IS BANNED FROM AIR ...i t- ftftlttna firing uld to have attacked communism srl .;,tmrned in the Toronto az: ...-pi election campaign ton-tri.7 ti the provision ot the law. Virginia Being Towed Now Into Ketchikan Port KETCHIKAN Jan 6 The court -J rard J',cr Alert is towing the' nder Virginia In from' Hydaburz on the weat coast of Christmas In CI .1 it 1 oneuand isle mam Bursts u -image inn ANnn n ton ma r SO far as Canada and the United lRta! nre concerned, the new ' aarcement U a continuance and ex . tension of the former inree-year '"Ban Calendar is Still Used There' agreement ot 1935, under which i the v. v..... w-.. exnorU ot merchandise of Canad- Ian nroduce to the United States LERWirtc Rhttanri Trianda. jn. Increased from W05.OOO.OO0 to $423,- CP) -The Shetland Islands 000.000 between the fiscal years hlch still use the Julian calendar ended 1835 and 19 8, while our lm-obsprvrH r.i,.i... iwrtsof merchandise from the un- The v u- D'u.i.nJ t.- Ited States rose from $304,000,000 - iv A I ill III! L.1 1 1" nilLLlllllU 1J- " " lands starU next Thursday. Flood In Main Street; Water M ra , to $487,000,000 ln the same period. I The new agreement will also apply I for a fixed term of three years, and i will thereafter be terminable by I either country on six months' no-1 tlce. Under the new agreements Can- and the United Kingdom retain 4n tinl treatment line ngm w - '. i. .iu..'. marifli Tnp ncrcea cacn ovuci a . -"-- , CALGARY, Jan. 8: (CD-A great' modification of their P"'"nJ strram ..... .. j- or n in path others marKCW is Liberal Party's application ol the widower, Oeorge'I FnllnWiriff or or A Palmer Putman, an order was H- IidI bC 1 U"Umilg yesterday by Judge Elliott Craig' legally presuming the death of Oovernment Will Face Parliament jAmVlLa lEarhart Putman, famous! With Almost Unwieldy Pre- i American aviainx, who dropped ponderance oi supporters ;out of sight In the southern Pacific' Ocean In the summer of 1837 and OTTAWA. Jan , to noV prrttlmfd to have perished the opening of 6: CP With Parliament next Smpenuon tor . . . , ubtn D,rtT hjnrc From C. B. C. OTTAWA, Jan. 6. CP- Iter. Chsrlrs Lanphler of Toronto ha beta ir.drfintely suspended from broadcasting. Oladstone Murray, ircrral manager of the Canadian spread search of the area had fall an overwhelming following of 130 'ed to reveal any trace whatever of i members In the House. The new the avlatrlx. ! Leader of the Opposition. Hon. Dr Under a will In 1932 In New York.'R. J. Manlon. will have a following an estate of $10,000 U disposed of 'of twenty-eight. Next group Is the The proceeds go to the husband I Social Credit party of Alberta fol- and to a trust fund for the avu- lowed by the Co-operative Com Broadening C o r p o i t Ion, , an-iijanc!'. The suspension follows ' broadcast by the priest last Bunds? h th course of which he Is monwealth Federation, NEW TRADE AGREEMENTS WERE OUTSTANDING IN i CANADA TRADE POLICYj .Minister of Trade and Commerce Expresses His Views in .. . .t .. rt ' Kegard to racis uiner uusiness oi nonunion Reviewed ny HON. W. D. EULER Minister of Trade and Commerce OTTAWA, January 5: (CP) The outstanding event PR : t waie island where the 0f jcjjjg jn respect of trade policy was the simultaneous eye: ended up last week after 1 0f tra(-e acrecmcnts between Canada and the S .r.lCK'S Unjtcl State, and between the United Kingdom and the km t.-. Prinr, n,,.t ...haMuenuv United States at Washington on November It. The ag- dri."g a ross Dixon'a Entrance. Planes Grounded Because Of Snow t-nmrinnts rnnstitute a lone llshment of better trade relations I between the British Commonwealth and the United Slatea. The govtrn-imenta of Australia, New Zealand. South Africa, India and Newfound A itAi a Mnl r!Knt4 In the JTTlP- 'ccm of the negotiations by con- All Sertlres Out of Salt Uke Clly A.cntlrttz to the reduction or surren-Sospended Yesterday Owlnc to jdfr of preferences hlthctto enjoyec Lack of Visibility by certaln of their products in the I markets of the United Kingdom 6ALT LAKE CITY. Jan. 6: CPi tne agreements reached may 0;ng to heavy snown and gener- w. ..m tn h. ih ceneral anoro- i 7 impossible visibility condlUons, bal,on and g0CKlwin 0( the whole of United Air TransDort services In all .u. nui.v. rnmmnn!iUh of Na- c-tlons from Salt Uke City were (lonJ and lntncat a rapproche- .uca jrsicraay. m,nt ln matters commercial r tween the world's greatest empire