AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PlilNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA D Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week .,, - , ... , J2 Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year .. 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .. 02 Local readers, per line per Insertion , 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone . 86 Member of Audit Barest, ot Clrculatiwns DAILY EDITION DOING OUR PART Thursday, November 9, 1939. against fightina as a general principle cannot be aain0' ;the subject got no further. RUBBERS & OVERSHOES News of Northern Districts Give Till it Hurts . . . Now is the Time to Get Your Rubber Requirements for the Winter Ladies' Best Quality fiP Rubbers Sim's All last- 81.00. 10 S1.25 Children's and Misses' Size 5 to mt 65c t0 75c Ladies' Velvet Overshoes in Wine, Blue, Black and Brown with New Heather Lining Have You Seen the New "JIFF" Suede Overshoe Protestors? Skidegate Dance Very Successful Excellent Affair Is Staged Social Club There SKIDEGATE, November 9: Skidegate. Social Club held a very through many old time dances which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Re- only 23.30 inches; The wettest October recorded m in 1935 when 11.64 Inches of rain fell at Terrace. i i Education Costs Are Discussed Those of us who are unable to take any active part in ( the fiirhtfnff in the present war have an opportunity now subjeet At Meeting Of Board . .. . . r. :- fii- :a. Trade At Terrace to neJp in the more numane worn in connection wun u. The Red Cross Society undertakes such work as nursing, ambulance work, providing and fitting out hospitals for Q.CCiTY Hallowe'en In Smithers Was The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary was held on - "VI 1 Thursday evening at the home of &YV (irflerlV J Mis. O. Turner,; Skidegate. Rout- WJ v V Of ine matters were attended to at the business meeting. Mrs. E. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Munro had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ol- --.kkaoe, wovemoer v. rer- at Sandsnlt. th. miKt f hor hm. helninf the ?ck and wounded We are dad of this or-i . Kh". oceuoied the festivities . : to a dose. most of the smaller countries of Eurpoe to be knon nos sibly as the United States of Eurone. This sound1? dui it wouia ne a tremennous ia.K 10 oersuaue an rnep OLD HIKER AT TERRACE SMITirXRS, November 9: -Onl Stevens, who nau receiveu curies ox Uie quieiesi ana icjui uuiwaiuu r f kn nnfietlAnslprA tn l filTA4 mil JnilAnan .-Virl I Innt AVIF -f- ... . VI bltC: UUIJIIUUHI4IV t W . V V. www ilAIIUnv K,l M,l,viw . - 1 wwb""' Lnf Lnf fnTu iwt, ?l r svl- Paswd em around ail th, townspeople on the mom-rlJTJ to the member, It was decided to ng after. T.he activity of the local the evening. There were hold a meeting in two weeks time police force kept the revelers from to discuss pians for the fall gathering at any point long enough bazaar. After the business meet to carry out any pranks that they tu, V " Yh. ng was adjourned a musical hour may hav, had 1 , . . Hi J around- m: Acn KLithr iah., --,.- ..i-.n, .. . states to pive up their nationality and the particular ad-1 terrace, November Mm-' cribbage ciub held its week. Vantages tYp.Y enwv in order to OOot them for the COm-!sleur Jean de VaudrebU, 72 years 'n at the home of Mr. and m mon good. Even tve tvo parts of Ireland find it difficul i!'" the cal,ed . til l . at Terrace last week in the q ai ine -aLt departure of ona i. 1- t t. j i v. course to get together.. Bntam has advantages Of high wage.?0. hls feat aelf-lmposed. of walk- of the members. Doctor McColl, COmnared -With CzechCPlovakia and the workmen there I inz around the world. and u wa agreed that manv Would be loathe to Work in direct competition with thesel He Is a picturesque figure with Pasant hours had been spent at lrTsr.t.ripp.l frtfenr. Tr i a nrnhnhlo fl,af rfco nUaf .rr, moustache and goatee and the ine weeK1V m"- The winning or.fc 0,.fr, .t V... iu 1- . "dy complexion of health. One team was that of McColl and Hill. v.. i .t. ... Refreshments It 13 -Ulte posnble that thete mav bft a union of n 'sleeve tesifies to his service to his hostess at the close of the game tions s.if K aUerrnted after the First Great War but it is doubtful if it could include' a fiscal union. Lord Hallfn. in a speech that was broarlcast thrniu?h-ont tho " o -l.l -ppr-tiv mentioned after the war nroh- Jems but naturally it was in very general terms. I '-ill native Belgium. On his coat he 10 ine Piaye" and their