . o ae 336 00 93; Hunkers., Harry Illk 7 fil III I 10 Ray. A. C., 4c Leeder, F. B 4c Harper, 1, K.E. 1-4 16 37 388 11 Bowen, John See 8, Xtl A 4 A mm L. . I tt 4V V I WW V aai 168 00 II II 181 Blk. 11, UU I to 16 93 ' 336 00 Bowen, John L. Itlk ID l.l. I tn a 1 It 60 Castleman,Castleman, S.B. J J IJV.E. 1-4 Sec it. Tp e. ilo It "' 168 00 18 16 11 37 306 it Bowen. John L. ink ti, uu 1 to 9, itYo tV. f 0 40 jw. 1-4 See 10. To 188 93 Howen, John L. 18 SO 6 JSO 336 00 66 37 888 ......... Blk, St, UU 1 Ol 6. II to 14 168 00 it lot ten, Ella , Illk as. Lola I in (l 13 10 MiiXt Fr.- 2 : Iff vJ il 5l ' : : : :: 168 00 II tl 11 11 188 198 93 93 Howen, John L, Illk 11 l.nla i in I a ' '' 4 10 Bowen, John SO larmll Mrs liiil.. i, ; 7 "v p o ac 168 00 tt It L. ink. te, uu i to ii 19 N.E. 1-4 See XI. Tn a '.an 198 93 Howen, John L 10 14 168 00 Ilia, 17, uhs I 10 10 10 14 IS, Tolmle, k Stewart','v. tl tl ,,,, A., Undivided m-14 interest of N.W.'V-46ec 19 i Zywyalnk, John Blk, II, Ul I .......... 17 71 Haynes, Geo. W Est ..'.'J Jf ' ac I 131 80 ft 17 I S 71 f John L Bik. ii, uu t to 14. i7 io ti I tlO T17 or undivided 8-14 interest of N W 1-4 8ecl ft Iitowen, John L ' 17 14 38 70 John L Blk,' 40, LOU t IO 16 tt 60 Powell. Mrs. E. ft, ' 8.E. 1-4 See 81. Tn a VaV' 168 00 .!! 44 86 K.ll.,.(l ll.t.a.l. . . Illk. 40, UU I and t .. ........ 10 60 Castleman, A, J IS XI fi 8-W. IDS U? Inlininti all.... 4. 1-4 ae' Sec f 10 castleman. S. J. 81, Tp 6, 160 168 00 18 11 97iNellsrin,' lua, i, ixjii a anu 198 Beharla . t 40 166 00 Blk, 41. Lou II and tl B. C 18 tt Corporation. Ltd N.W. 1.4 Ran a Tn 1 tan 198 97iBowrn, John L 1 70 tl Lots 1, f, I 10 10 168 00 Blk, 41, 13 to 14 Carroll, Mrs. Louisa ! 11 tt S.E. 1-4 See S.'Tn 9 an 191 97iowen, John L. tt 10 Tolmle, A., 4c Stewart, D , Undivided 19-14 Interest of 8.'W.".'-' Seel 168 00 till 191 97 Illk. 43, Lot I 17 70 10 'i so ac ........ I I3t 30 Howen, John L ulk J i I nla I Ia li 1 00 Haynes, Geo, WEs. of Undivided 8-14 Interest of 8. W. 1-4 8ecl it 13 3 78 1(7 tl Lowen, John L BIX, 41, LOU 8 tO 16 tt 00 B. C "' 38 70 8 07 i-owen, John L. Blk. 46, UU 1 IO 6, 6 to 16 ....... 7 10 Corporation, Ltd. S.W. 4-4 See m'Y'iin'ii 44 41 Ilnuan. latin I. 1. 168 00 Hlk, 48. Lois 4, 6, 6 10 18 10 SO Tolmle, A., 4c Stewart, D. ...f tl tt 191 97 Crew, Harry f 71 ..u.,,v.u i'ii luieresi or E, -S or B.E.I Blk. 4, LOU It 10 14 tl Pnfh.plnvham far.,., u ntk io f.nta S anh In ' 8 00 Haynes, Ceo. ff. Est or ............ Undivided l 8-t4 Interest of E,' i-t if S.e'. 67 tO tt 16 7 81 tl Uowrfi. John .1.. . . ' ink-' .ia-I .f.nla-- 1 In- a., 1..1 tn u .a..''''........' 1 90 II 1-4 See f. Tn a a J ilowan. John I.. . . LOU I to 14 16 00 16 80 Blk, 50, Mcholls Castleman,k 8.Renouf J. . , , ?,EJ l' V.Tp. fion i0 ae . : I 168 00 198 11 97 86 .owcn, Jobn L .' Bik, ii, lou i io it tl It 00 00 336 00 B, c. Ltd corporation. 4,w. BBczi. -in u fan mm 393 19 Ub-DI'l,lflV.,,.f.-.La.,t4A?r B. C. Corporation. Ltd. S.W. 1-4 Sac B, Tp 9, 160 tt'.'. '. 166 168 00 00 198 97 0.M Wleholls k Renouf E. Hi't Sec 18, TP 9, 80 66 . . . 84 00 196 07 Melioli, Hirl Blk, 1. t.ll ae JYiehoIIs 4c Renouf , N. I t See 16, Tp 9, tto ae 116 00 100 86 FJlrhois, Han Blk, I, 1.16 a 17 79 198 !P(Nichols, llarl Blk, I. t.!6 at 17 10 IT Tt