and Its greatest republic tride forward in the estab- .1ghts modified to permit of the making of these agreements art . tutomatlcally restored. I From the Canadian end, the igreement with the United -"tates is expected to benefit lumber and thlngles. horses, cattle and dairy roducts, hog products, potatoes, fish, certain grains, hay, poultry jroducts. pulp and paper, metals, ton-metallc minerals and fcrro-l illoys, and many lines of manufac tured goods. Concessions have been received from the United States on , 102 Items and sub-Items of the Un-. ted States tariff, and on goods rep-; csentlng about five-sixths of Can-' idlan sales to the United States in' 1937. I The Anglo-United States agreement, with which the Canada-Un-. Ited States agreement Ls Intimately and Inseparably connected, has re-' cently been described by the United i States ambassador to the United I Kingdom as "the greatest com-1 merclal agreement of all Ume." The American people," said the ambassador, "are ready and willing to collaborate ln a move designed to Increase the volume of trade be tween naUons." The same may be said of the people of Canada. Business in 1938 Canadian business, ln 1938, although more prosperous than ln any of the years from 1931 to 1936, could not fall to be affected by the deterioration In the International situation and by tn! wars and the rumors of wider wars which have shaken the confidence of the pub- ElchtK a i- ni fnr the term In whicn tneir llc in he nreservatlon or peace "reet. yesterday' when I city water lagrecmenU with the United States among the areat Powers. Yet the main brokc.TaLmenU wte" fTon-la?e In force Thus If the aBree- buslness o Canada in 1938 showed rH ed k,,i il.. - - i.... , .i. n,nh h tlnlted Stales aiei ... mere win lit i u serious jhciivj " . ..... ivinr' 7'nvi terminated, the full preferential Towards Bui! I Mm W & III? DETAILS OF KINO'S TOL'U . OTTAWA Further details, mainly having to do with re- strictions, of the visit to Canada of the Kine and Wueen next summer were made public yes- I lerday by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. Ex cept at Ottawa and the provincial capitals, it was not expected that the King and queen would be asked to listen to addresses of welcome, Mr. King said. Nor would they make oral replies but, during the course of their tour, there wolld probably be a number of brief speeches by the King and Queen, all of which would be broadcast. REPORT ON BR EN GUNS OTTAWA The report of Mr. Justice II. II .Davis Royal Commission on the Bren . gun contracts, followinj charges made I by CoL George Drew In an ar-' tide In Macleans Magaiine, !J be table In the Hottse t Com-I mons on Friday of next week I Primt Minister WJ3'tam Lyon Mackenzie King annsunced yes-; lerday. The report hat been In I the hands of the Premier since 1 last week. The Drew chr.had to do with the letting of a contract to an Ontario company for ,000 Bren machine guns. PRAISE FOR ROOSEVELT LONDON Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain led Britioh statesmen yesterday in prabe of the speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on international relations. "The President's sentiments are a forceful indication of the vital role of the United States democracy in world affairs and his (Roosevelt's) devotion to the ideal of ordered human progress," said Premier. Chamberlain. "A Rrand speech," declared Former Premier David Lloyd George. FATALITIES IN GALE ASTORIA. Oregon Two persons are known dead and three sailors are missing today as the north Pacific Coast checked losses from nearly a week of gales, high tides and smashing breakers. WOULD TAKE REFUGEES OTTAWA Canada should open its doors to a limited number of European refugees refugees in in fulfillment fulfillment of moral o SMOKE EATERS WIN AGAIN MUNICH Trail Smoke Eaters won their ninth straight- victory in the course of their European tour by scoring an 8 to nil victory over a German team here last night. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert-"- Raining, south east wind. 22 miles tcr hour: bar Tomorrows Tides 141 Capitol TAXI 2:20 ajn. 21.0 It. High 14:14 p.m. 23.5 ft. Low 8:17 jn. 5 8 ft. Macey's Coffee House 20:50 0.6 ft. pin. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXVIII-. No. 4, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1939. PRICE: ft CENTS PASSING Deaths Due To PR0Mlh.V p yxiatlon journal: ? Albert M, Beldlng, Dead In Sab.. John, Took Leadinr Plate In Affairs For Many Years SAINT JOHN. New Brunswick. jia CP ( Albert M. Beldlnx. ttteran Saint John newspaperman formerly editor of the Saint John gur later edlrfr ol the Evening Times t- still later edltor-ln-chief of the Telegraph-Journal and Evening Timei-Olobe. U dead alter t long illness. He would have been eighty yean ol age next May Bght year" W he retired from active journalism, continuing; only his Hiram Hornbean" column ol rustic philosophy. A striking figure In the development of Eastern Canadian Journal- (Canttnuctl on Payc Three) Old, Alberta, Does Not Any One For Tragedy To Infant Aioerta. Jan. 8: (CP) A coroner's Jury here has found that three baby boys died In a local nunlng home last week of as pnyxiation, the exact cause of which Is unknown Operator r the nursing home are absolved of blame HER DEATH I PRESUMED Disposal of Estate of Amelia Ear-hart Tutman Ordered by Los Angeles Court INSURGENTS i L0SET0WN Thousands of Rebel Soldiers Killed and Captured in Region of Valsequlllo VALSEQUILLO, Spain, Jan. : (CP) Government troops storm-ed and captured this strategically Important town In northwestern Cordora Province today. The town was taken at noon In the second day of a push on the Et-tremadura front designed to relieve Insurgent pressure in Catalonia where Insurgents are hold-Ing gains made on Thursday and continuing their drive. The Spanish government claims that, in the Insurgent retreat in this region, thousands of rebels were killed and captured, Hitler Taking Another Step Dominating Europe, Czecho-Hungarian Battle On A Pf'l-IIlQI4fE I Border City of Munkacs Shelled and Fourteen Killed HiVVnDlijnUl Threatening Protests and Warnings Arc Issued prjn trn mnni1 Ge-many and Italy Advised diAia riiuvi ; Most Iter. A. A. Sinnott of Winnipeg- Refuses To Take Back What ( He Said About Germany I WINNIPEO. Jan. 6: CP Most (Rev. A. A. Sinnott, head of the i Reman Catholic archdiocese ot 'Winnipeg, refusing to retract com- ments made In a Christmas season ' HUNGARIANS FOR CANADA Are Coming Over to Look Into Possibilities ot Establishing Industries BUDAPEST.Van.6r CPI A mis Factories and workmen would moved from this country- A similar mission Is going Buenos Aires ln South America. SPEND ON . . .ligation mated by the j$0Uth Cleaning the AH-Can- I"'" & Mnnlrh arrpement igreement, the government. The congress ' re-stated the contention that the two most important problems before the nation are national unity and abolition of poverty. to WAR ARM How President Roosevelt Would Use Huge Sum He Has Asked For WASHINGTON, D.C.. Jan. 6: CP Much of the vast amount of money budgeted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt for armaments would be used for building : warplanes, on new naval construe-jtlon and on Increasing the manpower of the Army and further, i modernizing Its equipment. adlan Congress of Labor urged j f T Ca.ftrm Fink IMS today In Its annual submission to UJ UlUI 111 IO Clean-np Is Being Made of Damage Done by Floods a Few Days Ago VANCOUVER, Jan. 6: (CP) Southwestern British Columbia and Vancouver Island are making progress with the clearing up of dam-., j i i it.. age ana aisoraer cauwu uy heavy rains at the end of last week and the first of this week. New Gov't Post Has Been Made ometer, 29.58 (falling rapidly) Former Calgary Newspaperman Is temperature. 36; sea moderately Appointed Director of Publicity rough. For Alberta BERLIN, January 6: (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hitler was regarded by competent observers today as having taken another major step towards realization of German determination to dominate Europe east of the Rhine. This is believed to have been the meaning of a four hour meeting yesterday with Col. Joseph Beck, Polish foreign minister, at Berchtesgaden. BUDAPEST, January 6: (CP) The Hungarian gov- address regarding religious condi-1 ernment toaay reponea iwo tzecnosiovaKian artillery 'ion.' in oernany. has made public bombardments on the border city of Munkacs in a pitched correspondence between himself . w tie between Czechoslovak and Hungarian forces. Re- rlT Sr.:frHC thY Ps of a battle involving cannon, tanks and armored cars wctern Canada In regard to tnei , v i ii 1, i. i. matter in new of policies being gpread a wave of excitement throughout the nation. Mun- nursued In Germany it was a a" is