Friday. UnW fl. ORANGES Apples Spttsenbefg. 3icus. fHMy wrapped Homr Bewittet Wincaps 'imnnin r .THE DAILY NKWB CHEAPER' Botter lw try eardMsMl. ft- - s. 2 rreoBMry. tb. . i '. 'rMniitT. Hj Lard Pure lb - -1 VrcriablrS B i Waltm f tb. Fr PiiUUM. 3 lb4 B c onions. 6 Km. 0rir imported, per lb. i 't.iu bunch ' Vyr rarvoU. J lb. Pi- bimoh. B ; Beds. 6 Mm. Mf ' !! Hothotwe Tmwife lb ' -ta LrliHre. rtead " rabtate. Sb, . : Sprout. 2 Ibc ' head 10c to 1 - :rh 5 !bS Upriver Turnips, 8 lbs. 5i IRhubard. D. C. Hothouse, lb 15 I pa i 250 258 XT 5 51 Hay. Bulkley Valley Timothy J05 (nfprnatinnal Cafe j tiii; TK.wa.iEus CAn: 2 thaimed .iuerkhlp and u.r Iwi rmillniiftd as th In- at trrrtatianal Cafe under new 1 ni inagement with entirely n 1 . suff inrluding a Hrrt JJ ' i ( KM rook ; ! Full Mrali Kered for 25e 1 SatKfarUes Gttarsnlred ! INTFRNATIOXAL CAH: ! Ill Cth Street r '-?rirarsiT IW IM - lit) Wheat l.M Bran 1 150 En TruH f Hlh nality al Uw Price Middlings New I. C. Hothoii Rhubarb Short 1 Due OaU . . . Fine Oat Chops ! Barley With the Canadian dumping duty u removed nd MMr-! . I ML tt i -rangea ,,,, mtu' crop repotted ,)rl,si)fU aw I or ine www price -jy b. 1 V, 1 f 1 . K 1 . . . . n 1 vM M ,.n on imi uul fmm wuuhu Hilar iruii nun on vn inr w- . . t r .. ,1 reUUl market. It U stated that . I L.u, nMnBM Wilt K m H keted tMa yrr. Already the fruit a BpfMrint here in fin quality, The price of Jap oranges, which i a. Pork, shoulder, lb. P.rk. loin, lb. are none U popular, rm urrn re- p(wk ... Brazils Ib dared to VK pn txn in inr " p0.k Mi, tb . i r r inroi v Mixed Not Pecan 2.00 Almonds - i I'eanuis SOc. and 2 Fowl, No. I. lb. .28 Roastlmr Chicken. Ib y, I Ham. first grade, lb .35 Bacon side, sliced, best grade jjttle rew oetn 15 .. ioral iwrkH Uee dys. New . . - BtiHi iiu- Beef glwlk lb. 25c to 55 i,! Umb. Leg. Ib. 50 , rtoll artrea here are Lamb Chom. lb. 50 era. lnR. OaMterrvta, 4c lemons. Do. 30e t 1 otanne. I J- J.ipun-e. bK Bansnaa. lb. .- Yw ipr Ortpfci. lb. it jMberrka, tb. to .Halibut, lb .15 . - IRmoked Klppen. lb. 15c and 50 Br rrean B.w ruc 4 '-.taao. rftd h. Xreh. lb.. 55 large, cartowfa, 0 - lal nfwa,uw. a -".Fjour, 49 a. No. 1 hard wheat U5 r mil r 1 1 . . run rnni. iu tun. a Mutt California WalnuU, lb. 20c. and 55 ,jt4 walnuU, broken shelled ' Walnuts, shelled halves, lb Aknond shelled, lb. 1 Dried f rntu Whit Pls. lb. 34 lilae k (!onklng Fig, lb Dales, oulk, lb, 8c to 'Lemon and Orange Peel q'CKron peel I Prunes. 30-40. lb. rrunes. 40-50. lb. j Prunes. 60-70. lb. irutstns, Australian seedleM, Ib. jjjruislitt. Cl Seedless, lb j4 Currants, lo. Apneeu. id Apples, oneo OaMfornto Table Date, lb. Table Figs. lb. WWte. 100 lbs. i.lYeMow. 100 lbs. 55 Umwf. ,j extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to I umb Hatiey - Mam. Ib. )ntario. mature, tb RIGHT from the start 5 r .. 5 2 lbs. 5 It 55 55 .12 .11 1G .15 55 m . 680 550 193!) RCA Victor rci-feclton is Your One Hcsl lluy know hst geU Uch ear IICA Mctor With r.OA Victor yuu you lead! ff Midi every adiantaje to brlnf you anollier greater . in Radio Now at Popular Trices RCA Victor Mailc Brain Majlc Voice Marie Eye l.lectrlc Tuning for All. Triumph of Tone A Symphony of Wood Plus Hadlo Performance of lll.hett Fidelity Model 9512 JG7.00 Only RCA Victor Offer You All These Radio Refinements . n A t't.ln tlltlr And addition you can have the advanUie o - " - ! radlo-tevhnlcal adjuitmmt rrvice ir f ; Espert Radio Servlrlng A" LOCAL NEWS NOTES juii wjiikMa w . . . . . r . . Jral! 14 to 44. Saturday. 