PAGE TWO The Morning AfterTekinQ Carter's Utile Liver Pills We Are Sole Agents For HARTT SHOES For Men Onyx Archgrip Shoes Perths Plio-Pedic Shoes Jack & Jill Shoes Penman's Hosiery Family shoe The Home of store ltD. sGood Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince .Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN DATLX (EDITION THE SWAN SONG A number of newspapers are singing; the swan song of Charles A. punning, until a lew days ,ago minister ,of finance in the Mac . kemie jKin; government and still nominally holding that position. He has gone to England on holi-i day -to try -to recover -the .health which he -lost in the service -of his country. WJJ Some very kind tilings are being said about Mr. Dunning, it . being considered that he is finished, so far as politics is concerned. Here is what Bruce Hutchison says of him: "Above all, Dunning was a lov-; able man in politics, the most . popular figure in Ottawa, liked as well among .Conservatives as .Liberals, for once you sat down with him and talked to him, you ' couldn't dislike him, even If you ; were a Communist. There was a vitality about him, the .way he . grinned, the way his. frown .would , turn to a smile, the extraordln-. ary yguthfulness fit iim, a sense of iforce and vigor and kind of friendliness that came out of those nrairie farms, -those country ,lneell.ngs.,' IF.RT DIFflCUJLTJES SQUARELY The way to make progress is Managing-Editor Thursday. August 10, 1939. ,to meet pur difficulties squarely, study conditions, and .never wor-Ty about who is responsible for the present situation. We all think it is Hitler who is making the .trouble but it may be ourselves who .created a condition which gave .Hitler his chance. At any .rate it matters little who is responsible unless we are prepared to do something about it. Even if it was Chamberlain .who was ,the source of recent jitters, we might as well keep quiet, meet the sjtuation as we find it and do out best right ,here and ,now. AGE Or MECHANICS The tragedy of the lack of work for .people who ordinarily work in the harvest fields is more and more .accentuated each year. In the old .days it .cast the average farmer to harvest an acre of wheat somewhere around -two dollars. Today .by the use .of the combine .he can do, the same work for 2Gc an acre and all .the jnen who formerly made a living from stooking and pitching sheaves and .threshing are no .longer needed. Half of the fun of iarm-ing is .lost but the cost .is that much less. So we get more men on relief. Ltd. British Columbia Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. JFor on Toasted Sandwiches or Horsd'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keps ,,for Weeks In .Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storag Prince Rupert Co. PREPARE FOR OCEAN FALLS Team For Championship Trip Re-Selected Exhibition Series to i Be Played i Pulled Ud From ni . . . , Jan exciting 11 to 9 victory over Mc- The Prince Rupert .Football Asclymont 0. 2 jn a we)1 played T. V u'-u night to cpnsider mattors n con- nectlon with the forthcoming trip of a local team to .Ocean Palls for Uip Northern British Columbia championship series. A new selection committee con- nt-i.iiiK ui reic uoneny. ueorge its selection for the Ocean Falls . . series -i- consisted of TI Herb Morgan and Ted Smith eoal- Prnnk fin. RSa mez and L Andy n4,LRT. ds backs tT.T T uuiamui, ' niAUti lfsX Tito UllU ,v UH-l" pw Qomez, half backs; Dick Cam eron, Henry Dickens. Doug Christl-1 son. Alan Smith, R. Armstrong and D. McMeekln, forwards. , l" ,S! rL,f In yf.1Vet WlnnlnB, ?l irawlng tonight's game with Pioneer