PAOFfWO CLARIDGE SHOES 'L The Most Outstanding Line of Men's Shoes Made inCanada Fit, workmanship and the very neuest in style. Made by; the famous makers, of Astoria Shoes: -These'hoes are'ln a classtby themselves. 9 styles to ehoosejfrom Triced $5.95 AMILY SHOE STORE IT the Home pf Gbpd Shoe ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation .Telephone DAILY EDITION BUDGET DAY Yesterday was budrret dav. showed a lowered tax rate 0 THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA :Publlshed Every Af tenwra. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor g 98" SUBSCRIPTION RATES City, delivery, by carrier, yearty period, paid In advance Paid-in advance, per week , Paid in .ad vance, per month ..By mail to all parts of British ColumbU, the -British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . " By mall to all other countries, per year Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .02 2: 15i6 .12 ' 50 3.00 9.00 Wednesday. April 2C, 1939. FS 01 V? the I budget T . of the -"- Imperial - Parliament -'aCJ- UV'i-UJIUUIl, at.London, the IIJC We stronirlv recommend n vst Pm ff 111 tr. era f m ir r SATIRE AND DERISION Returning once more to the book "In.sapity Fair" bv Douglas Reed, news correspondent in Europe, reference co which was made yesterday, Mr. Reed, who speaks German well, listened in to the speech of Herr Hitler at he If you lose anything, advertise for it. Baseball Scores CATERERS Yesterday' Big League scores National Lea cue Boston 2 Brooklyn 3. New York 1. Philadelphia a. Plttsban 3. ChiKaeoA Cincinnati 5. St LoUW 1. American (League Philadelphia 4. Nfv? Yrk 8 .Washington 5. B&sloii 6. St Louis 7. Detroit 1. Chicago 1. Cleveland 7. American League New York Cleveland -. IX'lrolt Boston St I mils Philadelphia Xhlc-iTo kWsshlncton National .League CI A ssi 2 2 FOl RENT IVV .800 .750 .67 571 .4)9 .491 riEEi equipped In first class co'ndittor.. ' Suitable for pleasure, trolling or; patrol purposes. uiiuara. Call taii new Newcombe's , . J " v. uuul.iii vu I ni4uy jocai organizations and to heads of households a$ confectionery, seal cove. tf being one way of so analyzing expenditures and compar- for sale-sealed tenders for mg. ."'tm mm mtuiuco mat mere may De no Overspenu- me purchase of gill-net belonging to the estate of Jos. Harowksi. will be received by the I undersigned un to noon of Wednesday, April 2Gth. 193D. Th-Wshest or any bidder not necessarily accepted Lensth 28 f Beam 7ft . 7 h.p Vulcan. Term' strictly cash. Off Iclni Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. .derision and, contempt on England. 'Mr. Reed, who was In mwT0RE for -wienne solid Vienna at thp timp s.ii'e- dlninroam suite and solid wal- "I smiled ruefully .and wondered whether this speech would at last op?n England's eyes. True, it rteeded to'tx heard, the bitter satire, the volleys of laughtqr,.cold prin-could nevqr convey the full effect. He derided the well-ifed.incompetency of England, English cant nboutthe mbr-alizing about the wickedness of war, when England had obtained her empire by war and grab. He lavished contempt on people who thqught that Germany's good be-havipuror Germany's renunciation of her aims coulrf be botif?lit;bv,credits. on Depple who thought of enticing Ger many back into the League and, particularly, on peqjllf wjip thought they could jjet him tp .the conference . tab!" ynivi nesam was aosoiutely candid and. " from his " amrlc, it.' T ",. r; -diu j nraved. et tfierri hear t,h.ip England, and bring them to their senses 1 But inwardly .Msnev 'that iEntt,-.nd n"t neither hear nnvMtndeivtnnrl.' What evening the radio announced that -Hitler had made a friendly gesture to England:" HAPPIER MOtOD' iDouglas Reed, ;in ;a happier ,mood, tis .interesting and te clp,s6 with that'because, while he:speaks of tEnpland, he might just as well be speaking of Canada except -for what .he savs about the nress. nut bedroom suite, etc. evnlnes. Red 413. FOR 8ALE A few stamns. Dailv News. m it was refreshing