Prince Rupert Daity News 1 1 Monday, December It. 1951 imct-5 Loca a n d Ji A ilhfttiel fiince Rupert Jack Caron and Red Bell, city; J McArthur, Port Edward; Mrs. tA. L. Ytreberg and son, Victoria; Burton Hunter Sand-pit; Eleanor Cardiff, Edmonton. PERSONA! To date contributions total $2300 which is an even better response than last year's figure at this time. The sea! sale for this area in sponsored by the Soroptimist Club of Prince Rupert. The committee has set as its, objective Christmas Seal Sale Gratifying The fine response of the peo-ms nf the Prince Ruoert-Hazel- x i 11 IU j , walla"'. Stewart logging 'r,t0, was a passenger aboard cmosun yesterday returning Jarvis H. McLeod returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a t.rln to Sjiifllutd ,.h afiiT a trip to Vancouver.! Vancouver, Observance Js JUJJL reOOGs Those present at the Ovef 70 Club banquet in the United Church HU1 last Thursday in-eluded Ben Johnson," Mr, t. GonflseH, T. T. Jarhiewi, Alexander M'cfntyre, Jack Wells, A. M. Bertrand, Mrs. Jeanie Mc-Arthur, Axel Olsen, Eric Heil-rrrsn, Mrs. Beatrice ftillin, 'Hugh Kiliin, Mrs. F. H. Moorehoiise, Fraser left by air to ton area to the saie oi inrwim' for tnis year a sum ui Seals clearly shows that they ( as the campaign does not close realize the need of constant until the end of February, the vigilance In the battle against committee has every hpe of tuberculosis.' ! achieving its goal- -, ' . Peter Good arrived In the city on the Camosun vestfrnm nfior. Quality Snop, Fulton Street, f.n snetid a holiday in Van ;,r. Mvs. will be closed Christmas and Boxing Day. (ltd Fraser and child; noon from Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year ;, t week, th. list of officers Prince Rupert people are not forgetting the: spiritual observance of Christmas the anniversary! elected, uaya' Mi's. Maude Vicrerlt A. Ordahl,! Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilkinson, Mrs. : 'the "Over Seventy" banquet! A. L. Bell, local chartered ac-.ri!iv evening, the name or countant, returned totheeitvnn I! t'V n i- i i, t i j r. ,. . K. uiCKens, Mrs. u. nouuer, mis. of Christ s birth and the keynote o' the festive sea-iC Smltn Mr, E. Hoimes, mm. WANTED: A motor vessel for charting purpose., with accommodfttlon w son that culminates tomorrow. nBBnic a nM-k omcers. ! Engineers, iw rvrti.i"6.-. tanks lor chart room, deck space for lifeboats and two small boats. v, ST,rinrnnn -. 2000 miles, "-- IM'er Wl ndlaro and , p W Anderson as secretary, the Camosun yesterday after-)Ud have been included. j noon from a brief business trip . Uo Bella Bella. jfPly Moore and Dr. Duncan i '-it more are back in the cityj Gordon Calderwood is home 'u, Trail where they went to from his studies at the University OI iresn waver. eU .".,. Brl f , h. Annual Old Sweats Pre-Christmas party in the Legion Auditorium on December 24 at 8:30 p.m. ' 300cl The recent drawing by the Women's Auxiliary U.F.A.W.U. winners Were G. D. McLeod, No. 41ft; Sam Gurel, No. 572; W. Le Hurray, No. 633. ltc 4 NOTft fc Special holiday srasort gas pnmfl service hnrs: Christmas Day i p.m. tn 4 p.m. fcnxln; Day 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Netf Year's Day 2 p.m. to 4 p.nt Rupert Motors tt. 1300c) 69 ye V X lfllll suitable ground tackle, construction to int. "4. -. VCiambia Columbia of Steamship Inspection for coastwise operation tn British waters. Submit full details of boat offered for sale In m,.Xc'l Purchasing Agent. Mines and dressed to: Departmental Surveys Department. Ottawa. Ontario. .Closing date of tendir J" ori hi end a nmiert -ntc ui ncu Bimrui nuusn toiumoia to spend the . ,...J llinln. 1, Onulf. R. McCook, Mrs. G. Ferguson, Mrs. Franlt Hoeft, Frank Heft, ! John Bremner, John Bulger, Mr. ' Ellsworth, J. J. Oulley, Mrs. Geo. B. Casey, John Currie Geo. B. Casey, H. F. Glassey, Mrs. Har-bert F. Olassey, Mrs. W. A.' Timms, Mrs. P. W. Anderson,' Mrs. W. Hall, Mtes E. M. Parker, Mrs. R. H. Smeeton, Mrs. P. Montchal, Peter Montchal, W. J. Raymond, M. J. Simpson, Mrs. Alice A. Watson, Mrs. Margaret Hedstrom Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Lundqulst, Mrs. M:rthilda Holm, ; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webster, cnristmas and New Year holiday . ... season with his parenu, Capt. and Mrs. Harry Calderwood. i Crowded congregations mark-I M practically all se-vieej morn-1 In and evening yesterc'ay In the i various churches. I Never were the cfiurehes more ' betntif ully adorned hi keeping I with the tlwrne 6f Christmas, j Pastors delivered Inspiring sei1-Imons, emphasizing the need at ' this time, seemingly more than ever before in the wovld'3 