Prince Rupert Doily News Monday. December 24. 1951 Bat I", ''I ' ' " "!r;":;,.,:;:;; ', ,., ,i:';''ii'-'it!,i!!i,i.'i'!l:::ii!llll!!!!!!llffl ' " It il.!H!i:!,::'9 :.-....rfftrrt.l-iM:i.Ii.;!i:ii,t4t.(iL;i!u-i;HiItilllii(lljilJxiitit,jliiiMi-itilrlMll km P'-oLi0IHll CARPEN TERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. nn day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3C per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards Cf Thanks, Death Notices Funeral Notices, Marriage fu:d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. H all of your iiwi flud oni our pii-riti'in niBrhin, ( MH-hni(iilly irctirt Joint, in. ft) in t and Miiini, TUty'U nt tlantr, truar. (MIS FOR SALE jCFPR PRECISION SAW FILING 1315 PKltiOTT PLACE Boji 1C11 Station B Aijent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office be- ' fore 5 p.m. ROUTE 1-Al.m Uaird, Green 133 WatLs and Nickerson's to Frlzell'.s Motors: Fulton Street 516-600; Oth Ave. West (il)0 and 700 Iilocks. ROUTE 2-Ralph Olson, Blue 728 Ilermnn Street; 1480 iltli East to Seal Cove. ROUTE 3 Victor Muskulak. 1st Ave. West 24.1-1077; 2nd Ave. West 911-1023 including Mil eircut; 3rd Ave. Frizzcll'.s Motors to end of 3rd West. ROl TE 4 Mviii Xystcdt, ISIne 1138 7th Ave. West 7J4-H27: 9'h Ave. West 102-609 COn-ilCl: Fulton Street 700 Bltek; T.i'low Ktieet (W5-823; Ctwnox Ave. ROUTE 5 Jimmy Mi-Loan. Red 83 4th Ave. West 100-44;i; 5ih Ave West 105-515: 6th Ave. ' West 3U3-S3U; IHinsmuir Jltreet 211-424. Tallow 512- 515; Emerson Place; A:;iie',v Place. ROUTE 6 Illeannr Walker, (.rem !)2fl ' ANNOUNCEMENTS S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Decern-1 ' ber 28. ! New Year's Eve !anei Oddfellows' Hall. Alim.s.-iori $1 Su. Cltllpi P.USO.VAL ? : A XMAS GIFT. What C.ina-rt"n will he kind enough to advance a loan to an Austrian ilium-rant so he'll bp able to get his wife and two little girls Irun Vienna to Prince Rupert? The name is M. Klinner, Box 928. Prince Rupert, B.C. ilipi FUNERAL NOTICE I I SWAN In the -it y. -Wednes-! day, Decemoer 19. 1 951, John George Swan, aue 50 years. Canon Basil S. Prockter" will conduct services at C'renvi!;.-' Court Chapel at 2 p'm. Wedne.;-1 day, December 23. Interment to foitow in Faiiview Cemete y. B. C. Undertakers in chaise el arrangements iit.-i r.i.ii.i: ki i.i- wanted , WANTED -- Reiiabk nan ; Rawieiiih Dealer. A ine o! porlumly to ste p hit i pr ill ah!t businr;;, where aw'ei i Products have been ,,c Yenrs. Expcrii-w net sary Write Ra vKM-jli s WG-L-16-163, V.'mnijv 110 270; MeBride 8!h Ave. West 10.1-537; 9'h Ave. Kas Klieet 113-708. ROUTE 7 Glenilun Kmith, Blue fl.'tl All of Section 2 ROUTE 8 Jimmy Johnson, Orcen 1161 Waterfront and P.ii'ilic Pl.e.'e; Al USED CARS SPECIAL ! 