to be in lEngland. lEce'pt in' SSdSt M..C. C. irt 'Schools Sa Parliament and the. daily pto, which .were tjeing pro- - - - gressively muzzled, there was still much ireGdom of ' itnpught and speech and that jis a thing beyond price. You ibave to live in a dictatorship country to know how your brssm shrivels tip ip course of time frbhi disuse, from keiip-inz ivoyr tongue and your thoughts constantly (in ,check. When you come to England and go to ilurich with twp or three .cronies who freely but unddgmaticaHy air their views about this and that, without fear or favor, you actu-, ally begin'to feel your grey matter awaking to life from that long-forgotten stimulant good conversation." Phorw an American f. FOR SAI-E-Chcjt?rfield -nfano. bedroom auites, kitchen furniture, refrigerator, duplex eleaper apd various other household articles. Phone Red 192 from 6 p.m. until 7:30 pjn. (081 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE--The whole of the two iwo upper upper floors noors of or Alder Airier Block Block' "-!, r'Rht- . u He, .wa .. 1 kicking 1 the 'conciliate ... Germany' . .grdUpl so rooms. Furniture for sale. Ar-in -J nand.m the pants as hard as he could, over and over : p'y w. j. Aider, city iiaii. .tr f.rrotvi''" .again WANTED WANTED- -House lo rent, three or more bedrooms preferred. Apply .P,QwBox.5?J. filtx ,t. 'jpRRSONAf. BE READY FOR EXAMINATIONS we. nave helped hundred to;ob-tain positions as Letter Carriers. Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks and Stenographers, etc. Free booklet of Information .td.. Wlnnlnetf New Shipment Short Jackets And ChubbyCoats Great Variety .Inspection Invited Prices Rieht Watch the Windows W. Goldbloom 1 c' If ARE NAMED HI IJill .1 Api&IitlintJit Of Wurtftitl rve King Naitml ,jLj)fO. .MAX Cll()t! JustpU Farringlon of who has been named an as Wtant .chef h the dlnln. car l I 11 6 I Haseball Standings :!",' ,h v! ,rain. !rin? Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia f'lOStfHl fSev York ' St. Louis tooklvri Pittsburg re w. .f 2 L. 1 1 '2 3 4 J3 i 5 nit- iimi ui inr runs ami iurrii to Canada, Nat present work-inr on the Ural line af the Pa- nadian National Railways out of Prince Rupert. He will be coailrif in as chef tm tomorrow nljh'lV train from Jasper Park. Vt -- ; : . ... 1 n--t instructor James P. Mor- BURROUGHS five-bank Adding ran has been assigned as chef to WlnSsor when as the Pnnce of Wales he travelled ta,lrih River. Alberta, in 1W4 to vtstt the E. P Ranch Others f the Krl P-mtly served by Morgan Include II R L Uw Duke of Connauiftit und Prlitce Louis of Uattenbu Ur-uig 30 years HtfYk with tK onrnifeny. Morxiti Ms al M-tveVl d-U fa Oovei ixic-Crfueral of Ui. fridd Staff Named Wilfred Notely of Ottuw has been chon as tward of the car n which Their Majesties wii, dsne Obf T O 0ar will be Ml charge of the kitchen of in.- Cr-nadjan National dining car on thi royal train Ocar has had 19 vears service with Mm company. B A Warrinjjton of Montreal has bacn jelceUd lis steward f 'he dth'n car. Both Oear ark! Wsrrtnrton haw had experience a"fKwbo ' of V' frh If. 1M4 JIM Sii " ? "JL1"11 ,Th.,Ch F Cony Mtr1 MO n v.rf1 byv7hef!; "a,M been appointed ctfef of the e 500 A e V01 Montreal wtU be steward f thU 300 " were announced yesterday by W. 1 Slt"""j!: These cars. wll as a.Tfl', 71. of and dlntag ear, h fe nnWw of J" Services jDf the National aiMtMn . . "5:. "T!:" ah :ering tne myai puny wiu oe accomc- mvSK MliaiMLnilCJIM 1UI S the royal 1 entire tour nninn wn LSSiiLS"' i -v.i. Olhr h.r, ..signed xsslgneU " r" r roii train: Lawrence. Halifax M. De Frettaa. Montrl. Pantryman. M. MalUdac. Montreal. Storekecoer. E Pink. Montreal. Barber. Paul E. Tae. MvMtrwl Baeae a-nt. A BtlodVur. Montreal Machine, good condition. ReasThelr Matfu rnra- v,.. v. a f 1 f 1 C onable cash offer accepted ..-xneri-n In serrlng othermem.' OUlliry 00GC6r Phone 18. write Box 575. 99 ihem -f the Rovai pmii ,--. 