—EE_ ouT OF WORK TODAY? NEXT MAILS rry The News’ Want Ad. For South Way. Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m, wv wet VOL. J. 30 REAT FIGHT AGAINST HOME RULE ON THURSDAY ps Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MOoNDAy, FEBRUARY 5, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS FIVE THOUSAND TROOPS READY Authorities Gravely Regard Risk of Violent Rule Demonstration in Belfast This Week OPPOSITION TO MILITARY eneral Wonder That People of Ireland Should be Making Such Strenuous Objec- tion to Home Ruie Principles—Belfast Parks Committee Opposing Entry of Military—Soldiers May Bivouac in Streets Outbreaks at Home| BACK FROM INDIA. Special to Daily News, Portsmouth, Feb, 5. Their Majesties entered the harbor this morning on their return from India. The Queen Mother and the Prince of Wales breakfasted with them on the warship, and shortly after the royal party was whirling past the snow covered fields the way to London, The prepara- tions for their publie have been materially owing to the court mourning for the Duke of Fife. AT THE CITY HALL TONIGHT reception eut down, being in death of the Special to Daily News.) jdemonstration and any subse-|for instant action. All parts of oe At noon today news arrived that|was getting ready to tow the|the island coast and ripped all Helfast, Feb. 5—That the auth- |quent Home Rule meetings in|the city in which disturbances are|M© Particularly Thrilling Attrac- the missing launch Viking of|Prince Olay to Ketchikan when | but two inches of her keel off. anticipate very. grave risk | Belfast, troops will be held ready|likely to take place will be prac- tions Offered, but— Ketchikan has been located. With|last seen by Captain M. Burgess;|She stove in six planks, broke her trouble in and around tice il he hand P ‘ ees TEN the story of her discovery comes|of the shrimper Amy, just baeck|rudder and shoe aft, and bent a 5 nae . : _ ically in the hands of the mill-| All there is on the schedule for|too a story of shipwreck and | to port from Dundas Island. | propellor blade double. Yet she f Park on Thursday of this | tary, who will line the main thor-|the meeting of the City Fathers|hardship suffered by the crew of| Captain Burgess tells how the |floated, held up by her empty February 8th), is eviden- joughfares leading to Celtic Park| this evening is the bill regulating|the gasoline halibut boat Prince | Pringe ‘Olay: was wrecked She ;gasoline tanks, irrangements they are on Thursday, and guard all inter-|stables, the bill regulating milk]Olav, also of Ketchikan, which} 1 c ; 2 | A week ago the wreck was It is planned that 5000 jsecting streets. }vendors, and the bill for the bet-|became almost a total wreek on|’ struck 8-108 while going at Pe eit by the Viking out from can aed itv — - ter conduct of billiard halls. Bur|the 27th of January off Middle|Speed off Dundas Island, Badly eitad os dah canes : ) SUGRY ae Pee ene For row boats and launches} anything is likely to come up Dundas Island, but has been|holed forward, she began imme-|*°" Rts ee off her course. iny disturbance about ie: 320 green. Davis boat ei - - — ;salved by the Viking after ex-|diately to sink. Her crew of three The Viking’s men set about saly- hi house, Best meal in town at Savoy. |traordinary efforts. The Viking|me nvyainly endeayored by jetti-|/98 the Prince Olay, and by patch- 7 juest of the mayor to . soning some 2,000 gallons of|ing up the holes, bending the pro- ( ttee to provide gasoline with which she was|pellor blade straight and using to |} f these troops | | freighted to save the boat. They|extraordinary efforts to get her : ane failed and she settled down, The|around and over the regular rat lo concentrate sil men .esecaped in their dory tojtrap of reefs she had got into a At the: ae oa Green Top Island, where there is|they managed to float her again il las already een | a lighthouse. Here they stayed|in deep water, Her engine, a n ng opposition in the Moonlight Caraival i in Costu at New Cold Storage Building Was until taken off by an American|Standard, started up and ran all nan Se ae . G t S F § d D halibut steamer, which took them|right after days’ immersion in d to adjourn until rea uccess--- ascinating upper an ance | Lo Ketchikan. the salt water. They salved a lot h), without coming Mex hile the abandoned|of the gasoline jettisoned from Saturday ght’s great attrac-;: side ¢ as “illie { » ballroc . g sate bition ee — a, “ ; iti ‘ 3 : Ba e ae aaa an Nt A “Att ena om | Off;the Pallnoonts ite the “righty Prince Olay, a ten ton boat, drift-|the deck load, which strewed the M borate | arrange ted Ye lait td deh am sasnie ‘4 amt aa t fly Cael ‘acjwere disrobing and rest rooms, led in sinking condition inshore.