-"IB." For Real Comfort and Wean Jkleiitvoffed eaM Pane or MiterMs or tin raj TJf Irani "GREB" Working Boots Are Unbeatable otraoooooooooowrc fen AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Borne of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. flUNCi Cdi3X - KKinSH CUUTaUOA siftSKUturxrus naxtJi Cm Oelrrery. by Qtras. jtarxr pe ;loC paiC m adratxe .ltCic adrsmce, per mm. ,.. D. trey .Atleraoan, lareept Bunoaj. by Prince Bopen Xtolly Jiewi. I.lmltrt. Thirt Avenue H, T PUliilN ... a!anagt-xinaz falc in adrance. per month By mai: to all paru it Hntab OriumnaL he BrHMb Empire and Untied (Kates, ytarJj .pnud, wuc in advense y mail to all Giber eomnziee. pe arear : .AinXKXlKlM EaXKfc xaaliee atlTerUsmc. per wore, per tnartton local Twaer. tkt toe. per inserUot Advertbinx and CueuiaXNin leieprioDe 9J hews Department JekrpDurts at Member at Audit ttnreao at rarcutattma ij&Eir E31T10X BABYLON B CHARGED 9JW Prrasjr. JWDuary & m JOT TEAnCACUCEMLAT V WLUStmn, On meat (onm-AKiiLvc oub atom: Ulhm off trow, mat of JAt wnl the auacr exoa harvest- u Mnj u lit i -" CBuntries wtlieb ore determined to) make thenosehm indspenaem -of AooC suadlies trvzr. the oataHi wari tm therefore asajtfiw She iiiVitente of their eonasniers to ar- ider to imwbie indHeenteifis far'. afinussge n? this eppertenity The lorpsiry indostrie were al-nested to 1B3E by the fieshne is tle-.manfl in our principal external markets but the newsprint situs- nitidieflnesa. We admit liiat is Prince EnBart tiifire are 'elated by ptmaidien m iwr ' tdf lihe cih e been wl asd Ti-Bhr kad and that ievetoi- tw raptoymeu: TTr i eempared wttfa 1S27 ProdueteH) eff . - w, c "wca, uHre cire ieaS xni noag m a few peH8Wsie aa ,.r t? ..... j i i : x 2 j paman ta toe catcs L - T , ,.vj" 7 etonsbermM'aliitame wasprobab- jninM mene- defense seDesaes. It fe aso mz- & mn ie than in ibr. bat im- jesriD expendstiires ivrmg 1939, the fitm axtf saK a tn- result r the new trai? ee ' ilotiire ing set)4ies as a poseuoamy. Ixicweed la ttef- Ie!r: U. " P2 P2" wer lae cost by flan- vm be taflben ireBj fbe swaer votaa at the aeoaW sesneB rtrr tKer -used lur i 5 r i r i r . . . A 'true. If they bate net been attacked tber bave been zrrozzrtce f the dictators will be effective in ooncfcssanc If rrsn If Anrlbirtjr. r!vrtie for it. Fresh Local Raw Afid VALENTIN DAIRY J. R BULGER Optometrist EtJ Bank Elfif- k-wi. ai tomparefl wttt while raoorted 'cost afcithe by nnnuanMos Former taen iaf mew Iwnei and the tpreremer of tmant hem ' sweri atimaaMed by tmm tte ' I. JJi Canarimr. lines and A ' W " - ' - rUimawt a: 34SjaojD hkim. .... i. or mer JO per eeranaare than UuS ni ftenrea In M AC 55 WeWatef HUT iPnf Hurler vc T) milarn hokflnn -P-iH mT tl VinJI. f .. . 1 . irf Tr uu, w ou aw a: me BHuxaauoii a neccz aeeum-' Hornio 5tnn I roar. 1 tt IVl JK untr the Ifauims As: aim Us prr-tir XJommioc Hnuanut ( AM to tUmmtrti the hm ,JI lr mnun m .loai tmw provided anntrnne mut 1S8 The acrwuturra. generally a industry o- psnnoon: isumrtanee to owtiunl of tm una. Bonn an aw; at Caaaas. whatti notalHB HS hTettheod thrruV ji from tne fenn Pot this uw tear etemeirt tt to nation. UK mot tovoraak-, year toai. US7 The Jtefc or IkelC ernus were on oif oixnft at per eertt hi txns at al 1JST fllthotorr. aagrecuie value 'Mom to heme tmpi&nmeM toana the Hume laipiiu'ejiiiii: tlaoix Quaraniee Act tanmHUme u abfec afcSM or lftT: tan - ftuBfaes Uttprme ttHMT faOOKS. -ItoJlway re earniry oi the to Mum dceioKS of X7JCI - th HL-ituMidiM 1BT raancB ar ffi a k, mm mtamn rfcalilii wr WS7.aaousn la raiue was only siz.