4 Ui 195 in ranee ufi.rte tor a inp u j .j j i Vancouver. W ... - - .. . . i I. . .45 ... 55 20 ... .30 . 55 55 T. W. urown sanea w niguv on the Prince George tor a u.p Ut VanetHrver on legal business. (4) MIm Mvrtlt Oerow. who has been spending the Christmas' and New Year holiday sexton at her home In Burnt Lake, returned to the city on last night's train. Constable A. j. Dilkbough of Anyox pasfd Uirough the city on the Print George iait erening going through to Vancouver. He took a party of prisoners south with him. 50 ftllton. lb. , - - 5. ;tMMefr1. Ii no tmoir.HT MAI'LE CREEK. Sask,. Jan. ?i CP -Fenwttk W. Martin ho long e er fears drought. Fanning In the - drr area, single-handed he con :Unt4 an irritation tvtem. He riopes 1S39 will be a "crop year." Mrs. Robert BraseU will sail to- nltht by the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. From there she will proceed to Winnipeg for a visit and. on the . way home, will stop off at Edmonton and Vanderhoof Miss O. Rathbun R. N., and Miss B Zettaareen who have been .C5 1 nursing for several weeks at the M.llai Kncrvltal flr KalllntT h- the iiwvwi . r r .. j . Prince Adelaide tonight on tneiri return to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. II. N. Brocklesbf and family returned to the city . . ....I , .1.1. 'Fellowship Is Prayer Subject ui' Fellowihio. as expressed In pray- ctr embodving common aspirations, was the subject of Very Rev James B, Oibson, dean of St Andrew's Aneliean Cathedral, who was In charge. t lat rfilghVs' Universal Week of Prayer meeting in First United Church with upwards cfl txty-five persons present. The Twin rlMlt u-ith frilowahiD of suf- 55 fertng when any member or group 0 suffered, the fellowship of the ad- -w; venture or uving ana uie ieuow- hlp of witnessing. All were hew tocether by the magnetic centre which was Christ Seeds 1 nrayers were offered for th eltr. fnr the Dominion, for the Empire, for rulers and political for unemployed of whom it stated there were 800.000 In nada. The concluding meeting of eamoalen campaign will will take take place place In in Cove. In charge Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music llelntiman, Nordhelmer and Less re Pianos Piano Tuning with "Itesonocope, fbone Blue 389 212 4th St. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE ' Pbone 31 For Best Household Coal MRS. C E. BLACK IS Till". M PKr.ME COl KT OI' llKIHMl ! the Mailer of the "AdmlnUtrwcn aci-And 1 th- ltler ct the r.ktAte of Henry T stacl-wid. Ieeeased, ot1ifrle Known m H"7 MwLewl TAKE NOTICE IhoA tJ Order of H'. .. i.irto. W. E. FlalwT. Local Judst of iU auprwive Court at British Col- umbt. maae j w jtoci.u., 193B I u ppaWxd Adnilnlatmbor OI v.. wf. of llenir; P MacLeod, other- wins tnown M Hurt P MacLeod, de-csed. nd parUw having claims ..fe. uiri cfltAte ore IwrbT re quired to fuml6h onie, protxrlj Vfrt- rybruary, 1939, and all poitioi indebted to th rotate wrw f-Muuam w ij naount of Jwr liKktotedaew to u IorUitth. UOItMAW A HAH, oritcUl Administrator, Prince Runert. BJO DMted the llrt dT oi Dcialr, AD. Miss M. Carter of Port Esslngtofl sailed last night on the Prince George lor Vancouver. urmiam r.rav sailed last nlehl on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to van couver. Miss Bettr Allen of Delia Coola was a guest In the city over the holiday of Mrs. R. E. Mortimer. nrji iim ftMm nt n-an a hMflvl Mr i Chris Fossum of Francos .... . i . ... .( tik lonoh far vr-vsmf ArimludOn Mkr !LAKC ana jurmcuj ui uuiu ' ..I. . . . . . . 1 -I . .. -. .1 . t. V. . . U visiting sons. Ul U1C CI17 WlUi lie. c. A, Warner of Smlthers arrived in the lty from the Interior on hut night's train and sailed on the Pxlnce Oeorge for a trip to Vancou HI. His Olive Stephens, daughter t,f Mr. and Mrs. J O. Stephens of. ITCH ...STOPrCO IN A MINUTE... An r !' wk lnHvi tofim tt rfs fca.-;HMtr far n- k and Urvf r. twllaii c ttal4 O. P. O. hmrlitlM. Ill i-tcl W Mt lb. im-uiW fVw, ttf r!t r (. b'T O mwn twiicfciti 'They expect also to nsii kcw yoric was Cs- the HEAD OF CHAMBER with Rev R C "11Durniora'rc officers will take obce. at the an-of St Peter's Anglican Church. Seal next Monda- Jnipht. Premier T. D. Pattullo and Olof Hansnn M P. are honorary presi dent and vice-president Anglican Young People Meeting Plans Are Being Made For Concert In Near Future The regular meeting of the An- llican Young People's Association iras held in St Andrew's Cathedral Hall. Peter Allen, President of the Association, was in the chair and a large number of members werei present. A brief business meeting' was held followed by a discussion concerning a concert to be held ln the near future. Refreshments) were served by the girl members. VIOLINIST and TEACHER E. I GRANGER Trained In Europe Advanced Students and Beginners Apply ni!n ClAra l udinci o mudiu mute ;i May Ask Action On Unemployment The Prince Rurjert RotarT Club has tinder consideration a proposal coming from the East for the ser vice clubs all over Canada to urga upon the government the desirability of starting solving the unemployment problem in this coun try. President W L. Coates said he tmrVfKtiVir! th OtTO Onh had re ceived a similar proposal ana he1 left It with the members to """M As a general line of policy the raa1' " ,rj., ija&alng of resolutions or taking part in any way as an organization in political life m 'Vli mj 9 MA'S -JVv w . a-i0 I t M on we i-nncess Aoa. u ultAnt s McClymont ternoon from Vancouver where, ". thM have been spending the " n Christmas and New Year holidays visiting with relatives.- STATEMENT FROM ARMY Smithers. arrived in the city on ,ow Money ,ulsed chriumas last nights train from the Interior gj.- u Vflti town and sailed on the Princ?' George for Vancouver. In connection with the recent . Christmas effort conducted by thf 'Salvation Army nver sixtv substani ,tlal hamper were distributed aV well as clothing and iscl ' The Cost of groceries and good .amounted to $30113. The balance ' of the money will be used through out the coming year to assist people who are in need of food clothlns or the other necessities ci life The whole Christmas Fund M Walter Hansen, for drunkenness. ncver Pefdd ..- ... .. .. .. hamrjers but every day of the year was nneo , iui opvioa th XpTnv.ll uM rfi ImnrtiMilnMt W I V ' In city pouce' ' , . . , . .... . . . 111. 13k Lilt LJLLLXll. Ul UU.1 A US SLA USaSili I enables the Army to assist In most that rome w l" Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tolin of Stew-tcas art were passengers aboard the! Prince George last evening StoS,lJ' L C-Ufinl throuth for a trio to Vancouver. 11120 ULllUUl . . - . ....... . i w Alumni Meet Future Projects Principal Business Wednesday yight ary 27. 