- r j 2 fwtwtlrwft"C'j5 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 24, 1951 WOULD the 4 4 4 of SPOCT Ladies' Bowling Schedule Smiles V Chuckles rainiliar nostrum used in treating colic. "We had the same trouble with our baby," he sym The couple's young baby was bavins a bout with colic, and the pathized, "and I think I can give , y .... c;..l.. clft-. y I young father, a pharmacist, was you a vaiui'oic up. o""'i"j " t y Rink . zinced that the nursing doiuc w. . rausini! the trouble. He 1 SKWM) ll.ii.l-' Jan. 15 - WrallmH'5 v Clovcrlcii'. l cAiwral nrlfl i 1 inn n 1 holes ilize a needle and punch several holes in tne nipple. It works like manic. ' Tire young mother looked at him until astonishment. "Er-a, our Maple Leafs Honor Broda l.yoiu v. A . bl; ,1 on the ALLEYS or(rv. u Htnki-. uibu in the rubber nipple and It work-iavuy , McMcrkni s vh ! e( jjnc the baby's colic subsid- Print 0SSS, to Skating tne thanks," sle said doudttuny. IC'I til.tr. Sli.Mit.ms v. 1U Ave., lulicr., va. M.uiHon'H. StMirt :-c vs. Co-op. ft. Hiii, vs. MrK.ty's. U. HIsUtb vs. Cum. of mm ml, 75 liixl vs. Cook'.. Seve.al days later a young ! "But. good heavens, ooei.ii v . hurt? " Life's Like That In mother come into the drugstore : where he worked and asked for a Reade.'f Digest. TOUOXTO Managements Toion'o Mi-pie Lcais and Maple j in S2.6unrisc Va. ManMin':,. lotlcrB v. 7Ul pn.i-c Rupert Curling lor by ,vc ic- -""linn a'i ho i f curlins t materialized "" ..""I but CHARLIE AND JONE LEE Star Store s Leaf Gaid"ns. in a unique cere- shenu.n e vk cooks, 9 Sure ways of Eottiim a fi.-e r:ri...n Ave. IS Taxi vs. Commirrial. H ftH In Christmas turkev .- . "... the men's depart-j men- at Saturday nmht's National Hockey Lear ue name, pa'd frit vs. McKny s. it. ittuno vs. -oi, i r-n u. c from the nr.. , ,.' ... u Amirvu vh. tuna ixmt. wibuwhi' n- V 5 I ilintn in the p.reul goalie. Turk i,,.-,n v ciuvcrimf. MtHw 1 .i.i.i..i.l...i..S. J. . Broda. . . ," " vjr irani men single aim nie.n diaw or be a good bowler. The three was taken by Canadian alter may even come in for two General Kiectric with scores of kin a vb Sbvo) . didd rrint. vs. u. r SU Ikes. KltLM'na Oro. vs. O. & A. , Jiin. 29 Staris vs. Bavoy's. Wratli- , J . t."tT"t--r""-:-"3n',fcV1 was presented An nuto.nobi y as uin narvey topeland U97 and 3.789 15 " A Friendly Holiday Greeting lo AM nil's s O & A . Annntes vs. Dlil y Prlut I.vnns vs. Skfflia. McMeckins ' 6 and there were Fasllinn Innlu.ir V,n...i-r U 10 '"C J UrK w curimK oy " ,1 February, says Club jltfiy Moor'. planned to throw rhk to children's skat-..Wm;is ano New Year, bever. cropped up 't moved toe finishing oui in front in league landing num"lou' Other gifts. ; Ka U-c. Ckmvloaf vs. L. Btrik. i l Ct)k s vs CoimniTcl:il. Shrnton's vs. I V h one point over 3H3 Cabs. Jvfaraccr Connie Smylhc was co-ip. kuuiim; vs. 8ivrrs. Toiirrsij , Itults: i,f. nriiw-inni sneaker HC ail- vs 11 Il:U.:iU C 1SI VS. moil.wn.ly A Division-Fashion Footwear' .,, ,i: ,f Toronto ecu 7111 Avc' " 5 VV CMEEft 4. Hills Siioe 4. PuVhovei s 4,.i th nh.vnffx thit winter. Bro- Feb 5- Toii.'sv nuiirlbr. 7 Taut have r, work parties Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Canadian General Electric 3,'(!;i will got in oiw of the games vs. M.Kays. K. Ra.no v. Mns.r,. Canteis 3. Canada Lite 3, Cook's 50 nc nu.y have lbs honor of y,'lusZ. v.,rnmrrcM. ' Peng u n Hobby 1. Sl.vhUm's having played in 100 play-off Aimrttos vs. Lvons. MrMcekln's vs. Sheet Metal 1. Wallace's 0, Head- Vm.e., - ! Sink-. Bkwna vs. now le. pibi i,. n n,,i ur. nun bailie. print, vs O. It A . Clovrrlcal vs '' rtra la.it wetlc. Both bclung t0 tle M(,ns Five 1jn teaue and the Mixed Bowling lA-uguc ai.d bolh bowled lust ana second high scoics in vnch league game lust week, with a . uiKoy as their prize. Liu s'lay nieiu's mixed bowl-ling gave Copeland hi(,h single ... . mi i o ihc hi;ri three game scene of a lomaikable 781. For the ladies, Agnes Pierce apiurtd l.th ainnie and lngli three with 314 and 73G-and the jtuik.