1951 FORD Executive Car. Lovelv iuxor maroon. Every conceivable etftra. j OOOU cartful miles. ' At $2425.00 EXTRA SPECIAL 1901 FORD CONSUL Only 2800 miles jlke new Sparkling opal bine $2065.00 I 1917 FORD TUDOR ' Excellent .shape. Good rubfc-.'r, radio, heater , $1250.00 This won't last long. NEW HURSON MOTORCYCLE Cost $22.5. CUTer.; to . $140.00 BOB PARKER LTD. TAXIS 70 SEVEN-0 - 70 Raa'io Cabs 24 Hours Daily Service 1 Churl, r ii ip.s to all points ASSOCIATION ME Hrt E R S W.WlVn WANTED -.- TOP MARKET i PlUCcS PAID lor scrap iron i sieel. Ijia.s.s. ecpuer. lead, etc aratiimr. 1'iviiim. ijv-l neni mane. Atlas Iron 6i Meiuls Ltd.. 250 Prior St Vancouver. B. C. Pnoi.e PAcitic (tft CASH for , cast, brass, cod-iyi batlertes an,: radiators none :,43. Call 025 Oth Avenue VM'.SI. Ciiv. (tf) WANTED Three more children ot s.tliool age to move to Alice 1 Arm in order to 'ctablKh a teacher for the New Year's A teim. Housing is plentiful !iv-in ' , conditions conuenial and employment easily obtained nv any aole-bodied person. Plea ;c contaet Stan Uruski. Alice A :n, tor particulars, either hv Wire collect or letter. i30"i ! MARGARET McLtl OPTOMETRIST Rfiom io STONE BUILdiuq l'HON'E BLUE 593 P 0. BOX 1184 ELECTRfll nv Stdrs and Service R- W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Bnji, for Renuin, part, and5; Pn""g or writ, alx Brick, , Rlnn ny, r.i..,, Tile .setting awt fie K. S0RENSEN Pllenc Blue 35s i-IANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACT, Building and Repairs f ' kinds RfXira - CIIIMNEl OIL BUHNERS PHONES: P.O rtm 1671) MATTS0;S5 UPIIOLSTRHINO I'hnr.e Blue 126. pn B, 234- 3rd Ave E. Prlncn Rupert, BC, H, G. HFLGERSO- LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INStTU Phone 88 Evenings Bjd Oil Heatino Servi; LAWRIE MACKAY, ,V Blue 187 - Buffil Conijitcte wnrice IlitiBto burners and aiT,m Stoves, ilcaters, S'c.w P Train Schedu! I'or the East-Daily except Sunday .: From the East-Daily except Mowia.v w: Floats i . tOl TE !) srelvin Kjurmon. Green 113 8th Ave. Ba.1, McBndc to' II. its Cove Circle. ROUTE 10lirii e Roalil, (hern 719 !:i. Ave. Rest 237-73'. ; Ave. Ka.,t 301-719; fith Ave K.i. t 119-24:., 301 -(126. Il.iys Cove Circle 82-0U7; Cotton bi'.'. i, M 1-516; Grct u Ktru-t 411-416; I'.beM .Street; Yooie; Street. John F, L. Hughes, DC CHIROPRACTOR Mrs.: 10:30-12:30 . 2:00-V00 Eves.: by appointment only 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT famcj Clock CC" - Ztd Ave. W. I"hi"c Rupert. B C. honf 3.7 t.o. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for tin? finest in Musical Instrument PIANOS IX'NKD AND KEC0NDIT1ONKD 21Q- 4tn St I'll, ntaek 3S9 GEORGE ROP.IE&CO. ACCOUNTANTS At AUDITOltl Be.sner Bfor.h I'lionc 3H7 P.O. Box 130 i HELEN'S DEAUTY SHOP Bermunent Waving Ilenuty Culture In uil Its branches ?044th fihfet Plione 855 Wl' itFINT TR TICKS, COM Pit ES.SOKH, CONCRETE MIX Elf 3 By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY t?KPAIR3 For Downtrodden Ilccln nnd Wiir.i ofiles Box 774 Kcrntid Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prrimpt and Courttous Service Thone C78 214 -4th Street Proprietors : Ed. Dawes.'Gid Alexander ROUTE 11 Li-slic Mur.hxli, Pi.