m icmwry uiai wreuu- Christmas without Christ- there. Slovakia ceded to Hungary two ArchbUhop Sinnott sa'd. It was months ago. Fourteen persons are thl that drew nrotest from the reported to have been killed. consul general, a protest which the The Hungarian Foreign Office Archbishop feels is presumptive. announces that a strong protest has been made to Prague, charging vi olation of Hungary's border. It Is said that the German and Italian legations have been officially in formed and warned that "Hungary waives alt responsibility for what may happec' First vaaue reports received In Prague told of a "number of brawls" In the region. A. Hust, In a Carpatho-Ukralne TODAY'S STOCKS iOourtT & H JcvhnMOD Qo.) Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .20. Big Missouri. .27. Bralorne, 11.50. Aztec. .05 (ask I. Cariboo Quartz, 2.35. Dentonia; .Co. Golconda, .06 (ask). Mlnto. .03, Falrview. .03 la. Noble Five. .03 i-Pioneer, 2.55. Porter Idaho, 02J2. Premier, 2.26. Reeves McDonald, .26. Reno. ..22. Relief Arlington, .12. Reward, .05. Salmon Gold. .10 ti. Hedley Amalg., .05 (ask). Premier Border, 01. Sllbak Premier, 1.75. Home Gold, .00s8. Orandvlew. .06. Indian, .0114. Quatslno, .03 Vi-Oils A. P. Con, .26. Calmont, .60. Freehold, .063,4. Hargal. .18 task). McDougal Segur, l. Mercury, .12. Okalta, 1.58. Pacalta, .10. Home Oil. 3.45. Triple Island Raining, southeast .1 r1 i wind. 22 miles per hour? moderate EDMONTON, Jan. 6: (CP) Tne yv gaUlcr TOreCaSl chop. Alberta government has created Turner isiand-Ttalnlncr east, th now nost of director of publl- Prince Rupert and Queen Char erly wind, sixteen miles per hour; city. D. E. C. Campbell, former lotte Islands- Strong harometpr. 20 40! temue'ratiire. 37: Calcarv newspaperman, has been winds or gales, cloudy sea choppy appointed t0 take charge. with rain. NEW JUDGE IS JEWISH Felix Frankfurter Has Approval of American Bar Association WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 6: (CP) Felix Frankfurter, whose appoint- Late in tne afternoon military ment to the Supreme Court of the authorities reported an "assault of United States was announced yes-Invaders" had bfen repulsed but lerday by President Franklin D. that lntermjUcnt -lhn oT Mun- Roosevelt, is a Jewish Uberal. fifty-; , "ta'cafSraa continuing. six yea of a8e and has been a Thi. Huhearlan efcarse d'affalrs staunch advisor on the New DeaL sion of Hungarian Jews Is leaving iy at Prague loUsed a: protest He succeeds the late Benjamin Na- foj Canada to thvesUgate possiblll- witn the czechoslovaklan govern- tIjan Cardoza and has always been ties of settlement and establishing ment trut Czechoslovak an admirer of Justice Brandelsr an- lndustrlea there. The Canadian troops had jnTaded the region of other Jewish member of the Su- government attitude will be sound- jjmjfcjjj Czechoslovak officers at- preme Court. Frankfurter has al- ed out. Manufacture of farm im- tached e jolnt Hungarian- most unanimous approval of the plements is mentioned as possioic. rve-j.vat border deliminatlon Amencan aar Association. Ka commission have been ordered to the scene of the Incident. Telford Plans City Clean-up communique, said that fighting be- gaa when Czechoslovak patrols Declares War on Bootleg, Gambling chased Hungarian terrorists across and Immorality In Vancouver the border. VANCOUVER. Jan. 6: (CP) Mayor-Elect Lyle Telford yesterday declared war upon gambling, bootlegging and Immorality In 'Vancouver. Bootlegging was running open hi Vancouver, the new 'mayor said, and, if necessary, he would have so-called social clubs padlocked. ALL BANKS TO REPORT Comptroller of Currency In United States Wants to Know Their Condition As On December 31 WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 6: ! (CP) The comptroller of Unltea ! States Currency has Lssued a call for a special return as to the con-jdition of all national banks ot the 'country at the colse of business on December 31. ICity Of Halifax 'Is Fined Itself 'Failed to Shovel Snow Away From j City Hall So is Mulcted $2 HALIFAX. Jan. 6: (CP) Several Halifax citizens who had been recently fined $2 for falling to shoyel snow away from sidewalks In front of their premises had. the laugh on the city yesterday when civic authorities themselves were fined $2 southeast for a similar Infraction of regula and mild tlons. There was failure to shovel 'snow from the City Hall Sidewalks. v?