PACK TWO Stock Ends Sale Onyx Broken Lines Special Donft.mi&s this opportunity to buy the finest shoes at this exceptionally low price. Reg. $8.50. StockfEnd Sale 84-85 128 Wwen'sj Pumps, Straps, Sandals and Ties " Regular to $550 .U. The Home of Good Shoes S2.45 HOflOOOOOWKiOOO Family shoe store ltD. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA .Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 News iDepartment Telephone , g$ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday, February 3, 1939. CHAMBERLAIN STILL DISCUSSED Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is still beintr dis cussed in Prince Rupert almost everywhere that people I gamer, mere are sun people who condemn his action at Munich as being likely to lead to all sorts of evils. He is too friendly with the totalitarian states, is suggested, and should have, taken a firm stand and not been the victim of a bluff. country, evidently, that feel Chamberlain deserves all Individual scoring was as follows: Annette's I ; Basso Bert praise for keeping the Empire out of war at a time when Mercnantette it was wholly unnrenared for it. Thev dn not think Mnn. ciccone lieves that, if it were not for the people who lead the rest h:hh:km yji iiumun jiiiiure wouia assert ltseu ana there would 'be no need of laws against evil doers. All people ttQuld do the .right because it is right. There would be none to lead them astray, Like Socialism it is idealistic and has not worked out in practice. Unfortunately, there is too much of ..the old Adam in all of us to make Utoijia nossihle. Most. of , us in Canada would rather take our chance on th THE SOCIALISTS TOO Then Again there are the Socialists who share with the Communists-Jthe theories of Karl Marx. They. declare themselves in favor of a community in which there .will be ho wealth, in which the state will own all the machinery of production and in which all vill live on the fat of the land. These are not the words they use but in a general way it seems to convey the idea. There .is no agreement as to how the condition is to be brought about but it is declared by many that it can be done constitutionally while others, count on a revolution to bring it about. Manv University professors are Socialists but it was noticed that in :Russia the intellectuals were among the first to suffer when the Socialistic state was brought into being. Many of the educated men of the country were mur-dfired in cold blood. The .country is now ruled largely by the ignorant Wc mention Russia because that is the only Country;in the world where a real attempt has been made to .put into practice Socialistic doctrines. We acknowledge, .too, ihat because the Russian experiment has failed, does not .mean that Socialism cannot succeed eventually. We prefer to believe rather in a gradual improvement of our present system, following out the evolutionary policy in Sociology rather than the revolutionary. o 0 present set.up with the possibility of gradual improve- g men thantoe launched into an era of dictatorship where no o man can call his soul his own and human life is of less val- g ue than among the aborigines of the most backward " coun- tries. g 1 188 Johnson 102 Skattebol 135 Owen 158 Dickens 192 Handicap 24 Totals -. 799 Maple Leafs 1 Nelson 212 M:Leod 225 H. Glass 105 M. Glass Jil La Belle 168 Handicap 59 Totals 8S0 Big Sisters 1 B. Dickens .112 E. Dickens 162 Rothwell 95 Bond .'. 