- :;oit, Ave.; a:i-Pi:;;;ott Place. ROl TE 12 Sammy Ale xander Hill Ave. East 333-l!;ii5; HIM- WANTED, MALI - i.MAl.K HOYS OR GIRLS-UJ' for boy.s or pirls t.n I u?.j New.s route.; in v.r,::'!.;!.; r citv. Apply at ul.Ut SKC!al bonus. :.s I.jr iiu--i otrvi-.-e, (ti't I'.l KIN! SS OPPt.'HTl M I V j ' FOR SALE Auucourt on beau-1 tilnl "Nanoose Kay" 12 inih-.i north of Nananiio Tv.vb.v furnished, .six-rmmi house for owner, well eqinu-ped store and boats. Approxi- mutely four acres of land, ' un-; nin; beach to paved .highway. Death of partner' .... reas-on Mr wiling- Mr-:. Maude; (tarnish, f;han-ri-I..i Auto Court R.R. No. 1. Weiiiie'ton U.C. utn UOI TE 14 Runny Eliy, ;rorn 2:.8 I t K.isl 225-247; 2nd Ave West 137-341; lsl KlrcM 131-22,); Maikei Ploee; 3rd Ave. Daily News-Nationa. Mii'ori. ROUTE 15 Alleyn ltil hie, Illai k 8H8 mi, a v.- Wist i:31i-aj, 711-745; I'.uislen Stive! St reel Hi-ear Place. RCM'TE 16 Frank Killioni, (ircen 5)77 I'll Ave. i",t:-:l 124-231: 51 n Ave. l.'a.l 101 216; K.t. I :u;;-ii.,8; lit iw; spr .Street. ROUTE 17 Cliarlip I.iiulstnim, (irecii 5121 EOlv H' FOR SALE Norwegian hand- . made ski boots " Red 287. Mil Av Wi t 210-.ri3'i; 7th Ave. West Wei. 221-528: I.otbi.Tt re St. 721-728; 704; Tatlo.v St.. b2,) size 9. New i 202 iv FURNITURE lor Sale Hedromc . rugs, radio.!, chest of drawers, airtiglii healers, ciie.suriie.'o neck' complete. crib.-:, cle Lowest possible prices. H. c. Fur j inture Co. ibirc' Ave. i IP j FOR SALE--Uudc ie. case. Phone Green bird and 1 134. (300p LOST Tfcll drtrtitmnt if not publitltcd Of dtp!yaet W A Uqwo Control io Of bv k OowtnnMI Mli Columbia Hf . v. ,s-w .VT'- X V il 't - I-T. WISHES- ' f AND . GOOD Cffiv FO A Ujernj d-lirlilmai AND A PAPKFR MRS. H. S. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' READY-TO-W-EAR C.EOUUK DAWK;, i AL'CTIONIEU I ' l'hon.- C.reen HM rnl Kerl 127 PORTRAITS Films Develoned and Printerl PROMPT SERVICE CIIANDI ER'S STUDIO 216 4'h Streot Bix 645 1 Phone Creen 3tJ Prlnep Runert . Moving. Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Kf:i-cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxvrch, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and P;n'.i Avenues 1910 I'l.mes ( !) antl 6 HINESE V DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open f, m. . J:3C a m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE Tor Outside Orders Phone 13S JOHN h. BULGER Offo0nt'frii John Bulger Ltd. I.O.ST AND FOUND -Lady's black handbag on 3rd Ave. between Acme and Sin; or Sowing Centre Finder piease return to Daily News. (300pi RADIO OIAi: 1240 Kilocvcies (Subject It Change) MONDAY 5:00 Rawhide 6:15 liuerntttlonal Comty. 5:30 Tile Hunting of Habgls 6:00 Supper serenade 6:15 MitrUul Alts 8:30 Music-it Varieties 6:45 Smiley Burnetii: Show ":00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 The Oracles Are Dumb 8:00 Linger Awhlk- 8:30 Christmas Musif u:uu uret'imifs From Korea y:3U A Chora! t: irwlm,.. 111:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC Mews 10:15 Twas the Block Before Christmas 10:30 Ar-ndiile Chorus l i :ynt veiu kit H, , ' t ivi't P;..m TUESDAY A M. 5:55 CBC News 6 .0(1 The Girts of Christmas 7:00 His Majesty the King 7:15 Peace a'ower Carillon 7 :,'I0 Christmas Music on Christmas Morning 8:00 Christmas Morning Church Service 8:30 Music for Chri.ituas i ou BBC News 0:10 Program Heview 11.15 Talk by Matinew Halton 9:30 Chri Unas Orertmn by A. D Duntou 9 40 liait Hou.e C.lee Clul) 10.00 CBC Nt ws . 10 10 Ketmnul Vi'eallier 10:15 Cl.ii-tmas iiioiy by M.:;-y 1 liauieitl 10:30 'lale oi the Lonesome Pine 1 :00 From 11 ic Music U,.m P.M. umi "Kminanuel" Nalivily Play i I :!.'. Special Children's Program ' u ::io Jake anil the Kid , ! 3:15 CI1C News j 3 -in l.'e'.'ioTia! Weather 3.30 CBC .Sunshine Society 4 00 Uesin lor C h! 5.00 TIM! nn ol Chri. tmas II 00 Kill! Uaiitl 7 (10 CBC News V:l0 His MajeslV the Km:t anfl Int. 7:30 A Clill.,lmas Caid Comes to 1.1 le C:00 Cl.rist.maa Edition. Norllien, : Messenger 0 00 The .Nutcracker Ballet Heoo CBC N, .V i 10:10 CBC New.-i 10:15 Christmas Talk by Roderick lial-l'.rown 10:30 8! nn.' Orchestra dh ecled I'J' .lean de Rimnniev 1 .00 Weal her and Sum-off WKIlNRSIiAY M. 7 :00 Musical f 1,k It 8 00 ( lit; ISi ws 8.10 Here's 11,11 C.HKl 8:15 Morning .S ue' 8 30 Morton neo!.ions 8 45 l.illle Concert a oo BP.C N -ws and Conun-litioy M' lor iS'uir;:c Serenade Dorothy Douglas .Show liccorded lliLerltale Time .Siceal .Morniio: veit Barry Wood Khow This Wo k's Artist Musical Kitchen Kindergarten ol the Air Ecoundup 'i'nne Weatle r MeT)ort Messate I'c: a,u Recr.rd. d Interlude SeanUinu vian .Melodii s Mid-dav Melodies CBC News Program Resume 1 2 :30 Musical Program Recorded Interlude 1:00 -nn Afternoon Concert 1 45 Wha' Is Boxiim Day?: Cnilv 2:00 The Festive .Season 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Time '.'ith the Stars 3:15 Musical iTroeram 3 30 The Laurie story 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Jimmy Shields Shuts 4:15 Piano Pops 4:30 Matjele Mulleins 6:45 Something in Harmony 4 55 CBC Ney.r 5:00 Rawhide 5:20 Internutiol. tl Commentary ' 5:30 Have You Heard 6:45 Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 0:15 Hawaiian Melodies 0:30 Musical Varieties 8:45 Smiley Burnette Show 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7.30 Barbara Ctistance 8:00 The Mikado 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC Nev.s 10:15 In Defence of Santa Clans 10:30 Strlni; Quartet 1 1 00 Weather Report mid .Sleil-off THURSDAY A M. 7 :00 Musical Clock , H :00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill ;,Kx1 8:15 Morning .Son;; 8:30 Mornim Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9.00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music lor Moderns 9 :3(1 .Sunrise Se renade 9:50 Dorothy Douv.Ias Show 9:15 Recorded