1S3B. The High School Alumni Association held a .short business meet- :lng last night in Booth Memorial t rwi; PrtMnt And Hieh School. Miss Helen Valen- ' P.' M. Ray Vice-President For - tine presided and Miss Ellen Moon ivr I was secretary. Tnere was a iau attendance of members and discus There being no other nomina-lslons for the most part centred ar- in j t Tiarrrv hn was vice-ound future nroiecis oi me assocj " . " ' J ' - nresident during the past year.iatlon. There was very mue dus- will be president of the Prince lness on the agenfla. oeorge urown Rupert Chamber of Commerce for reported on the state oi finances. . .. - - ... . ... t . i, , -AMlMM . . . 1939. Philip M. Kay win oe nce- me secrcwrj wui cuuv president. Arthur Brooksbank U.grads who have left town and nno re-elected secretary-treasurer ana, out wnat iney are oomg. iv for 111 teen seats on the executive " thought that this would be very tn-counciL the following are nomlna-1 terestihg as some of the older gradf :,. w P krmnnr TTinm.1 TVull. are rflT In loreicn COUntTieS ano leaders in the present crisis for tr Dr. j. H. Carsori. Theo Collart,. wtjuld be able to tell Interesting Germany and those who suffered . , ru- v-mkv. n v ,t.i... .ti ivimuivtc nr! the there, for Japan and China ana lor Q py,- Robert Gordon lolaces In which they are residing. conditions In Palestine and also iT,nhmner R a Honklns. 2 letters would be wTltten eTery G. Johns. J. J. Little, C. O. Mlnmmonth if possible. O. C. Mitchell. D. C. McRae. w. R. Arrangements regarding the Xina- MacAfee. O. W Mckerson. J. of a place of meeting were lelt Wlcholls. H. F. Pullen. S. E. Park-1 to the executive. The next meet- "jetr w H -jy. w M. Watts and ling will be the first Thursday in Salvation Army Citadel R M. Wlnslow . - The elecUon election of 1 February. February. It It will will nrobably probably be be In In the Utah School. On the -program will be moving pictures and a guest sneaker. It was decided to -serre refreshments and a special appeal will be made to get prospecUve members out Hotel Arrivals Saw M. Saunders and Harry Ersklne. Porcher Island; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goodwin, Prince Rupert. Central John Seppala, Edye Pass Mine; R. McLean, city. Prince Rupert Yvonne Duval. Stewart; D. Drum-raond, Remo: Mr. and Mrs. E. P Granger. Terrace. Announcements All advertisements in this col unn will be charged for a full month at tin a word. Varden Entertainment, Jan. fl. Eagles' Bridge January 11. Toe II. Bridge January U. S. O. N. Masquerade January 18. Presbyterian Burn's Banquet Jan. uary 25. junior, chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, Janu Quality guaranteed (Continued From Page One) Ism, Belding was best known as one of the first ner-spapermen to whom fell the task of representing to the rest of the Dominion the claims and aspirations of Maritime Canada and, when that mission had .reached achievement in the appointment of the Duncan Com mission, as a pioneer In the ad vocacv of closer relations between Canada and the British West In dies. To both causes the Saint John editor brought a background of in formation and facility of expres sion developed through a youth spent on a farm in his native pro vince and through years of se'I advancement In the newspaper world. Born on a King's County farm In 1859, young Belding's early years were identified with the usual sim plicity and rigor of the country life of that day. Later on he took to