PAQB TWO RUBBERS & OVERSHOES Paid In advance, per week Now is the Time lo Get Your Rubber Requirements for the Winter Ladies' Best Quality Of n Rubbers Men'sAll lasts 81.00 to $1.25 Children's and Misses' Size 5 to 10 4 65c t0 75c Ladies' Velvet Overshoes In Wine. Blue, Black and Brown with New Heather lining Have You Seen the New "JIFF" Suede Overshoe Protectors? Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. FULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year ., . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone , 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION .12 .50 3.00 9.00 02 .25 Tuesday, November 7, 1939. ' 1 EDITORIALS : ' POSITION IN INDIA The political position of India just now is a little difficult to understand. Most of the Indian princes have offered aid to the British government of men, material and money. These principalities have little to do with the rest of India. The chief stickler to the main part of the country is the differences in religion. There is a large Mohamme dan population and there is a still larger Hindu group and these two cannot agree. Prom time to time in th( past there have been clashes between the rivals and thr British feel it their duty to see that no minority is injurer" by a majority. When a constitution is adopted providing for self-government it has to contain a provision protect ing the Mohammedan minority. The Hindus want a free hand to work these things out for themselves. Until the can get together and arrive at some understanding thf British government is unable to grant them full Dominion rights. INDIA MUST WAIT How difficult is this question may be seen from the fact that Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Armenia and Iraq are largely Mohammedan countries and also the French and British North African colonies. The British attitude always "has been that every man has a right to his own religion and that he should be protected in carrying out its dictates as long as doing so does not inter fere with the rights of others. Because of the protection they have received, most of the Mohommedan countries are with Britain and France in the present struggle and nothing must be done to shake their faith in the British as protectors of their faith. India must wait until after the war for her constitution unless the factions can agree on a constitution even though doing so affects the support given by the Hindu population in the great struggle. Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley vesseil rjteueryi Pestr i vl - Keep your fuel cost down this winter by burning heat tested coal that gives you more heat and less waste. Our special coals give you more heat for your money. ..Just phone C51 or 652 and we will gladly advise you which coal is best suited for your furnace, range or heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert In Readiness Red Cross. Veterans. Women's Auxiliary of the Cana dian Legion. Naval Detachments. Band, pipes, drums. Military Units. Sea Cadets. Boy Scouts. Girl Guides. Imnertal Order, Daughters o the Empire. Red Cross Society. Orders and Societies. Detailed Parties carrying wTeatlr and flowers. The mustering point of the parade will be at the Federal Build- mm ClAssiFltD FOR SALE BEST KNOWN LINE i SUCCESSFUL Christmas Card salespeople know they must have the Premier Line of Personal Christmas Cards; Ihey know It Is advertised from coast to coast and has been shown continuously at the Canadian National Exhibition for ten years. They know our line sells; they know the public has confidence In our values. They know we treat our sales staff courteously and pay liberal .TOT DAILY NTT? I Tusd, For Most Impressive Day Of Remembrance In Its History - , ... i i i T ri i be assisted at the saluUng base by r the area staff, Lieut-Col G. A. Rlx, DJ.. V. D.. His Excellency Bishop (Bunoz, Rev. J. C. Jackson, chap- and dynamo In splendid condl-"'" U,T4.W"" ut. . . in HsiiT tutn rD itrMnnin ia ntva An1 twn $335. ward Electric n Mar-.". r : . b . in. Iliinnls r-nn- Raw tf Pera" 'JZZJTJL " I Legion headquarters. FOR SALE Two-storey house. 510' Microphones and loud speakers 7th Avenue West, concrete foun-,111 Installed which will en-dattons, hot water furnace, fully able all those attending the ser- modern. 4 bedrooms, going very v,ce w distinctly and also cheap. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. kecP tne mass singing In time. (261nwith the choir which will be U-;tloned on the stone steps of the i Court House. PERSONAL . Should the weather not permit -;of the service to be held at the CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT Cenotaph arrangements have been EXAMINATION for Clerks an-. made with Manaeer Borland of the I nounced. Open to all. Appllca-j Capitol Theatre to hold it there, tlons to reach Ottawa by Novem- In that case the parade will be) ber 30tn, 1939. our aavice has coniined to the veterans, naval helped nunareas obtain civu Ber- ana military who will march to vice positions as Clerks, Postmen, the Cenotaph, deposit the wreaths Customs Examiners, etc. Free and return to the Capitol, Booklet on request. M. C. C. j Wet or fine. Saturday, November Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in 11. is the day veterans all over Canada. No Agents. ;the British Empb-e pay homage to iand bow in reverence for those of ROARD AW ANI1 ROOM tne,r comrades who gave their . . AiLu (lives In the Oreat War of 1914-1918. FIRST class room and board resl- This day of each year has been dence, close in, reasonable rates, dedicated as Remembrance Day Phone Black 965. (264) (and the supreme aim of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian rirvmc itfrmrifi AGENTS WANTED (Legion in directing this service is commissions. We Invite you to mander lFootbalI Game In Hi School League Results In Draw Alnha and B.ta plavtrt Booth Memorial High School int -i - Remembrance Day win oe ceieoraiea in rnnce uuuen house tootbau iMgue Lhis year under the direction of the Canadian legion and urday. The ame ended m auspices ol tne naval anil military unus suiuuueu ueic. iinmr. yj - Preparations are completed to hold a memorial service ai l t i n SaT draw break the 'Cenotaph on Saturday, November ilf commencing ai Piaymg for Alpha were caider-10:55 a.m. The naval and military authorities are work -wood. Hoitby capw. iiannn. ing In co-operation with the ret- ' ; Breen. Clccone. King. Leverett, erans In making this memorial " SLxth Street, thence west along Jonnson and WonK. day even more Impressive than Sixth Street to Second Avenue, j Plav,nR for Beta were Oteen, heretofore and, should weather north along Second Avenue to thej stromdtW ourvlch Capt.. It. permit Prince Rupert will witness Court House grounds whereat each McLacnlan, silverslde. D. MeLach-the most representative parade In unit will take up Its alloted place ,an mlfy McLwd. postuk. Wong. Its history. Composition of parade t the Cenotaph. Referee was J B. Wilkinson. will be as follows: , The service at the Cenotaph. Datachroent of Provincial Police. 'which will bexonducted by Iut- St. John's Ambulance. iCol Verv Rev. O. A. Rlx. DX.. VJJ.. Bishop of Caledonia, and Rev. J. C.J MnrkeV RCSUlTlCS Jackson, chanlaln of the Legion. f nd rsstoted by the mass?d choirs f the Cathedral. First Presby-icrtan and First United churches. conducted by A. J. Lancaster. I merleans To riay Opener .alnt with Mrs. E. J. Smith acommpan-' 1st. ; The Service The service -will commence at 10:15 sharp with the singing of O' Canada" by ail. led by the Thursday Night Montreal MONTREAL, November 7: iCP No National Hockey Uiw" games are scheduled for tonlaht. the next fixture to be Thurswy :hoir and band. Then will follow night when th New York Araerl-n turn the bugle call "Cease Fire." cans make their debut for the the two minutes of silence In son in Montreal against the Can-nemory of the fallen and the dlens. The American are the only bugle call "The Last Post." Rev. J. team that so far has not made an C. Jackson will then offer Bp the appearance this season. prayer followed by me nymn u ing at 1015 and will move off at God Our Help In Ages Past" which: 10:40 sharp, along Third Avenue will be sung by all and led by the ' irhnlr After the slntrincr of this , bugle will sound the "Reveille." JThe servlc" will be broueht to a rinse bv the singing of the Na The league standings to date.: W D L F A Toronto 1 0 0 Jhvmn. the Bishop will give a short Oonadlens 'address at the exniratlon of -which Chicago will follow the ceremony of plac- ?ngrs "ng wreaths and flowers on the ?! Cenontaph and during which the Uasto)n massed pipers of the city and mill- Americans tary will play the lament "Flowers of the Forest." Then the massed choir will render the "Supreme Sacrifice." The Bishop will offer .... I 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 BOWLING o 2 10 1 tional Anthem. . Enthusiastic Trundlern Turn Out At the conclusion of the service p0r Max Asemlwen's Opening past the Federal Building where, Max Asemlssen reopened the ren-jthe parade marshal, Lleut-Coi. 8. oTaled