Those expressing themselves In COMBINE ALLEGED existence of Organisation In Western Canada Detrimental To Apple And Veietable Growers OTTAWA. November 9: ICP V A f nin rr? rr rnmmltiritiir fill- t remove the burden of taxation InvesUgatton dcf thf from the land. The result of the Aft tcd ylerday a shipper-present lyatem ws seen In the bbfr comblne dominated by tirt that practically all the vacant Wwtcrn Grocers Limited cf Win-Und of Prince Rupert had reverted g txMng m Western Canada to the city as well as some of the lhe detrlmfnt of British Col-buildings Many municipalities umbla appie and Vfgetable growers. ere favoring the Idea. At present the cojt of education In Prince Ru- pen was $68,000 a year It was too jWI' I i Fmm mu h of a burden on the taxpayers. lflllUMCl oil Ulll The question of how the required fx it money might be raised was men- UonHIHOIlS 11 ear tlnnrf hut It HoftriM that tills wat a problem for the government fit C pnTnUaf vor of the change Included Theo roit cunh.m cvi.nir ner- LONDON. November 9. Domln menMn .It Mr Mnth.nn tn car- uermau n sccn ry on until a city manager could me appointed. Another resolution was passed urging the provincial more. c l ri government to speed up the Ume.dOVlcl JuinUdbby when such change might be made.! Thos aklng part In the discus- Piif c I In rartV sion Included Chairman Robert Mc-1 4 "l KSV. M Vf RIonKnni T A CurtlS.l P"d Wermlg, C. O.' Minns. Theo Various American and Foreign Collart.Rod McLcod. D. McCorkln-i Officials Too Busy To Attend dale. Tom Elliott and H. Hanson. Festivities In Washington The next meeting of the assocla-i tlon wjll ,be at the call of the chair. WASHINGTON, D. C, Noverr ber W. M. Watts, the new president, 9: (CP)-The Soviet embassy here U'A.t linahla 4 W isenrAti f Kilt. CiMit held a reception Tuesday to tele- hlsrr. ns,.,. ,.,r ,,nhir- brate the anniversary of the, - - o v vw( aa.v . v ty .members jat the meeting. . .Mi BRITISHER GOES DOWN LONDON The British steamer Carmathen Coast was sunk In the North Sea today. Two of the members of the crew are missing. t was the first British ship to bo ""k In ten days. founding of the Soviet Republic There were eight hundred present but United States governmental officials and diplomatic representatives of many countries were noticeable by their absence. Vari ous pretexts were given for non- attendance. A huge picture of riemlcr-Forelgn Commissar Molo-toff featured the decorations. N0RTIUI0L.M DISABLED The Vancouver freijhler Notth-holm, Capt. Allen, damned her propellor in contact with the ahorc In Porpoise Harbor, about elchl milen out of Prince Rupert, yffterdar and was towed into Prince Itupert by Armour Sal-rate Co. tuts rarhena and Cuprite. The vesel Is to be dry docked here. rOUSH GL'KliniLAS ACTIVE WAnSJiWTrlih a-Merrlla.op-eratlohf are siill hamperinc -man activity In conquered Poland. One body of German troops Is reported to have been wiped out In the mountains. Economic results from Poland are airi to be disappointing to the Iteich. Hundreds of acres of wheat lands were destroyed by the Poles in theh retreat. IT.VNISH-UirsSlAX TALKS MOSCOWFollOwinit the Bed Republic anniversary celebrations, rinnUh-ltusslan talks are bein? resumed today. There are hopes, of a satisfactory settlement although the atmosphere is still tense with massing of troops on the frontiers. The Finnish delegation has been Instructed, It Is reported, to stand firm against meeting Russian demands for military or naval bases on the Finnish mainland. NEW CABINET ANNOUNCED QUEBEC Premier-Elect God-bout named fourteen members to Quebec's new Liberal cabinet ty Donald McCorklndale and Fred Ions ministers conferring In Lon- Rllfou, The resolution was carried don with the British government ARMISTICE NOT LIKELY unanimously on Qurstkms 0f war effort visited LONDON The British govern- The quesUon of what would be Royal Air Force headquarter. mcnl is doubifui that the Belgo- the position of the city when the They listened In on a message Du,ch pface offer wlu lead lo an present city commissioner retired from n Royal Air Force bomber irmstice, t was indicated in a t the end of the year was discussed which told of sljhtlng a German ipmh read at a Mayor-s in a desultory way. A number of submarine and dropping bomb, ,unche0Il today by slr John sl. resolutions were presented and