144 Alexander 142 Mrs. Dickens .Handicap 46 Totals 701 Blue .Birds 1 Pierce 201 Turgeon 200 Boulter 156 Croxford 532 ' Keron 143 There is laka large section of the people, of this SandSn Totals 934 1 181 ich was a bluff and see the present extension of the era SSerS'uvs JS of peace as wholly the work of .Neville Chamberlain. sine 123 Among those opposed to the Chamberlain policy are connery those .who had h6ped that Britain would tie up with Rus- Handicap 63 sia and who feel that at Munich Russia was dropped, Com- Total$ - 750 munists were expelled from Czachoslovakia and the pow- JST" p iL ed of the dictators was increased. They are, speaking Petersen 82 generally, the people who looked upon the present era in Yager' 156 Russia. as the beginning of a general era of Communism. -HaUberg 111 Ballinger 194 GOOD PEOPLE AND BAD Handicap 22 Totals Qn .a number of occasions this paper has given ex- ""T-pression to views opposed to the extension of Communism Mrs Morrison in this country. That does not mean that Communists are a. Bury' ..... bad people. We do not hold the views held by many that n. Morrison the Communist agitation is an unmixed evil. We un- West dduhtedly have something to learn from Communism. HandlcaP xwciaiism ana even irom Anarchy. The true anarchist be- 728 1 .213 140 133 .165 181 46 2 119 215 188" 191 189 24 9:c Z 265 113 132 127 164 59 860 2 106 222 134 151 173 46 .832 2 128 153 181 175 216 2 855 2 173 161 116 178 63 818 I 183 244 203 127 155 22 934 2 157 195 140 166 190 48 787 3 I TUT DAIT.T NTTTS Frt4y. Feb ljll HOLD LEAD LAUNDRY 'IN BOWLING GOES UP . Annette Won tQver Maple Leafs Defeated, Gyro Club T Games and lllue Birds. Ovtr llif Sisters to One in Commercial Bowline JAtue Last Went Annette's maintained their mar-gin of leadership in the Ladles' poneer Laundry defeated Oyro Bowling League this week as a re- ciufc jtwo.gbie to jine4at night suit of a two game to one victory i0 the Commercial Bowling League over Maple Leafs. The second place and. as a result moved from fifth Blue Birds won two games to nil nto third place in the jstandlnj over Big Sisters. In other fixtures m a tie with the service club. In .MercbarrteUes vm over Rangers the second fixture of the evening and Rex over rnox Hotel, also by. Parker's Oaraw played its games scores of two to one In each case, while the Electrical Workers de- Hign average scorer was Mary Nel- ferred theirs until the trd of the on of Alaple Leafs with 230. , week. High average scorer for the evening was McMeekln of Parker's Garage with 168. 261 Gyro i 2 3 190 Pugslejr .150 109 113 185 Stamford 137 138 137 138 Bulger 149 146 151 187 KUpatrl:k 90 98 72 24 Brockleiby 118 164 123 985 Handicap 15 15 15 3 Totals .657 C70 tllJ 215 Pioneer Laundry 12 3 195 R- Smith 145 123 180 119 A. Smith .132 173 182 117 Marshaldon U9 142 166 184 Cook .105 162 116 59 Mentanko 139 93 130 ggg Totals .... 1L . 691 774 3 Parker's GaraCe .1 2 3 ( D. Wick 116 169 179 163 Rood ... 97 151 153 100 W. Smith 155 131 157 152 F. McLeod 116 165 115 175 McMeekln . .130 201 173 H3 Handicap r 15 15 15 84 Totals .,629 832 792 The league standing to date: 149 RuDert Motors 9 167 NorUi Star 8 141 Gyro Club .. 6 Pioneer Laundry ,....6 118 Canadian Legion 5 178 Parker's Garage .. .4 16 Royal J.unch 7G9 Electrical Workers " 3 193 178 115 16G 228 90 975 3 138 120 187 93 Totals . Knox Hotel Scharff ,. S:haeffer Fritz i. .878 1 137 .105 .148 McKeown 135 Eastman 137 Handicap L...'. 93 Totals -755 4 :j3 891 2 159 .130 95 171 144 93 792 3 4 6 6 7 5 8 6 MacKenzie's Furniture February Furniture Sale SIMMON'S BPJJ COMPLETE Walnut flnivh bedstead. Simapn's Cable Spring. .Felt Mattress. Regular $27.50. C1 tZ( .February SaJe Price .WIV Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE 9 8 6 7G9 3 154 150 188 193 112 93 890 League Standing The league standing to date Is as 24i follows: 22 W L Pts 801 Annette's 12 3 12 3 Blue Birds 10 5 10 155 Big Sisters . 