wives. carries numerous military badges, " collected in the war 'and he also ' ""Ham Barry, who has been wears the badge of the Cnad!r. ',shln8 dog fish this fall, had a Legion. narrow escape from drowning the Jean de Vaudreuil began his ,ner mgni wnen he Inadvertently ." ?. .b?iP world to evolve a plan!" r-jr scows S I II. I I. Will HOTIWI T ntk niTT I a M Ihannct oi..l --.... . " ..... " .v. ...v. v j-ciot, mm jjuooiHiy sui reached Terrace a more permanent peace. REMEMBRANCE DAY v.,..x.., ,j u. ..Mllt,milI he has vlslted It S needless to the men and women who during the First Great War gav add he now has some from Ter-their live in rtefence of the Empire. Many Prince Ru race- pert people will wish to join in the public expression at thr Cenotauh on .Saturday mornine w.hile others, not able t Ocean Falls Ski tro there, will ioin rt the- rrrpat silpt.r nf tAovon '1flr m,l vjwti will take part in the thanksgiving that thete are still Can - And Hlkm? Club adian m"n who are ready to give their lives for a RpirituaT , V ideal and in prayer that none of them may be called upon , Had Good DaitCe to make the supreme sacrifice as cur men did over twenty years ago. Never sine the first Armistice Day has the event ( held such significance to the 'people of the British . Empire ,t - i. - i as tins year wnen we are again canen upon 10 taKe a right of others to exist. OCEAN FALLS, November 0: Under the auspices, ot the Ocean. Falls Skiiers' and Hikers' Club a I . r - ' successiui aance was neio. in? V i - . I . t stand for the rmht to exist and more particularly for the JFuSi9 SS' b tOreen and His IUiythm Boys. irrm v.. and was pulled down by his high bv wa nf onnni nri Rmith- rubber boats. Oscar Hanson and A satchel on his back contains George, ty came to h!s a,d and letters and autographs of promln-"scu;d hlm wltn difficulty from ' . . ,... Ithe narrow Rnm RntiifrlQv io RomomK,,,, Flo.r ,. t,0 ,... trni PP15 01 inc numerous places; ----- It's the ciirnu'athe effect ot ad Ttlslng tht counts. Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Bealy Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless. HaJrT Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop in mind. The nlnn.XhX J.i.irt was enjoyed. With Mrs. Basil Hart- prowler ear travelled the streets SJSTuS le as planist streral v1 oW 80 fsst tnd frequ,nt- y ' favorites were sun Refreshments iy that it was all the boys could, Terrace Gets Wet Weather October This Year On Of Damped Month In History TERRACE, November 9: Th" month of October provpd to b lone of the wettst In h!.tory. so far as history is reffcs'ed by the met-reorofcgfcl records at Terrace. Nine and a h?lf inches wa mens- were then served by the hostess. kn out from antler it ; assisted by hex young daughter. No .signs of obstructions In the' streets or misplaced various small Local girls who have teen at the bniMings decorated the streets the Pacofl cannery for lhe last two 'nowtag morning and it speaks mcnths hare returned to their tent highly tor the poUee that homes. Although the work was they were able to nau me ma-slack at the beginning of the ahltf and near hcodtumi-vn of preseason the girls got fn longer hours tious years. towards the end anareven u tney didn't make much money, they had a good time from all accounts. TF.RRACF. Olof Hanson M P. last week paid mm n n4 M w rwl H f i nArttftn Trl m ..i.u J . rvl J .... . urert as eomnsrpd with fmir and a mw -"- lerrace a visji ana on rr.uajr KCn w" al Usk to 'Wt the PP,e there- half in the month of October last ""f, wfddJn? anniversary of Mr. and . Up to the end of October 42.10 "nr UtfJ ln iheJymH nr w'atncr ntmues. On Inches have been recorded for the " 7 ' , rZ, xn?T was now t0 ehe and bridge and Chi- one Inch which, melted away present year while, un to th end of Oeteber in 1938. the total was ms? eheckers .were played. At fl- ouiekl- n It ram;. midnight th? Yhtsts sat down to a table spread with a beautiful The Catholic Ladles held the an- IaCe CIoth and centrtd bv d"0' a mtal Cathclic Bazaar Saturday. the past twenty-five yars was on aucu ta.c. mc noai. 4uu uuaic vii well ontroTiKed ond brouwht were th- recipients of colorful and ln at considerable amount for useful kitchen utensils, gifts from thurch funds. their assembled friends who in- eluded Medames Chrlstenssn Mr Ind Mrs E GlefSon haTf Roberts. S:haffer. Hill. Size. Cnas- --Y- in to their new home on neay. Turner, and Mr. and Mrs, ' Laiee Avenue C H. Jolllffe. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. E. Olson and M'ss Bitty Olson. f Thoroughbred Miss Edna Beaven, who recentlv StlM I nrmnrr race and district Board of Trade .her and slster.ln-law. Mr. and ""ar Official and Dhlrlft Atri the WOUnded or Sick, sending comforts tO the men Wh0ne,a ita mommy meeting wednes- Mrs. Harry Beaven. are doing th.e actual ; fighting.and also for the prisoners of ,S SaS dlscuslon war, providing memcai supplies, ciommg anu DooKs.ant a resoiution reaching Terrace from Qn i w . u .. ZZ'Z - . seeing that there is a plentiful supply of surgical Slipplie Vancouver which resolution would tertained grown-ups and kiddles a: and dressings. urge the government to assume aU - delightful Hp llowe'en party at Most people feel that they want to help. This seems 1 fj008 ,c thus - the school house. Both old and tn to hp De thp the hpr bett nlan plan Ot nf giving jrivintr pffpr-tiVp ellective fipTn neJp SO n that that ttiex tw!: jbarden ? 8 of . ef 001 . SOme opinions 1 the youn occasion enif"d and into lames the and spirit con- of iuav cctmc ciic ycoi ijuaaiuic icsuua Lvcii knuc nu uit pruyca w dc cvcniy Qiriaea ana so tests were enjoyed bv alL Refresh cuIluralM Are Touring Bulkley V'.ll. c.wuiits, ovemw?r 9: -narr Bowman. C. N. R. Colonization Atent from Prince Oeorge. and Fhlrley Preston, the provincial "overnment Agronomist at Sml-hers, are busy crulVng the Bulk-ley Valley canvassing the farmers ments were vrvrH h-Vnrir.- th. 'ho wish to import thoroughbred . .., ..... Portunitv of dra-m- the attention of the neople of Prince ; spWin77 owapJ The BadmlnT Ruper to so laudable a nroiect as the Red Cross campaigr enough interest m the meetm, to dance to raise f undsT ciub mui. held Hall a Which come? to a head next Week. attend in suite of the steady was the scene of the affair and r , downpour without. mUsIc was suDoHed bv several AFTER THE WAR ! Some writero. on war themes are beginning to dwi?" what is to take place after Hitler has been defeated. It ij suggested tKata 'Jpmocratic state be formed 'nci'ul'nj Great Briram and Ireland Germany, France. Italy andj members of the native orchestra "The Harmony Boys.' Supper was served at Hanson's restaurant a! midnight and the dance continued until the wee small hours. Mrs. Fed Atkins and Mrs. Oeor-e Chast-ney were in charge of the ar- f ;Jean de Vaudreuil Calh There On rantementi and Alwyn Chastenejr . i 1. ,1 vjiui ;-wiramiK W9UK "c uwi. , ,11 . 1 i , iinuic iu aaa mj ineir shocks, iney are meeting with gwxi encouragement in this matter. CENTRAL HOTEL rooi. untf cake PhiVnelf Fr fkt IfnunrhnM Coal nts r r m ack Boh't Beauty Parlor Next to Q, it ,8. Grocery Phone 348 CHIMNEYS Fitmaen tnd Stove Ifpes Cleaned Stecn Limited Phone & THE SEAL ' QUALITY C GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tbi only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 1 We Need A Lid RK1) CROSS WREK NOVBMHKK 1.1 is The cfuallty of mercy U not strained . . and m troublesome times the Red Crocs U called upon 1 : treme service throughout the world misery In lev.-., suffering Is alleviated, pain U abated because ': P 1 Cross work In our country and abroad esltrteitrit . no terrors, because an organized fighting crew co,..: the horror, of the Pour Horsemen. Famine. Pe Hate and Death. You'll want to help, of count 1)0 YOUR'PART WI1KN CANVASSKRS ( All Thh Spare Contributed by The Daily News 1 ul nr T -MHl CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans- Pacific lo Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porw S3 PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p ;;. To Vancouver Dlfett 8S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 21lh 85. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th. Iftth Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Hrlurn TlckeU on sale Nov. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 Sf? 00 Final Return Limit-March 31st IMO vOU,u Ccnnectlons at Vancouver with Canadian Padfu Sc Ticket and ltenration from W. L. CCATKS. General Atent. I'rinre Rpcrt BC Smoked "Rupert Brand" i Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Ltmrh sn Toastetl Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvrc ( One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks In Refrigerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ? Prince Rupert (q jjjj Urllhh Coluinh'" AAA'AA-w-vAvAA,A-,-. -.- ' REDUCED WINTER FARE S TO VANCOUVER - Calling at .Ocean Fall and Powell River $36 Return Meals and Berth Included Leang Tl-IT TD Qf A VQ ii-,Ji'm: Priiice'Mpert OU MOLJr I O SouthhunJ Kale I.f. relive Now Until Tebruary 2. , Itetirrn Limit, March 31. Canadian National Steamships V 2- 39.