history, ! of a return to acceptance and practice of Christian fundamen- 10, I Douglas MeGreish returned to the city on tha Camosun yester alTiec ill COIl-SUIllUiw ' O 2 CO, Miss Mary Strachan arriwd in city on the Camosun yester-, afternoon from her nurses' xing studies at Royal Jubilee ipital, Victoria, to spend the 1(javs vulh liol pal'fcliU, Mi. 4 Mrs. Robert Strachan. day afternoon from Vancouver. Mrs. C. K. Tyreberg returnecf to the city on the Camosun yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. anit Mrs. Henry Wilkinson C elebrate Anniversary Christmas Da 1 tar of peace and goodwill themselves Alex Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Choirs acquitted I AVNOt Nf ftvMvf fRAsrit i St PAY.VE wish to afmounte that ' Iheir store will adhere to regular business hours durin; the 1 Christmas shopping season. The i sfajn has nceri a" busy one and, i o Bfhensen sailed by the; David Krlstmanson arrived in ennstmas uny ana ine ais- ,,,: , (V, ,,, in r,t J. Glllis, R. J. Mcuonairi, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, William MacKenzie, M. Macltod. mosun last evening on his re-(the city on the Camosun yester-n to his home at Stewart after j day afternoon from his studies HttRC a few days here to re-I at University of British Columbia :v(, medical treatment. Mr. : to spend the Christmas holidays it Mrs Behensen are planning with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tinctmn of being married more , approprote to the season, years than anyone e se in P-ince , Jn 80me q the chwcheg Sim Rupert corrs Mmultanrouly to d g, sess)ons vere merged Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkinson vi( mornll , SPrvlces to permit who live with their daughter and ' f f t ..nBPthpra t.o - ' " - ; ' -; i ? I in fairnest to the staff, who have John Vtfesch returned to the been woiking haid to jrivc serv- j city on the Camosun yesterday : ice to the public, our regular 1 afternoon from University of hturs will apply, 9 a.m. to 6 p m. I 5 fr.' ' - -t - early trip to'Vaneouver. . jDan Krlstmanson, ! son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. ., , , ! , . ! McAra, 659 Eigth Avenue East. Miss Claire Tribble, who is at-l Kenneth Black, son of Mr. and i They will have been married ,w Croft on House School at Mrs. Thomas B. Black arrived en .,..o . , iin! hear and reflect uoon the messages of the season. Some of the churches will be British Columbia in Vancouver, Friday. SaturJay snu .Monaay in snenrl thv Christmas holidavs (Christmas Eve). KKASKR & 1300c) at his home here. ' PAYNE. u:is n nassencer nome on tnp camosun vpstirri:iv ....j i u...- c. noiaine jlding L-nnsmias Christmas Eve ce a "u lr.couver Christmas morning services in- auernoon irom nis studies atiant vocational school in Vancouver The couple came to Vancouver to spe.ifl the Chrhtmas and New ln 1909 where Mr. Wilkinson Year holiday season with his wrvo f,,r ispverni vpnr for the oard the Camosun last even-j. lire north to Alice Arm to r,d the Christmas holidays -d hp- parents. Mr. and Mrs. E Tribble. nunciation with its midnight mass and carol singing, St. Andrew's Cathedral and the Salvation Army. parents. CLOSED Christmas and Boxing Day Y .J-tajijytj i 1 A mas Allan HarlwlR, studying at the! uvtrsity of Wafhlngton in.'! attic, arrived home on the lrfiosun yesterday a"fternoon to 'Mi 1 lie Christmas and New, ir holiday . season here With ! tiHHnt.s. Mr., and Mrs. E. L.i OPE fc - - spirits, even though doctors told him 30 years ago he might die any time from a heart condition. He smiles at that verdict now but says he's bcn sparing himself and considers himself lucky, j The anniversary and Christmas Day will be celebrated by a family gathering. city, later going into business as a merchant. He is 90; Mrs. Wilkinson is 89. From Vancouver the Wilkinsons left for Edmonton where they resided 23 years. They like Prince Rupert, arriving here five yers ago but miss their friends and relatives In the Alberta city. Of five children, Mrs. MtAra ir the only rne living. Tht are five grandchildren and ' five great-grandchildren. Mr. Wilkinson still walks downtown and back and Is in good New Year's Day ... 