OUT OF WORK TODAY? .==-| THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist DL. Ill, NO. 29 ROAD WILL P PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 38, 1912. VELY BE . e 2 = Ne ee ee Five CENTS SHED NEXT YEAR BOR DEFEAT OF HOME RULE PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING RECORD Well Known Local Bowler Be- stitutional Club Endorses | tand aL 7, Maunsae duns'| lieved to Have Broken All Pre- ome S vious Records at the Bowling alians Offer Assistance. Alley Last Night. Special to Daily News. ‘ ‘ ; bide ia ae if tyke sisal What is believed to be a world’s sondon, ep. oy é 8§ ; record ¢ li vas ests ‘ Imperial and eee) (ast evedlitie-at Tee Oeartae e pb last night, Sir Edward Car- | f as at : 1129 Jost nights Sir Edward (er |CONTOUR OF RAILWAY COMPLETED SHOWING THE THREE GAPS ON WHICH CONSTRUCTION IS NOW BEING RUSHED|‘!"" 9° Seott, the prominent i : ; young hardware man, rolle e in a fight to preserve the Only the other day Generaljsnow slides at Mile 44. Now it|with track laying. In spite of the|ground to be worked in. “The|traeted for. This is along the chanpaeea) score of Pe stitution, They were filled | Superintendent, Mehan returned|is track laying first, foremost and|presence of snow we are making!work is going on very fast just|Nechaco River, and tenders will| straight strikes wittiout a niiss 1 hope, they were ready for|to Prince Rupert after a visit to|all the time. ja mile or so a day as it is. The|}now, but don’t ask me to say ex-|be called for its grading early|Out of three wambs played ‘wis le and longing for it and they | the scene of active track laying “How fast are you laying track | spring will see us in Hazelton.” |actly how fast because no mortal] this spring. showed a perfect acnran oe 300 e going to win. Following |operations a hundred and fifty) from the end of steel at pres-| Prince Rupert looks eagerly | could possibly do that. The pace The following are the names|while the third brought it to 822 n, he said, the recent outburst|miles up river. I'wice recently|ent?” asked The News reporter.| forward to the day when the line|varies with the nature of thelof the sub-contracting firms whol out of a possible total of 900 imperial loyalty at the Can-|he has taken a whirl up there in “We are hindered a little by lis open to Hazelton. It means an|ground we meet with, and lots of|have been awarded contracts for points ; ; 1 elections, it was hoped they ‘his special car, and each time his}snow on the grade at the mo-|enormous rush of traflic through|things. But T ean tell you this:|grading between Burns Lake and It is agreed on all sides by men Uister during the past few)report has been one of progress.| ment,” remarked Mr. Mehan, “but|the port, and every mile of pro-|There is no doubt whatever the|Aldermere by Foley, Welch and|familiar with the game that this ths had shown no mean con-!First it was the completion of the|if weather conditions improve as/ gress General Superintendent Me-;company will finish this whole|Stewart: Duncan Ross, 10 miles;|remarkable score has never be- t. Kitselas tunnel, which enabled|they are doing we shall be laying}/han records is a stride toward]section this year all right.” D. Rankin, 12 miles; A. L. Me-|fore been attained During the evening a cable|the steel to get through to the/from three to four and a half|bigger business for Rupert The whole distance from Burns | Hugh, {4 miles: Dan Stewart. 12 pee eer ga es Bsage was read from six hun-|finished grade beyond as far as|miles of steel per day in a very|wholesale, retail and general, Lake to Tete Jaune Cache and|miles; John Albi, 10 miles; M. B. R. Macdonald, Customs Col- 1 Australians promising both|Hazelton. Then it was the finish-|little time. There is nothing to] J. C. Shepard, general super-|steel rails is 329 miles, but there | Sheedy & Co., 17 miles; Hugh Ao -| lenbor left this morning on the al and material help in de-|ing of the winter special tunnell record now regarding the work |} intendent for Messrs. Foley, | is a link of one hundred miles in|Leod, 6 miles; Freburg & Stone,| Princess May on a vacation in ing Home Rule. which safeguards the track from | up river but straight progress} Welch & Stewart, the great rail-|this that has not yet been con-!412 miles. search of health. t £ W HOSPITAL WING: TASK FOR THE BOARD ter Election of New Members Yesterday Matter Was Discussed -- a= Mayor Dubious Regarding Financial Assistance From City fs ay contractors who bee buile ee | transcontinental at Prince