Interlude 9:59 Time 10:00 Monthly Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 This Week s Artist 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 Kmdc rearl,en. of the Air 11:15 Roundup 'I tme 1 1 30 Weather Report I I 31 Messaee Period I I 33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Mclodlen P M. ; 12:00 Mid-day Meiodles I 12:15 CBC News 13 25 Pro'trtun JV-cume. 1 12:30 B c Etirm Broadcast I 12:55 Reer.Idid fnt'Tlude I 00 Anernoon Concert 1 :45 School for Parents- Comty, 2 00 The i-'estive Season 2 30 lfecords al. h.ltntloi.-. 3 fl The Music Box 3:30 One Lump or Two 3 45 Novel Time 4:00 Sunshine Sociely 4 30 Dead M:,n's Island 4 45 Kiock Quoiailons: Interlude 4 55 CRC News 5 .00 Bill I bl-nr Trio CHELTENHAM Fnrrlnn m . Housewives in this Gloucpster- . . Z." b of: ine Kriiisn Kesroitrnni Aih tion to produce bettor Ideas for cheaper meal. The ni-w i o 9 15 !i :io 9 . 50 9:15 9:59 10 00 10:15 10.30 10:45 1 1 :00 11:15 1 1 30 11:31 11 :33 11:13 P M. 12:00 12:15 12:25 FOii SALE-52 H P. Vivian " d7e-. sel, f.r.-t c!a.-s condition. Sait-able packer, sawmill or planer or light plant. Pri-e r?!250. Apply Dry Do:!: Muchine oiioo. " LOST Man's 'Birks,. preen Green 707. wrist w a t c h crystal. Phono (303pi ACCOUNTANTS iCNH-Fislietmec Illai k 2K5 2nd Overiotik; IIciinaM Place; Frederick St Rlierbrook Ave. Fro-. 71 h Ave. 120-537; fit h Ave. Mi'liiide Kt. 41H- I 7 JaiUmnrj for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the Jailor Oulpi I FOR SAT E 5 t (.. Er'rjriioi wen iccoiu piavrr; one Quebec -. heater, ch:-.ip. Apply. 813 Fra- ROl TE IS Arvid Hardin, l!!ue 663 leli A.e. I'..i, t Block f4Ml: lith Ave. K.X-1 Dli-aiO: Bib Ave Fa -t 10110 1114' lil h Kn.M 0U0-1I3U. Alfied fi' n-f Il;ieoii Street; Ueinald Street. ROl TE 151 Jimmy Johnsim, (ireen (.61 6th Avo. 870-1140; Amiirose Ave. ROUTE 21) Jack Rudolph, Creon 731 8th Ave. E.i. t 103u-l'J-14. ROUTE 21 Jimmy Moorcliead, Rctl 3.15 2nd Ave. West 1136-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2273: 11 tn St:iet; Water Strce.; Ueach Piaee. ROUTE 23 I.arry Parent, fireen 4X7 8th West (.15-735; .Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ROUTE 2t Brian Roberts, H'ack 480 2nd Ave. -West 716 -3rd Ave. and Cth Street; 3rd Ave. Uuily Kc.vs-Watts and Nickerson's (5ti St.i. r.OlTK 23 Clary Parkin, Green 660 cth Ave. K'ust 1141-1 170. ROUTE 25 Irankie Stewart lllue 710 7th Ave. Fast 001-1O3C; 11C3 Ridley Home; Hays Cove Ave. 1)23-1 154. ROUTE 27 Christopher Ilarvev, Clrcen 211 Oil. E;:.:,: M: H: ide Hays Cm- Circle. H.iys Cove Circla. THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LITTLE MERCHANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income 1 '2 TaV Tav twi.k,;i.l nw,.io'.lte O o n r.,.... r.,.... , I M-l ol. ur U 101 e 1'Cf 13'l 1 ( 30YS' and" RirlS'"svtcate7sar7rt - For the MEAL that REFRESH? Stonpm: - Mii:iiorsitMi-.N-s mux cf TDc mm r eiie.s .... . 