8 7 8 79 Maple Leafs 7 8 7 212 Rex 7 8 7 113 Merchantettes 6 9 6 164 Rangers ,, .. 5 10 5 46 Knox Hotel 5 10 5 g CHCH000040CHM00040H04CfCH0 DOCCHJOOODOCHSOOOOOOOOOOOfi" i Smoked Smoked "Rupert Rupert Brand" Brand" $ Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toa3led Sandwiches-or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Coid Storage i J Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia ? RANGERS IN HEAVY WIN Shellacked Amerks vby Score O.' .Seven To Ml tin New York Boston Wins Uver Toronto NEW YORK. Feb. 3: CPt New York Rangers gave their fellow townsmen, the Americans, a real shellacking In last night's N tlonal Hockey League fixture a Madison Square Qarden. the scor" being svn to nil. The Boston Bruins retalned,the!r margin of leadership -over Uv -tcond ptaee Rangers by defeating Toronto Maple Leafs 2 to 1 Toronto. The Chicago Black Hawks defeated the Jong -suf faring Cana-rdlens 4 to 2 at Montreal and went Into a Ue with the Idle Detroit Red Wings for fifth place. Oames scheduled (or the wek end are as follows: Saturday New York Rangers ai Toronto. Sunday Toronto at New York with Rangers, New York Americans at Detroit. Boston at The- league standing to date Boston W-DiL 32 2 7 Rangers 18 Americans 14 Toronto ...12 Detroit 10 Chicago . 10 Canadlens ... . 7 3 8 8 11 5 15 5 16 5 17 6 19 'CRM! 5J 87 66 83 77 64 103 20 Hockey Scores Pacific Coast league Seattle 3, Port 'and 5 SCOTCH wins 2575 Quality That Satisfies SALADA Max Schmeling ; Lands In fl.'Y. TEA Foinwr World's Heavy wcijht Bos .ins .Cluwipion Arrives in .United States from Germany NEW YORK, FW. 3: (CP Max Schmeling. Xornw world's heavy' weight boxing eHaa&pton. arrhfd in the Halted States ywtefday (ram Germany. - Canadian May Get Shot At Lewes Title VANCOUVER. Feb. 3 (CTlEddl Wmito-t of Canada may get a Imateb thlsaurnmer with John Hen- A PU.ry Lewis, world's light heavyweight 41 46.bozlnc chamokm It all deoends 33 hoevr. if Wemtob can get past 36 Pedro Lerewio in a bout next 27 Wedneaday in Vancouver 36: 25 Hockey Standings Pari fie Coast League 1 Portland 23 6 6 122 78 Seattle 17 6 13 120 124) 'Vancouver t 7 18 84 134 5p kane f4 V 19 98 112 mm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Gove-iment of British Columbia Keep the Furnace Roaring and Keep the Pot Boiling with Bulldey Valley Coal 52 40, . 23 PETERSBURG TtK uter IS WINNE HaUttthall Tnle KFICIIIK4N Fib f r burg defeated K t h i: ast night to win a-Hg4) basketbui 'he right to meet Jut,. UrrMartaJ Jligh fv. CMQfbto. It woji th'-of thre-ane r. Ketchikan fotiowV - ., Ptterttwnc in whir v. m a true game- T r Ie further jgames i ..j.: morrow evening Dillv Nvs is AT. a r Bowling Alley For Health and a E'Jra W;K Une Bow For Reservations Phone CI A Hot lime Is What You Want Tail U Inter Vau ran It ..! u H. famous I!dvin, ItulkVi Xtlk? or Nanalmo-Wrlln(t ml imunck nvvm FEKI) CO. rhones SI or 531 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelli Prpric' "A HOME AWAY FROM J 1-00 up w Hoams not ei wi Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box IN Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Itct ii KOH SERVICE And SATISFACTION try Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have Mort Cents-Quality Groceries--Fresh Fruits and Vegelstlcs THE SEAL ' QUALITY mm mm lip GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only caiininB comply w,tb the- year romd P v Prince Rupert