Rupert to lache, is on a visit to Prince Ru-| pert and at the Prince Rupert} fia last night said he had not the| |slightest doubt that Hazelton} would be reached sown “i that Empress Theatre Thronged Laat Night at Repeat Performance of imal Bethany Girls’ Charming Play---Success From Word ‘‘Go”’ re Je 1une “BREEZY POINT” IS BREEZIER THAN EVER and would be completed some time} }next year. The New Board. lying districts, ete. The problem The nearest camp of the grad-| ee Ree a Bers ak Greater pleasure could hardly| Brown and the little Misses Gray. ee ae nt tH _ sagte a be Pace pet and ys the | HAZARD MURDER TRIAL ers, he said, was a Rirns Lakes LEFT on THE MAY ave been afforded anywhere than|Their parts, especially those of ice Presiden ). . Nel- iydro electric scheme oO carry; ee . py a < ie 8 ins Pa in out, costing a lot ae alone the Evidence All in and Case Goes to om phe ey 3 a we ee Lal Pleasure Seekers Sailed |Y®> &!Ven the big Prince ROE a ey peat ae thelr ieiawing ‘seormate w. city had to go warily with grants Jury this Afternoon. deo ee cas tie att) Away in the Bright Sunshine audience which assembled last) ork Ra wit «hand andi of ap- AV nicht lfor other. purposes Without — bi a at ‘ Se er ase : — |night in the Empress Theatre tit Tees iar Wi , ; Committees. wishing iodils to alarm anyone, Special t to Daily News. Teh = ae ee - n Uanaes fhe Princess May left here-ex=| see the Pepeat performance othe ah ity s ae hag aay ; ‘ Seattle, Wash., Feb, 3—All the] Within one mite of each other, aC-|aetiy on scheduled time this|« chewe ak Peli HE Sl a RB haga Same executive Committee D. the Mayor mentioned that he had : , : : ‘cording to the nature of the : ; |“At Breezy Point,” staged by the|prettily interpreted, and her Siawark: Mavoin omit that very afternoon become aware | evidence in the murder trial of joer with the following Rup-| Bethany Girls of the First Pres-|“summer boarder” sister mem- mW oH Olarke of a serious financial problem] Mrs. Hazzard, charged with we See et o —==|ert passengers: Mrs. J. J. Par-| byterian Church. To Mrs. Chis-|bers of the cast supported their House Committee—-O. H. ahead of the city, nothing to be Ung eEne hy sarvelion of ani LOAD OF GASOLINE aoe R.A, W Aan L. W Purgeon,| holm, who organized this, the lat-| parts splendidly. Miss McKenzie Seon. 'C, 0. Bene ae alarmed about, but something Williamson, a renee eae es ei A a s * int ae ic Affelin, — yorn est success in Prince Rupert en-|and Miss McPhail in serious H, Thompaoi serious which it would be unwis¢ glish woman, ann: 7 ene | Capilona Lands Seventeen Drums “9 ” . Dy , iggins, ry Cowan, tertainments, belongs very great | scenes showed good work, and Finance Committee—P. I. |! divulge at present. mania or Oe a ae at Cold Storage Plant. erate eee of the West-/credit indeed, The young ladies|Miss Marie Rowley cleverly repre- whit J A. Kirkpatrick President Stewart decided that penn ae aetna ‘ of : ae jholme Opera House, jot tha gs! acted most attractive-| sented the pretty French maid. ‘ the ole boart ere yresen ei S sul nN - ) 5 0 Tha a He . . a _ ly, There ere certeé “hrig | " d Alderman Clayton. ae ee ae : enere noe ling andcthacdane wills@oto the a oe AVE aayinne * ms ‘ Indoor Baseball. ie aaa ates Ease eee Financially the play, which was the Council on Monday night to|Jury this afternoon ae fe ae eben) ” tr he first Rey of the Prince} of talent, but one and all, they|’” ald: OF 9 Bethany ‘ward: 8) oe B the Police Court room yes-|agcéertain what can be done in the - noon and shortly after left for Rupert Indoor’ Baseball League) shone each in her sphere with| hospital, was a success, due to ay afternoon the Hospital| way of a grant for the hospital Dance. the cold storage plant at Seal will be played at the Auditorium |ppjjliance and sparkle. |the good work of Rey. F. W. Kerr, rd for 1912 was elected as/fund, Alderman Clayton spoke in Given by Sons of Norway in the|CGove. There she landed seven-| Monday evening, Feb. S5th—Cres-| following is the cast. a well) ©: Keeley and Mr. Kearney and ind the President later|fayor of a large grant if possible,| 50S of England Hall Saturday, teen drums of gasoline and it cents vs. Pirates. Game called at selected and very well trained one Frank Ellis, as president of the pounced the committees named. /ang oO, H. Nelson mentioned that| february 3rd, at 8:30, All Scan- | was nearly midnight before she|}8 o’clock sharp. Admission 25¢.