PAOZ rouB .T7K DAXY NFrTS r FAST ONE v. IS PULLED some months worked assiduously! at the sink. i Suddenly he became tempera mental and alter an argument with the cook, quit and was paid off. A week later an investigator for, the Female Minimum Wage Board called on the proprietor and told him he had been paying less than the female minimum wage scale to j his girl dishwasher and amount 1 due was $80. I Further investigation revealed that the -boy" was a girl and had Yea hollday season thls year A worn noys cjouics m jears ao celebration committee had the adopted a Doy s name. But when she quit her Job she 1 donned female garb, went over to 1 the Labor Department, told officials she had been underpaid and de-i manded the female minimum wage. She got the arrears. The Minimum Wage Act calls for Girl Dishwasher Though rosing as a lower wage for young boys but, r Boy, Gets Minimum Wage i after the age of 16, they must be ' paid a female minimum wage scale j if they do girl's work. make the woman as one restaurant their birth certificates, proprietor here can ttestlfy. A.'young boy applied for a job as dishwasher In a cafe. He was en- If you wish to swv something-gaged at a boy's salary and for Try a Classified. r To Our t Many Friends , , May we thank you for your Zr-patronage during the year just past and the relation- ship which we value highly we will do our utmost to - maintain. Yv To you and yours, we say, very simply and very sin-: cerely, "Happy New Year," . v and may it be filled with Happiness' and Prosperity ' 'i ' i Ormes Ltd. 1- . Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator 4' . . Canadian Fish & Coid Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert British Columbia SIMPSON EN FETE Christmas and New Year Fittintly Celebrated at Neighboring Village PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 6 Port Simpson enjoyed a great celebra tion of the Christmas and New up until two o'clock. BANQUET AT Igan. Thes? were from different or and ranged from elaborate tea and coffee sets to serviette rings. One of the gifts was a purse containing $25 in cash from officials of the British Columbia Packers. At each presentation a speech was made, each extending congratulates and hopes for the continued happiness of the .quests of honor The band played selections at Intervals under the leadership of Henry Brown. In the evening the Nelson Orchestra played for the dance which lasted until the early hours of the momtng, Banquet Program The banquet program included speeches by; Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, James Lewis, Matthew Hill, Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Ooodreed, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. Stan ley Hill, Hepry Colison, Eddie Clifton (Hartley Bay), Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. Dorothy Oor-don, Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lewis, Joseph Innes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill and Mrs. David Douglas, Musical numbers Included trombone solo by Chris Nelson, accompanied by Norman Lewis, and violin solo by George Stewart of the Naas River. ,The. Dally new is an A. B. paper; - C. Music And Drama Festival Is Proposed Similar To Peace River i For Close Of Fishing Seasonl Rev. Roy Durnford Tells Rotary Club What Was Done at Rolla and Suggests it Would Work Well in Prince Rupert services, the first event of im- rnnce UUperi snouiu pui on a vig music aim uranui n-su- portance was the dance given on val as a means of setting a higher standard of social con- Chrlstrnas Monday evening by the scioUSliess and developing the arts in the city and also as 'Board of 'k' AWnd Y a means of increasing the interest in Prince Rupert I?9, which which nroved proved vprv very surcrxxfiil. successful. TTiU Thli ... .. . 'in in the the was followed on Tuesday by a dance by the Ivy Oulld which also proved very enjoyable v Victoria, Jan. 6: iCP Clothes Tne caie proprietor swears inaiiconcert Band In the Y. P. E. A may "make the man but they also all future applicants must present; Hall when an interesting program was enjoyed. "O Canada was fol lowed by the march 'All America;" waltz, "Treasurer;" overture, "Poet and Peasant;" march, "Brook's Chicago Marine Band:" vocal solo by Mrs, E. S. Dudoward. "Slngl Th nrnnnsnl was marie at the remilfir weeklv lunch- !cI.hAn Rupert Rotary Club yesterday that ui wen. iium wic icugiuu . ,, ii i 11 t ti among neighboring communities. The suggestion came from Rev. Roy Durnford, rector of St. Peter's An glican Church, in the course of an On Thursday a grand concertl .Hr .h.Wari. niver In which was put on by the Port Simpson i. lnM hnnr thA npnnle of Roll, only a small community in the Block, .had successfully staged such an event f or the whole of the Peace River Block. The nrst thing the people of Rolla did after they conceived the idea was to appoint a committee Interested in -either music or the Me .to Sleep" with band accom- and thls commlttce eom. panlment; overture -Albion; munlcated wlth the Department of march, "Conscription;" overture,' ...... , ,.., ,rnm "A Night In Berlin;" march xn Main.. . m,lrh hrln and encour- -a --'' j . 8" Ugement. The department sug- E S. Pudoward was conductor. d Uft e competltlon On Year's Ere dance a was, Major L. Bullock- put on by the celebration wmmtt- Web8t t M Jud of the dra. Z. ,V' . . i matlc section Including elocution. frty ,CUP " , "tte.I?d.ed:! The festival lasted two days and were given to the ticket- and je amc fmm anI f nHt x n a 1 en (tltrn I 0 r themfCst the final great night when the mw . winners were announced. Young On Monday of this week there old part and the. commun- was a grand parade at 1 p.m.jity We was strengthened as a re- heaaed by the celebration com- 5ult inddenUlly business was miuee wwn me ron aimpson uon- boosted a little; tert Band providing the music. At'" ould not such a festival io ociock inaoor spuria crc cn- be hejd ln prlnce Rupert?" Mr Joyed. The grand finale was a- hoe- Durnford asked. It would be aown .nance arranged Dy me com- grcat event put on at the close mittee at which there were fully the llshlng seas0n when there .three hundred present. Music was u usuaU a slack riod 'provided by the Royal Canadian Mr Durnford suggested the first Orchestra and dancing was kept ,hIn-rin was fo . ,... tee to handle the festival. The next was, in collaboration with the department, to draw up a syllabus, to arrange for proper staging in a suitable bulldinz and secure gifts VITI A 71 A 'of cups and medals for annual com- il Xr 1 Lt. Petition. He. felt sure that at the t. ' - i c)psfi, the committee would find Chief Gamble and Wife Honored, Itself with funds on hand to donate By Members of Village At jto the new civic centre project. ; Silver Wedding J in the Peace River those living at a distance were aided either in the On Monday one of the biggest j matter of transportation or in banquets ever held In Kitkatla wasi finding them living quarters while given by the Excelsior Club to cele- in the city. Other costs were brate the silver wedding of Chief. the stage setting, prtntine and and Mrs, E, H. Oamble. The band paraded the streets and then conducted the guests of Wh iff lets From The Waterfront for ad vertising. Yet, at the close, they found they were over one hundred dollars to the good. Prince Rupert honor to the banquet hair where being a much larger community they were given an enthusiastic! should be able to do much better welcome by the 197 people already j than that. Doubtless, the Provln-In their places. Rev. O. H. Good- Cial government would co-operate reed pronounced the blessing at as they did in the Peace River commencement of the proceedingj Block, over which