PAGE SIX DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen Wc Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs In Evn,GEMENT KINGS. WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. wc will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rinss or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from SLUH to SI203.Q0. He Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner CENTRAL HOTEL KOOMS and CAFE rhone 51 For Best Household Coal MKSj C. E. I5LACK MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's Alterations Moderate Trice Phone CHCEEN 880 727 FKASER ST. HOLIDAYS Try SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP This Year Situated an the Finest Sea-Beach in Canada Apply to MUS. DUNN, Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, for Full Particulars Advertising is at, investment. OM Diamond Specialist Baseball Standings National League W. L, Cincinnati 33 17 St. Louis .28 20 Brooklyn 24 23 New York, 26 25 'Chicago 25 25 Pittsburg 23 26 Boston 20 27 Philadelphia 16 32 ! American League New York .37 10 Boston "21 19 Cleveland 28 21 Chicago 24 23 .Detroit .-. 26 25 Washington 19 31 Philadelphia 18 31 St. Louis 15 34 IIAIX STOPS PRACTICE Pet. .6S0 .583 .511 .510 .500 1 .465 .426 .3331 .787 sr. .571 Ml .510 .330 .367 .303 T 1 t nlfVlte Mtn .-.v........ i I At.. .3o Lain JlCVClilCU wic. heduled baseball practice in' preparation for the Ketchikan-1 Prince Rupert series. Another practice is scheduled for Saturday Cyril Large, after snendine a week here on technocracy organization work, left on last evening's train for Terrace. He will - also visit Smithers, Vanderhoof and Prince George CUBS LOSE ; ' TO GIANTS .New Yorkers Going Strong in National League Yanks Iteaten by Cleveland CHICAGO. June 15 (Canadia-Pres. New York OlanU, by win nin a close 2 to 1 victory over "htcaito Cubs In a series opem -here yesterday, moved into thc Xirst division of the National Le. " ue. th Cubs tttopin into fir..., -'pee The Cincinnati Red d" '"- h Phtltit in free-hit tin affair and retained their mar ffln of four full games leadershi; over St. Louis Cardinals wh 'nwned the fourth place Brookly Dodgers. In the American League th-r-i i-.,, Tnrfnr vnn or New v v-nv Rt vanke- stadium The Detroit Tigers took a doubK header victorv from the second I place Boston Red Sox The Wash inton Senators shut out the Ch plar ahead of the Philadelphia Athletics who lost a night gam to the St. Louis Browns. Yesterdays Big League scores National League New York 2: Chicago 1. Philadelphia 7; Cincinnati 10. Brooklyn 2: St. Louis 9. Boston at Pittsburgh. nostnnnr-1 rain. American League Cleveland 4; New York 2. Detroit 9-6; Boston 8-2. Chicago 0: Washington 3. St. Louis 6; Philadelphia 0. The Indian Department cruise' Naskeena Is on a trip to Port Simpson today with Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson on board. If left this morning and will be back this evening NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. nox 196 HOW TO GST M OF CARBON "PMG'-FOR GOOD ...why have a car that runs like this Toe many can, vn th belt of hm, tnhially dvlop carbon knocks or "ping." But th fault it not in th motor. : It It couitd in moil catt by oilt that form xcttiv amount! of hard carbon, when you can have one that runs liks this? It't to aty now to hav a car that "purrt" Intttad of "pingt." Simply chana, to Triton -th 100 U(f paraffln-ba oil that formt to lltttm now carbon It onablot your mater to burn away eld carbon dopetlftf Enjoy the benefits of this 100 Pure paraffin -base oil that changes PING to PURR by cleaning out carbon as you drivel You can get rid of annoying and damaging carbon ping easily and inexpensively with Triton Motor Oil. Because it is Propane-solvent refined, it forms so little new carbon that actually alhwi your motor to burn away carbon depositta" by other oilsl The motor generally loses its carbon ping within 2 to 3 thousand miles! When knocks go you get better gas mileage, increased power. You save on repairs and operating costs. Switch to Triton next time you refill. Your surest motor protection is to drain regularly and use Triton 1 mfSPWl "I .tttted using Triton n "1 tatted uiing Triton 2' I I WpMBBmmtm on the aJvice aftU I ; veariago. MyFordoper. 1 I WKKSm wh'1lmedmyoilcon' iHft, 'i ated better and oil con. I I OT lumptionwould be re- tgS. ptlon wi reduced I If.sH disced. Xiiow travel well - deiplte the fact it had I 1 jffl over a thoutand mile m "ne 60,000 miles. I'm I 1 "V ' iH before it is necessary to JTJ ,in Triton in my Olds I I HI si addoU" and find it sund. up Just I I Htsflal AtTHUI fA. H1MS0H Wk JMM SS well." I .., S.t I I Jll.tV flH 00MAXWlUV.H.t.C UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD. m TH1 DAILY NEVTB ThUMrta-. T Double your money back II you don't apee that Quaker Corn Flake: are the Most Delicious Corn Flakes you've ever eaten, just return the partly used package to The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon, Sask. A chcaue for double the price you paid willbc promptly mailed iu you. Th Ifthml tmtt,,t, txfm Dm. Jl. 19)9. "A" Qokc Ont flaktt givt y . . Mm r cam fr htaltk-glvUg i Vitamin "0" (. Quaker ' Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Rox 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You receive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion IIAY,and NIGHT Phone it) 1 dAl PAT MAZZIE Opp. Post Office. 