PAGE FOOT! 1 W "I'OHf R SAID Mm XfM PUBEX K WHITE SOFT SAFE STRONG BOY SCOUTS ARE ACTIVE Winners of Competitive Plans Par Coming Winter U OWWWWB wiling K MVDSD the two troops ?la. :o bole an inter-troop eotepeUUon every two aco-as. The compeuuons will be baaed cn tesderfocx. second class and fir class tests and the troop with the highest number of points each time will hold the trophy ants the next competition. In May the final competition win be held Oa Monday evening of this week tf lhe P " ?' Seootiaaster R. C H. Dvraford of Kress1 namber of points will re-tfce Canadian Legion Troop oaid a taw the trophy. Mr. Dnrford ex-surprise Tisit to the First Prince plained the rates to the Scoots of Rspert Troop. Mr Damford pass- , -arm r, -rw. . . . ed Patrol Leader Harold Jiordon in T, another of his First CSa5s Badge cwnur- teste and nresented a snteial ri 04100 wonld be held daring the to the Sea Con Patrol under Lead- of November 3t- er John Davey for vinnine the pa- or octocer. . , uatf people resc the class! rd Daring the winter the Scooters of ad. Do yda? - Friday And Monday Just Two 3Iore D2rs of Tremendous Savings in Our Store-Wide Sale AX3H.NSTER CARPETS UXOLEUM RUGS DLXIXG ROOM SUITES BEDROOJI SUITES CHESTERFIELD SUITES RANGES OIL HEATERS TOYS, ETC. ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD ATMX PBIXCE P.UPERr Keep your fed cost down to raJnlmura this Winter by using heat-tested coal that rites you more heat and less waste We're specialists in picking coal that gires the nrat heat far tbe raoner. We'll gladly help you pick a grade that will burn efficiently In your furnace, kitchen ranre or beater, gire you more heat, and save you money. Just phone 116 or U- Albert and McCaf f ery, Ltd I TS3 nan.T jrytrt HUGE FRENCH TANKS CRUSH BRICK WALLS AS THOUGH PAPER i M.3 r rt sement $ not published or displayed bv ' - Control I Board or by the Government of British C.. A, BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafBaBaaaaaaH IsmaaaaawagfHeSaHsaaSBI - .! h?y m-fre -.: an imporrsr' U be.r. . Veterans Searce Oa Itaate Leafs Tsaa As Manager Looks Orrr 1 Llne-ap For XJ1.L. Prucram TORONTO. Norember f: CP Yoath ha been served alaaaat t . the limit In the ma He-Bp of Tor onto Maple Leafs for the new Na tional Hockey Leagu season. No matter what psayers pip the 1W8-1S48 dob. the Leafs wU have only one who was in the Ime-ap of their last world cham.-ntonshtp team in int. That one is Captain Red Horner, the brms- aag defeneesaan. Second oldest player in point of serrlee avbetteve K or not Recte Pep KeBy. who came directly v the Leafa from jwniot hockey for the 1H4-1996 seaaon. Kern Hamil- and Nfek Metz left 8t Mxrh- aei's OafJese with KeOy bat they serrlee vtth Toronto's ok? farm team at Syracaae before eom- ag to the Leafa to stay. "It seems like only yeatarday Jsat Kefly was signing op." Mana ger Oonny Smytne mused as hel watched tbe Leafs in training St CatherhMS. Ontario In fact it doesst seem aaach longer atnee Homer was a green, awkward yoancster en oar defence and Chartte Conor her. Harrey Jackson and Joe Prhneau va out fasaoas kad line.' " Cob Ms Oa Yaangsters jacEson, onty otaer memoer o: tbe daat of "31 who was with th Leafs mat season, was traded o New York Americans m the smn-mer. Stara ttk Oordon PriUon and Syl Adds have been ra '--d by the .Leafs since KeOy came along and Sweeney Sehrtner. Qua Marker and Boeko McDonald have bean ob tained in sales and trades within tbe last year. But Smytbe is counting on a biz group of youngsters in his plans tor this seaaon. Chief among then is Billy i The Kid Taylor, ceatee- tice sensation of osnawas Cana dian junior champions test season. On tbe defence Smythe hopes be front when it fc;..i Fine Camp Established Br Ocean raas Orranizatkra tnkh U Very Attire OCEAN FALLS, November 9: The nearly farmed Shake Cttake Ski Clan, which was formed a year aao this f all and has since become oae of Ocean Palis moat ezmactte araaarmtlBaa. is eztendtog the akt easap cn SawmlB Mflantain aad. wiMt aae cahtn already eaub-habed. is putttnc op another whlen it la eapeeaed to have complete? by the time snow flies. No little troaale is betes tone to by the meabera ta make the camp one the fmeat ta tbe country and local aki eoatnataasu are looking forward to some ideal sport thu amter. The sk of the eamp Is on the tint ravtne on Sawmill has a great player in Walter .attackers. Stanowski. ace of the St. Bonifac team which won the nataonnl j title in 19S6. He expects SUnowski to deTekm snta a One packcarrier. As last season ended. Smythe signed Lex Chishohn of Oshawa R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BUCK 31S 21 Etrhth Avenue West avsawsnwjmmwmjBBBesamKa .. "i-j r. i:.ts T:: at:erir4C I: po :hro-sh brck walls a A were :s ! ; belief m that they