bowling alleya in the Ex- u. jonnswn. ana me nonorarv change Block last night. A hrge paraae mansnai, -acx rrerce. crowd of enthuslasUc tmndlera .. w.. . ...v turned out and the anew were ine saiuie. Tnese two orncuis win:5usy throughout the evening Msny Improvements have been made and the surroundings are very congen ureenneia to grve an' . SSSuS."" ""I New York Giants 10 Keep fresh this remembrance The Canadian Legion will have ready souvenir programs which will be distributed on Saturday morn-' ing. Officers In Charge Nucleus of officers In charge of parade is as follows; Parade Marshal Lieut-Col. S. D. Johnston, M. C, V. D, Officer Commanding Prince Rupert area. Honorary Parade Marshal Jack Preece, President, Canadian Legion. Assistant Parade Marshals Com- Colln Donald, R.CN- join mis saies siau ana earn ex-iueut-Col. J. n. Low, R, C. tra money In your spare time be-j and Major C. V. Evitt, fire c. s. cam- iween now ana ennstmas. Apply mander. for samplo book today. No charge. Parade Adjutant Capt. D, C. Experience unnecessary. Premier Stcphonson, Canadian Scottish. Art Guild, 570 Symour Bt., Van- Chairman of Parade Committee couver. .-leo. W. CrlppsO. B. E. ial for the sport. The various bowling leagues will NEW American stamps for sale, Iain of the Legion. Commander I ortltf alftn ,y 5,ngln inU acUon ones and threes. Dally News, (tf) ; Colin Donald. R. C. N. officer : ' 0 j, PHnr Piirwrl rinv. I FOR SALE Whole chimney sweep-, ernmen Agent Norman A. Watt. . tag outfit, complete. Apply um- at CommUsloner w. j. Ald ftnd iy r ' i fl 1 khr at hosplUl. t-, Inspector C .O. Barber. Provincial "ao"lglOn IXeU FOR SALE 35-50 hp. Acadia mar-' , , 01. T J lUVl ine engine with electric arter' Jf. .u tPdf h" been dls- KlflS 1 ICQ With u ii u iuc "c iiiiciuiuii oi Dana-1 oa"u WASHINGTON. DC. November 7 Washington Red Skins defeat-! Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. ti 8, Orocery Phone 348 CHIMNEYS Furnaces and Stove Pipes Cleaned Stcen's Limited Phone 5 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Bed Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only stlmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 't This advertisement Is not publisluc or dlio;aved by T Control Board or by the Ooverrumnl ot BriVih r,. ed Philadelphia Eagles 7 to 8 Sat- western stctior. urday to go into a tie for first Other gam, plate tn the eastern section of the land Hams de a (National Football League with New 11 to 0 and ft;.,, jf I Giants who were beaten 18 to II nlng over Green Ba 1 ;oy uriron uons wno ieaa me I I1IUOMM I W For Lunrh on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serve. Four Peop Krpt for Week In Refrigera'of 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Tra n s A 1 1 a n t i c Tram- Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porti 88 PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday iu p -To Vancouver Direct 85. PRINCESS LOUISE" October T ' ' S3. "PRINCESS NORAH" November th 16th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Rttorn Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 19)9 to Feb. 28th 1U0 Final Return Limit March 3Ut 1940 S36-00 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pot C Tirkctt and Keerratlnt frtra L COATES. General AienL rrlnre fUprrt, IT. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmo 15c pkg. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 1'rlnce Rupert jj Brithh MacKenzie's Furniture Thene Are AH New Design Thee Are Alle New Denljm "Sim" "l-norraln" TuU Vlutnf - lliml Armft. VfrT mll c. ...... f ....a i,.tt a. fx ....I i,i Trr v - t& and Mohair. Easy Terms. Sll5l)U Priced from See Our Window COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 48 and 551 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAT rR0 HOME Rates SW Piw)f 50 Rooms HotACoUW'W Prlnct Rupen, Phone 281 UNION STEAMSHIPS Jfl SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From ntlNCE RUPERT CQfi flfl T" . . I ..n , Iff V v rrom rori Mmpxon nrouvef (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply k vnc intermediate points.) from f t Children (Five years of age and under twclve H" ' Jl0 Tickets on Sale from November lit, 1939 to Febwry Good to return up to March 3Ut 180 Vancouvi Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Af V. f tX 8.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. T'U!T u S.S. CARDHNA Every Friday 10:30 Monaj TickeU and Reservations from phoneK' Trlnce Rupert Asent (FRANKJ. SKINNER) Third Ave. v It Convenient, Please Purdiase Tickets ai