Thursday, November 9, USD. IMCIIMONl) Pair rhone 297 SIIOES. A good shoe is not a luxury ... It is sound common sense to purchase the extra comfort and style and quality and genuine worth that is part of the cost of a good shoe. FOR MEN 7.50 AS"AS1,0ES 39.00 and $10.00 Bryant Company Limited 512, 3rd. Atc W. P.O. Box 622 B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used FURNITURE At The Lowest Prices in Town 2 Kitchen Ranjres In the best condition . . . . . . 1 Imperial Oil Hurncr New sleeves and pump 1 Washing Machine Perfect condition . . : 1 3 Piece Rehuilt Chesterfield Just like new $24.50 $19.50 $29.50 $65.00 2 3-Piccc Chesterfields Good condition $36.00 $39.00 2 Violins Stiadivarius model at very low prices. 1 Conn Soprano Saxnphone-Just like 27.50 new . . .j. . . .... ... ..... - 1 C Reconditioned Radios Of various makes from $16.00 10 $24.50 Phone BLACK 321 THIHI) AVE. (Net Door to B. C. Clothiers) Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. It's interestinu tc know when reading the Daily Newf tbat the people of trie whole district are doing the am t New Salvation How Are Your Feet? Klf T'lOlL X U After a ten day 'Hp to tfie Naas River district to I pay their first official visits to the corps at Can yon City and Oltladamiks, Brig adier J. T. oiningnara, tne new I divisional commander of the Sal vation Army for Northern British 'Columbia and Alaska, and Mrs. .. . . i-A I A II i.. Wrangcll. Capt. and Mrs. Suddaby will return today or tomorrow with En voy Oosnell to Canyon City. Brahms Subject Of Music Club Fortnlrhtlr Meetlnr Held Yester day Afternoon At Home Of Mrs. II. L. A. Tarr regular u"" fortnightly meeting yes splendid paper on "The Personality. Works and Music of Johann Brahms." The program was as follows: Vocal solo. Sand Man" Mrs. Bernard Lundahl. . Piano solo. "Waltz in A. Flat." Mrs. T. A. Mcwaten. Piano duet, "Hungarian Dance No. 5." Mrs. J. C. Qllker and Miss Venrtla Feero. Piano solo. "Ballade,- Mrs. E. J.J Smith. Tea was served by the hostess before the meeting adjourned. f HE LOVES THillM I VUICIOUS I Jriealo',Ti.,',K:i9 I Hum- iiuj A- Quaker Corn FlaVtl glv Y mnl, Iht only corn loktl IrtodloUd for htollhlul Vitamin D". THB CAZLT KIWB 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES ' i Mrs. C. C. Mills Is sailing night on the Prince Rupert for vUlt In-Vancouver. W. F. Stone sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Stewart. 8 ajn. to 12 noon; The public lob- ummgnam reiumea w uie u from fe wlll open liyesteraay aiternoon aooara "- Ivoy Ell Oosnells boat Peggy G. 'They were accompanied by Capt land Mrs. Victor Ouddaby of Can- I yon " City v,l,y' On Remembrance Day the Post office wickets will be open from pm. BIRTH A son was bom Tuesday. Novem- 'ber 7. at the Prince Rupert General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. J Ritchie, Oaron Apartments. IDon't Sleep When Gas Presses Heart rr vr.ii n'i at or sleen because itsUas try Adlerika. One bloaU you up I a. t ,.m. .u. mh hold tllV i dose usually relieves pressure BOTH bowels. Sold at All Drug Stores MARRIED Miss Steamship Sailing: to- For prompt and courteous ser- 0 am. to 8 Gunner Tom Colllson of j 102nd Battery, after visiting . Darents In Smlthers over Brigadier ana Mrs. uunngnan ; k d returned to Prince visit Mctlakatla and Port X to resume his training. Simpson beiore leaving aunaay. cMlson family naa three morning aboard (he Princess Nor-. ln the unlts at Prlnce ! -I T.nn f Tori If. on uv:T": Z,i heart from stomach gas due to con- iveruay ain.w.i v stlpaUon. Adlerika ArlWlV, rlonA out m . ..V A T. v m.v. a f 1 Akiuaviv... niri. ii. u. n. ian IN TRAIL Thelma Mist of Terrace Be- comes Bride of Alphouse Gauthler TRAIL. Nov. 9: A lovely autumn wedding took place 'In St. Francis Xavler Church recently when Thel- ma, only daughter of Mrs. Mist and the late Harry Mist of Terrace became the bride of Alphonse Oauth- ler, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Oauthler of Sheep Creek. Given In marriage by her brother, Fred Mist cf Sheep Creek, the bride . made a pretty picture ln her form-, fitting wedding gown of white lacef and satin. The gown featured long sleeves slightly fulled at the should-; ers small round collar and a longi full flared skirt. Her beautiful long' net veil was held ln place with a( coronet of orange blossoms and she , carried a shower bouquet of Holly- . wood roses. I Men's First Aid classes starj 1:30 njn. Thurs. Nov. 9 in mens Moose Bridge Party-Dance Another of Series of Affairs Tuesday Night Is Very Successful walUng room C.N.R. station. Apply S. Jurmaln. 