-j. J. Warren was second 1 l.irt:;-' tu: key winner. I Four tuikey wiiurs also were .tft1't.WiX:CXXt.X.tXf.tXfVtVX.WtXf :'tC'It1t1t'r..'et'',', v. U "" v. . . . , ,, .r,llH . ... Suvov's. y 1 l)ivsifn Knn nf N'nrwav 4.; The c o va encoreu louoiy as - ccil ,d for the reason s uvs Mr. Moore with lv'' working bees" rc-4 January 2. of pipe for refrigerant tinder way and vx-4 th; bullclMig at Seal cr RC'AF mess hall I Is I coniplelrd. rillk Project Is Xi by cmb members, ii,nn have suhscribed a mfcTship. There are members. Hi-Oolik 4. Bool h One 3. 33 Cabs Ciotia u.Uu red up his wife ar.d 3 Conrad Seals 3. Van's 3. Ru-iHieir three daughters and drove p-rt, Butcher (default). Red around the icj in his new car. D vi's l, Miller Bay -1, Prince1 '- It'll. 12 V Stars vs. L. Strikes. Ftnsa lc. AnnetUrs (;lovrrl:aI vs. O. t Savoy's. R. Ratllo Cooks vs. McKay'.. v V D.ul) Prln.., Wrathan'a vs. s. MrMccklns, A., Lyons vs. is B. Hlstors. Shpnton's vs. 75 Taxi. 7Ul from the management H SEASON G GREETINGS. .: . i t 1 iumbin? 1, B.C. Packers vs. Mansons. bunllsc IKK'KKV STANDINGS National League Co-op. Tollers vs. Commcr- Avc. v. ; recorded in B Division, going to 0, Pioneer Market 0. K. Kail and V. Kdrr in the ladies' Team Standing , and staff Iclul. W D L F A Pts.i section, and to J. Iteil and W. A Division Fashion 15, Push- I I i i V ac lrn lf um I vm. wv.. .,.,v... vs B. Bl.tcrs. H Radio vs. 75 Taxi. 3 7tii Avr vs. Man-4on', Commercial 30 vs MiKav's. Sumlsc vs. Shenton's. 4 A t A t A 4 A A XX TO ALL OUR FRIENDS BEAUTY LANE SALON Hons vs. Dlbb overs 12, Shenton's 11, Canadian Detroit 19 8 4 Ml as General Electric 10, Canada Life Toronto 14 7 11 76 18 ! 10, Cook's 9. Cantels 8, Penguin Montreal 13 4 15 78 78 7, Hcadp nners 5, Hill s b, Wal- Boston 10 9 12 68 72 lace's 3. Oieat West Life 1. New York 10 5 15 76 91 K Division 3?,?. Cabs 14. Miller Chicago 10 3 19 71 96 OQ Stars vs. O. A: A y y ' ..-1. . nA-lr in1. r?lnvrr- Red Wings i,.f is rtosn Lf . Mavoy's vs. L 23 strikes. 'Annette vs. Wrathall's. IR.M DOMINION . or indirectly, about 80 of the population of rirpi uris on agriculture ,;hood. ELLA GOOD 'DAVE McNAB WANDA BLACK MARTHA SKINNER MARYANNE MILLER MARIE HILTZ I y y Bay 11, Princj Rupert Plumbing 9, Sons o.- Norway 9, Red Devite x 'cftr ftxtxxx.x-ttfetxx-xxxtft.fifi fevftxxtxvfv 8. Booth One 8, Pioneer Market; J n tt'fXtft'CTtr'! '.'cv.xx'i Win Again rrtKiTttfC! it Sit CM I 4 7, Hi-Golds 7, Van's 6, Conrad 6. v BC. Packes 5, Rupert Butchers. J EVA COOLING 4. - ompliiiicn 3 DETROIT (CP)-Tiie seemingly of iL GEORGE COOK 4 i y PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE cuSon aM. ' llSi-'C. 's4-,li'-'--(l-l-Pfc - w Whalen's Cartage H. 3. (Harold) WHALEN D. F. (Don) FITCH invincible Detroit Red Win;s 2 gained another two points to A tlielr substantial margin of lead- m ershlp In the National Hockey jj League by blanking the Mont- x real Canadiens 4 to 0 last night. J Ineir load over second place To- ronto Maple Leals was extended J to 11 points. i It was Goalie Terry Sawchuk's Jj second straight home shut-out f and his seventh ol the campaign. Tlie Wings' triumph over uie Canudicns marked the third Jt t.me tjawchuk has whitewashed the Alontreaiers. The Win,., did nut tuck aw.iyi the verdirt, however, until the 2 linal period. Marty Pavencn scored alter live mlnuus n 2 teiiat a-'tion tnd the Wings nura- ed tne 1 to 0 edge until the last . u ni.iiutes beioie staging a Ihicc-goal ouiourst. ! loiooio ziap.e Leafs dioppod1 a to 2 dtCrtion lo the Buxton oiii.ii .it Wiiimuvvii last night Sc. Hockey Scores . SUNDAY Pacific