2 p.m. - 9 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM ifiivii; Hundreds of Prince Rupert People I'nite in Celebration Of Holy Season The Misses Jean and Mary AS a: lived home on the irr.usun yesterday afternoon th.,ir .IttrUtte at IhA Tlnlver- annual Prince Rupert's six ...':.. ui- j community carol sing drew or more people the . .e and New Year muvi, uh their parents, Mr. 1 ' Mrs W. R. McAfee. lvit. valine auuiioiiunt oiuninj night to join with fervor and enthusiasm in the time-honored Teachers Shuffled !;v Alli en Gibson arrived In and well loved Christmas hymns, f rity on the Camosun yester- Young and old. people of all :v afternoon from Courtenay, denominations, united in season-iiin.tiver Island, where she is ai friendliness under the genial mlkI in home economics leadership of F. E. Anfield to 4rl.n1. to pend the Christmas raie their voices In a harmonics it New Year holiday season afer-church prelude to the Yule- let us tarry the boll on your heating oil Three transfers and two va h Bishop and Mrs. J. B. Oib-i tide season. It was an occasion ; cancies of teaching positions tnj Tndian schools of the area are : 'iSS U JteZT 1 As we enter into Of obvious happiness to all. " ' To ALL OUR FRIENDS A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS SEASON AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from EATON'S wnMeStTndard'Kurnane '"I VlVl'wX' 1 ' ' the gladness of this I the re-.ult of departmental shuffling. Indian Superintendent F. : irmfin and Henry Martinu-i ti arr.Ved in the city by plane itTliuisday from their studies tl;e University of British Co- i t. Anfield said today. Cordon F -ost and Miss Christine Jackson, Kitkatla school teachers, are transterred to Port Choirs of various city churches were represented in the massed ; vocal group on the platform and ! the Prince Rupert Symphony' Orchestra provided Instrumental accompaniment. Peter Lien was orchestra and choir director. 1 Uil or Hlanclnrd .stove l)il. .jr KyVVSW ?. ' J , . . ' Prompt Service , iVM ' ' happiest day of the year, I , Metered Delivery (, TjIK AL"'ilF7 .... . , . ' ' Automatic Refill , IK f 1 " W" W N. K. YOUNG .' ' i 1 UUA.A,'. I Simpson. Mrs. Mat-tern, moves; n:b:u m Vancouver to spend, .ChiUim:w wagon with their Twit. Mr. and Mrs. A. M.j ar.mitsf'ii, Graham Avenue,' m view. OTP Heating Ol Distributor ? KT V 1 1 1 I PHONE 674 't ji"n - birth of Christ. f from Skidegate to K-itKatia; where a vacancy remains for a junior room teacher. Another vacancy exists at Metlakatla, following' fc'-t recent resignation there of t? "M-Intosh. ' Yjll Merry Christmas and a X n.n WSm&Yff)!' I ' Happy New Year to all. "I y,, I t V JSt I 1 I I lishop Talks iTo Child ren i 'K-.,. jr. BILL - WALTER. J Try Daily News Want Ads To open the program, the orchestra offered an appropriate overture "Beneath the Holly," a medley of Christmas airs. The choir sang two selections the anthem "Glory to the Lord" tHantivll and "Lo, How a Rose." The carols were "We Three Kings of Orient Are" im which Keith DeWitt. Charts Wright and Charles Roberts sang the roles of Kings Melchior, Caspar and Belthasai, "O Come All Ye Faithful. Hark the Herald , . v X-- 7 Voraf yMpriQ Santa paid his annual vluit to "nunciation School Thursday hen 150 children received ws, bags of candy and fruit. Parents and friends were wel- rcecl bv six-vear-old Jimmy;. t.i," -nr,j ifmn Wen f. , li" ,if j -n i a , ,rrr - r.pham who wished everyone : w,,as .. -n 'came Upon a Md- A Holy Happy Christmas." i nignt clear," "Joy to the World," I The program included choruses ! and "QiKid Christian Men Re-j1 ' the school, a skit by the1 j0ice." V !li"r CYO, a dialogue between ! jjr. Anfield. before each carol, fin Grade One pupils, Marilyn j outlined its origin and, during 'Hi and Imelda Hewer, andirhp nronram. nrogram. allud'od to the ' mmunity singing of carols and JSiTL. .V5W I I I l - K4( m m oi.Mi Bhop Anthony Jordan, O.M.I. to me children and tow !'m of the origin of Santa good fortune of canaoians in having the privilege of being able to enjoy the happy celebration of Christmas with families ln homes, something that people cf less blessed lands were unable to do and which countless children had never known. Mr. Anfield voiced appreciation of Civic Centre and audience to Mr. Lien, ",4 : j v w. au i i k 4, i . i. ii i -, Uls His Excellency said that I1 Archbishop of Germany out rave or God secretly by night n h"lp to the poor. "Santa PRINCE FISHERMEN'S RUPERT CO-OP ASS'N. 1 is stmnlv n contraction orchestra and choirs. the name "Saint Nicholas." 1 imiMlMff A r- lit 'I 1 M 1 tv4- u s i CDay our joy this Christmas Season To you, our friends and neighbors-UK extend our hest wishes for the merriest of Christmases and f 111 ft IX warmer maneveT . y ill be as continuous m the wreath of holly. rg IPS' our ' happiness and fcooa neani aur-ing the cofn'ng NtW Year be without end. the happiest of New Hears and add the prayer that your homes be blessed udh tedct and Good Fdrtune. GRAND CAFE U ) oayalPiti .; . 11 M J KAItN CONUMtKV IU-UP GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST 73J 5th Ave. W. Phone Black 503 5' i.