1 ' --------- 1 -r- , -- .reneial Parliament il OtLniv.i nnA iha ntv MmmlociAniH TOR SALE Clhenn T.annoK "rll ' f ravelled In 'Canada He was chef FntlLh I eatur Third DirUion .atrEnrice RuDert. TheknndnnsmAMitavaUifi' Rupert- length 35 ft. Imperial "n ,the .Canadian National special &,othend United i; Notu Poun- ..A A'. n r .r" ';-"""':--dut l-?avy duty gas engine . fully inun wnicn carried the Duke of tr 0 v.w ...w .v.i ui i.c. uui uie tuy 01 1 nnce Kuneri The Morning AfterTahn$ GrtersLttle Over Ms Values In Blankets All Wool Point Blankets Guaranteed lo:he of the Finest EnKlislrilanufacturc Their Excellence is Well Known Color Orey 3' point THIRI) AVENUE Size 63x81 Pair . . Orecn or scarlet 3V. point 63x81 Pair Stee 60x80 64x04 Weisht .10 lbs. 10 lbs. Weight 6 lbsr. 7 lbs. ELIO'S Phone ORE EN 91G Price $12.50 S15.50 Silver Prince Blankets A splendid blanket of close twill, in silver rcy shade. A high-class camp and Reneral household blanket. Stands up, to.bard wear and bard washing, the finest camp blanket on the market. Color Silver Orey Pair Silver Orey Pair Price S7.50 S8;50 Prince Rupert, B.C. ! ! f I IIP 14. CetUral El a a I WM...d. fcvtH bottle otr "THE SCOTCH THAT CIRCLES MCCALLUM'S pbectloM SCOTCH WHISKY T mm MCaltl ll lmpH4 liy It Ull4 la J6' , oi. S3.2S 40 oi. $4AS THE GLOBE-rSl Thts advertisement Is not publisher or dlspUy. .' - , . Control Board or by the Qovsrnment of BruhVo.oau' Hotel Arrivals arrangemenU tort J" Vef united C - Bk train throughout thr-' "t feh Dick Lelghton. ct. C to duty 00 tM ... Mnc. lert YTI Frrln. Vlnnw-. Md II Kr lv ; J H. Smith. Terw: M- testle- wi i.lr1" JJrthr !xtmi. F. Olbaon. HaUtox. r. H. Kin, and aosp. Inwnr.; LEA,;. Well-furnlsh.d 7 apartment, Phone Red 444. ,f the staff who wt.l served .'SSX ar air-condlttoned dlolflc car of , . r'lK SA1.F the tettt tvne In ue n th n.. k rn,.t.rTr,TO ' I unni . . -n... . .... Moaum Moouaai; ano ana u u. uenwe. otntw. mot uuiu- uaiui . . n. n. real jcai 011 uii snore snore Doai. ogai. w mmi 1. ucvuinin- ucvHitiiu' good accomodation ahd equip-11 selection of provMons ment. Engine most reliable andjhe planning of menus, the pre-In first class running order.lnaraUon ' food nd the actual Terms to reliable party. Apply MrTl of meals will be carried Hubert Ward. Cow Bay or Oreen 001 bv a tl trained and 157 t I experienced men. real. , and R 'IUe4ton; Loo Otbr, mont. Mlnnevit., Koil L 8fort P-,t ijarji i lAjMem Rod u u.ri ,,.;A j IJnr s 1..:., Thttruu Calliv. r y Sav Medrlak Nel 1 , , u A. M. Rldunond R. B W. Plrle. soft. Kltkatla J h v. 1 . - .ie. ti. Mason, w HMreh and p. J. nmm, em u r . . n r at tt.itr a iu virwiiir' i n kvinu j srautv itr t 7 .. . .. ... mifi. 1 . i k iiuaun t " i - , . , - ----- - - - - L. Pedersen. Vandr! (dtt peopk di. Do you'' - ' - w.-mnninvA........ e TIME FOJR A Camera Tune-Up 1 i FOR SALE 1937 dtiTi. PnrH-r . ' ' -"... It. -wwvwwwvwj: f10. "5? ernplojred in the Mont- r9 ,T r. n , vm- i.-.. etr. -.1 All nt ,. ..Uri.. ..i . " """" i &-ka tiuru p. uruuscr ix)- - v-min jrj 1 mi ... . . . . . . . fvirr4 tVi I i i I BRING in YOUR CAMERA FOR OUR Free Cleaning and Inspection Service ones J'Jf. .Pioneer Druqtists I he Keall Slore Phones; II NI'.W AND i n iirn h.ily from S a.m. UII 10 p.m. Hinl4s m,i MJ,lay from 12 noon till 2 P- iti till 9 p.m. COLD CURED ICE Fnr Ihe Halibut and Salmon Fleet FiM'win the investigations of the Fisheries R the Company has just completed extensive rh :in: Fishermen are invited to Inspect the new system Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost rite the boat and improved quality In fUh delivery Canadian Fish & Cold Stor I'rlnrr Rupert Co. Lid. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. K BLACK Rrltl'h i 010WOOOOOOOOOflOOOOOOOOOCJOOOP'f0OOOOOf,r,',oOW,j h SUt i menu in ire storage and Ire delivery meth&ds. Ice for the .boat will all he old Ice, thorouflilr r"rfd ' ate! at flew lnv. temperature. It .nlll'be delhered IM die hold, even In Ihe hottest weather, as cold a M storage room. onoflif age folantl ! J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoyai " I I