16 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 24, 1951 CHANGE OF PRfrc II I Ktint MONDAY, UBU,,,,,;' Due li: increased operating expenses, Kr Mr f all adinivMon prices, excepting rhildrm I, i." '" "y rivr 1,V J. II ni m l- .. Along FISONT Comedy Films For Holidays A fun filled film about a pair of newly weds and their troubles with a gangster mob Is presented in "Behave Yoursell," starring Farley Granger and Shelley Winters, which will be the Capitol Theatre feature from Monday to Wednesday. A dog- which has been trained by one group of gangsters to act as a go-between with another mob brings about all the trouble For a Boy's Christmas THE RUPERT ivim,;..,... Capitol aliU (IIT TICKETS M il l. I!E HONOItlD v, Several vessels have had sounders installed recently. In i preparation for next season's fishing. The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assocla- hours, if that long. Markets were waiting. Over a period, from as far k as the thirties, thousands of launchlngs were seen in the ' II Plill t i tion packer, Ogden, has been ' Marit lines, in Quebec and Now fitted with an Eko-lite recording ; England, home of the Yankee 1 l.Vne sounder Thn vinnrc H r rMi.-i'ni-n fc'tvi, n-mino I ti.,-. ume P4i T..in'moc mr. D...i,r !,...., '.,. k." , h i when he gets away from ins trainer and follows the newly- wed husband home. The wife thinks it an anniversary present while the members of both gangs frantically try to get the animal back in order to go through with a million-dollar smuggling; scheme. The result is a hilarious scries of happenings that get the young hero into plenty of hot water with the police as well as with the crooks. William I Ltd. i received the same equip-; still turned to these renowned I ment, while on the trollcr Tula-! sailing ships. I meen. Capt. Helmer Christenscn. It was not at all uncommon for a "fla'her" or "indicator" type one to travel more than 300 miles sounder was installed. 'The de- in a day. The Red Jacket, Star , partmvnt of fisheries vessel, of the South, Marco Polo, Royal I riablne Post, received a Bendlx William. St. Kilda, Baron of l record' ng rounder. McLean Ship- E. niiew some had a hint of l ya'ris and the Drydock instal the jauntincss. or touch of romance, j under-water units, while Al Col- In certain respects it was a rlough. of Sonic Marine, handles hard life. Seamanship was ex- l installation of the deck equip- peeled and Riven, as a matter of i ni'.'tlt. I'mii-Mf Kniliirc tnm Iho uimi-IH tin i jp K Demarest heads the supporting MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Prince Ruperts Really Big Boys' Department ASK THE BOY-HE KNOWS TODAY WEDNESDAY TZJZ?.", I It was in Prince Rupert that Tl. -re might have been an eight ca?' 08 a t0UKn anu susP"'ous l echo sounders first swept into hour day and perhaps not. All Poli0e oIllcer' l the fishing industry on a large were in the very zenith of health i As a special uni.iluias mid - j side and since they were first and strength. j "'Slit feature, a pirate comedy j Installed In 1946, more than 60 They had known lusty years.' picture in technicolor, "Double i ner cent at all fishlnir vessels and there was lot. in remember i Crossbones." with Donald O'Con- &'"wiw& PARLEY GRANGER of shape the tTZA SilLLLEY mNToB W umeU) SHOULD V 1 in i' with vxceoi ion of ifillnetrers use Ann nerhiins sis r.im ,,n nor and Helen Carter is belli ' I thi? equipment to a great advantage, says Colclough. thei.' were those who thought: i offered at the Capitol Tuesday. I can't help feelin' lonesome I T"l KFHZWt I For the old ships that have gone For the sight "o tropic sunsets Drama Of Civil