PASS POTB A Mans Appearance Has a definite cash value Whether young- or old, every day all the time critical eyes are assessing you at your face value. Clothes' that look right style that lasts, are found only in tailoring craftsmanship that never skimps the important hidden details of cut and finish and can be expressed only in a quality that is inherent. FASHION CRAFT SUITS FROM $22.50 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. P.O. Box 622 STORE-WIDE SALE AT Elio's Furniture THIRD AVENUE Green 916 Prince Hnpert Three New Chesterfield Suites Just Arrived 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Regular. fi f Q A $140. Storewide Sale vlU 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Regular C -f -f $135. Storewide Sale . ?11D 3- Piece Chesterfield Suite Regular QH( $98. Storewide Sale , . t) 6-Piecc Dinette Suite Regular $70. Consisting Buf-iet, Table and four upholstered QlZfi ffA chairs. Storewide Sale vDO.DU 4- Piece Bedroom Suite-Regular $70. Consisting of Bed, Chiftonier, Vanity and QffQ S Bench. Storewide Sale DU Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. l The Daily News is a member ot the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Auan uureau ot Uirculat ons. It is tho t inlv of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in p these organizations. .wtl ROMANTIC ADVENTURE "Only Annets HaTe Wines," With Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Richard Barthelmess, At Capitol Theatre Combining tropical romance and thrilling aerial adventure in South America. "Only Angels Have Win??." heralded as one of 1939 s j greatest adventure picture, comes: to the screen of the Capitol Theatre 1 here for the first half of this week. Cary Grant and Jean Arthur head a cast which also Includes such favorites as Richard Barthelmess. Rita Hayworth. Thomas Mitchell and Sig Rumann. The story concerns a commercial aviation field one rated by Cary Grant In a small South American banana port. The pilots are a desperate crew of devil-may-care adventurers willing to fly any old crate with wings into any sort of weather. Jean Arthur Is a show elrl whose troune has broken up fur'her south and arrives on a banana freighter enroute to Panama. She falls In love with Grant and decides to stay. In an atmosphere of hatred, Jealousy and danger things happen and suspense pervades every scene as the story unfolds." Finally, the picture comes to a happy and heroic ending with a note of pathos In the closing scenes. Advertising is a .irmwnent c HOLDS YOU BACK You cannot make much of a tuc-Ctt in life if you are dragged down by constipation. Your trouble may be due to nothing more than a diet deficiency of bulk . . . eating foodt which do not provide the "bulk" needed by the bowels for regular movement. If you suffer from this common type of constipation, get at the cause of your trouble by eating crisp, crunchy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN every day for breakfast and drinking plenty of water. ALL-BRAN contributes to the needed "bulk" and is a rich source of nature's intestinal tonic Vitamin B. Try ALL-BRAN and ace' how differently you feeL FORCE AHEAD ALL-BRAN Mdi if Ini ! Imin. Cmi(l It nr rnc"i I .tlCTlOX MAI.K Tlmbrr Sale US7t I There will be oUered fcr sals at Pub- ;lle Auctoui. at noon on tfae SUt day o! Dflrembw. 1939. in the oirtce of the DiMrlot Forest. Marin. Building. Vsa-couver. the Licence X3S874. to cut a.p- . proxlm.rJy UXXM.OOO f. t m nf apruce. mlar and hecnlock on parts of Lots 27 and 28. north aide of Cunuhcmn Inlet. Quern Chartott Ilaads Land Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber, "Provided anyene unable to attend the a-uctlon In person may submit tender to be cpennd at the hour of auction and tinted as on bid." rurther Particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester, Victoria. BO, the District Forester. Prtnoe RupcH, DC . or the DirtJict Foreater, Marine Building. Vancouver. B. O LAND ACT Notice of Intrntlnn To Apply To Lraiw Ijand In Attln Land Recording District r 0lar IasA Division .and ttuat on Pine CrreJc ahout a mile below tin Pine Crrek Fails. Tlte notice Aha Walter W. Johnoon of Ban FrancU.30, Caltf.. occupation Mine Operator ntond to apply for t. Iwe of the follornlng deacrlbed lands:- wunmeniuiif at a. pTHt pladted bo'i'. jSOO ft. norUvntaterly from the old power house theme southerly 600 ft ; Jhetice uesterly 600 It thence northerly 6O0 ft : thence eaMterly 600 ft. and containing 10 acres, more or jm Mtng a relocation of the old" power house arte once owned by the Brltlsh- AiiM-ncaa urtogmq Co. i,td. WALTER W. JOHNSON ' " By Walter Ranmiaiieu, Agent. Elated., September 6, 1939. TECS CATLY CTTW8 M0B toftDiy Thli adrertla.msnt it not paMJrttd, or displayed bj tbe Liquor Control Board or by the GoTernmsnt of British Colo- This advertisement Is not published or dlSDlayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia TODAY'S STOCKS lOouriM) 8. D Johnton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .12. Bulorne. 