v.. 1 ia uins Started TEA Tl 14 lUnCT HWnncr rrrwufin lArtive Reaon Looked Forward To a, O rls' Club got oil to Idinj Permits itinuing Light Far This txr Vlz&w in ipirWon with MI0.73 Lat Year '.he first ten months of fwo permits were grant-Ah representing a total compared with $4200 In :8. Uatheson. superintendent x for the Consolidated St Smelting Co. during the days of the camp, was a :er aboard the Catala today through to Vancouver. Mr. ron is now being superan- trom the a-rvlce of the y and will be making a trip hi arlo before settling down anently The smelter at Anyox (w being dismantled, navin :A as scrap. iROLl,m OATS--Quaker. Rciular package u OUANT.E MAUMALADB-Aylmer. 4 lb. tin i KGGS Scott's Pullet, i itn PLUMS Royal City. Tin PEAKS Standard quality. 2 tins Search For Body Of Teacher Is On Provincial Police Tridcavouring To Ittcover Remains of Third Auto Plunge Victim sr with an enrolment-ofi nelson. November 7: (CP) y s.x girls under the Search is being continued by the Ki Miss Eva Cavalier, 'provincial police In the Columbia for the ensuing year River near Brilliant, Doukhobor i us follows: settlement west of here, for the 1 Nancy Bremner. . 1body of Hiss Helen Lentsmcn. being conducted. The school teacher, third victim of an is.:: T automobile accident Sunday night r Flhcl Knutson. Iwhen Alfred Heath Sweeney of Phyllis Batt. Castlegar and Miss Clara S. Stew- are all looking forward art of Brilliant lost their lives as yjble and successful a result of the car plunging 150 feet over an embankment Into the 'river. The car was rounding a sharp I turn to go on to a switchback and went over the bank while b I In? backed up. Two girls who escaped fell out of the car on the I way down the bank. Sweeney, hi I chest badly evished. died on the J way to hospital here. I The young women had been spending the week-end in Nelson land were returning to their village permits In Prince nu-j0014- s? present year continue . r.g aggregated so far thlsj J3 in, comparlm wtth'F' lOMJ D11TC ,i liiiauu i uio On Censorship Continues Defemive Measures In l.ffort To Retain It Integrity And Independence oendence. Finland took defensive measures today Jn the way of Imposing censorship on mall, telegraph and telephone communication with foreign countries. This was described as a precautionary measure to overcome espionage danger 18c 44c 32c 10c 23 c TISSUE -Sanl-Whlte. g 7oz. roll y - - I'OIlK and BEANS Aylmer, 16 OZ Qp Per tin - - AYUiF.lt SOUPS Tomato, Vegetable. 23C 3 tins . . .. in . tomato catsup Ayimcr 15C Per bottle si,Ar,mmi-LlbbyS''-ioW v kn Per tin SHORTKNINti 8wlft Jewel. 25C of nianc Havo wnge Pekoe Blend Church Parade SALADA Impressive Showing Made by Mem bers of Canadian Legion Augmented by Local Militia when the veterans attended service. . . i it. ' in St.. Andrew's Anglican uamea-ral. In spite of the Inclement weather ! there were over forty ex-service men on parade with members of the Women's Auxiliary under their president, Mrs. R. Murray, also attending. President Jack Preece was In charge with J. 8. Wilson as sisting. The parade was headed by the Prince Rupert Boys' Band un der Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, himself a veteran and Legionalr. As the veterans reached the cor- gave a suitable and much appreci Surprise Party On Anniversary Cant, and Mrs, Alfred Jaroben n .. f .. r.. a.m liuiiiuru tlUUl Ul 1 Minus Ust evening j men in uniform 25c LOCAL NEWS NOTES Bridge 8eriesMoose Hall tonight For prompt and courteous 8:30 prrt. ncnrufl nubbins, well known in , , T " . - 'Taku Itlver minim? circles, was a The annual church parade p , Nor. Prince Rupert Branch of the Can- Jf -.afternoon golnB adlan Legion took place on . Sunday, Jj Jtr. M. E. THonagle, well known attorney of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through from I the Alaska Capital to Seattle. D. C. Bharpstone of the Polaris-Taku Mining Co. and Mrs. Sharp- stone were passengers aboard the' going through to San Francisco. Rt. Rev. W. A. Geddes. Anglican of the Yukon a pass-Avenue BUhop was and Fifth ner of McBrlde Street aboard the Princess Norah the church parade of the various military units in town fell , yesterday afternoon going through Dawson to Vancouver, in behind and the. combined unlurom made an impressive showing. The' . -..,-. c Svkdahl and B Oadsden pipers of the Sixteenth Canadian who been fisheries patrol -have on Scottish supplied music as the Boys' rammer' Ml ed Band stopped playing. . The lesson, were read by Dean b? ,th Catala. thta afternoon for home at Bella Cpola- J. B. Gibson and BUhop O. A. Rix,thelr The Annual Meeting of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club will be he d as a special anthem Kipling's "Re- cesslonal." Buglar W J. Rancel in , Wednesday at 8:00 nn m All funded the -Reveille- at the cUe,Av.e w; pin George Murray, superintendent of the power pfant at Premier mine, and Mrs. Murray were here aboard the Catala today goto? J through on a trip to Vancouver, I Scotch and Canadian dance. Met-row)le Hall. Nov. 8, 9:30 pm. to 2 Admission men 50c. ladles 25c. Refreshments. (260) A number of friends Joined In a , . wlter t "eisel. son of a well surprise visit last night on Capt. emUims officer at Juneau. and Mrs. Alfred Jatobsen. Second' aboard the Prln- their naenwr Avenue, the occasion Mm rweddlng anniversary. A rcry en- r" rvi'" , , , w wroun io jeavue. u. neisci AmPbW evening was spent playlnu bridge, the prize-winners beln r. is already In the south. Mrs. Jacobwn and Harry Wana- maker. During the rrcning Mr. Rev. Father Anthonv Meuhn-Wanamaker. on behalf of tlw berg, oarlsh priest of, the Roman Catholic Church at Stewart, arrlv-fetr. Kuwts. presented a loVi- gift to And Mrs. Jacobsen. ' . ln th.e city from thenprlh on the Catala this morning and will f Those present were Mr. and Mrs, "W. H. Sherman Jr, Mr. and Mrs. "" u,e "cfc tc" uua- Peter Solemn, Mr. " and Mrs. H THRIFT CASH & CARRY Pef doi'en . HELSINGFORS, November 7: CP Resolutely determined to maintain its integrity ana inae- ... .. .... apxitrttk RANOITETTlckets1 furtKiffr vSJiaiiir, mt. iiu . . - FINE FOODS FOR LESS Malr. Air. and Airs, weiuretranc, ' vnn.4 Mrs. C. Johnson. Miss Allde John- Lesion and ex-service men for An-, son and Percy Smith. nual Armistice Banquet to be heldj Saturday evening at 7:30 pm. from, ' " members of Canadian Legion Ex- : II... AA i.A ... 1I.1.A It's the cumulative eflect of nd- iu. oci juur uci. vertlslng that counts. .early. nUFl) FLOim Five Roses, Purity. 2Mb, sack 49-lb. sack C 11 A DM KAT Queen Charlotte Pack. Vs.JTln TIIIUKT COFFKE Fresh ground. Per lb. ' SWIFTS BACON Diamond A' sliced. Per lb. FRY'S COCOA Va-lb. tin "BRUSSELS SPROUTS-r Per lb. t 95c $1.85 19c 40 c 29c 20 c Free Delivery On Orders $1.00 Or Over New Service Starts on Wednesday Morning DKL1VEHY HOURS 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. For Efficient Service and to Keep Cost, at a Minimum, We Ask Your Co-operation in Placing , Your Orders at or Before the Above Hours. FRUIT and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA OIIAPEFKUIT . 6 for - . ... COOKINC. APPLES -Rome Reautles. 23C fl lbS. WINTER PEAKS D'AnJou, large size. Per dozen . . DESSERT TOMATOES Per lb. 5-lb. basket SWEETPOTATOES 3 lbs. 8c 350 19c 9 c w. iiaieiv. eenerai ireisni. ageni, Canadian National Railways, sue-ceedlnt: J. M. Macrae at Vancouver, nccomnanled by George A. Mc-Nlcholl general passenger agent, fxrpfts to arrive ln Prince RuDert cn Wednesday and. accompanied by Peter Lakie. divisional freight and passenger agent here, make the trip to Ketchikan .and Stewart on the steamer Prince Rupert. On Friday they plan to go east with W. H. Tobey. making a routine trip over the line as far as Jasper and home by rail. Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say ( IE" FOR HOT J 111 STOVES At All R.C. Stores smKsmmmmcmmmmmmmmm Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop ANNOUNCEMENT. Until further notice, on Sundays our 'Confectionery Store will be open only from 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY vice Phone 13 TaxL I rf 1J ser- tf. Meeting of Ladles' Bowling League, Wednesday 7:20 pjn. Mrs. M. Griffin and daughter of Premier arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the' north. Men's First Aid classes 7:30 pjn. Thurs. Nov. 9 in waiting room C.N.H. station. S. Jurmaln. start! men's Apply', '262) ! Charles Goldstein, prominent pl- Prlncess Norah yesterday afternoon joneer business man of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through from the Alaska Capital to California to spend the winter. Ac-; Parcnt. tUS IS tlicGin STRENGTH 15 undsr proof Sykrt CONTENTS 26ou Touir coioon ee LT0,Uwi.UN0 Vht LpU gin diiUlltM in ttu nvtlti This advertisement is not published or dLlayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Announcements All advertisements In'tMt column win be charted for toll month at 25c a word. , Scotch and Canadian Dance, Hall, November 's. jMetropole Anglican uazaar novemoer- v. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10, Eagles Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nor. 18. ; Vaudeville. Dance, Moose Hall, November 17. i St. Peter's Church bazaar Nor. 23 Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance, Nor. 30. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Pbone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 240 Eljhth Avenue West Thomas Beattle left on last evening's train for a brief business trip to Terrace. Mrs. C. L. Olbson sailed this af ternoon on the Catala for Vaneou ver where she will spend the next couple of months visiting with her I is g ! ijij.li ':i-sa This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Tonight's tram, ffue from ;the at at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. ; Dr. H. A. Whlllans, who has been! relieving Dr. Murdo Morrison ai Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Catala today returning to Victoria. ; companying him was his wife; his - - daughter - in - law, Mrs. IsadorelOooottJooeotsooooooaoMueoo Goldstein, and grandson, Robert Goldstein. 1 1 The RexaD Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th p Rales Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Malce'Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ottnes Ltd. 7hn Pioneer Druqgtets 'Tit- ftr-iatl Store Phones. 81 Si 82 Oien Daily Irum 8 a-m. til) 10 p.m. Sunday and UoIiday from 12 noon till Z pun. 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. HERE IT IS A Genuine EASY The Washer You Have , Always Wanted for only $63.50 Never before has such a wonderful opportunity been offered to Prince Rupert Housewives. A $90.00 value. See this washer at J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mttk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ft m ff. fc..