War And the hour before the dawn ! E III" TllfH. t. If And white sails pullln' stoutly To the warm and steady draft And the smell o' roasting coffee And the watches must'rin aft. Malum, al ! H "Drums in the Deep South," The contract for a hundred-foot towing craft was recently awarded to Yarrows at Victoria by jftugcome Navigation Co., a subsidiary of the Powell River Ce. Delivery Is looked for In May British Columbia shipbuldlng interests are hopful that other companies will follow the example set by the Powell River organization. The new tug will be made use of all along the coast. Sho is equipped with a CATERING TO EVERY AGE BOY AND YOUTH Evening Shuujl . j feature picture for Monday to Wednesday at the Totem The- : aire, dramatizes an incident in Since tlie end of the war, ves the defence of Geo gia durin? j sels worth five millions have ! 1 r- 1 the Civil War at the time General Sherman was frantically SUITS JACKETS SLACKS SOCKS SHIRTS TIES HATS 3ELTS been brought to this province,! :il'd this doe: not. mchiHp Iho ' UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS OVERCOATS SWEATERS WINDBREAKERS PARKAS SPORTSWEAR GLOVES 700 h p. dicscl. The tug can util- CFR ships the Princess Patricia' "rlvln8 hi army south on its; i',r full power towing at six knots and the Princess Marguerite. '"'1-'1 lo ""'""I aa the sea. for as much as 1 300 miles. Her This multi-million dollnr figure 1,1 order to delay Sherman's steel hull is electrically welded is assessed value, a fraction of fort'es' Confederate tactics were to destroy his supply trains at j and the wheelhouse is made of the original building cost All Rupert Men's and Boys' Store a strategic point where the railway line was vulnerable lo attack. How thu was accomplish aluminum. this represents what British Columbia and Canada have lost, Union steamer Camosun. Cap! in the way of labor. Between John Boden. arrived in port at !946 and last December, 139 shins ed at the cost of heroic sacrifice i VoR Ul ...i.M'- V,V h 1 3 45 yesterday afternoon from and 86 buries Were lnmorted , ls depicted In the film which is 0 x Vancouver and waypoints. sailing into this province. ipioduced in .oior. IIIIIIIIICnsllIEIilllllKlSlgiligilllll I .' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS 'i4!S!lSS,S,sScs'3, -''' mttviminaf-t. a 11 p m. for Alice A'm and ftewart when she will return hero tomorrow morning to sad south at 12 noon. Back on the Queen Charlotte ' ir.i',d;; iun on which the Coquh- ! James C:a.g, liainara Piivton CPiJ freighter Yukon Piini essjatid Guy Madlsun 'are co-starred Capt. A. F. Stewart, arrived in ; In Hie production with Barton perl at 7:30 Saturday morning , MacLanr, Cra'g Stevens and f'-rm Vancouver. After discharg-1 Taylor Holmes al ;o Importantly in-r here and at Port Edward cast. Craig plays the pail of the Saturday, the sevvel sailed that offlrtr coiniimnduut the little 11 vi: it. l iin has b 'en operat'ng during night for Stewart then to south Confederate band and Madison recent weeks, Union steamer eas .rn A a ka points has the role of the northern) major ordered to wipe out the enemy party. Miss Payton Is th r ELKWA ft Playing: Today lo Wednesday "DRUMS m THE DEEP SOUTH" ALKS . . . southern girl with whom Crai4 is in love and who risks her lilc to warn him of his danger. ''rEAMtR--" Prince George SAILS KJK Vancouver if I? Si tit if J. Ingot,, principal of the elementary-high school, left fir Vancouver by rar where he will sp nd the holidays. Slarriii'.; to ft ft ft ft Chlicotm. Capt. William Mc-''amb. arrl- c! in part at 10:30 , Tridav niqht from Vancouver via '"maun and other coast point;; md pfter discharging carg-i, ialled for north Queen Charlotte island points whence she reluili-'d here at 6 o'clock last evening, ailing; south at 8 pin The CO- . qiiitlam is now going on the Viincouvr - Bella Coola - Ocean , Falls route. THE Ol I) SAII KKS ? In many 3 seaside village home in the Maritime there is still to be seen hanging in the hall, the ; nainting of a full rigged ship. : Evidently a, gale is sweeping the ocean It could be any of the ven sear .