one of which fell within five yards Ciallllwr of Uie Escheq. of the conning tower. Then a amendeduntllcventuallyUwasde- u on beha,f of prlme Mlnlster tided to ask the provincial govern- " 1 Neville Chamberlain who is laid up with a sudden attack of gout and was unable to attend. The speech, which surveyed the nation's war efforts, was written by Mr. Chamberlain. ACTIVITY ON FRONT PARIS The French war ministry today reported increased activity on the Western Front and sharp encounters with German forces, especially between the Moselle and Saar Rivers. ANZAC IS AIR HERO WITH THE ROYAL AIR FORCE , IN FRANCE A German Dornler , reconnaissance plane was shot down by a British pursuit ship and crashed Into a village yesterday, killing Its three occupants. A 25-year-old New Zealand flier was the pilot of the British machine which succeeded In bringing down the Nail. What Various Nations Arms Embarco TODAY'S STOCKS (Courts j 8, D. Jobnrton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .12. Bralorne. 10.60. Cariboo Quart, 2.13. Dfntonla.. .Oljj. Falrvlew. .02. Oold Belt. .20. Hedley Mascot, .43. Mlnto, .02. Noble Five. X2ij. , Pacific Nickel, .13. Pcnd Orlelle. 2 22. Pioneer. 2.15. Premier, 1.40. Privateer. .83. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .50. Relief Arlington. .13. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.11. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .18. Calmont, .40. , C. & E., 2.20. Home, 2.69. Royal Canadian, .23. Okalta, 1.15. Mercury. .06 !j. Prairie Royalty. .22. Toronto Aldermac, .42J'2. Beattle. 1.10. Central Pat., 2.34. Cons. Smelters, 50.00. East Malartlc, 2.98.. Fernland, .02?8. Francoeur, .43. Gods Lake. .60. Hardrock, 1.21. Int. Nickel, 47.50. Kerr Addison, 1.99. Little Long Lac, 3.05. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.15. Madsen Red Lake, .46. McKenzle Red Lake, .11. Moneta, .90. Noranda, 77.00. Pickle Crow, 4.30; Preston East Dome, 1.90. San Ontonlo, 1.77. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.32. Stadacona, .38. Uchl, .80. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .09V4 Oklcnd, .11. Smelters Gold, .01. .Dominion Bridge, 41.50. PRdVlNClAt LiBfiARY Think Repeal A Roumanian paper calls Of LONDON, November 9. General satisfaction is expressed In Allied and neutral countries over the passage by the United States of the new neutrality law The- Allies are particularity gratified. "The most ncouraglng thing since the war began." said one London newsplper. "A great victory for democratic spirit showing that neutrality Is not Inconsistent with moral solidarity," .sald Le It a "death blow to Oermany.' A Hungarian paper says "It puts United States all but Into active participation In the war with the Allies." Weather Forecast Tomorrows Tides Prince Uupcrt and Que r mm lotte islands strong s. V High ...... 0:15 a.m. 207 It. winds, probably reaching g 12:15 pjn. 23.0 ft. at, night. Unsettled and cot Low 8:10 a.m. 5.4 ft rain, 18:52 pjn. 1.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI1L. NO. 262. -3 u MUNCK RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 , 1939. PRICE: 5 CENT3 3 V Narrow Escape For Adolf Hitler CHANGES ADVOCATED rrlnte Ruptt Ratepayers Assoc la-(Ion Ask That Financing of , Schools Be Taken From ' ' Municipalities Elects Officers Government to be Asked to Allow City Treasurer to Carry On Until Manaier Is Appoints The recently formed Prince Rupert Ratepayer' Association, at Its first regular meeting last night In the City Hall, elected officer for the year, asked the provincial government to Uke the financing of the schools out of the hands of th municipalities and handle it direct. The ratepayer also, after a long rambling discussion, decided to recommend to the provincial govern- TO RETURN TO STATES menMhaf D. J. Matheon. the pres- cily or Flint To Discharge Cargo tnt City treasurer, be appointed to m Bergen And Return Direct earn on the affaire of the city un- Home til rarh time as a city manager rstem can be put Into effect. NEW YORK. November 9:-Unt-The first boilnras of the meet- ted State Shipping Lines yester-lag mas to elect permanent officers day instructed Capt. J A. Gatnard rh; :h resulted as follows: 0f the steamer City of Flint to un-Pre?lr)ent W. M- WntU. load his cargo at Bergen and revise Presidents-Robert McKay, turn to the United