f AOK TWO SUMMER SHOES In All Their I atest Colours And Styles Welge Heels, Dutch Boy, Box Heel$ ? :1 andiKlange Heels in combination colopj in brown and white, wine and while and green and white and multi colors. The Snappiest Shoes on the Market Up From $1.95 Family shoe store lt. The Home of Good Shoe THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .. Local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION NEW AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE Fur the Halibut and Sainton Fleets Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive ehanges and improvements in ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for tbe boats will all be old ice, thoroughly cured or agrd at new low temperatures. It w'.U be delivered into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold a. tbe sturaet room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. 02 Thursday, June 15, 1939. Britiib Columbia TROPHY FOR SEACADETS Canadian Legion, Impressed b Display, Makes Offtr Lfccar-ation Day Plans The Prince Rupert branch n the Canadian Legion was In session last evening with President; jaclc Preece in the chair. Hope was expressed that there would be a good Attendance at Decoration Day eeremony on Sun-J day neXk. Maatxu w,i. assemble! at the Legion Hall to parade to the Cenotaph and then to Fair-, view ceuttteiy to the Soldiers Plot for Ahe service. Arrangement.! are in the hands of the soldier?' graves committee of Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, which ha;, shouldered the responsibility for the provision of headstones for the graves where not otherwlss provided. There axe now fifty-tight graves in the soldiers' plot, five hew ones having been added during the year. As a result of the Impressloi made by .the display of the local Sea Cadets In" their arinual "A Home" this week the Prince Rupert branch of the Legion Is asking the President of the Navy League and the Commanding Officer of the local Sea Cadets to accept a trophy to be competed for annually by the cadet. The tro- THE DAILY NEWS Thursday jun, 15 1631 Visitor Here AlberU Guerrero. rx.:u.;:tr Toronto Conservatory of Must.-He arrived by tra.n Tussday night from Toronto and wiV leave tomorrow night for Van couver. !!iAnyox Is Closing Up Tight; Men Are phy w11 be offered to the cadt Smelting Co. is discontinuing oer- durlne the year. A suitable me- there will only be a watch rtff mento will be presented to the ca- there. For some time, the 'Tartan-det who qualifies each year. has been laying off men at Anyox Committee chairmen were ap- f transferrin them to other 5 pointed for the annual picnic company operations wnicn win De neia to uigoy lsiana on June 25. J. Preece is general chairman, and others are N. Cam-'eron, H. T. Lock, J. Judge. O. J. i Dawes and Asa Allen. Routine business included the receipt of letters of thanks from Individuals and organizations for TROUBLE IN THE ORIENT heln given by the branch. Trouble seems to De brewing m tne unent. Japen is Permision was given to mil m practically telling Britain to get out of China and stay out. Chapter to use the ugion ashead-kturailneitner breat Bmain, fiance nor tne on.tea XLnX dT States can afford to be ousted like that If Britain accept- ctrcuUrs from the provincial ed such a situation she might as well dissolve the British and Dominion commands were Empire right now. It is an impossible demand. The era considered. of appeasement is past and there is nothing to do but to - stand-firm and : resist aggression . Japan has no more T'T , J5 right in China than has Great Britain and the same is true Victoria, returned to the city on of United States and France. If the British are ousted the the Prince oeorge yesttrday from Americans and French will follow but they will not be tne u-ousted. Britain will fight rather than be ordered out by tne Japanese. MAY RUSH AIR BASE With the possibility of trouble in the Orient the authorities atj Ottawa must already have bad in mind the idea of rushing v ork on the proposed air base at Seal Cove. We are thankful to know there is a base at Aliford Bay on the Queen Charlotte Islands and that tne .o. i i v defences at the mouth of the harbor is well advanced. As soon as one set of guns is in place we shall feel much happier than we.are just now. With a few bombing planes in the neighbornood and one of the forts complete there will be some chance of successfully defending the port. TIIE NEW POST OFFICE The ne,v post office was occupied this mornincr and we all exchanged our box keys and felt ourselves shareholder in this fi$e ;ie" community centre. It is a solen-did building and Fhould eive pood service to PrinaR Rti-pert for many years to come. The change from the old to the new changes our mental outlook. We feel a little more proud of our city 'and our country as we enter the new buildinp-. We mav even feel that the port is a little moe worth defending than it was before. As we go up the steps we must feel that this building represents the true Canada as no rickety old building could represent her. Here i a building that, if the King and Oueen had visited us, ve could have shown them as something worthy that bore the King's name. i f Y;. ORDER THE BEER THAT GIVES TOO MORE At no Extra Cost JL50 per dozea (with one dozen empties) Phone C54 for Free Home Delivery. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pcpleaa Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. TU bafiliac tblac ak.ut tow Unod laaat i IKat mi can .Niii at-Hrt at marli aa ymn tm di look hraiiaa aaa riMt rt imm can at if foi ba4 14 la ymnt lot, duo,, brad ud orplma. Low tM enM bwm Jam kaa"t load aorMMfea. It la thar VIUJ Saa ta carrr Ii'a-a1ii aayc tram, yaar kaura tKroaho -yauMaaly. A ad aa H taaaa exTva to txlaatW luulina M mmr car aoa laaka the poa y ". aa to awl KaT taratilarf tim to aaaiaaa taa aaarnr la Joar Ud and ! jm safe Domtr. J Gt Dr. WlUlama Hak tHI. u4a. TWf ara orta-faaHwa far tar KWp tbajr aiv M ia.lia.ili tka DumU and rtrastfe ml tm4 rorpuMi.. Tton llh roar bkwatvaat a. Xea'll tikm boaiwTaa uu U Main aa If mm sauna' aw. A k ymmr df uaaM Cat r Dr. WlHianu Hlakifill. lodaa. TROUT EGGS ARE LANDED At the first of this week 100,000 Kamloops trout eggs were delivered Here for the Prince Rupert Rod & Gun Club. The eggs have been ransferred to the club's hatchery it the Government Wharf. In about month's time following the hatching, the fry will be transfer-rd to ponds at Prudhomme Lake, laerc was a similar planting last 1 FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:15 VELVET vs. NAVY Blue 53. KUK SALE D fll J l (PIANO $130. Dining. Kitchen, Ches- Dem? lVlOVed AWiy. Meld 8ulteS. End Table. Book- case. Curtains, Kltchenware. Pre- Accordlng to word received In the MrvM' PanU- Chiffonier. Double cltv. the Cbn'alidated Mmint &1 Dd. Pugaley. Second Avenue who shows the greatest progress atlons entirely at Anyex and soon pqR sale 1930 Essex Sedan. Cheap for cash. Phone 564. tf. WANTED WANTED Otrl for soda fountain and lunch. Dare's Confectionery. 1133), WANTED Woman cook. Apply j Forfar. Fort St. James Hotel, Port St. James. (142) FOR KENT FURNISHED Apartment in Van-! couver for rent July and Aug-' ust. Everything found, linen.' dishes, etc. Suitable for three adults only. Fur further particulars apply Box 14 Dally News. tf. FOR RENT-Modern 5-room house on Bltgar Place. Phone Oreen 3T. tf. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, reiiabJe people only 411 7th Avenue West. tf. At Last-A Complete Beer! Mature Join llamh With Science t'iltimin II inul G Uctlorttl Ted$f rvaryan rtcofm'trt ttw jM mi Vitamin ami for ytari brria trirnrc kit wrivta larnlara iba srigiaal Mill Brtwrt' YciM Vkimint (B and O) l brrr kithoul Urri&inf im iharpljf nkrrtd flirmn anj pirllf. Now by in cm !.- practM t rmott Uww tiwMul Viumuit 10 our VWouvrr Cipilino'i bftf Viumint hith brtong la Uft but IK r Lml in mairrn brer fijirition. At a mull c have a Ccmplctt Iter. Eajay lb trnsolb, full Utiy and lirariy Mavor ef iht (m old brcri el tlx fiM in a Uat f TA;I . , . Vancouver Cailins Vitamio Condilionrd L(rr "A lr plat." V nV at'MMJUl P WmWK T-IVrf mWmW VITAMIN Jly CONDITIONED LAGER Thu adttrtittiticnl it not publi.hcd or ditplaycd by it Lm,, untrol Ut-ard or by tU Oovrnmtnt cl tti.i -ii I .Ijn.bia. year which had excellent results. eo have recently Wn d-Similar success Is anticipated this, to Terrace for .pUnttne in i'!"4 year. jLake and mjm m Fifty thousand Kamloora troulisenl U) Prlfte Qtorge A gixnl way to ruin a jwrfect holiday U to !n your money rn route; ami thn tun Miily happti wheir)"U cany your travel fundi in CASH. A simple way to avoid tliis rul U to change your money Into Travellers Cheque Ifore you leave. Travellers Cheque keep your mopry aafe, are at Pm1 ai emit almost anywltrre and rt very Utile. You can obtain Travrllm Clique in convenient amounts from $I0 up at any brunrli of The Royal lUol. llfmtmlr. iff ritkv la carry task uUn iTl H E jvu lmn4. tDYAL BANK M F CANADA MacKenzie's Furniture 10 CIILSTr.ltFU.l.t) SUITIS Covered with Tape Xk Carei-DA1n Cavrl-XUrcelte and Cavel-NVw CQO nn iMtllt ee them at our tore. Priced frwn OOiUVJ Terms Can E Arrantrd I'hone 175 oooooooooooooooooooovwoooooooooooooooooooow Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer DruQfffctJ The Rexall Store Phones Si ft SZ Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till t p.m. 7 p.m. tilt 9 p.m. DooooooaooooooooooooooooocooooppooooooooooooociooooW VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANY VARIETIES Cones Lemon, Kaspberry, Vanilla, ChoeUle and Strawberry Dixie, Cups Tutll Frulttl and Vanilla Cream Lunch and Candy Freeze Bars VanllU. Cherry Cmtarfl, Tuttl Frulttl and JUjyle Walnut Dominion Dairy I'hone 10 Fifth Avenue East and Mcfl0L