-Tor her canvas Is i reeling its force, and eveiy man lack aboard is at his post. It s a I '-'ond guess to say that between Mills painting and the family occupying the house, there is an nlimatc contact. 1 Perhaps the windjammer. Mrs. George Griffith irrived JAMHa CRAIG BARBARA PAYTON OUY MADISON from Vancouver on Thursday ., I train to spend th'3 holidays with--her husband. George Orirfith, of 1 the Copper Ridge. ' j V.-- $y iUf" I . . f,M. v. ? v ' -:': -5 .'?.- ? " T ' '' ' ' " ' ' mid InU-i mediate Ports 1 ich Thursday Jl 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WI.DMiSI) A Y M!I)M(.III Luxury ul Low Cost Stnail Boy's Gift Mislaid ft ft ft ft .. snm'l boy will be minus his Chris! mas t)rc:ent unle"s a kind-hearted Prince Rupert, resident turns in a lost gift that somehow Vi liven in? Shiis 7 - ! pm. Matinees Tin s, anil Wed. 2 p.m. Itll, Hill m-; i;ti"' IIOMK JIAIIt HOMH hl'IIOKV WOOKY for Id sei valions Write or Cull ciry on M.ro'i uincn l'UINCE RUI'KHi PC. plunging across the briny, helped wild the home in that long ago , 1 ' .. , . V.. , . 1 , ft a!Ume when, for half a century, . ., VV A ! the wooden shipbuilding industry U ","v "'K , Km " ! thu Cia,Ca" SU" boy who likes tools, was lost or TOTEM A FAMOUS I'l.AYIlRS TIUIATHK I CMFTON WEBB tf5 V mislaid in some store, possibly on 1 ,, . . n, w flj , Rupert are old timers able lo 1 Wednesday afternoon Dy by an out 0Ul I recall seeing signs and traces of of lown slpppr. , the once busy yards along Atlan- ... '.S ; I in eh.r?.c STARTING THURSDAY HOriMiNT if U8 Merry Chris was Here's the Man of Tomorrow ft I Some craft were turned out i5 that made modost fortunes. One ' jj of the fastest in all the fleets, rtr the Marco Polo, after sailing 2 around and about the globe, ft came home to die. Built in St. John, N B., In 1852, after a career of 32 years, she was wrecked near 2 Cape Cavendish, Prince Edward S JMand. (fa Often, races from Australia and U the Orient to the British Isles v were staged. There were oeca-'Ji sions whvn the difference in time . SPECIAL, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR DINNERS HKRVED IN CANDLELIGHT at PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL'S Smart New Dining Rom Featuring; . , . Roast Tom Turkey. Gililet Sauee, Roast Uulklry Goose, Special Pears Sirloin steak, Bordelalse Sauce. Hours 4- in p.m. Reservations Please CHEF LENNARD -:fi The was merely a matter of a lew Carriers and Sellers of The Daily News 'XXKXtXXXXXXtXtXitXXXXX'ciXXXXXV' ' r( ." would like to take this opportunity of wishing all their subscribers and customers if if if if if if Si ' ft s -1 Uen a ft 1 -s- GIFT SUGGESTIONS LEATHER WALLETS, WRITING CASES AND BRIEF CASES Al.l, I.KATHF.K GOODS I'LUCIIA.SHI) AT Ol It STOKIi (JOI.I) INITIALLED FKMF. OK CIIAIUiE We also have a fine selection of Shcoffcr and Evcrsharp Pen and Pencil Sets in Almas ij 1 v terry 4 ti v. . Wishes One and All A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone cine a 15 RUM fL VL I j-ro.Sjycr aiu jeroiiA ear Z V Si 5 !l S ' 2 1 w .1 CO. I? ' ft Besner Block VS.-1JN.. TS.,. ThU tdvertiiement u not publislied or lisply uIBblt H 2i2iy;2-i2i;'5-i'&.--'j'? w w w w w m- r w m W t& iWC