States with Sectary-treasurer Mrs", O. H. empty holds, avoiding combat Arnold areas as defined In President Ixtr -M M Ptenhna. Dun Roosevelt' neutrality proclama-rsn M K-nale. Rod MeLeod and tlon. Those areas Include the vBrt-rrsrjkr '-rv tl.h Is e and the coast pfNorr rrlutnnncrnn!rtWw1th--iray a south of rfcrgeh: tt f nnn'n f t seboils'yame la I Utter from he V v-ouver P prrW Owner to the Prince Rupert Chimr of Commerce In which It ui seated that the movement In Isrr of Ihf change was well under iv and BikH endorv-nenL This ltr h ben forwarded to the A sriatlon. Tjfv Pommiasloner W. J. Alder i't: ugly favcrrd the change and Mid l had coti" in at the meeting the. Union of Municipalities bh h attended. The Idea was German Cruiser Emden Here la a plrture of the German cruiser Emden which has been reported roaming the seas in spite of the British blockade. There has been no confirmation of the report, Bulletins high REACTIONS FAVORABLE: Beer Hall In Munich Reduced To Wreckage Eleven Minutes After Der Feuhrer Departed Control Of Seas of Momentary Invasion by Germany Bases are Demanded 1 Anvnr atcc MODERATION Change of Plans May Have Saved Him From Death Or Seriqus Injury Widespread Hunt For Anti-Nazis is Commenced MUNICH, November 9: (CP) Eleven minute? after Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his entourage had lift the -- premises following an address delivered by Der Fiuhrer London. November 9: - ; -,n tnc anniversary of the 1923 Beer Hall putsch which in-Sf'lMm Sp ttituted the Nazi movement. in Germany, the famous Winston Churchill tola tne , -in n n i 1 i V i i n House of commons that the ; Buergerbrau Cellar Hall was wrecked last night py the British Navy was sinking Oer- ipl"lcn of a time bomb In the ; man submarines at the rate prtne room. It Is believed that the ri -T Tfprrt vp of two to four a week and , nieni was not oniy w assassinate MIU r 1. that definite mastery had now been achieved over the u- boats as the blockade of Oer- many became increasingly effective. Germany's rate of bu f ni submarines was not In excess of two a week, Churchill said. UNDER WAR CONDITIONS Belgium and Netherlands the Chancellor but to wipe out oth ;r prominent members of the Nazi j helrarchy. Seven of Hitler's veteran followers were killed and sixty or more hurt, some gravely. D. MB. official news agency asserted hat no prominent Nazi had been 'tilled or Injured although an Am terdam dlsoatch had said that ?udclph Hess No. 3 ranking Nazi, had been fatally Injured. At the time of the explosion, Hit- iler was already aboard his armor-led train on his way back to Ber- llln. Pressure of war affairs had debris. r I It was at 9:42 p.m. Berlin time I 'hat the explosion occurred. There ' BRUSSELS. Nov. 9. King Leo- vtr. a sudden flash of flame, a great pold of Belgium conferred with key concussion and the place was re-mlnlsters Wednesday night to con- duced to a shambles. The roof was sider "grave developments" as fears ( blown down and collapsed Into the Increase that Germany might In- general wreckage. sponsible. hv ? au a jins ATTACKED Entire Fascist Press Of Ita'y Joins In' Assailing Stand of Lussia ROME, November 9:: (CT) Following the lead of the autiorata-tlve Vlrglnlo Oayda In II ( iornale dltalia, the Fascist press joined yesterday in an attack n the t y.jn t,i. ..., Communist Internationale, re- e .mine around for UmP asserting lUly's role aspea time-ilthNlzTcrrdes foIlcrgu ttuS the 1 :njr the offkial celebration. Thus i",Kans ana filing mossjw t,r"' ""ay have been spared from . . . . . 'feath or serious infury. He might 1,au v" ,f , Partial responsiblUty for ue war have been burled under nine feet of ana wnn applying aaneroi 3 pressure upon the Balkans. Motorcyclists Reach Hazelton vade the country in order to get a, Safe behind walls of the new footing to strike more directly at chancellery In Berlin. Hitler today Jim Logan and Slim T'illiams England and possibly essay a flank viewed protographs of the first of- Complete Hazardous Jo".rney . movement on France. j finally disclosed serious attempt to In From Belrnes Ranch Both Belgium and the Nether- hlm slnce he assumed power in lands have been placed under vlr- 1933 Meantime police, under the HAZELTON, November 9: (CP) .tual war conditions. "direction of Heinrich Geffler, head Jim Logan and Slim V llliams, . Six