will br - i aeu heavy A: Uw Top Left, the mar mon- BWxn: Lef. a -e It frtcn th roar T: c Ru-t i f.ea i - . ? the uiik a a Uouaj; breach of nov it maat appear t an anfartanate aokuer In tu aath. On tha Bottom Sicht if a sde nea of the tank ta acbon eraat.r.,, theaaah the aafl. PINS FAITH SKI CLUB el a i ON YOUTHS IS ACTIVE'! Ladies' Bowling League Meeting Mrs. A. C. Dickens President Eitbt Teams Start Play Nest Week o ,o o I? Mountain- with mare and raor-J TAlTPp r i Tif If T 1 taking ap the sport aad the mem-! JUIlE.0 1 Alii 1 LI twHip of the dab baring reach- j MEAT MARKET Um: the second cibin was neces- At tne recent anasal meeungi officers were elected as fallows: President. Jack Etford. Vice-President. Jack Hodgson Secretary. Monty Strowger. treasurer. Bod BelL Ways and Means Cacmttttee WUliam Thomnaon and Mrs. M. IStrowger. am and Gas Balances. Those who have braved the ele- good day's work in spite of the! anfavoraUe leather. Stanley Cup finals against the Brains. Both these forwards have the fast-skating and fast-thinking attributes Smy-bes likes in his Tbe Lea la" dectataa to break of affmaUon with Syracuse left the N. IL L team wMh a surplus of psayers. Among them were Red Heron and Normle Mann, who have pat in considerable term; Seniors and Don Metx of Toronto with Syracuse and brief periods Goodvears ta profeafiDnal con-: with Toronto but still are yoong tracts. Chishohn finished oat th- enough to be classed as blg-leagae campaign with Syracuse, while rookies. Metx p laved with the Leafs in th-i These players and Pete Lang elh?. who was signed and ahlpped) to Syracuse r r iy but season, ar? front-rank f-hters tat tbe batUe for mcitSn aHh k. tMft thu' I Phone S? Phone Ml Friday Specials BEEK ROAST OFF THE KOl'ND-Per , SIRLOIN TlP-Per lb. PRIME RIB ROLL l Per m. menu to to an the rnasmtam to! pump imi ct - a-- do tnir bit at the end of last! week were Jack Bffofd, Monty Strowger. Jack ' Uaagban. Harry Taykr. Oordon Martin. Archie Young, John Nlnkoviteh. Fred Ox-enbary. Bob Jamieson. Jhsmy Bryant and David Penny who did a Per lb LIMB and .MUTTON LEGS of MUTTON Per lb SIimON CHOPS 3 lbs I SHOULD Fj; of LAMB Per lb. VEAL RUMP ROAST of VEAL Per lb FILLET ROAST of VEAL Per lb SHOULDER ROAST ef VEAL Per lb. PORK LEG of PORK Per Ib. SIIOULDER of FORK Per lb. LOIN of PORK Per fb. POULTRY rRKS" KILLED CHICKEN year Intends U carry, more men than the 15 he Is allowed , pr !5 to dreas for each game, so unless; niESII KILLED FOWL be geta farorab . rrers for Tadf - Per -J-r sea - tej w be arra&d awh. mwmwmwmmwmwmwmmm 18c 22c 22c 18c 20c 50c 15c 2 o 0 o o o 0 o 0 e o o o o .c lO to 1 A avasttnc was held last aayM iao Maxie's Bowllnf AUeys to raatfaajae S the Ladies' Bowline Leafne far theiO season Tnere was a fooc anee of playeia Of fleers were elected as fa President Mrs. A. & Ostkea pr.',o Secretary-Treasarer Mksa Leah o Basso-Bert . Hafht teams were entered a fat-Jg Arnettea. Mrs. A. E DAekesat fe (cantata'. Blaebtrds. airs R J Keroa. Rex Mkss Lflnan CroxJord. Uerehantettea. Mo. M. MadUL Raaaers. Mrs. P. Petersen. Knox Hot!. Mrs. Braasell. Bat SUten. Mrs A. Dickens sr Maple Leafs. Miss NetU McLeod The first games wtQ be played next Tuesday 22c o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o 2 25c 15c Anglican Young People Meet About Twenty-Fire Member In1 Attendance at Rectory Latt Evening The weekly meeting of 8t An-drew Anghcaa Yoastg Prop A-! hP of Mass Bett, b Miss Nancy Bramnr praaram nt emve wttfcMfeaKay SPORT CHAT soeiatten took place at the rectory Mark Cotledge. t on Wtanmday evening There were tha, the tnshah jl,-. abaat 35 members present aasong a. backer Star feu 'Jm an cad aaesaber. Utaa Moreen ready to forsake u Gibson who was welcomed back to air expecting to b .he circle Under the capable lead- Air Force smirf The Rexall Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 9 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entrj Open Wednesday Novemlier 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts' Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Ik Obtained at Our Store Roys and Girls Make Sure Your Nam is on the Contestant's list Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Wind-.Ti Ormes Ltd Z7Jia Pioneer Drtu&iats Tbt ItexaU Store Phaoes 11 Open Daily frm I mjb. till 1 pun. Sands jri and Illidas Iran 12 am tiS X 1 Bum. tin 1 pun. HERE IT a c Dxoooo4cooooooooooooooooooofKoooooooooocooeoocs A Genuine EASY The Washer You Have Always Wanted for on:- $63.50 Never before has such a wonderful opportunity been offered to Prince Rupert Housewives. A $00.00 value. See this washer at 30c 25c J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Rldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mi VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE W