t FAQE rOTJH Mr. and Mrs. Edward LSpsctt arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Llpsett is paying. -one of his periodical visits to his local business. He was the speaker at the No. 6 Dry Cell 771 and 781 4Vi-volt C. 773 7Vi-volt C 763 22-volt C Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COURSE CHICKEN DINNER At The Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Vhone 71 Rotary Club luncheon today. Mrs. Lipsett will transfer to the Prince George tomorrow afternoon to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart and. with Mr. Llpsett, will be returning to Vancouver Saturday evening. POWER IN RADIO BATTERIES Your Iladio is Only as Rood As the Mattery Hehind it Experience Proves EVEREADY Longest Life-Dependable Power 385 Medium layerbilt D. .... 386 Large layerbilt B 770 Medium B. (cell type) ..... .50 43 $1.00 S1.75 .......S2.50 S3.70 $2.95 A1300 Air Cell 1.4 volt - $2.93 A2300 Air cell 2-vort 500-hour $4.58 A2600 Air Cell 2-volt 1000-hour $7.50 SA2600 Air Cell Heavy drain 9.00 SA850 Air Cell Special S9J50 Insist on EVEREADY Standard Hatterics Most for Your Money Costs Less in the End JfflaeM COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leava rlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKLNNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 Hotel Arrivals Koyal F. J. Hipp, Porcher Island; A. Brown, city; E. Rogers, Lockport. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cook, Beverley Hills. Cal .: J wood, city; Miss D. Peel and Dr. uoraon Wilson. Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lea, Tacorha; Mr. aifd Mrs. E. w. Demarest, Taeoma; Mr and Mrs. T- F. Kldd, A. Caravan, W. J. Mulr, Qunnar Eklund and S. Brattan, Vancouver; Mre. W. Middleton and Mrs. E. W. Baker, Massett; Constable L. I. Ol-sen and family. Queen Charlotte City. Central AJec Anderson, Maasetf: G.Morrison, A. Drew, D. S4$Hc J. peters. Queen Charlotte; A. Arfceaen. city. Knox James Nault, Edye Pass Mine; B. Williams. J Weston. E. Daniel-son, c Ohman and E Erickson. Queen Charlotte Islands sMt-SIsHs tv t. 3.00 40 01. This advertisement la v t nub-Ushed or displayed bv the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia fft i t I 111 Mil mu II YOU WILL BE RQYALLY WELCOMED AT THE NEW HOTEL VANCOUVER Thla is YOUR hotel built for the people oi Canada. It offers the best In service at the most moderate prices. Rales begin at $3.00 a day for rooms with tub baths and showers! Use its delightful modern facilities and enjoy the homines and hospitality It offers. CAFETERIA Wlere you cn obtain most delicious moil it a vory moderate-twice. Quick service, breakfast, luncheon, dinner. ....; k - M 5 k 1 ' TUE O AIL If NCVT3 TMiirs(iii jt,e tJ New VISIBLE COOKING An Exceptionally Durable 3-Coat Enamelware White with Red Trim Every Piece Has a I'yrex Class Cover Come in and See Them on Display 'NYLON' Fishing Leaders Stronger Than Cut-Uniform Elastic No Sheen Will straighten When Dry Will Not Split or Fray Will Not Hccomc Sleazy We Have All Sizes KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver Just i nun I tarns to know the )ooc) and bad point) ol hit favotitc hone and placet a value on i( that cannot be boujht tth money to, too, doct a man often cheiiih the flavour of hit favorite betr People everywhere who enjoy jlai of rich, malty beet have learned to depfnd on the Lh uniform quality of Phoei EipoH Lar which hat been maintained throushout the years, nix EXPORT BUY IT THE American 20 000 pounds, 7.9c and 5.5c. Canadian 22.000 pound. O &e and 5c and 0.7c and 5c. American California. 30460. Cold Stont. 7.9c and 5Ac. Canadian Seuthend. 17.000. Cold Storage 6.7c and 5c. Tugweli. 3.000. Booth. 8 8c and 5r Cengo. 2000, Atlln. 6 6c and 5c Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 Weather Forecast 1 General S-nopsts A moderate depression off the Queen Charlotte Islands U eaulni( rain on the British Columbia Coast. The weather has bfn mostly fair and moder-lateiy warm in the Interior. West Coast of Vancouver lalaitd StnmK vuth wind, thirting to wet cool and showery chine In excellent CQfl AA condition, snap . . tjJtfViVV 1 Delco-Uemy Generator QQ 1 Sewing Machine In QH ff A perfect condition . . . Good Paint It the onlr Inouranre that you ran put on your home that will protect It from the weather elements. If your home Is mil protected again! t dampnrM and heat, dry rot Is the result, which late a heavy toll in property each year. Drop in and let us ttVl you aixiul ll-M TnglMi I'alnt". It earrien the manufaclurrr't written guarantee. er SINCE 1858 This crdvwtlsement u not published or displayed by the Llauor Cor...! Boa:d c: the Govetntnent ol Bxitish Colunbia Funeral Yesterday, Halibut Sales Of Late Mrs. Tilley1 Many Ateended Rites and Floral "Tributes W'rre Numerous The funeral took plape yesterday I f Mrs Beile TUIey whose death occurred a few day ago. Rev. W. J Friesen officiated and Mrs. N. . L. Jones M orstonUt the hmnil iung behiR Xead Kindly Utkt" and "Safe in the Arm of Jeeus." The 5Hbearers were Noel Jones. Arthur Evans. D Scherk, A. Jones. W. H. Ooodslll. WUltam Lamb and A. T. Jones. Capt. Ivan Halecy officiated at the graveside The coffin was covered with beautiful flowers including a fine ' cros anffaTwreath. Summary Volcano Erupting Once More Today ' DUTCH HAIiBOR. Unalaska. June IS: CP Mount Ventamitwlf niftted aftn today, soreadtng tui-sanlc ashes over a wide area rx-tendlnn to the motorshlp Iru J5 miles off hore Protect Your Home! BX. FURNITURE CO. Tor those who siish to mix their o vn j um iml U lure the high quality of IJ-II "tingllsh' ...nn- i ! iti tm finer or longer lasting than 70-33 I'avtr Wlit- lit u tir'p ton ssith your painting problems. GORDON'S HARDWARE Mr lilt If) K STItllhT Phone 311 Bargains In Used Furniture Consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Bedroom Suites, Washing .Machines, Dinettes, Carpels, Etc. 1 Only Dresser At $9.00 1 Only Connor Copper Washing Ma 1 Simmons lied and Spring sj,X2: Sio.oo 5 Kitchen Chairs-At, each NEW FURNITURE .-ricce Chesterfield Suite I 2 Velour Chesterfields $1.00 1 Single Steel Ited Cff ft A Complete. teUV Uiridge Lnmp Heavy QQ Z(i bronze base tyd.OV ueguiar 7.oo. VGA AA Streamlined. lilllT.IIll I $89.00 m Now pleated backs THIRD AVENUE Phone HLACK 324 jr Headquarters lot Seryic),Club. , " j i I' Vext Door to IJ. C. Clothiers , . - j 1