hundred thousand soldiers f the dreaded Gestapo, combed the Alaska to New York motoi yclist3, .have been eilled up In Belgium, natlon for perpetrators of the ex- arrived here yesterday from motor vehicles hive been requlsl- -irion. Rewards totalling $240,- Beirne's ranch In the Klsj .ox af- tloned to the national service and -oo have been posted for the cap- ter having been long ovc: iue on ' censorship has been imposed. Air ture of the would-be assassins dead a hazardous trip from Tt egraph ;ra'd precautions have also been put or anve. The hunt, in which the 'Creek. Into operation. oeople are entering with en thus-, I Germany Is reported to hive de- l9sm owing t0 tne slze oI n.- : 1 , , manded concess'ons from Holland w-ard. will embrace the entire Reich. Hitler, "If I could act pt the for military and air bases as well as The Incident. It Is expected, will word British leaders." D clarlng j control of the port of Hushing, all result In a widespread and ruthless that Germany was ready fc a five of which demands are said to have nnr nf nil nnmmnt of thp ni year war, Der Feuhrer sail thai been rejected. realm e. "even m live years 1 win n 1 capi- There is some difficulty to explain !tulate;" . ... plying to a speech of British how the incident could have occur-' red In view of the care which Is Secretary Viscount Sallfax exercised In making of precautions on war aIms Hltler declar d each in advance of every Hitler move and, and evefy P,nt to 115 ' British secret service and Jews Peace Plan that hi speech to the Reichstag a few w ks ago , are charged with the attempt but Premier , Pattullo ... Gives Advice t , To- ... . . .. ... . . had been his final word. Hitler 5 ,n w"on no trace of persons directly res- threatened that the Germr i army and air force might soon 1 unch a. VICTORIA. November 9: (CP ) One newspaper even went so farrier5e and dlrect attaclc UP n ... . !-A Mann We should all temper our ooser- as 10 associate rrime Aimisier rev-, vatlons because we are at war," llle Chamberlain of Great Britain "W reat ,Br taln doels!' Premier T. D. Pattullo said In the' with the incident In view of a re- Peace henceforth, we will Legislature In regard to C. C. F.;mark he made some time ago that a language she will probr remarks on Imperial wat policy, he "hoped to live to see the end of derstand," declared Hitler t , nf nritish nninm J Hitiprism lassure Britain she will be t want jeak In ly uni "I can sfeated bla Judge. Don't try to weaken co- Inspired by the affair, the Ger- this war. We are fig tag for operation with the Ottawa govern-1 man propaganda machine has mov- our living space. War b; ke out mpnt whprp would thfi C.C.F. be If : w.Hnv ntn th rtUcpminntinn ' solely because Britain wk ited It. Hitler won? They could not say the words we have heard at the past two sessions. They would ba of anti-British material. lere win oe wars as ion as ine British official sources scoffed at riches of this world are ot dls-charees and London spokesmen de- trlbuted equitably. In ry last taken to concentration camps or clared: "Doubtless eentlemen who speech I held out my nam' ror the possibly shot." "engineered the Reichstag fire of last time to Britain and F ance. The Speaker did not answer dlr-i 1933 know how to do these things." In a long diatribe agal st Brl-ectly a request by Harold Wrlnch.l France interprets the Incident as tain, Hitler asserted: Thi condl-C. C. F. leader, for a ruling on the'an indication of internal dlsses- tlon must cease where one country Immunity question, leaving It to slon ln oermany over the Nazi reserves to itself the rlghf to tell the House to decide disciplinary manoeuverlng with Russia. ' others what they must do." action. I Der Feuhrer said "It Is no, necca Premier Pattullo will close the de- What Hitler Said ' sar to share anything wl 1 us. It bate In reply to the Speech from "it Is not Germany but Great Brl- would have been enough V restore' the Throne today. The budget Is tain that wants war." declared Hit-! to us what we had been ro! ?d of. expected to be presented tomorrow ler In speaking before "veterans of "This war will be easier t1 an that I and the session should end, It Is an- the Beer Hall Putsch. He would of 1914. We are prepared econom!- 'ticlpated, by the end of tha month like to bring an end to the war, cally this time, "