Coast Seattle 2, Vancouver 1. Western International Trail 3. Spokane i. SATURDAY . Pacific Coast Vancouver 3, Tacoma J Victoria 4 New Westa:i.i.ts;r Saskatoon 4, Calgary 4. Western International Nelson 2, Kimberley 5. Trail 4, Spokane 6. Okanagan , Penticton 6. Kamloops 7. Vernon 2, Kclowna 6. Pacific Coast Amateur KerrisUal-4.ianaiino -. caMin -3 May you celebrate this Christmas with joy and good chuer and continue its pleasures' Throughout the New Year. RRY CHIilSTMAS and a !PY NEW YKAR to L OUR FltlENDS AND PATRONS rT f t ! Iff ! f tTf t IH t nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' UfJ.! To Our Many Patrons if The Tailor UtMSTRONG : FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THE ' I I ! : 11 crni dtrislniciS 'if ACjNCIES " i t c ::jt ;x(t f'i ( !!:; i i j .. I C'S'T.'s e c "C'CT'cr'C T PT . ti ; :' s jit. ctttfWs 4 am fUcn, . P oii'cr alter having deleated tneai 3 to a. 'loionio batuiduy night. in i ne i.inu bunday night game Nrw York Rangers nipped wfi- M il.acK IUmivs to nun the cedar 'ar.d d:op the Ha wits into It. tear 4 , 4 f ' V ' - ' '1 T ) office and plant 1 Ke closed from j;c:mScr 2' to Prince Ruperi Arnusemenii Prince Rupert.. Stewart, B C January 2 staff holidays. r . F r w.x'w.! i i VAsV lit K Limited 4 ft 5 rSS'C'C'C'S . y y Montreal slapped down Chi- ctio d to 1 baiuru.iy injnt. Week-end National Hockey Lea uu soie.s were: i SATURDAY ' , Chicago 1, Montreal J. l!o.4on 2, 1 iironto 3. SUNDAY Toronto 2. Ho ton 4. ' Montreal 0, Detroit 4. Ciiie.To 2 New York 3. . Holiday NHL games will be; . ! ' Tuesday New York at Detroit, Chicago at Boston. I Wishing All ' Compliments May t-'C holidav 7 season be but (if sninn : SELL y sue TRADE ' etc: - - y f-x tiTTTifrt f itr sTtTfitt y ' y y start of a vear off- A . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ; 4 I 4 i 4 i 4 i 4 I 4 ' 4 ' 4 i 4 " ; 4 ! . . . - A " t'4 peace ond prosperity -S for all. X 5 Wednesday Montreal at To- ...a bountiful v y y y y y y y w y y M "y I y i y y !? i Is i ronto; Detro.t at New York. MITCHELL J...1 . il January 3rd. "on.; and enter the oil oi Thursday evening, December 27 at 8:30 p.m. ristmas ana - i i T c t:t!tst( ! . .irk-y MJiMit, ,.? CURRIE I.IMITI-I) a successful New Vtfnr. harp. Enters accepted daily until t'me of bowling. No post nlflcs accepted. y n y ' . y BULKLEYT MARKET .! Mdfrs & ( .mtrai tors Here's Wishin" You All the Best at Christmas and throughout hc year. 4 n V. . i -if - ; C'fCTft'STt: f SfSltTI tfC'C' 4 k. BFST WISHFS FOR 7? f tN Prince r-inrrt "i-L J- ; y y ..sS'tes, . A Oflf) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE (DON FORWARD I T flfomj 3 'Vli Xtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-zxxxxxx-s.xxxxxxtxxtxxxxxx C-ltrhtinaS y m I T ttw 4 AND fWr.XXX'tXXXX'QX-ttXX xxxxx ti leace for liristmaS" cJeasons veeUnqs , y J4appij I' lew IJcar 4 ! 4 ' 4 4 : 4 : 4 4 i 4 l 4 . 4 : 4 i 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPECIAL XMAS DINNERS From 1 ' a . to 8 p.m. Christmas Day From tlic bottom of our licarts we warmly extend our best w islics for a Joyous Cluistmai and a New Year of unbounded happiness. " " - -u. - "w9zir. vjRs? MAKF' TABLE RESERVATIONS EARLY llic jo; ful pleasure of your Clirislnias Holiday become he core of happy memories for the ...and throughout th New Year. May you enjoy to the fullest all the happiness and good cheer of the season. Vrlay your enjoyment of the li Holidays be young in spirit and gay ' 'v- NEW YEAR'S EVE Ooon Until 2:30 a.m. eomin year! in heart And may you have A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. JONES FAMILY MARKET bt-- si "TPj Choice Meats and Foods SlllfcUh ear CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY BROADWAY CAFE fifjtfrr, , intra ;x'S4''t,e'llt''t,''t'i:iil'5,t''S't!-!"t''t' 4