|jnqeed Missing from the printed Young Men’s Club, who made all Stewart chose these in oOr-/jt may be necessary for the board] dinavians are invited, st } gol away from here for Stewart.| Skating after the gome. a program is the name of “Clem” | Stage arrangements excellently. that the work may proceed on}|,, assure Mr. Manson at Victoria| - the Gipsy, played by Mrs. Chis- Tee ce ee lines of last year’s work. Vhe|that the city’s $10,000 is forth-| holm herself, and played with| Memorial Services Bniittees are practically the|eoming before the dollar for dol- - LIBERAL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS ELECTED real art and thorough realization| The morning service of the 1s last year. AREER UAKn Mant Aranh ORDenel al of a heavy part which the merest| Presbyterian church will be in { the session of the new buard) ouped, breath of overdoing would have | memory of the late Capt. Tallen- a be eee Sanit News from Montreal announced rendered ridiculous, “Clem” was|der and his son Victor. Captain Hrted on by the Finance Com-|the shipping of the new mip P Si perfect, and Mrs. and Miss Tallender were pea by the imayee Geaks the shipping of the new ambu”’ De Kergin is Chosen as President---Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Honor- “Bright particular: ‘stare’ Aa Taneae tine aatse ater en attended to, there fol-| 4 rs Arrangements have to V Cc d the cast were certainly Miss Mar-|the Pres sie shure - Ad digcuneion ot aie pennouminn tie! tor ements have < ary President, Receives Unanimous Vote of Confidence garet MeDonaid, Miss Anniolert,” tm wing, which is to be the!popsing of the vehicle. These are| ° ° cipal WERMREEUE AE te GOL tek ulnece ie tatnmnities. isl From Local Liberals Last Night Pegg ecs oii ape et he) A oo Preece Is understood that the city wi Last night the Liberal Associa- | second yice president, H, P.|but the business was confined to St ae city TREASURES SHORT Brood tie addition. should eee eve aa. Rey wa | tion of Prince Rupert met in the} ©a! ipbell; SCCroleRyohrenenrer, P./the election of office bearers. An|List of Passengers on the Rupert| Believed to Have Skipped with built, as large as the present . Wicon Riswart and Stuart | K. of P, Hall, the business of the] \ pOReOR ONE ear: agri using of mene oanoe in| Vestorany poraing, Public Funds. Iding and fully up to date in! ore reappointed auditors for the | evening being the election of Of-| pnayson, G. R. Naden, F. H. Mob- Hay ME aha seu ee One rons of M Wil . \ ( jot : a Saye Hn and equipment. Mr. Stew-|poard, very complimentary re-|ficers for the year, Following is|jey. L, W. Patmore, C. V. Bennett the party at Ottawa was passed) Miss ilson,- A, , G, Johnson, Canadian Press Despatch. calculated upon a grant) narks being passed generally by|the result of the election: ee HF MoRae, T. Mo. | Unanimously, and the feeling was|M. Cute, Mrs. Majtland, J. Trod-). Everett, Wash. Feb, 3.—A n the city of $10,000 and @/ihe president and members of the I nants Fob Currie J Ny ‘Mor- scene expraaned. iat under Cou, nelen: Dale, “> ane. Mrs, warrant was sworn out today for ilar one from the Govern-|pjnanee committee on the work | Honorable president, Rt, Hon, |™' - Dr, W re Hall Ww H reat the able presidency of Dr. Kergin| Peck, Mr. Grittle, ki, Pape, George ‘Han tinnnehi tis lawn Aas McK: : il, the equipment of the build-|,¢ «his firm in the past. It was| >!" Wilfrid Laurier; honorary} ®"" i ae Wiebe earae'g the Prince Rupert Liberal Asso-|MecBain, Mr, Cavanagh, Mr. Bad-|* mes eA ERAROOE Hs ay, to be by subscription, He be rele a to erant oe member-| Vice president, Dunean Ross;| °°" and Thomas Trotier, ciation for its own part will!dy, Mrs, A. R. Young, J. E, Glean,| former city treasurer, who left red the city’s share could be ae is Te tte to one | president, Dr. W. T. Kergin; first Local Liberals turned out 19) pender a good account of itself in} F. L. Post, J. Callan, S. Ives, T.}last November on a hunting ex- Bed by a special tax provided] ,omber of the firm in recogni-|¥!©® president, A, M. Manson; poon siderable ‘to the meeting,| the year in front, |L. Rorvick, H, R, Pafel, Mrs. H. R.| pedition, from which he has never in the Municipal Clauses Act,|ijon, and this matter is in com- - rz unre 2: Nee ee - hnson. jreturned, An audit of his books Dic tne tite Ten cae mittee, THE NEW OPERA HOUSE | carrying out of the ambitious | Aue Sn ae he. Penoa: oa on Eine lose a shortage of $19,000 of the small levy |project, There will be a brilliant) poyen, Mrs. J. L, MeLaren, Mrs the city’s moneys ’ ws AWFUL DROWNING Mr. George Weiner, Musical Dir- {illumination any way, and the or-|( 2 ~pepry, Mr. Gleniff, Mrs ayor Newton was dubious} ector from Vancouver, Will lchestra is to be hidden in 81 Gampp a. Toknean CG if, Mrs.