railroading but, even as a boy his renutalion was that of "a great reader" and he finally decided lo become a school teacher, going throueh the Normal School at Frederic ton with honors. It was while he was teaching that he first became a correspond ent for the Saint John Sun, His work was of such merit that he was invited to the city tl become a resident member of the staff and there began a newspaper career that was to see him achieve th position of editor-in-chief of the Saint John Telegraph-Journal ana the Salrit John Times-Globe, the rwn daily newsoaoers of New Brunswick's principal city. Editorial wrltine was not Mr. Beldlnz's iorte in the early days. Rather, he ;hose to put across an idea through the creation of characters who could convey to the public his view of matters, chiefly oolitieaL of that day. His "Mr. Paul-the Saeamore" is vividly remembered by newspaper readers of the lBSO's. Using the Sagamore as bis mouthpiece Mr. Belding not only disclosed his love of nature but was able to inflict many good-natured thrusts upon political op ponents. "Mr. Paul" established Bewins as a factor In the newspaper life i'of New Brunswick and he came to be known, as well, as an accurate reporter, a skilled hand at telling a newspaper story, endowed with the ability to draw from facts editorial' comment that carried weight, Centenarian Of Calgary Passes CALGARY. Jan. : CPJ Mrs. Eleanor Kirk, who recently celebrated her one-hundredth birth day." died here yesterday. She was w - . 1 '- SALADA TEA iBILL VANCE LODGE HEAD Elected Dictator of Moose by Ac- rlamatfen at Meeting ..Wednesday ' Nljht His name being the only; one placed in nomination, Aifcin D, BiU Vance was Wednesday night elected dictator of -the local" Moose fde for thfl ensulns vear. Other officers for the year will be elects ed at another meeting next Wednesday night JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET Phone 957 ;a pioneer of the West and wer.fLEO or VEAL .'through the Riel Rebellion. Atlantic Coast Defence Plan Is Being Lined Up RAlt.T JOHN. New Brunswick. Jan. 6: (CP) Major General F. C. Ashton has drawn un a scheme for defences on the Atlantic seaboard. Financing of same will be taken up at the next session of Parlia ment. and Phone 957 FULTON MEAT MARKET Phone 683 Specials MUTTON and LAMB SHOULDER MUTTON 8 lbs LEG of MUTTON Per lb MUTTON CHOPS 3 lbs. LEGS of LAMB Per lb SHOULDER of LAMB Fer ib PORK LEGS of PORK Per lb SHOULDER of PORK Per lb LOIN of PORK Per lb AYRESHTRE BACON Sliced. Per Ib. No. 1 STEER BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK 3 lbs SIRLOIN TlP- Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb RUMP ROAST of BEEF Per lb ROUND STEAK 3 lbs. POT ROAST Per lb. VEAL Per lb. SHOULDER of VEAL Per lb EXTRA SPECIAL SWIFTS BANNER 'B' GRADE EGGS 2 doz. FRESH KILLED CHICKEN Per lb DUCKS Per lb. JEWEL SHORTENING-2 lbs. SUNNYBROOK BUTTER TJer Ih 75c 20c 50c 25c 15c 22c 18c 25c 25c 50c 18c 18 c 15c 50c 10 c 20c 15c 55c 30c 28c 25c 25c UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. I Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TAS. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAUDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:31 pjn. l:J0 P-1- Dae Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. 1! Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. VT. NEWMAN, Prlnct Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Pnoat ft 1