|shore, and are by this time safe nade by the au tised as the grand water and tt aoat’ , “% ° ur “ai c vq | and in a large columned hall the| She drove in a heavy sea clean|in Ketchikan, thinks Captain i} ‘a © . . ic irs ‘OO oO en ‘re ar | . iat the date of the WINSTON CHURCHILL Pee carnival and masquer- were std diol tin oh ieee the mye | SUpper was laid. It was a most) over some of the worst reefs on| Burgess. ade ball, but as a matter of fact! tie depths, you were suddenly ar-|appetizing display so far as = ame | | 7 ey y ar-| } = vo agai N no such special advertising was|rested by the beautiful poem in| viands went, but in this those} necessary. Professol Dowling|two words, ‘Tickets, please.” |eold storage chaps got off some DISA supplied the moonlight free of] Then up a narrow winding stair) jokes that may be passed as ap-| Sash Retainers wna he ened Canala if you had the passport—the]" hn eh cost, ane ere as e great cok all ‘ Salone Po vouhiaht are ropos to the occasion. Inter- storage building everyone was Oe ea "I ‘ Peat ° iat , 5 ties “a . wholly of concrete—and you|spersed with the piles of oranges, curious to see, after 1e article , | cag st shes ———— smPORTART Sena Se Soleo Tenlany=aeain|'? SRO Na wa RAL oHae ea merge into a corridor of stately| apples and sandwiches and _ the OSITION re li was enouwh at any rate t,/Cllumms on either side, a corri-' coffee cups, were dishes carry-/MOTORMAN INSTANTLY KILLED AND MANY OF THE PASSEN- THOROUGHFARE NEARLY READY TO REOPEN FOR TRAF- pare a te coh tae Anes dor wide enough for King Phar-) ing what appeared to be the fin- GERS ON BOTH CARS SEVERELY INJURED WHEN FIC IS DELAYED FOR LACK OF MATERIAL. rey wae tleadd ate oah to drive a coach on a tax} : THE COLLISION OCCURRED. Saturday night, and the high aia ‘eatin xpedition est molasses gingerbread, and at : collee & expec on, | is ns Bs Y pe ig al grading and re-|much impeded by the incomplete time the folks had there was be- iin icita the ‘Rit edenin: ang | Ober points were platter con Canadian Press Despatch. it is : hawedaeae did. not:see the { state of Third avenue at this im-|i"@8 buzzed about the streets ‘this : taining a new breakfast food. ; i mstruction between | reas ; ¢ d .-the com-| morning what a ballr A hundred and| Those who tried them and those Vancouver, Feb. 5,—Motorman| interurban car at a standstill d: MoBpide. Js, Tak pletion of the street here means It developed into a water car-| forty feet by eighty feet is going|who looked on laughed heartily.) Anderson was instantly killed and|owing to the trolley being de- gress under charg al unbroken { of sidewalk nival, because although the fast|some, and the floor had been| Both were of a kind of cork used|a large number of passengers|tachéed from the wire, until too Thompson. Today |ejear from McBridé atito tu cruiser Phippen was running for aned and sandpapered and po! jin the construction of the build-| more or less badly injured when late. Anderson had charge of taining wall within alton. many citizens hope that the the accommodation of the invited) ished to the last degree. Up injing. the Grandview street car plunged the Grandéiee:. Garni wmian eee , arate ° , P . . me eC ; | ; hs mir Jatam. (8 , » pear e er. srurban ae mee engths of poining the i \ ecuired av pe guests, the number who used pri-|the far corner, screened by green| It was rather later Sunday) into the reat nd of an interur ; re: OcK upply I juired na : 5 A : > assengers 2 pile of McBride street, But] quickly Rasen vate launches of their own was alery, was the debutante of the/morning than expected when the) car at the corner of Heatley ave- filled with passengers on their i¢ KI st ° 2 | Sea % oe > Tha 2aTP 8 sla. has all along been re surprise, Then the independent|eyvening, Miss CoralBarker, mak-|masquerading party broke up. All|}nue and Hastings street east) way home. Thy cal was tele i lf want of stone. Since NEW MANAGER COMING boats cut in, and they had a num-|ing her first appearance as the}right for the large number who|shortly after 11 o'clock last night, | scoped, but only a few injuries completed the cut on| ber of the guests to the ball going} leader of an orchestra, She play-|had their own boats but a little | Owing to the dense fog Anderson, | sustained were very serious, | reel at First avenue only! Haskins to Have Charge of Silver and coming ed the first violin; A. G. Nachbar,}/crowded for those who had to de- — pplies of fair sized stone Cup Property. The four hundred odd feet of}the cornet; Ge Werner, the|pend on the company’s commo- he retaining wall have} the Seal Cove dock was brilliant-| piano, and Dad Barker the bullj}dious launch or avail themselves hed the job from the lane be-| wep. W. S. Haskins, a_ well|!) lighted by Dowling’s moonlight) fiddle. jot the independent boats. AQ | ; ; 2 : ! | Pith and Sixth streets. known mining man who spent — : nan Thompson has fre FRR IeHatonas ; ° 9 | ‘ y