4th 8t. THE SEAL f QUALITY eaujciai! l kor I mm GOU) SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Rink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Kiipcxt I St. Peter's Tea And Sale Held Successful Affair on Tuesday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. J. YV.-Mourehouse A well attended and successful tea and sale of home cooking was h- Id Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs J. W Moorehouse. 1216 Eighth Avenue Bast, by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church. The rooms were otfraetive'v decorated In early ummcr fl.wers and splendid weather favored the event. Mrs A J Croxford and Mrs. W. Oariick were in charge of the tea room 8TMturs were Mrs. W Fmith and Mrs A H Hill-Tout ind Mrs Henderson was aaehler. Th" home roojtin table was look-nftcr hv Mm Oeorge Kcbcjr and Mrs w O. Vlgar. Mrs Henderson was winner In a bean guessing contest Mrs T A. Stewart will sail Saturday night on the Prince Charles for Queen Charlotte City to take up residence. Joining Constable Stewart who has been transferred there in the provincial police service Tired Aching Burning Feet! Av pain and Soreness I lUnlshe Offensive Odors In lust 5 minutes after an application of Emerald Oil youll get the surorlse of vrnir life Your tired tender smarting feet will literally lump for loy No I us no trouble you Just ap-Dlv a little of the oil over the surface of the feet night and morning or anv time you want comforting relief Just a little and rub it well in It's simolv wonderful the way It acts while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor there's nothing better It's not chean but it sure 1 good and economical too Everv good drumUt sells Mnnne Emerald Oil- satisfaction guaranteed or monev back W. J. McCUTCHF.ON DRUG 1939's ,uuu unci FIRST WF ' Dili p DRAMATIC SMASH! P PkWT S !Rir? advcntu ever I-Jbyring lovers" I T A ikJ alianl wmcn and bold mcnof the South face a SlA TONIGHT and FRIDAY InauguratUig Uir summer service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Islands. C N R steamer Prtnce Charles. Capt Oeorge Coka. arrived In port at 6:4ft thU morning and will be here until 10:30 Saturday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route The Prtnce Charles brought EXTRA KIN (J AM) Qim AT OTTAWA Travrlocue and C' Frature at ? T lni 2 Shows Mihtlr ? Htu ;j n a group u! who 1U tranv Rupert tomor: a lound trip t. a and thence : Prtnee Ruoer- wUl be brtnguiv will tranafer , Charles to rr; ; Utanda. MID - MONTH'S SPECIALS Friday And Saturday AT WALLACES Pillow Slip Nice fine quality fully bleached S for S1.00 SheeU Fully bleached. 77x90. hem Q-fl AA Uu-h"d A wonderful value Earn v-tolU Itayon Iledipreads In assorted Q-j (( colors Sincle bed. Each OJLoUU Dnubl'? Pert, each $1.30 Oilcloth Squares- Assorted de-stans 54x54 Each S1.00 Floor ICuisReverslblc. a new ship- Q4 AA men1: 24x45. Axmlnster uatt Ea Qi-olIU Itayon or Damask Table Cloths-Colored borders. 54x54 . 2 for Lace Curtain Nets- -Assorted designs cream. 5 yards SLOP S1.00 Curtain Iteady to hang, complete with tiry cream ground with contrasting ruffle ntZn Per pair . lot Curtain Hod Curved ends, extends to 48 inches. 2 for 25c Pyjamas & Gowns Women's Pyjamas or Clowns. CJ-i Ajj Watson quality to $2.50. Ea ?XUU Ilaby Illanketv-Pink or blue, nice AA soft quality 2 for JJ.UU Oirls' Cotton Dresses 3 to 10 years. 2 for All Wool Crew Neck Sweaters Assorted colors, Each Children's Ankle Sox Odd lot clearance 4 pairs see Our Windows $1.00 $1.00 filrU Slacks- Navy or red, strong Qf AA drill. Per pair ?X.UU HATS A special cleanup. Felts straws, ct? Each $1.00 10c Cretonne- 3 mchc widr v., fi rui 01 wans 4 vd Face Cloths- Assorted colors 0 for Children's Cotton Vests and Hloomcrs- Bummer weight 4 : Women's Snugcics and Vests Whafflc knit 3 for Women's Satin Panties Larr trimmed 2 pairs Women's llroadclolh Slips White or pink opera top 3 r S1.00 Shadow Cloths- 36 inche wid QfJ SUmned Pillow Slip Full m w;nd heavy material Per u;ir si.oo Towelv White ground, assorted Q CC rolored check. 20x40 4 far OX.UU 25c $1.00 81.00 Womrn's Panties and Hlooiners- CI Ofl fiilk knit 3 pairs ,A'VU 81.00 Children's Silk Knit Psntle- CI ()() Pink or white 4 pairs t?J..w SLIPS S1.00J Women's Pure Silk Crepe Hose- 1 ' 00 All new shades 2 pairs - Women's Cotton Hose Fuwm Ci QQ greys 5 pairs Children's Cotton lllh Hose Fuwi J00 shades S pairs - Hoys Turn Top Heather Mix Hose gJOO Greys or lawns. 3' pairs Special Sale Prices On AH Suits And Coats Men's Silk Mixture Sox-fancy patterns. 4 pairs THIKI) und FULTON STIHT 1.00