262) A. W. Newman, formerly agent for the Union Steamship Co. here and now general agent for the -- i tt.nMiiv.v H11 orrlv company h iiwiiki " ln the city on the Cardena to- - morrow night from the south fori . . . in ... 1 1 h a business visu nere. ne wiu t.t. Sunday nlttht on the Catala to 0 V the make the round trip to Stewait and other nortnern points ana thence south. On There were twelve tables Tues day night at the fourth of the series of bridge evenings by the Moose Lodges. A dance followed the serving of refreshments at the conclusion of cards. The prize-winners were:: ladles' first, Mrs. William Rothwell; sec ond. Mrs. Alfred Jacobsen; mens first, Joseph Howe; second, J. M. Morrison. Joe Ratchford was the winner of a door prize. Music for the dance was pro vided by Mrs. Harold Davey and Hugh Smith. Mrs. H. Smith was general convener and J. M. Morrison was master of ceremonies. The refresh-! ment committee was headed by Mrs. Ole Stegavlg, Mrs. Richard Olske and Mrs. W. R. Overend. Mrs. Walter Longwill presided at the door. Timely Recipes APPLE PUDDING 1 cup flour 2 tsp. baking powder a tsp. salt ig cup sugar 1 egg M cup milk cup brown sugar 1A cups sliced apples 2 tsp. cinnamon 3 tsp. butter. Very Finest Quality "SALADA TEA HE DEFIED Adolphe Max, Most Popular Man In Belgium, Never Lost Place In Hearts Of His People Mix the flour, baking powder.isyrroathy and start relief measures. Miss Mary Blnner, as bridesmaid, salt, sugar, egg and milk and beat ' Max more than anyone else lea chose a frock of rose taffeta. The -for two minutes. Pour Into a shal-ithe nation's grief on the tragic oc-sklrt was fleer length. Blue velvet; low pan. Top with apples and caslcns when King Albert and later trimmed the bodice. Her poke bon-' sprinkle with one teaspoon cinna- Queen Astrid lost their lives. He net was en tone and was trimmed mon. Mix butter and brown mgar had the friendship both of the with streamers and bows of blue and spread on top. Sprinkle wlth-Queen Mother Elizabeth and of velvet Her bouquet was of deep'; the rest of the cinnamon. Bake . , , pink carnations. ,ln a moderate oven 25 minuter- Bruno Vanelll was groomsman. Serve warm, with plain or whipped The Junior choir was in attend- cream or with any sauce preferred.! ance throughout the ceremony ' Miss Jemma Orlando at the organ.! " " , Mis.' Iona Landgride and Miss Ann Slsel rendered a vocal duet during the signing of the register. Later a reception was held ln the blue room of the Crown Point Hotel, the room being recorated with plfik and white streamers and a profusion of autumn flowers. The wedding breakfast was served to some twenty guests, the table being centred with a three-tier wedding cake topped with a little bride and groom, The bride's mother, who received the guests, was dressed ln a lovely frock of navy crepe with, navy accessories. Her corsage was of Talis-1 man roses. The bridegroom's mother also chose navy. She wore a corsage of pink gladioli. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold cross and chain, to , the bridesmaid a gold compact and to the best man, a leather pocket-book. Mr and Mrs. Gauthler wlll reside ln Trail. NOVELTY DANCE Oddfellows' Hall " FRIDAY, 9:30 PJI. Serenader's Orchestra Announcements All advertisements ln tnu column will be charged tor a full month at 25c a word. . l n - IlTakahi Law Q I Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Eagles' Bridge November 15. ss Qardona p.m.(cembcr 9. fT9V Wi,V Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 16. ; Tuesday cntala wiortr.l : 30 p.m: November 17 Thursday ss. Prince, , -. Rupert .' 11:15 p.m Friday. -Ss Trln. Louise .... 10 n.m OS VttiutiiA iu.ou p.m. November 6, 17 and 27 Ss, Princess Norah 5 p.m. From Vancouver . Sunday ss catala p.m., St. Peter's Church bazaar Nor. 23, Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Hanklnson's Wed. -Ss. Pr. Hupert' .... ... 10 a jn.' November Dvember 30. 