George Douglas pre-i t sided as toastmaster. Union Jacks were used for their decoration scheme and the ladle.ii watting on sumptuously laden tables wore blue and white or green I and white uniforms. ) f Toward the close of the feast Mrs. Gamble cut the four-tier cake I land the presentation of gifts be- C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade laide. Capt. Henry Anderson, ar-'j iganlzatlons In the village and from rived in port at 1:30 this afternoon Jg uiuf iiuuai , iicriiiwci o u tne vutti-. iium lite uiiu v.iit oan av ju munlty. Tley were all silverware' p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. CUssifiEO FOH KENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. LOST LOST New navy blue coat and grey 8tctson hat from Moose Hall dance. Return to 34 Taxi. (0) WORK WANTED Housework, laundry, store . Phone Black 820. (0) EXPERIENCED girl desires housework by day or hour. Phone 52. (0) WANTED LOAN $300 Will pay 8, best ser curity, for six -months or 12 months. ' '" (9) JOE RABBIT IS LATEST Ilr. Carter Tell Ottawa .Meelln; Of New Discovery Here Salmon Investigation on Skeena To Be Extended OTTAWA, Jan. 8: (CP - Previously considered useless and thrown away, viscera of halibut, the liver of which is used In manufacture of medicinal oils, has alto been discovered to be rich in Vita min A, a valuable medicinal olli ingredient, the Fisheries Research Canada was told y ester-discovery 'M developed Pacific Fisheries Experl- mental Station at Prince Rupert , under Dr. Neal M. Carter, director (of the station, who. with John - 1 -f U. A is attending the annual meeting here. The meeting approved in prin- Chfcse-Eatinjf Bunny Trized By,fPle enlargement or the scope of Vancouver Pnulirr Dealer the proposed investigation of Skeena River salmon fisheries with VANCOUVER Jan 6: CP Al-i" ''w to rehabilitating those valu- most everybody has heard aboutlable fkMnir, grounds and efforts Donald the Duck." "Mlckev. ih. w m maae w iscrrain inr mu.k Mouse" and "Pluto, the Pud." butiana "meay me niiy percent rc he lives and steals plums and apples. He sits on his haunches' for cheese or raisins. He's mostly white with almost red eyes, grey-' ' a 4 . l I A I A have you heard of Vancouver's auction in caicn ounng uie past cheese-eating "Joe, the Rabbit?" "n years. People have been calling him' Oscar and many have called him Archibald so Harry Stevens, poultry dealer, decided to tell his real name. It's "Joe" and he came out of a magician's hat. He leaps onto fruit counters in1 PICTURE IS FINE Vancouver's Public Market where Foul. i)au,ter" Hailed as One ofi Year's Outstandlnc Screen Productions "Four Daughters," picturlzationl brown ears and a brown tip on hUjof a fam0UJ nove, by Uatsi , ""l , .... Is the week-end feature offering on uf "e J" nower pros- thp KJe(n of lhc Ca UoI pectlve dinner for sale until 8tev-,hpr . u, nf fnilP a " V ulu" ou J!ed sisters who fall In love with the ,or a vauaCT,e same tung man. the fUm has a iiiC 1UUI oicicia Mi c The magician . . pulled t j Joe from hl unique n .h iu i ,n. haberdashery at a show and gave . . . . him to a boy. The boy found him' . ;.,,,. . . . Ja . ' and Oall Page. Jeffrey Lynn, hand- " " ' t too much u and sold ,m ki- back him to t T ! . who has been hail , Stevens because he was changed he had been somewhere and seen something. "fVIrw Via hnnnHi nn in n ( K mA catV ank do who k into tni u e other young men market and they either walk away In amazement or accept him. "U' n tut arA T miiltn't att ' of the sisters is so tJhe ;un8t him." say Stevens, eyeing his stock of dinner table bunnies. Church Building Has The Jitters Vel-Felt Ruts 6x9 tome newcomer, ed as the "find" of the last year In the movie world. U the young man John Oarfteld. Dick Foran and' with May Robson. always popular ; in the part of the chaperone The bond between the oldest and deep that one cannot bear to be the Instrument of the other's unhap-plness. Acting upon a sacrificial makes the picture a rich and hu- . man experience. While the mood WORECSTER PARK, Eng.. Jan is sometimes that of tragedy, it al- a: icri unusual nature or tne ro has Its gay and light-hearted soil In this village causes St. Phil anH ,n,i,,rfM n t. of - uproarious . comedy. Lh "Four ouf uau8nirs Daughters" h. has nai h,en been Wfn ac ac- 40 Linoleum and Confoleum RujsSlzes 6x9. VxlVt. 