I I I UNL VICTIM I keep Susan secret. ft I a' x I Her parents bv adODtion have, I lAltTlC IfWTMfT Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 24, 1951 i taken her on their trips and one WWrea MONTREAL P,A vei.dlct of ,a:KlenU1 "h was returned . I I. fJ7Cwf baby who choked to death while Addition to Governor-General's Family Known After' Three Years wine ircaneu naving seen a puo- i ilisned photograph of her taken j ht-t summer at Banff, Alberta. In Choosing Mate Not Good Enough taking ... plans and - , "er mother's arms. The .n. jjai ua so n far far for for con-j run. ents ents anrt and three h-- .... . v (mi. - ,f3ii""s other children LONDON Leslie Clark was LONDON if Officials of -one fined 30 shillings for speeding London courtroom for years hu vie while organizing a charity con- iliowp visitors bulletholes.io the cert for the police. He said, "I wall, relics of an ancient gun-am wondering whether I should fight. Now they'll need a new charge -this in my expense ac- point of interest. Redecorating count." extinguished the mhrks. ct a puum; uunuiuB an escaped lninr,, ir u....... OTTAWA (CP)-Flaxen-haired Susan Alexan-ViS f555S n ler will not be thinking about it today but she has'srouP pictures on their christ- Slldrlpnlu r-,.. : ... t .t mas cards two years ago. ' ' b(. eroded at Van- collision but the mother ,?. j-d to federal govern- entk hm, . ,,( for Hie My HAL BOYLE NEW YORK i APi A woman marriage broker said recently the trouble with matrimony in America is the "helter-skelter romance." js c j. ohverLtd. j protect it from harm. Merry Christinas! ,j ..u.nc vauauaB I1IUM, laillUUS JOUllgMCI u - the moment. incniA The pert and blue-eyed Susan they visited Susan's kindergar- PcROV . has been disclosed' as the ten to watch her romp In Christ . NICjTFS adopted daughter of Viscount mas party fun. I LJ and Viscountess Alexander andi But even after the adoption1 Mis. A. G. McCaig, Perow Miss Edna Wilder makes a j business of bringing together a member of Canada's vice-recil became known, there was little school teacher, left for Prince wife-seeking men and husband- lamily for the most of her 2V, information available about Su- Kupert last week to spend the: seeking women. san from Rid an. Hall bevond holidays with her daughter and j It s a booming industry, and the fact that 'Viscount and Vis- son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan! she believes it deserves more McS-j. years. In all her three years with her much spotlighted foster parents, Susan has ;ived at Rideau Hall, ofticial vice-regal residence. Yet until the week-end the capital ger.,:rally had no inkling that there was a fourth youngster in the Governor General's household. Their Excellencies just did not announce their new acquisition. The news leaked out when, like any other proud parents, respect than it often gets from the general public. i-Many people who laugh at the idea of going to a marriage broker are tne ones who most need to go to one," she said lirmly. Mis3 Wilder said the high divorce rate in the United States is due to the fact that too many young people depend on instinct alone in choosing a mate. wmmm pMiiwiiiwiipwiiiMwiiw'iiiiiiwrnnBtinir-rT,m " . - " ,, : mVIIEX OXLY gy,- l day aS-fiVw ii AVILL DO IKUw-'X! I countess Alexander adopted her I in England while on a visit ! three years ago. Susan was six j months old then, i Vice-regal aides did not dis-! close her original parentage or i the circumstances of her edop-j tion and they said the Governor General did not wih to comment publicly. I However, they :Urt say that in the la-st three yea.: 3 tm:e has i been no particular fcttempt to Mr. Weiss, formerly of Houston, has moved his family to Pe.cw where lie is now employed by the Canadian National Railways. Miss Fern Johnson and Miss Marjoiie Galbraith were winners of the Best Spelling prizes awarciJd by their teacher, Miss McCaig. ? 1 - ' -v ' t ' IT . tnd all the . . may pleasure and happintiu ot the Yuletide abound thtouihout the New Year. . 