- m u hws wm-KOJW Treats Tb? stnniftattnjj The heavy nww- l5rei o: ite teiser jrttte as -iEiall & caradani tfO awJ in tne tafiwajr tsr-ioQdinsr.j Umngto tt ST grain anC to ictaE sitet to iheig, Ttnnc m mc hUrc Prairie Prcntnces Th nml g- reeonk of eatta: ttemi the ious aixstzite to Jurtfasf "enrv?eHaHfl ffWr canal at .-BbJHC in CanaJten agrfcifltare at the be- w maM gtaninf off 1C9 JS unAHttilJly thr to the j, s sj;j8C tons up 1t iff war prises iff taran pn - - ,:n,MUbar MHftKO bottteto dio. due u .larger world ereps. tf am: stjaajseo bhste of " ,aers sacsec inrouEE uk Aranw k agncuttural poter ato;gt,rw- tuUng the a-swm thfiir aprtealtina. predneers to in- jjnuthe at i3f m abodt foar per crease men- sssie-srown crops. Imhk nnr.ihar in MB tmi ft 4f- 1 Cattle and bos marketing were'aj.. w f aall. m hirve as thf mwer than in UK. white prKet.ri f ir wi- n-t I5jjc ."f tower lor cattle box hignsr tori jri 1SC7 tourlate tnna e4r eoan-hogs, owtag to atari suppbss andltj serrt about aB6SJW3 tni rni-""- uu uuues mc-. Canada and Canadian Won: Satter prgduetion was at pesnrd insb lerelc. wltL lower price. As regards the iuture. tt be! 'pointed out that under the new trane aereement oar eatfie. flabri -feows swine, ireab pact and bacon. cream and cheese wfll hereafter tmilfc. be admitted into the United States on much more liberal teems. tCheBp feed wffi enable us to take, 0me lBJlie W-bo d thiBjE ibttt are not approved by the Canadiaa lumb-r inda-nry will be-i C P2CCOC A tlt-j V churcritg Imt that ib true of every city in every eeaatrr. rnatenaar in ik innn the op-. uCao I d5Sc5 iindj , . We do not iMnk liiat Prinee pert is vrorse than cher "" K 'reemem places in this napeci eieept that we nrarr be littie lel Mining ew Prat WocriticaL TfiTiat we are sure of if tJwt the newle of' minin w atoed m 4 Prinee E g f S iTS SaCf faroad-randed, tJerat, wtd wdl Me beW emi, ferwuy tc tiie aeaiiabie isatbais indicate ; ineir-ewrj aajwaierfi. ixiere aave be F60tectf w tne ee- a groutt or tnn per cent m pby- Teionnieat of the estv but we beneve Urat ftranflafcro rbJ ohtme of prodwies and or ver-eKB0erfi3L a fcctc decline. Ctftd prodticttonjn ! k PI Of late there hat been a mre or kse Bteadr kffitra- estatlliw5 a rKtm: DeSSDOrOUgll 11311 I...,. tl" I A - -T Tti - r Cwuf t jjhuw lik- cuhsuhmebo. J OK new II. ol Tide petroleimi is the lira, ten! ' if- lajrhlv xiesirafeje because people in the larger eentrefi-manto oi ibse was ie? per eem i4 fare more apt to bave been in dose tooefa wflCb tie newer k penad or movoneirfjt and wetdd be Jess Kielv tt be eetel ir kjtl 1587 "chta tiwo.oBo barren, a NATIONAL DEFENSE imr tl l KnHMfftfl ttlWa wrr w -fTtKneoaa ffi ei-sm power ifisaDy recnmennefi Canada in the lina sen months Dr;uwli- 7r:Z' S tZ - ; T, f3troi.. v r Prince Eitoart deteaee. There sesaB is a art f last m tt r th -ear- v?fw tste mt sirtaav spent bat net eDQ to reearfl hira ueure or 21m. in or rpffispjete isie sri at toe xnwotia of toe itarrjr sad at AS- iBber iicit'rv'er t1 'frird HmrpVAf r&.. -wmmc sro luaWir arrA 1- per rent indKatmc improve- a mi . i r .. ment, Power inaae aTaflabie iar. lastacturmz artirHr in 1B3C hundred and ITEX sttinen:? of Parfe raeat. rtrryic bicr- and etp. was hearty Eijrfet Handred rernwnf A la the ytreMBt tiiarbed ditic f tbe rid ererr Jf if1? JJ&i J" I" x .Tv j . t sflrinJybeKnr the llerta, St 15.