Laundry, It will have cinched the Gilhuly Cud. It It so turns out, a series of exhibition games will be staged on football niehts irior to the Ocean Falls trip be- .ween the select team and the rest of the league. Ted Smith presided over last night's meeting In the absence or James Bryant, the president of the League. Excitement In Girls' Softball Scored Plenty Of Buns But Only One Separated Winners From Losers In Two Encounters Although they scored enough -uns to last for half a dozen garner 'he softbaU girls last night put up as Interesting and exciting ilay as .has beei. jseeq this .season Winning their first game of ti e teason, Nurses defeated Grotto b7 the odd run ln a 25 to 24 coun while Annette's and Velvet re- quirea an extra Inning to decide ,neir issue with a count of 15 to 14 for Annette's. It was the firs4. defeat that Velvet had suffered llnce the- league first started. a Behind And Won i ' Softball Match . L ivicv-iyxnom ino. i junior Doys won same In the ,,' Gyro softbaU Jeague p yesterday ,.M,.. afternoon. ed bad for No. 1 team 7n 4 vlch, batting first for No. 2. was al- lowed to score the first run on an ,,,,,, u.f 'nA tnr er' tots. Tne game was not well begun "S,iC USbeg team uiiuweu wieir opponents io score . tl?htened uo ln the next lnnl t0 hold No. 2 to four more runs which . . , , . . . . U'CkfO Co T T Aran tKfnnrThnnt Tho frM of the game. The ultimate winners tied the score by scoring six runs Jn the sec-) with three more in the fourth and single ln the fifth and sixth. Ourvlch. for No 2 team, hit three ' for thrpe tpr a perfect afternoon while Bussey air the No. 1 team hit .. .. . fnll I m A nn I. 1 4n 4 Y. niate ' GYRO CLUB WON AGAIN Defeated Itotary Club By Close Margin In Ke-Challtnge Trap Shoot Gyro Club inflicted a seenrd, ralght defeat on Rotary Club In j another challenge trap shoot lait night, the score being 58 to 55. The , Rotary Club took an early leadi and the Oyros were feeling rather, : anxious for a while before the end but their worries were over when' 3oe Scott and Don Burnett cam, up and pulled the younger service club marksmen out of the hole, The Individual scores were: Rotary Club George Bryant. H: : C V. Evltt. 13: Paul Armour. 10; Hubert ward, 9; W. O. Fulton. 8 Gyro Club-Joe Scott. 16; Jack Bulger, .15. Don Burnett. 14; Dr. R. G. Large, 10; L. M. Asemlssen 3. LTD. VANCOUVER, B. 1 1 w Cooling Refreshment Enjoy the imooth mellow goodness of a natural and Complete beerVancouver Capllano's Vitamin Conditioned iLacer! The malt yeast vitamins IB and 0; Vitamins which belong to beer but which Are lost Id modern filtration are restored to Vancouver Capllano's Lager by an exclusive process. That's why It has the same hearty .flavor the .vitalizing qualities that characterize the famous European beers and the fine old brews that Orandad knew. Itelax and find new energy with Vancouver 'Capllano's Vitamin Conditioned Lager -the Complete beet' ORDER THE BEER THAT GIVES YOU MORE Phone C54 For Free Home delivery CAPIUNO BREWING CO. 'WKm 'g KiLM I-Utf ' VITAMIN jpC0NDITIDNED Ij A O E R spnno ks$ mid it poiiU cr i ptron la b th fu( In CsmsJs to en toy it4m 'm This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor ment of British Columbia, TV.-: .da' A. THE DAILY IfXWB ! .'J.JjI'.HUJJIH'.' Baseball Scores Yesterday Bi League scores Ainrrican League Philadelphia 3-5 Boaton S O New York 13. VahlnUii) 8 ' hofo 3. Detroit 10. St. Louis 5. Cleveland 0. National League Cincinnati 7-11. Chicago f S, Pittsburgh 3. St. Louts 5. B - o i 4-5. New York 6 6 ond gome, eleven Innings 1 Baseball Standings National Inague rHiu.innM 08 36 .660 e, T.lllU 5 4J JK ?IZ 64 49 PJttabujBb dhT" h 49 4T J10 New Ypxfc, 48 J(H) Z IHgwiH . - . 4J4 phHadriphk iff W M" Amrrirat. ..came Naw York J9t It 0g3 Boston 6 Vt .00 aevetend 47 JO0 Detroit .. 38 48 J20 11 vvasrunfKifi --iu so .442 Padelphla 'M 66 .393 st. Louis SO 71 .290 FOOTBALL SCOUINfi SUMMAKY Chrlstison, Navy, 15. II. Dickens. Velvet, 9. IU Smith, Navy, C. Kitchie, Velvet, C Baker, Velvet. 5. Vlnk, Velvet, 4. Cross, Laundry, 4. A. Smith, Ijutndry. 4. Davics, Navy, 3. Houston, Laundry, 3. Vance, Laundry, 2. Holkestad, Velvet, 2. Armstrong, Navy, 2. Cameron, Velvet, 2. Ferguson, Velvet, 2. C.lllis, Velvet, 2. Eastman. Navy, 1. McMrekin, Navy, 1. Slmundsen, Laundry, 1. Holkestad, Velvet 1. Keavs, Navy, 1. Mnrran, Navy, 1. Pardons, Velvet. 1. II. fJomei. Velvet, 1. Pavlikls, Navy. 1. Errors Greer. U.C.X.V.IL, 1. GILHULY CUP STANDING W D L F A PU Velvet 2 1 0 6 3 5 Navy ..0 1113 Pioneer 0 0 12 3 LONDON GOLD PRICE IvONDON. August 18: CP Th Montreal nrice of bar gold I was off lc at $34.75 nn th. Tmi mni market Testerday. Control Board or by the Govern- This advertisement 13 .not publUhci or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by oe Oovernment of Brltuh Columbia Miss Esther Merchant, an ex-.634 inanite Uaoher from Haiti in the West Indies, who has been spend -510 ing the oast year at Ketchikan, ar- rlvl in the lty from Alaska oni the lYtneewi Alice yesterday af I tcnoon and proceeded to New York on the evening train. - A J Keksh, who lw been spend -344 ing some time at Usk, where he formerly resided arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train and sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess A Hoe for San Francisco. hairing been called back to that city where he now resides. Football Ass'n Dance Enjoyed A fair-sized crowd attended the Prince Rupert Football Association' dance last Friday night ln the Odd-' fellowr Hall All present had a wry en lovable time dancing to the 'strains of music by Bobby Reld's I Orchestra. Casey Vlnk was chalr-man of the committee In charge and Allan Davie was master of ceremonies AVAVAVMVLV.VAP.V.ftftAVAWVyWW.Vrt I I Bert SHOWBOAT Skippentl by Tom Carlwrijrht Group of Clever Entertainers Ten Vaudeville Acts FEATURING Jlcrt White, late of Capitol and U.K.O. Theatres, Novelty Concert Violinist Frank .Merryfield, Cornish Wizard, magician. Lawrence Eidland, Vancouver's Premier Accordionist Art Waldon, Vancouver' Versatile .Saxophonist 3oinmy Hunt, TJieOne Man Jiand J Un Luntr, The Chinese -Comic. Show Jloat Swinu Band Moo.e Hall, Friday, 7:45 ONE SHOW Followed by a GRAND DANCE 10 to 2 One Admission 50c Children to Show Only 15c Student 25c Stainless Steel Saucepans Bee our new complete line of these ideal cooking utensils. Their .beautiful silvery lustre will harmonize with any color scheme and It will not rust or tarnish. It cannot affect the taste or color of food as It Is impervious to Jrult and food acids. It saves time .because it is so much easier .to clean. GORDON'S McimiDI. 8TUEKT TROUT ARE DOING WELL Fry Thriving In Alder Park ,M. tain PndVVIIl Be Winter There Five hundred Knmlnnrv i- w,hlch vtsrc olaced a few t. tf ip Ojp fountain pool w AA" in Eraser Street arc riir: ..:,g t reported by -the Prince Pupr- pvJ(! Pun ,C4iit. They are n Hm ItfJce ,8 long as when "Vy t9 nut out Jit is planned t; tlwse Jtry in U pond A similar number of fiy pj. Ip the fountain pound o! i. adlan Notional Pork but . CApvd. FOOTBALL TONIGHT CM Pioneer Laundry vs. Vehtt Whites It saves fuel because It absorbs and holds heat lonirr, Start A Set Today and assure yourself of years of cooking pleasure, convenience nnd economy HARDWARE riione Jll