1 -. if J " I "The marriage broker eliminates the helter-skelter romance," she said. "Arranged marriages are three to four times as enduring as marriages based solely on instinct, because the people who Perow visitors to Prince George last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. j Stan Ranaome and baby Rod-i'j; Mrs. Leboeimd Diana; Mis.! John Cloarec and Carolyn; Mr.' arid Mrs Eu Westgarde and Ger-i ale; K r.ftS!2:.5 . wna they wan,, ana : (he ambly of Jeho- attended ' , r..t vur: i VVitneyses and most of them ieturncd home by car and train. they have gone to a lot of trou- ble and expense to get it." i Miss Wilder is executive direc- j tor of the American Association A 1 f v r . Is -9 i ' of Marriage Brokers. The organ-1 iae re-row women s institute jzation recently held its first is sponsm-ins: a Christmas party annual convention here to adopt the school today. IT HOLLYWOOD CAFE u ' '"ft v1'k "' ''-C' I Mrs. Morton has arrived from i Alberta t o join her husband and ! sons at Perow. GOTNGS 2 chcw a code ol ethics and launch a : drive to win greater public confidence. "Sixty per cent of our clients are women, and about 40 per 1 cent are men," she said. "This ' is because there are more women than men, and also because Mo o joyous Christmas usher SACRED CITY Bhuvancshwar in India has no fewer than 400 temples, built between the ninth and 13th JONES NEWS STAND III WiM 'm in a New Year cf happiness and good health for all our cherished friends. jlBniUNO IN 1 HE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS i I .. J m I va ONMV -JkTTT" m.s A I women are more marriage-l minded. Iney take it more seri-j ously. It Is the men wno are I most interested in superficial ; romance." I Who goes to a marriage brok- er? Well, they don't usually an-I uounce it, but j "Parents with 18-year-old ! daughters or sons in college S come to us. So do people right l LOOK-HEBf COMES r TSeSIS6iNG ft JL uren w.xce f im going to r- S?LT " "f wAMoePniG ovei? ri . - Put A 5top J. A.jr-i into Guv vato Vip i i i ji to this r-"' rSviv TS'TS rlrr up Into the 70s and 80s. We've had widowed clients looking for ward to a third or fouth mar- Tin advertiMiaeuL u But uultlilted or dtspluyed by tbe Liquor i.uutrul Bor4 r hf tJb (j ver ooient of BriLub Columbia. kiii CHicfom .7 ctkin a kiAt,i ni: TSi- TO Pijr ." s dm A VRY fi "r,"'i "fur f 1 ; 1 cwv, CVVXf v,. tlx- y ! riage. 1 hey re sold on the marital status. , "But mostly they are women ! i in their lute 20s or early 30s, ' and men in their early or late ! ; us. Usually they have become weary of frivolous dates, the rat- 1 ' race of ordinary social gather- . ;lngs. They want help in finding omeone with their own tast'.'s ;ta life." j The rates of marriage brokers' i vary. In New Yo.'k they contract '. ' to arrange 10 appointments be- . ! tween people of similar back-' ground for a .set fee. In other ' sections they limit their services to a period of time such as three months after which a ; new contract must be made, i The fees? They average: girls I from 20 to 30- $100; from 30 to 40 $150; from 40 years up :$200. Men the lucky creatures, , only have to pay a flat $50. Inat ! shows who is looking for whom. The most common complaint made by a woman client alter her first, arranged date: j j "Do you really think its worth I while going through all this ju.slj ' j to get a husband?" But Miss Wilder says the mar-: riage brokers have a high bat-i ting average. ft If warm spirit of this Holiday Season is symbolized by the friendly Christmas candle, lighting our way to closer friendships and greater happiness. Hay your Christmas be radiant with joy and good health. I "About eight out of every 10 people who come to us get niar- ried," she said. "The other two i are probab.y adventurers! We j make an honest effort to check our clients, but sometimes fortune hunters do creep in. "But the fortune hunters are ' among the men. The women are : PRINCE-RUPERT HOTEL i looking for more than money in j I marriage." j That's what the lady says, and I she's looking for the right man j 1 herself. ! I "Any woman who claims she Isn't is a downright liar," said i I Miss Wilder. I. ',mmwww,w,!wt'?fwwtwritirwwi . (ATLfW IT KFEPOUTCEI?TAISi rtHiTTr' Ft 777? SUCH A PEPULS1VE " j - "' 1 eeAN-eWNeROftCNSivECHAIMCTECS ) J!A I lSO0(5?l BAGGY-EYED niTvjiT EVEP ) rr1 VTU L0 PEGIJEE WHOM !4A -nklWAXST y--YA GOT IM THIS NICE -r- JTTk VTiS.iik iknow J SJ(iJ I iTX'AX-XL neighborhoco ru. II. .-.. - I ! 7 j 1 SAID YOU WEI?E " T " I frf3 jfPX CGUiN'gO i U ? Lm ' V KINDEST J (? SW. thf FINEST, ApniiT mf 1 handsomest. TVKVYYYY vj? 2X1 J TZT ',?b5fe 111 i1-1 UKE T 1 -j-rff vcst intelligent , T 18 5isL HJ3 spSmzffl lO'T, King Pralnrw Syniwlf. tnr , World riylm mfrwt.' I t A'Wt VtVI'g O t-,v -;;' ! t 4 ma J Wherever you ore, whorever you do, may this holiday season be a happy one for you. Totem Pole Gift Shop i..iikiiisiiiiki'h.sikiiaiijiKa.aiMla,a,M