-1 StvuuS Capital wwawu Jnn lie ru uw qiki xusi ur tax K Ve peo . JDC-OOCtiO wfflfi '5 Goteraor's Leve On New Year's Day CP' fievra peraons at- ibreateGEsJ Or had to KMMXliL However, eterv dav sverifrd filltiitSy tower than In tended the Gavenwr General Jlew tiiat pas6, it seen t f. make it less IMr tk tie 1827 infiez fiSj'S cumber eJ TSZi!!! Vttetoter L7 f,' "KTBtarc lyon ISackenzie praSncttoa itsftnc Efeac and Lfler of Hie Oppor- Ironj 100 JS to 1112 between August tios E ? Martles -wert amoac knd OctoW Prwductias of auto- thos? jreseat tflthougb boCb to? raobaes to SCorembef wzs ltK also "at home tesnselm 'tmiis at coeptrefl wittj 1C5'4 to the aame moaffl o? IBTT Qocetntctlria rosiracts twarned la the tirri erea rrasths o! 1SS6, -rifle .deccsmr 17 per cent Irom 1KT. wer ltrrer in raloe than la 'the rarne pertoi at atry other year s&ee 1821: todeei the Korember. 3KE. ffistr&cls were alrJhtb; la ex cess off Sbose cf the same .uaiiMi e? Bowling Alley For EstJth and a Slim Wsist Line BtwI rr Keoervatiun Plimte Ct SPORT BRUINS WIN OVER HAWKS : at af xtcxBii wxsb ui bit r Obasusa mcntht iff U9C were two per cent g tower tttan u. the aame periad 1-tffj4l 1ST. wte they were Mfher than canadtena IE aay nTTQe wnr preseenra yewfa. TChdieaBle trade lr. the first ten cnxcMoc OP--BWini. trtrdur d? Pu. Thaapm tolaw- ..... a: ii' Ml' mi: llii waun Miirs l4 !lawK tar matt: tr the Nuama! laxw toad-m Baaur Bntti Bv a wart at Z' to l Mt aktfn Stoaare OntaRi the Mt the DatfOR IM Wtars m tnse Mttnd C maa tt slH atoa iiiaia ue New Tbic Kauamw afea Ima an mdav draw wtttt dieiai at siatftraU the The ItHiaia' 1C tc 31 i iBarffH B I 11 n M lVl 4 lttlHSl 6 J 14 T 12 SAYS HIS ARM "0 JC .Ilrsry lean rramkMi ! other aweim Mirni j iit uihcws dboat tOb.1mm to eor- of I7J6U00C in Cub ie1 Tw tries, ar a buamee our lavor ir to Irrat nine months nf 1oh antanobUes eater- CaCAOO l work aw Deaat 1M at as tost av Jar Jar f f 'CP CP OaK-. yestrrda estrrda ths: ths: ha n , n.. rmM Jmi aas9 eBned about nine per cent, and on rtsjtat arm wh!db wa& aune the tooat oT last neaaon wa in and u- that uw. he or lur uxz the urn Chtft wiawi to la-w f tM. the Hockey Scores rwtftr Can Lnmr 2 PwnixtnC S Hockev SUndins 1 ; - w.iii.-j "V WHI5KIE mm ioMI Gves S50D To l: an- ttr Civic Centre 1 y totar Shoo tetaJ" v 1 tor SPORT CHAT ' Thf tact that XL the Cntraai Black !wrt hamnicmanto not save turn bran Glaajit Baneer are mare ttrto H enuenehed that, ever to ants or the BeaOMfc Laocae. Kirn ZXVaNon as a ff their throe Mr Tear babda--4rer Air 4 to 8 m. SsissH!y er OaBtt 2 to i lor Monfiav and ooar Parttot W4,Tto0 4 U. 2 thetr their rT.mfmr ails week Osr wrttf xr aeventoeti xtarm we fciipi nf inurlaU, e as aswi1 raw m Rum ruimsi. iur vwnm h. wd ivbbt swrnm Lananur. iTif ztrrv u. vonaj n -1 deeteed & per cent, so that these iL" OT """r ' " 5" .J.r . loetf t aV we he wianna rl t-f ir the lBCt rarures o? toariaW er- isnditnres. the bi sr jwn VINES WINS FROM BUDGE TaMe