30. FrMiv- Sy. Princess Ss. Pr Louise 4 p.m Vaudeville, Dance, Moose Hall, Lutheran Church Bazaar. De Ihere to kiss the carnival queen and when grief afflicted his city or his I 7 King Albert with whom he 'almost ranked In greatness In the, eyes of Belgians. T If TJLT i T HffV"' A lawyer by Profession, Max was H I I IN A lYlYi I 'bom December 31. 1869, and was AXVAJ I graduated as Doctor ot Law at Brussels University at the age. of 25. IH On October 3. 1903, he was elected member of Brussels city council after nine years as provlnclal.coun- BRUSSELS, November 9: (API 'c"or for Brabant. He soon toried Adolphe Max, who Is dead at the arieaa w a iwinn oi .rau, decUned ir both the municipal and national age of seventy, once the Belgian premiership to re-"'"i" bp c.""-" main mayor of Brussels, broke all with his old friends Paul Hymans, records as holder of that office. former foreign minister, the control He was named burgomaster on Oc-jof the Liberal party. tober 12, 1909, and was chief clti- German Amy Defied . zen of the Belgian capital for a During the first few weeks, of the longer period than any of his Oerman occupation of Brussels In predecessors throughout the clty'sj 1914 he was a constant source oflrj-centuries of history. jspiration to his citizens and refused His heroic stand against the to submit to German authority.tHe German Invaders on the outbreak was arrested September 26, 1J14, of the war ln 1914 made him easily taken to Germany and held prli- the most popular man ln the j oner ln various German towns until whole of the tiny kingdom and he he escaped on November 13.1918". never lost his place In the hearts cf all Belgians. Honored by many foreign coun tries, he preferred tj remain plain When he returned to Brussels he was received with delirious enthusiasm, made a minister of state, elected member of the Royal Bel- Monsieur Adolphe Max in his own.Jgian Academy and named vtc?-When King Albert offered him a president of the Superior Congo barony as reward for his uniias-: Council. glng services to the capital ana tlie country. Max refused. " 'Adolphe Max' sounds better than 'Baron Max of Brussels,' In 1919 he was elected -to the House of Representatives, receiving more preference votes than any other candidate. he said. j on the occasion of hlsilver Jub- Burgomaster Max was popular llee Mayor of Brussels when he with the Bruxellois. however, long reiused t allow any celebrations. . before the war made him a n-' King Iobold m. Invested him with tional hero. He had been mayor lor the Grand Cordon f tne order of six years ana cuy councillor iu eleven when Leonold with the Golden Border, k the war broke out rt, Ir-Vi,iw created for and had never lost an opportunity him.;Amon hs tor.l.m decbra-,ot mixing with the citizens of . tion was o. that of the Grand Cross Brussels hleh and low. "Our Mas" To All He was at ease at an official banquet or quaffing a glass of Brussels' famous beer with the bargees ln "Les Marclles, heart of the old ! city. He was "Our Max to one and all. i of the Joiov of Honor, a rank usually reserved for heads of states.- Mail Schedule I At every carnival he would be For ne Eav Monday. Wednesday, and Friday ,, I country he was the first to offer From the East- .5 pjn. Tuesday. Thursday and ' : Saturday 11.00 p.m. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 nbon Thursday 10; 15 p.ri, Friday , 9:30 p.m November 6, 17 and 27 4 p.m. EATING w COOKING NOW is the lime lo order your supply of thee ilcliphtful, trcc-ri pencil CnnuriiaiinpplcslTliey're FHESH front Canada's orchards ... and they're at their best they're tastiest for eating and cooking! Servts Canadian tipples, often for the whole futility to enjoy with meuU and between meals. They're easy to took ... simple to serve ... and mighty appetizing. Waleli everyone ask for morel Order your Ciinndian apples today . . . buy them by grade nith confidence! LuJ "EXTRA FANCY" Inrlwlr. mhihJ .M..nd,.lckl applM bt SmmI rtl,ur fur th vnrivly, frr. frwm Invert fwalt onj prartlcally frr from rtiwaw mtfl mlnof btrmiah. I h llr r rronliaB to rWly. 'FANCY" Mmn,, l..n.l,.kJ appl. ml fair rulvur fr h ..rlrljr .ml pwllrallv frr from dliaM . d vllurr Injury. Tb vpplm, aro tr,t ofronllna to rlty Mtrltting 5rrrr lM)MIMO)H'AHTMKNrol ACHICV I.Tl KF..Oi rAW fo,,,Hral,f Jautrm fi, f.'orWjir. MimUtrr. I fi V i.