10.55. Cariboo Quartz. 2.0. Dentonta. .01 k Falrvlew. .02. Gold Belt. .20. Hedley Mascot. .45. Minto. .02. Noble Five. .02. Pacific Nickel, .13. Cariboo Quarts. 2.16. Pioneer. 2.16, Premier, 1.35. Privateer, .90. Reeves McDonald, io. Reno. .50. Relief Arlington, .14. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek 1.10. Cariboo Hudson. .04. Oils A. P. Conn,1814. Calmont.41. C &. 2.30. Freehold. -02. Home. 2.70. Royal Canadian. .22 & Okalta. 1.15. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .22. Toronto Aldermac, .45. BeaUIe. 1.13. Central Pat.. 2.35. Cons. Smelters, 49,75. East Malartlc, 3.05. Fcmland, .03. Francoeur. .41. Oods Lake. W. Hardrock. 1.18. ' Int. Nickel, 47.75. Kerr AddCson. 1.95. Little Long Lac. 3.00. McLeod Cocicshutt, 2.05. Madsen Red Lake. .45. McKenzle Red Lake, 122. . Moneta. J)lt Noranda, 77.50. Pickle Crow. 4.30. Preston East Dome, 1.87. San Antonio, 1.76. Shcrritt Gordon, 1.28. Stadacona. ,39 1. Uchi. 5. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher. .10. Oklend, .11. Smelters Gold. .01 ;. Dominion Bridge, 41.75. Whifflets From The Waterfront dl Southbound from gkagway to Vancouver on a regular Alaska voy-j age, CP.R. steamer Princess Norah.j Capt. William Palmer, was In port from 4 o'clork to 5:15 yesterday af-j ternoon. The vessel had on board 111 passengers of whom six disembarked here. Six took passage from' Prince Rupert for the south. Union steamer Catala, Capt.j James Flndlay. returned to port at; li:45 this morning from Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1 :30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. 'Preparations For Letter Box Arnil-gtipA Day At I RADIO RECEPTION Editor Dally News: t um Kn ihnnoht that the was wm I John. N.B.. Toronto, and Watrous, Saskatchewan and having boosted Vancouver from 500 to 5000 watts, will do something for Northern B. C. In the not too distant future. D. C. MtRAE. Chairman Radio Commute. Chamber of Commerce. Science Club Is Organized The Science Cluh nf nu " WW Memorial High School was organized last week under the supervision of J. K. Davles. Officers for me coming year were elected as follows: President. Harry Daecett Secretary. Anne Winslow. Treasurer. Helen Brown. During the winter club will perform experiments In chemistry. m ti:k notice The American freighter Marv D.'T L . " nviaA wni uv vanaoian Ni. ,(.1,1 kciiiui ni f tcpaita -.. nmummym aaorra u Prince ,at the local dry dock to damage sus-1 L? f: wl" Italned In a stranding In orrnvllte SSLf, c?2? J.2. " I " jimm iurri, WiUCQ JIOWI Channel . last . week, sailed from here160 wt at 3 o'clock yesterdav ycaieruay afternoon aiemoon In in WV' """ tnm tn rtrran ,. sX a pont about 1700 South continuation of her Interrupted Et of Pacific Railway ntuori an voyage to Seward, Alaska. lm he ud for rndwriai pwvose upon the Land dencrlbM as Lot 918 an 3 Bl. Mnt Waterhouse freighter Trii tk was potd on th Northholm has been In port since " 81h ot Au- yesterday mornlng';!ischarging Id- a Vy of this notice and an aiii. cal cargo. aUkm pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will fa riu in n.. Hotel Arrivals Prince llupert C. J. Strong, Vancouver; Bay McDonald. Wrangell, Alaska; W. R. Kuffell, A, L.. Whalen and D. H. McLean, Vancouver. . ot the Water Recorder at Smlthers. B. C. Objeotlooa to the ipUnatlnrv may be filed with the aaJd Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right iwuxmn. uuiuiinga, vmcria, H, C , 'wMtiiu thirty days after the first ap. Ipearance of thu notice In a local news- CANADIAN NATIONAL" RAILWAYS Applicant. By M. A. Durban, Agent. The date of the firM publication of thla notice la Octobx 34th, 1939. i Legion Executive public would be interested in re-. The executive of the Prince Ru-irelvlng whatever Information u! pert Branch of the Canadian Leg-available regarding the prospects ton of the British Empire 8ervlce 'for Improved radio reception in i League was In session last evening Prince Rupert ,n preparation for the regular Our information was that the in- mommy meeting oi Wednesday of terierenr irom me nan uuwer mrc everything else and that little-headway could be made in removing Application for membership were approved and referred to the general meeting for endorsatlon. Letters of thanki . from Indlvldu- mu- joiner imrneicucc uum removed. Therefore, after two years .U and organizations that had been . 01 enorc wun wie mu suppuri ot I - iu, ioiof Hanson MP., and the reeom- Advice of the awarding of a cm-imendation of the engineering de-itrmct for extension to approach at Jpartment of the Canadian Radio' Ddte Cove. Dlby Island was re- CommlMion. the Installation of si lent type Insulators from MeCiy mont Park to the substation was completed about the month of Mav But In addition to McBrtde .Street, owing to our great distance from the broadcasting stations and at times due to atmospheric conditions, radio signals simply do not reach, trine Rupert. Especially during the past year there have been times when the Diehv u-irelMu has had the greatest difficulty In Knung mrougn lis messages, owing to atmospheric conditions. With a view to ascertaining the best form for improvement In radio reception for Prince Rupert and all this north country. H. O. Merriman. chief engineer of the Radio Depart ment at Ottawa and also Messrs. Turner and Irwin of the same department were In Prince Rupert from October 18 to 23. While here they were busy every minute mk- eetved as this IndvdM the usual clause covering employment of veterans. Considerable time was devoted to the final BTanfmenU for the annual Armistice Banqurt This Ml UU HI UV jUUVX IUU lltU year as there will not be adequate accommodation in the Legion Quarters far thme exDteUd tn at. tend. There are many ex-servlce I C men among the units now in town S ill n O and thee are all eligible to attend. The details of the arrangement Circulation Tor OtUMr tor the Remembrance Day parade j, were under discussion. Comrade George Crtpp. who is In charge this1 The Prttv R -r year of the arrangement, has made Board held its ,, a splendid job of the planning and meeting last evej ' i special DrovtakMi has been made for .u- .... those Uklng part and the general nature The nrru , public to hear ail of the ceremony month of October t-Z' bv th Inaiallatinn nf bv4 rvVr to . Those In attendance. In addition to President Jack Preece. were W. J Ranee. Nell Cameron, o J m ai""" PW Dawes. II T Lock Mlc iy. incy. apparently, were r-- thoroughly familiar with the Ket chikan system of rebroadcasting. had surveyed the passibUMej of the radiophone from Vancouver, short wave from the southern part of the province, a powerful broadcast station at Vancouver and also a dlrn-il wire from Jasper the nearest point! at present, while here a special i aerial was constructed and rpectii Instruments installed for more tests. This equipment Is In eharge of Mr. Claverlng part time radio' inspector. Record will be kept ov-' er a considerable period of time t obtain the information wanted. Thee men. on Ihelr way East, stopped off at Terrace. Smtthers. etc. where tests were made. Mr. Merriman stated that the interference from McBridr Street was only 10 per cent of what is usuallv experienced from such high power Installations. It can be sUted. however, that the MeBrlde strict interference varies greatly from time to time. It would seem that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, having during the past few years constructed ititlnn. . C L Barker. J W Abbott Ca7 Grant To.M A.ll In 'ONLY AN( HAVE WINGS Kith It I CI I A IU) MRTHltJ n and ADDED Htf TV,. 1 'H -nautl thtert I 'Library Board session ThOI presrr . wrrteibl cnairman. T B. Kt i tA Mrs r j 1 I jfc;.! w it. Tobey T f waac MUs Olive ra ' ' -x'- B. C. Furniture Co, Musical Instruments 1 Conn Soprano Saxophone At 1 5-Strinjr Banj At 1 1 15.00 .Mandolin Rounded back. Rood C11 ?fi condition condition ' 911.DU Keen Accordion 21 treble keys, 8 batis keys and steel reeds 2 Ukclclcs At low prices. 1 I Hohncr Harnionica "The Goliath' Double reed and case Violins of Various Make: From S14.00 51.50 $9.50 Larjfc Shipment of Unpainted Tables And Chairs Newly Arrived at Very Iw Pried Thone IJICK 321 THIRD Tt (Next Door to B. C Clolhlrrt) REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Fall and Powell Mm $36 Return Meals and Berth Included rrlnce Itupert THURSDAYS South""14 Hale Effective Now Until February 28, Ketirrn Limit, March 31. i If you have something to sell, a classified advertise" In this paper will soon Jet you know if there is a W . the ritv. 2' w. . . -s...ul.. SSKtJS . " ' 4. .