' meeting in different homes. They . Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 24, 1951 letters to Santa Claus, Indiana Christmas in Other Lands ! re-enact the search for sheiiei 1 i and finally arc admitted audi jsing their thanks. ! Brazil In the southern hemi-j tr.xxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxx.-txxKx.x-t.xv-tx-ixx'txzx'txx.x'zxvtx sphere Christmas talis in mm-. Postofflcc officials in Santa c 1: : i ..: u 1 .. v u . 1 ..4 ! summer so It ts a summer festival Claus, Indiana, arc accustomed1 ocuinuiiaviaii cuumi its nav aiwajs nau a nai- wah flowers for dccorat'ims, ptetiiins u overioad?d ai-ks of mail -ur- ural tendency for the keeping of Christmas. Thev P,cnic- ing the ure-Chrlslmas lushli 1 , , 1 , t tcalira excursions. The rcliij- sender, w.nt ti.... a,i 1 nave transplanted their customs wherever they nave m0Us phase is the same as m 1 gifts stamped with the famou, I settled including Prince Rupert where such a large ;'1".fh,m" J?".'is ' '0 Ifcanta Claus postmark. plus1 ' . , , Midnight mass, with an outdoor I thousands c wistful i-uCM! proportion of the population is Scandinavian, par- procession of priest to the j "Santa Claus. Santa Claus. Ind.'U,V..,l.,,l., M, ! f..t ,.,.,.. rh.-ictm. Vov 1 church. Is a colorful part of the 1 An-I lh.., iVw..- u ,v. ,. ! J May ilia Cliriitmai meaiaa wa x(nJ to all of our ptron... wLfliin j you ktaltlt, 107 and1 (rrciiJiliip, com lru nj L willi you through all tLt N'cw Year. 1 suvai. 1 .iinuy f u:;e s are nea on Christmas Eve. The people hold carnivals on the streets ai ct everywhere there is mu-.:li gaiety. much like the Scandinavian. c.op'of -santa claus" lotteries very written by yjuasleis in i'ai ; In the old land, elai rat;' , . j away place who haven't heard .1.1c "orations are b.-gun wcks ii". n,.rs hcmF thc feature or Chrii"-1 Papa Njei (Santa Claus) comes with reindeer and slei'ih. Chr st-mas Tree and stocking. (about Banla's permanent od-advance. The whjlc house must nias ijay in Noniumdy, wiien I -ress in Indiana, UdA. At least tc cluaneci, renovated and eaily old cu-:ims are kepi, childiea" !a dozen versions of the timu decorated. A great amount ci R0 out on Kpiphany Eve to meet I Honored note-in-thc-bottle story'cokm? of ipocial meats, bilking ti)e three kmus on the highway. find their way into metropolitan of bieais, fancy cakes and coik-. iuly In Italy, Christmas U . j newspapers every year. lies and other f.:ods is aL-co.u- sacred holiday, ooserved with i Tne notes, sealed in small plithed as homes must be cj;h- s,,ienm ceremonies in the chui-I bottles and securely tied to pictely stocked for tho period of clM.;ji espeMally midnight mass, j Ciirlstmas trees, arc dlscovcrea hospitality ana leisure. althouuh there are home cus- I oy Christmas tree dealers, nousc-! Scandinavian festivities bc:;in t0ms and special foods. Gifts arc Wives; and even enlisted men at on Christmas Eve with an club- reserved lor Epiphany. A mini- The real birthday of Christ is j believed to have been January 6 o. 12 not December 25. In some M'ctdle East countries those dates are still celebrated. j Greer & Bridden Ltd. In sincee appreciation of our pleasant relationship through the past year ... we extend a wish to you our patrons, for a Merry Christmas and 1 Happy New Year! ii n.ivui tenters ana military bar' orate supper loiiowed By a l.e"ature representation of the Na-.acks; they come from places with family worship and si.-.n- tivily, rather than the Christlike Kenous, a village in New ing before presents are dlstrib- mas Tree, is the holiday symbol FINNING TRACTOR and EQUIPMENT CO. LTD Brunswick, Canada, boastine a uled- Early church is attended fMnrt it v.aHn.n h"ir.es. Arsunt' total population of 85 lnhabi- by everyone on Christmas morn-, n Christmas Eve candles aro lants. Ing. 'lighted, children recite poems. The notes range from the wist-' Germany - Germany keeps guest.; kn-el in front of it anu fnl in th rtiKiii. i-..r....u0 Christmas with much hcarUlKss mu icians play before it. fio"vrs . . " ' . in .h the old ih manner ,,.- of ,.r n v. home ..-..o .... ...," .. a rather than evereieens. arc u-;ed tutn tilings as a mamma doll, a L . ,'. -..1.1. 