Ttoraei! im Tk t.m O! li wlt!imiuial 7caMs Ttvr PKimnnpHiA jkr s or AXter tUTinc tKlleeetf Atceau Hew Turk WTJOOPBG Jan 6 0 Mto Wtew tarnM! RUNTS SCOTCH WHISKY .re iott.io 4rt,sr p, s&j or d-tptved by the Uqjot Corfo(! Board sr by the Goveirtment of Be itfih Columbia Er.isxamxjsaiTsrMiwratTaTiT3 f JANUARY SALE 2 Or Seustetifc AuahMler EU.r KMH - Secular SM Sa - t OfMr Armlnsirr Mat aH. ? Hetoar Baie 5 2 Spriac rB4 MUirtwr Bite 4-41. f Rrcator S13J4 le 2 Only Sprint l"Uie4 MstUein Boylar SttbC i Saie ft k ft O&4 Sax 4-6 Ret or S24M Siir We Tale Old f araitnre Ka Trade-la S31.00 S3.25 S13.50 S17.00 S15.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Pritire Ettprrt M Isabel A Z Icwe. Who was lady r-r Cw le Maw s. thesr i if i anil teac sopertatonnent of the hoapitol hi Pnttaad 7r 4 I K 42 J toav awre ac r.ieht aa4 tnaaawr rerrue Srtttob CJoluraba. to WC S?ata 73 5 t 09 at II in iad to iili 1 eeaBMkt to ahwari when that tows had Ms exeat fire vsnover r :" r K t! aeu V-J ft-t. l-i ft a and wnr served owku at a -wars- Spokane V 4 'I f; ftf. r teniu radiiaettca Hne HUtte" mns 116 w rae end tht war is dead here "City Of Youth" Is tion was lower, but to produouanj.. llEvr iun jD Centre Of Imdira Tor Grrmr S pecial Tminlnj tn geieeted Empire Ttmnx People UOHSKJK. Son t CP last "Struck DO." lTUsKnih Wur r.nimnr. Pretii and dried fifib eznorted m'- i . jine fcrsl tea marKiu 1831; dU- eKabinnjatt a,, tt jibe Uted States, in iew taf tfee r8et eoBdfeiw amepsa0 i8" v v'&mz. to tefa yauuc p-opif -ixn2m mi nuns. iaBsw wbuic be farHgfcc ler spms tnilnmcr .gsiBa jptBS Uta! um. CSiiada ianaoa C12r m&j tioilbk oauoie ine the ametUlt amaoirt spet pest last last proremeat proremeat is is antisipeted antlalpetofl in to isz: IKWbacnwefa ui saeaktor to a BoaJer acafKU headmasters, would SSSCHOO Twc thousand e- One qp SC5TL5 FINEST OFFICERS INSTALLED fjeurie Andersun Ha tn Ctiarj- 4 Cerrmotiie at Hon erf Sunrs Ladee I ft R ft i iir af Morwaj AootidaaWti at a i of 4ke tadar teUowi Mai; arttnc 4- ftelll ,i imaiiBaT at m m. , aHtt t. Jw- - " tioA imtL ludilart iataB sflMB ' 1 went ani lor h hoitday s tm aaaa mwd Mai aw that woaa H atiMtdC , Oaorar Ano - atflrer wxawrrtMi. iaa c tw verttt' af 1m lb vtx the Xtaftary dwh, , Bersrt. Saaa Petw- 4- ate Mk aaawd abat all af- 1ir vasts Meo fwiwo- aaiwauiao to the Mt Oaer 4 tor the oar eod m ardor to B Itallatnc' Mr MnrviNf. ' . Uauar Aunt- firttwwirt! tr the rr John Mttrv i Wttt! ttu'l(5 The er? rn wtreataoatitB weee aerre and del. r.L.. m aflp-nr. t oT lectu-' " tm lamtnc Br Vm m-,-- MteaAet! av M mm and o- awn aC tar lannert A Hot Time h What la Want Tni Winter T caa rrt it fcr aster w famoui rAa, Butelr? TaBey ttr KtRatm-1teltectn rwd. PRINCE KUPERT FEED CO. fe 61 or SSI TRAPPERS Dart he firvx k : your tart at the wu: 1 f revh year auff ao i-." ' O'x- and fet .t's : T tod er ' I' war ww. m " k 14 rrr r VOtr ! Tntit Goldbloom The nriiiMr NOTICE ! ttfl rther nure tr4aaii Mt?di' 1bo-' r CftMTJTIlftMJlT STWtr. M m rtw at ' M ufa. l t u 1 ft ajn. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERV THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Socieye PINK. SEAL Finest Pink Salmon PackK try the ec!y sa!saa esxste nacpusy wtti as 3 tbe rear roend payroQ t PrtoM Rupert Try Dafty 5rws cwisi'ie . rrrtUtrmri Jer bi recc!U.