1 - "aii lor stomcc eharees. in VeKni.ei i which a Warehousemen's Lien ex 5 FINEST rOOKINi ski par, ts -Boys' pullover V-1 ne"k .sweaters, nttraetive Shades, all Sizes. $1.75. Also1 boys' and girls' ski narits at ! T!'" reasonable prices, IS. C. Cloth- oi lers, Third Ave. 1 (tfi FOR SALK-30 canaries," also hreodinx wpes. Owner .sellini; UL becail..'.- Of ill health Star Having been paid by December 14th, 1051. pursuant to demand, there will be sold by public auction nt Bob Parker's Oarage Third Aienue East. Prince Hupert! tic... on January 3rd lfl.v.! :,tc m-fw K'-pa,.'. niton St. (300pl ln.m.. one lsas F rd Sedan, Model 48, C1BQ-8578. Engine - oeuai nmnher ORDERS PIIONE 20 CAFE Number ClHej-RTH 1950 Licence Number 17fl449 THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU BOB PARKER LIMITED. (D18.24I SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undent: :ned. and enilnr ,.tpm. BEST OF FOOD WJ FOR TAKE OCT BROADWAY DINING PLEASURE IN - SPARKLING NEW , SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Hannibal, the ftrrat Carthu-Kian cenerul, commanded his. first army at Ihe utro of IB. FOR SALE- One 40 ft. Convert-1 cd RCA F. crash boat. Kveel- lent sea boat. Cruises at 20 miles per hour, top soeed 23. Equipped with two 14a horsepower Chriscraft marine en-tunes, installed new in 1951. The vessel is comnletelv equipped ad sleep.s our has pal-ley, sink stove and much special equipment. Would make an excellent, water taxi or a fast committor for fish-inu cornoanv or a loe,"irer eom-pany. A. B. (.'level;, nd Onall- i:uui ijeacn, linn sll Cohnn'airi, 1303c i FOR SALE Piano. Blue 523. CilKlpi FOR SALE Hostess and odd chairs, end tables nne! footstools. All new. Apply Matl-son's Upholsterers. I300ci van hint ; : FOP HRNT- (Jo;, era Eleet.rit floor polishers. 3:1 ner day. j Phone Blue !'J2 Pacilic Elee. trie. on I HOARD and room" .'or Workin'!' ; man.- Black W0. (Ill ! WANTl I) : () Kl NT W ANTED T6R ENT R iii t7" 7,i holise bv permanent C.N ac- , countant. Reward ."jlln.OO. r- h-ert.son Savoy Hotel (301pi l?rSr rKTTi e,i..:. . I i oieeptiej room con- turning two sinelo beds to re-! liable nersons Centnil Rod I DEK EOH HEKEWAL OK APPHOACH AND H.OAT AT OSl.AND. B.C.". will be received In the ollice of the Secretary, until 300 P.M. (EST. I. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1952. Pians. form of contract and speciti-caiion can be seen and forms ol tender obtained at the oflice of the Che f Eiiiiineer, Department of Public Works. Ottawa, at the. ollice of the la.arict Engineer, Post Office Build--I me. New Westminster, b.c . and at the Post Diners at Vancouver, Prince Rupert. Osland, B.C. Tenders will not be considered un-hss made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance u.1 1 conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by it certilled cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable to the order ol the Minister of Public Wnrk nr PIUMBIM and I HE AHA The RelioWe Prompt Service You Know PHONE 174 For Repairs nd A,m JmifliiElM P.O. Hox J" nil ru chic voy1. JU'iT C'NE ni'-APPO!NMCMI OVECWtlljHT j .