| CONDITIONS IN PEKIN eS OR Barna ae we Four Officers and ‘Ten Men Meet Take Charge FOR SEAL COVE rrsisis constructea wai batep Jmerstey. . » Ue de ee pores ae . Death in Submarine ——— wi ye quite an interesting pee e | OMe Bis PEPORHOR a : New and particularly attraec- ' — apnoea down, at hye wharf} NO SQUAW—MARRIED NOW | Preclaimed _ Shoptly, hing that this had not been bec| Portsmouth, Feb. 3—It is now|tive music is on the advance pro-|Oeld es i thie Bee in ee dara ie Ueaeatike Mier Auman j} (Canadian anton Despatch, he was unsympathetic with| definitely known that fourteen) gramme for the new Westholme average 0 @ Evening and|semble to board the fast launch! mre. lien Kennedy Repudiates! 1.11, Keb. 3,—Premier Yuan's Fh ispital’s needs, but because|men, including four officers, were| Theatre to be opened in a day or the Fast Excursion Steamer Phippen this evening. The boat Term Applied to Her in Court. ; ee sd ee nade : vers | Phippen Will Be Crowded. makes three trips from here, at| cab oops Continue to pour into the thought there was so much|on board and perished when ‘sub itwo. By the Prince Rupert there onsen 18, 9 and 10 o'clock, and two trips | j city. When the 20,000 men have er work to be done by the city; marine As. Sane oe Me ae arrived in the city Mr. and Mrs.| fRyerybody and his wife and the| from the scene of revelry, one at Charged. % ig having imbibed, /avrived here the decree announe- the way of plankways in out-| to Spithead yesterday evening, | onge Weiner, who are to re- e ed at Seal Gove is/Midnight and the next an hour Mrs, Ellen Kennedy today paid)ing the abdication of the Em- - side in Rupert. Mr, Weiner is al. '® ppore downy Beal weve §\iater. There will be a moon all|her fine of $5 and costs. “You peror will be proclaimed, musical director of ability, hav- bustling around beautifying the| night and no need to carry slick-|@"e 4 sauaw 2” asked the City Bo-; ST TT ling been leader of the orchestra|cold storage plant for the recep-jers or goloshes, At least, this is livitor, “Nothing doing, Ellen | MUTINY CONTINUES PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO for many years in the Vancouver|tion of its first visitors this even-|what Professor Dowling, the indignantly replied, “I’m ho more ei sae F |Opera House. He was also dir-|ing. The women folk are making|weather sharp, has promised, squaw. I’m married now, 0) Fifteen Were Killed in Juarez City Clerk Woods notified by mail that vault doors for new lector of the Vancouver Amateur line dance hall on the dock and jthey left it at that, Street Fighting. city hall are shipped, Operatic Society and produced | the refreshment room in the main Professional Hockey. Sree 4a SP Finance Minister Douglas is around rustling a quorum for “Erminie,” ‘“Dowthy,” “Chime s|building look very pretty with an Vancouver, Feb, 3.—-The Van- For up ‘River. } ; Special to Daily News. &® special meeting of his committee this p, m, of Normandy,” ete., there with/abundance of of bunting andjcouver professional hockey team The train for up river left as| El Paso, Tex., Feb, 2.—The Train pulls out for Van Arsdol with men, mail and freight. great success. Mr, Weiner will! ferns, and the men are laughing|defeated that of New Westminster usual at 4 o’elock and carried disorder continues in Juarez, just Jack Hilditch and Joe Merryfield have a confab in M, M. take charge of the music of the!over the preparation of some|yesterday by a score of 7 lo 6,) among other passengers Super- | across the river, with the muti- Stephens’ office doorway. new opera house, electric stunts of an entirely|overtime being necessary to fin-| intendent Shepard, of Foley, | neers of the garrison still in Jim Bailey remarks that the finest weather is found in ——— novel kind, but requested the re-|ish the game, | Welch & Stewart; Angus Nichol- possession, Fifteen were killed Florida, He is not called “Truthful James” in Prince Rupert. | For row boate and launches}porter to say nothing about this - json, contractor; General Super- during the street fighting. fe First straw hat for season expected momenterily. telephone 320 green, Davis boat|for fear some hitch in the new Choicest liquors and cigars intendent Mehan and Superin- renner erinn ener | house. machinery should prevent the| Savoy, tendent MeNichol of the G, T, P Tom and lores at the Savoy, vv #- i