regarded with envious eye} Many years Im the Kook ri at | “T lent supply of stone for;in Vancouver on his way to j | ‘ining wall, which is still|Hazelton to assume the manage } ed up in the high corner lotS|;ent of the Silver Cup mine, RUPERT LATE LAID T0 DATE IS Al T AINABLE ‘ hifth street and Second ave | owned by Mr. V. W. Smith, and D. When Jack Kirkpatrick,| MeLeod, and associates. i aaa ay ne of) Mr, Haskins has recently been) wit Goal on North Trip asin Snow Retards Progress — Four So Declares Lloyd. Georse at the { \ ef srime as! vy ‘eLO * as a hk ai Saar, sueilt yperating in Oregon, — He ay Time, Making Her Arrive Here) Hundred Men at Work Laying) London Liberal Club, with Pro- ] es me ! sO ee 808, ne } formerly conneeted with the * About 2 P. M. Instead of 9:30 Steel—Supt. Mehan on the viso That Question Be Faced ed and start clearing he) Roi. at. Rossland and later bat A. M., Her Regular Time. Ground. in Earnest Manner. ending down good sized rock! ipo of the Nickle Plate and| id : the * { ne wall. But there} jotenay-Golumbia in the same Announcement waa received| Special Correspondence Canadian Press Despatch ni ling doing, t rT or Pr 36, > - mh , 5 . } Now there is a proposition be ieee Vancouver Provin« this forenoon by wire from Mr.! Van Arsdol, Feb. 5. Che track London, Feb, 5.—Speaking be- { the Gouneil which will be| For Sale A. Ek. Macmaster that the steam-|laying gang has the steel laid|fore the City of London Liberal} | ed again tonight regarding } Ongena McLaughlin soda{er Prince Rupert will arrive j about nineteen miles above here.|Club Saturday evening, Lloyd her lot, The owners of this] ntain, one 2 b.p. motor, six}rather later than usual on her|'The work is greatly interfered) George stated that a world-wide o Nag mie & veUee Pl tables, twenty-four chairs, etc.| next trip, as she is to coal at Na- | with by png _ - ae ere peace was attainable if the sub- ' grade underneath it are| d the work ‘learing them 4 N { slageott i cht if the |G. H, Orme, 1t |naimo on the way north, This een a ah tae q a four Jeet were faced in an earnest 0 % ‘ “ce 3 0 ¢ sho ’ 5 Ss ¢ ) ( take the rock. They offer Indoor Baseball will delay her so that she need feet deep on the level, is retard manner, Everyone appreciated ver it to the crusher, in f tl Prince | 2°! be expected until close on 2}ing the work Superintendent the fact that a reduction of arma- / ‘ , ‘= Pay > 0 ad » ‘ce . » but Foreman Thompson Phe first eee , ; p. i. Wednesday, Mr. Macmaster! Dempse) has a foree of four hun-|ments must necessarily reduce that the city will accept the] Rupert Indoor Baseball League could not confirm a rumor around|dred men at work, three hundred) taxation and, after all, the corner- and send the larger rocks at| will be played al the Augilerium thal a party of the great men of!of whom are engaged in clearing) stone of sound finance was “Peace over to Third avenue for the} Monday evening, Feb. bth Water the G. T. P. is experted by the|the right-of-way of snow, and it'on Barth, Good Will to Men,” His ; Hetion of the retaining ie 1 PES eee nts on 2 vst boat on Wednesday. keeps this force busy to keep he Ww was warmly — ap- here ia track. peady nearly all) 8 o'olook harp: Adm Sn - . ahead of the track layers, After’ plauded, the way to deliver it. ‘Traffic is| Skating after the gome, | CRACK SHOTS OUT passing Lorne Creek the snow be- Sora —— comes lighter and faster progress OLD PASTOR GONE Bice Attendance at Rifle Range|wil! be mace, —_—— | Yesterday Afternoon W. c. CG. Mehan, general super-|Came to Vancouver from Nova PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO oo intendent of the mountain divi Scotia in Bighty-Mine. y ’ f the missing The first meet of the re-or-jsion is here tonight and will re —_—_— Dally News" lets wireless any: newa: 9 eee “ leanized Civilian Rifle Association|main a few days to observe Canadian Press ‘Despateh. Viking Wireless informs Ketchikan searchers, fi ltook place at the butts, across| progress. Vancouver, Feb. 5. ~The death : \. E, MoMaster mentions that 8, 8. Prince Ruport will 4 the harbor yesterday, There was ~ —r occurred yesterday of the Revs been three hours ‘late on Wednesday, “s " la large attendance and the shoot- Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners.|John M. McLeod, ah? pr: the ban Jim” the Shrimper lands a fine haul of “big ones. ing was good Phone 4. known old-timers of British Co- Last week's heat wave lets up a bit, but winter does nol | ii : me lumbia. He came to Vancouver wal Scat maeen nae aa tee I estion the Coal——Ladysmith— Coal. Emil Kaufman, who appears tojin 1889 from Nova Bootle and had a d, Montgomery announces that he will” qu ae Another ship load is here ready|have the contract for the build-|charge of the First PRaeny Orie» mare tonight on that undivulged serious financial | tor