-vsi.: WELDING (.in Tiinii-nl C'ertificil Operatois Ilili Pressure Tanks I'.eli i-er:ilnni Stacks and Eire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDfMG CO. 225--lt-j E. I'honj CJrieii GOVERNMENT MOU'm ACT IKi-ctiiin 271 NOTICE OF AH'UCATl' W Klli CONSK'NT Til 'I'RANKl-'HK OP 11KFK I.ICHNC'K NOT1CK Is hr-rchy i;ivi-n on the :inl clay or Ijccciuict iicxI,. tlm un- ",-,,l;;",'n inteiul.': to apply !.. the ijipior ;ontrol Hoiml lor oiiwen to triinsler of Ilc-r l.irenee nvimlji' r i-tni. iniiiieii in ri'spi..:t of pri-mi::':3 belli;; p:,rt of n biiildliiK known us S.noy Hotel, ntinil in l I H I-'rusiT blreet, in the C'uv of I'lint-c Kupi-rl . in the Fl-ovlnce oi Hrll.l:,h Colnnibia, i upon tin: li.nils (I. :;i-i lb,., nn i,0t,8 ii.t I J. 13, M u net i;.. bi it n:t, ro.:t,lon ! 1. Cilv of F'riner Hupi-ii, Mnp rium- Oi-r 1123, Prince Hlipri t i,:uul Reels-i trillion llislrict.. In the Province ol lirilish Coluniliia. from Willis b. i Woods tn Hart Investments Ltd., ol Miiuiduril Bulltllnij. hid Went llii:,tiii!;s Ktrn't. Viineiiiiver, BrltL-th Coliinibi.i. tin- tinnsicTfp, ijatki) ni. Prinrc Rupert, nnttsii Columblii, til la falh liny ut Novi-mber a ii. ins i HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant mill 'J runnivrpo. By: Mux Ostcn, Est,.. ill! Stimdiird liullrlini;. Vancouver, Il.c 5 220 Eixth fee. Phone 649 S Third Third Avenue Avenue Hearer Bonds as specified In the lorm oi tender, lor 10'J!. or the amount of the tender. NOTE: Upon application to the tindersi"iied. the Department will supply blue-prints and specification of the work on rleoos! of a NEWS ADS aet REbULl BLONDIE -A Lot for a Pcnnv ;"0O0 iii the form of a certified bank (cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works The ,-le- J ' ' WONHf PFUL NEWS VACHT6 tL" NC ) .VOLI THO T Tr " ' K-l-k'eE GOING TO IMHt'l?lT MANSION? ., ' ' VL A j?,- V. - ft -"- AwiTmin THiffTV r AMP WELL (' GOT U THr f ' i. v ? tCn.-K K. J abound Lt.-,.',u , ...J 7ic , , V ' ' 892. ( 1 to) i ;: WANTED TO RUNT Four room j ooil u..,. r : .... r.L rvji1. f ' " ..... cu r ':Tr,i i '"i'moi-; , n ai ,v i. u -b. . r.i - -3,. I '-'- I r, e k . l;.W'-iW M, V 1 'I : il pout will be released on the. return "f blue-prints and spceitication within n month from the rime nt "f tenders. If hot returned wUun that period the deposit will bl' f"''''tl noBKRT FORTTER. .,. f. Department of Public Works. FAMOUS NAVIGATOR Kir Hnmnhraii riilhrt .t.i claimed Ne'wfoundlnnn , . ... . ! crown in 1583, was a step-brother of Sir Walter Ral- a fign. I nm. ir mom., i , i o i 1 n u ui unfurnished, 510.00 rewai d". Green 252. (302p) FUR Itl PAIRS f & ' W JrVi '1 1 . EXPERT fur repairs nnd remodelling. .service- and tlJow cast. Fowlic & Rultle I'M. Phone 522. (tfi tea - set. - - its Solicitor. Ifl mi Tf" .- j 7V.- , , ., ' " , s