9x9, BxlOlj, 9x12 S4.25 Inlaid Linoleum, Printed Linoleum, Assorted 1939 Patterns In Stock Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE OOOOOOOOMfOOOCH10000JKMOOMOC00000000000000000KOOOOi Bulkley Valley COAL From TROPICAL VEGETATION (lives TROPICAL HEAT Oct a Ton Tomorrow Friday, January 6, 1939. VALUE OF No Words Can Tell vicrcD a You . . . No phrases ran capture the warmth the humanncss, the power, the thrill of thU treat motion picture. It mutt be srtn and to tee It U to lore it. No pen can write at feellnilr of life ... as truly of people ... as can the magic pen of lannle Hunt. "F Ott It IAt(illTF.ItS". her reltt masterpiece, richtfully takr rank beetle "llumoreque", "lUck Street" and "Imitation of Life." IT TOUCHES EVERY EMOTION! IT THRILLS EVERY SENSE! Superb Korr by fisoic llurtil Brilliiai rxrfofmiocti by thrtt KBMtioail Mccecrtl "Four Daughters PRISaUA LANE "ROSEMARY LANE. LOU LANK GALE PAGE CLAUDE RAINS JOHN GARFIELD lErrREY LYNN-DICIC fORAN' D4 MicHAti aira f,.MM. Vy VAKMt ItOl l At 7 tO and 9:20 No one but vou. the public, tan make a tar. The brilliant portrayals of I'rUcllla Ine. John Garfield and Jeffrey l.unn cry out for vour recoc-nltion. For the first lime In history, the public will find three new tan in one picture. No wonder that thoe who hate seen "FOt'lt PATCH-Tilts' have told their friend nd their friend's friend bout It, For tinrerlty. for simplicity, for beauty, for kheer enjoyment this city has never known anjthlnr like It. TONIGHT and SATLUDAY 3 Shows, 7:00 and 9:00 Impulse, she runs r Ujr few. VKCr.M: FOR JOIIS minutes before her scheduled mar- wrnTM. . . .rpi Kat. . rlage and weds another. ThU suru ; p, ihs ; a chain of circumstances which are preparing for work. Nearly 3,- 000 jobless students are enrolled tor youth training course this winter. DOMI-STIC FUU INCItKASKS. Id's Church to move ud and down I " EDMONTON. Jan. : (CPI A spell of wet weather lifts thd01.. Domestic fur pelts soon will exceed rhurch and during a dry period It I , those Uken from animals caught sinks again. So far $2 J35 has been i cla,med bv a number of prevlewers by trappers In AlbcrU. Hon. E. C. spent in an attempt to anchor it.j a an outstanding possibility for Manning, minister of Industry, said The water makes the ground be- Academy of Moving Picture Arts at a fur show here neath the foundations uneven. and Science honors. . MJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" a c I MacKenzie's Furniture Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of PInno, Theory and Harmony. rilONK (JIltKN 390 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 1.00 up SO Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Hot 191 IS TIIK MTIICMK "t'KT Of IIHIIHH ( OH Mill A i ruoam: In Ihr Mullrr of the ".ItlmlnUtratlon Ml" Ami In the Miitlrr f (tie IUIc nf lliroM ClUHliI Ihtrlii Jmohvii, lrnfil TAKR NOTICE MiRt by OltUr ol HW Monrr. W. E FWirc. ie J9th dy of trwn!xi A. D 1938. I tt p-rnlnlwl AdjnlJi4KU-Ut of M)e eUt Hnprjld SLgvald OorUu Jmrolwrn, (-nrrd. and nil purOn hv)ng tUlrn tfttlriNt th mid ntUtle Me hby re-quirrd to furaUh mw. pnijirrljr vrl' fkd to me on or tonfore the 3ml dT of FVbriury. A. D. IKW. d ll pftrtIM InrtrWtl to tlv fU Tr requlml io pny th nniH nf thrtr IndebUrdnfW to m for.Uiwllh. NOllMAN A, WATT OffkilB Admlrl.trtt. rrU rtuport, B 0. tkvted th 3014, Oxy I Dcffc, A, O. 1938. ' , ... .