1 or a pair of I sh'd, a sweater, j overshoes. festival and attendance at for decorations. chuuh s-rvices. The observance Mexico -In tr uncal Mexico. enlr s ar-aiiU the Christmas , with the state religion of Roma:. Tree, distribution of presents be- Catholicism, every h.;mc is dicing preceded by the singing oMr.itr.i with fii.wi-ri and his an ..: s such ns O Tanner.bauia" allar i rc;'ted with the represent-and "Slille Nacht." atiun 'f Hie Nativity. The :, 1 , England's Puritans 'Banned Christmas 1 Frar:e R)ligicUo feature:' "I-jta;:. 1::." r.m.n. inmrc'.int; tile are prominent in France, e.s:"-e-. journey cf Mary and Jerc. "i lally tile en :!".: in churches an;t (j-.1 n Nve'h to Bethl.hem, homes. K dniht mass is lo;- begins Deuinbrr 10 ar.d Rr;ap Jowed by an els'::rate C '.irisCmas of nine fi.milin ; ho!d enc rvr ..itj.tr, fauiily 'unions and dij- night before C'.irLlmas' r r. Christmas was outlawed ti. England by the Puritan .jven-mcnt of England In 1643 and, al- ml LriendIep . is one of Hie eulstaiiiling AND AL.L. OUR BEST WiSHSS FOR YOUR .PI'INCSS THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR D&S GROCERY May you enjoy all the tiappincss and pleasure that a joyous Yulctide can bring. rewards in business, and te are grateful for jours. Thai's why e lake surh a great delight in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Kiipy New Year. Co, IS en eadond (reetingb &) 10 v... 'Jr.. . . -,. vi.':n.".iit- -ilri'Si.i. uiou;;ii tnc restoratioii of the j I .uari br.uvihl a revival 01 j "hristnias customs and tradi-' lions, Christmas never reain'.-d j its It m:r pivilipe in t.iu.ncl. ' It is observed religiously in the chur..ies and as a clay lor fam-ny reiunoiij anu serial Ratiter-nus, in contrast to the lavish lcastlnj ind bj.i'.ciou.s mer.y-.....kir i 01 ohlen um.'s. M r y-iuakiii:4 and Kifl-givir. ; 1011. in ,r t.K'ir share, I" ."a-cver, 0:1 December 20 wii'.h 13 1.01.13 u.ij. lne orijin of bjx-ing Day antedates t .lristina 1 and con 'je tra:ed tj the sustoui of gitt-r.ivir.tr during t.ic li";inan h'snval jl ..il nr:iali.i 1.1 CI " in;..s lllurjy T c in-l'r '. 1 is .jirnf.l as the fra-t of St. Stephen, th" first C'a.i.id- . ...a ""u uuring tha cu- turlcs when journeymen and a. . . ....uj v. r 1(1 11 me ha j.t cf lcvyin.1 upon their mastc-s' cus lom.ii, Chr--.ni8 I xes' vr ,.,m1 0:1 St. Stephen's day. T.iii... the children receive .h;ir i"ii!.. r.ls. in buKes, as do ola : iU :lc ;.'j.i;ei,in. i.i cl ever; -e c. c. A '.in mi. 11. C'lt Ot the Runian Satn "naMi, lio'.i.sliol xrs' n;u. e wi,:i th"' .-ervar '. a-i'l,! toward evening, there 1: rev;l-linjt in the Irccis as grouDi of! iiie.ry-m.k2is gather 6: slr-.c, -nr.; o: r. 1c a': ml I.ond:)n-j I wn d::ncin? 0:1 the 'flats' ul tru Its. i V.ir?::v In or. ever changing worW . . . the lincerily ond good letting of Cfirisfmas Wisha remain Ihi some. May you enoy Good Health and Happiness this Yuelid ond throughout lit Ngw Year. Civic Centre Dining Room tW--rt SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. PETCR GIFT S: FAN OPPE H r f2. I J ive fun this Chrislmaa! And a'uy your pU-djures and coo4 cheer lasl Ihroughun. thn Ko'lday Seatoo aad tha coming f r trt . ,1! Ve sincerely hope fhal (hit Cirislmos will hold lor you all that . ii good and ffiot your enjoy.Twnl WiH la: Ihrciiii a New Year 0 good fiealh and success. (()( IV J Cn.iimrrrial production of Ch istir.as- cards coinni 'nced in the United Slates in 1835 with ilu partnership of Currier and I.t: hi New Yr.k. m:::t)i;i)s Arr.i"i:s 1: tt: ; j - ) s'W -yc 4 fSsi (TO): fi f) II n fiVr - If '-':'Mi P'-.otD Finishing mm 3 i fr. ...... T hr lnir:l joi of ( m'vfmriv 'v nut min' in rccririii" GREETINGS bill in "ii in So this grcrtiii ii vciil 11 i('i 'ki; llml (.'iii'.v ;roniif i hj mill l.in r, nj I'ciu c mid V.1101I M i - 11 ill he i("ii4 'ii v llolithnj Season. i 1 III fs traditional with us to greet our friends at Christmas time in the spirit of good will and merriment that marks the season. And this year is no exception! Our wish today is that your Holidays be filled with rounds and rounds of good cher and contentment. And may your New Year be one 'of prosperity and achievement. . ' ) our friends and neighbor! " we.ofier our sincere wishei for a very Morry Christmas. A- ty To you, our patrons wo extend our thanks for your friendliness in the past year. And for all of us we add the hope for 1 peaceful and bountiful New Year. V' DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE 5c, 10c and 15c STORE FASHION FOOTWEAR Oil A A; . V ' " , J rs I SUNRISE GROCERY 1'4