Thuradajr, June IS. 1939. n Starts Friday June 16th Big News! Big News! 20 ONLY Men's and Young Men's Tweed Suits Men's and Young Men's Tweed Suits, plain and fancy back models., V alucs $18.50 to $25.00. Removal Sale Price, to clear $13'45 Fashion-Craft and Ellin Suits One-pant and two-pnnt Elkin and Fashion-Craft suits, worsted!, uabardines and tweeds, plain and fancy back models. Men this is real news. Values up to 527.50. Sale Price $jg.45 A FASHION-CRAFT BARGAIN $ 22 .45 Fashion-Craft worsted suits. Young Men's and conservative models. Values $25.00 and $32.50. One-pant and two-pant suits left over from our spring 1039 selling. Hats To Clear-$2.45 Special clearing line of fur felt hats made and styled by John l. Stetson in many shades and all sizes. Stetson and Borsalino Hats Ifrokcn lines from our spring 1930 $4.9 5 selling to clear at, each Sox -Socks -Sox Entire store of men's regular 50c ami 60c hose by Pennni, Harvey Woods and MacGrcgor. t.. i' i-'iwli nair h wi oc M Or 2 nair for I si XSZS&BBBBBB2 TIES! Selection of New Spring Ties Each THE DAILY NEWS All the accumulated experience and prestige of 28 years of retailing Men's and Hoys' Wear in Prince Rupert have gone into making this one of the greatest events in our history. This Is Rryant's year! This is your biff opportunity! And the following values will prove it. TIES! 45c Hand-made, pure silk tics, big selection of regular $1.50 QZo se sellers. Removal Clearance eJs- SHIRT BARGAINS 25 ilozcn plain color and patterned broadcloth shirts, soft and f us-ed collars, some with matched ties, sizes 11 to 17. IJ Rig Selection. Each 10 dozen shirts, printed and woven patterned broadcloths, some bv Arrow and Forsyth, soft and fused collars. Sizes V J45 11 to IS. Each 30 DOZEN WORK SHIRTS Grey and blue chambrays, blue and grey cotton military flannels. Sizes W2 to 19. Values up to 81.25. OoC Each IRISHMAN'S Hand-Tailored Suits All Leishman Suits $ PHONE .297 4 -50 Hand-tailored worsteds and Mahoney Irish twists in young men's, conservative and stout models. All Leishman and Fashion-Craft. Blue and grev serge suits in two prices for the re- 522.45 and $29.45 PAGE THREE Removal x n . p. i Suits and Topcoats -- Big News! 10 ONLY Fashion-Craft Topcoats Regular values $25.00. Clearing price 25 ONLY $rff.45 Topcoats Fashion-Craft values $17.50 to $19.50. Removal Sale Pricet to Clear "? 13 A Real Saving Extra quality topcoats by Fashion-Craft and Leishman. 20 topcoats only in this lot. Values up to $37.50. We Are Sure You Will Have A 100 Percent Satisfied Purchase And Be Dollars Ahead Besides. ri5i NOTICE! Our entire $30,000.00 stock is offered at real savings for you. Watch later announcements of specials. We Are Always Open Till 10 p.m. on Saturdays BRYANT CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, R.C. I