m v UWniiMM Xhu auveruscinunt were iio TAT) JL JL jLMS Why did our forefatliers smoke long pipes, and why don't we? Old prints show Sir Walter Raleigh smoking a pipe six feet long, and men in "tobagies" (smoking taverns) with pipes like those uliich later became known as "church wardens." Long stems helped to cool and take the "bite" uut of tobacco litch, in the early days, was unscientifically cultivated and poorly cured. But it would be pretty awkward to smoke a churchwarden vhUe driving a carl And, happily, we don't need to. The tobacco industry has spent millions to develop pedigreed seed and to improve methods of growing and harvesting all to assist Nature to produce better leaf. And it has spent millions more on warehouses in which to store thousands of tons for three or four years of aging. So our pipe tobaccos are mild, cool and fragrant. So, too, with cigarettes ... At first they were made only from expensive Turkish or Egyptian tobacco. Now the industry knows how to grow, cure and blend many varle-ties so that they are delightfully mild and, when rolled in cigarettes, are priced within everyone's reach ... More people enjoy smoking today because the tobacco industry lias made smoking more enjoyable. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED . ... . v,, Mr nrnrwit John R. Hartley, provincial ruy r , ,rnmnt auditor from Victoria, was pa- wiurcrt is jeavmg on uir c.i.arv .nd Edtnon- V " "l" . -w..4 onnr . . .-. . . i n naasciiKcr uuiu wt 1 "I , , n.JL ton before returning to Prince Ru- 'Geoine- yesterday going through i-1) i uttering at New West- pert about a month from now. to Atlln on official duties. nin vnu KNOW THAT... $ Vancouver, although only seventeen years old as a grain rt, has greater grain storage capacity than any other grain port on the North American Continent? One hundred million luhel jt grain have been shipped through the port in one year ami the elevators are equipped to handle even u larger quantity with efficiency ami despatch. a not puiutm- aispiuyeo o, the iywm LOCAL NEWS NOTES Alberto duerrero Master Pianist. R. L. Mcintosh arrived In the ''Recital tonight. Unitd Church 8 1 city on Tuesday night's train from mm Admission SOc. (139)!hla summer home at Terrace for B 1 J. W. McAuley, assistant superintendent of Canadian National piiwav utt bv last jetenlna's W. H. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent, and M. A. Bur-bank, divisional engineer, left ori last evening's train for a trip over the line as far as Jasper, ac companying the general superhv Undent, W. T. Moodle, and party who arrived on the Prince Oeorge from Vancouver in the course ol an oiflciai tour. a&i. jcoey ex pects to return to the city Satur- day night. J. R. McWllllams of the Digby Island wireless staff will be leaving Saturday night on the Prince Charles for Dead Tree Point to relieve C. Elliott, the operator Iri charge there, who Is going south on vacation, Mrs. McVHUlams and family will be leaving at the close of the school term to spend the summer visiting In Vancouver and the Okanagan district where Mr i McWllllams will Join them later. sis nl 40 nz. $125 25 oz. - -i. 16 oz. YOU SHOULD KNOW that "B. C. D. SPECIAL" Itye Whiskey, made by Uritish Columbia Sp5 cxiuTieucc iu producing the best, gfe I " v n n - - - - 5iC tliere is no uiuic iw ..... . ... r srr v AnK Mm AM) Ul.I PRODUCTS . 1 'm tjoaiu or oy tue: uoverumeni ot British Columbia. a brief visit to town. Maurice Irving of the Canadian National Railways divisional train on his return to Prince 1 freight and passenger office re-Oeorgc after a visit here on ot- turned yesterday on the Prince ficial duties. Mrs. McAuley will be 'George from a vacation trip t returning to Prince George to-' Vancouver. Mr. Irving is remainr morrow evening. ting in the south for a while longer. E. W. Barr of Portland, Oregon, . representing the Travelers Insur- Miss Clara Oerman of the Nelson ance Co.. arrived in the city from News staff at Nelson is paying a the south on the Prince George visit in the city with her brother 'yesterday morning and proceeded and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. , to the Interior by the evening Oordon German. 8he arrived from I train. He will return south via the south on the Prince Oeorge Jasper Park. 'yesterday, will proceed on the ss. i prince Rupert tomorrow aiiernuun H C Cann, chief engineer of t0 spend the week-end at Anyor. tfc.' radian National Railways where her brother Is radio opera- L . . . j s i- frr rnnntWatd Mining & Montreal. In the course of an of ficial trip to the Pacific Coast; and Mrs. McCann arrived In the; city from Vancouver on tha Prince Oeorge yesterday raornuy; and proceeded East by the eve nlng train. Hl 4W - Smelting Co. 8be will returnoutA m the Catala next week. " : .- "i Announcements All advertisements In ttu coi-emn wlU be charged for a full month at 35c a word Alberto Guerrero Piano Recital.! June 15, First United Church. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. J, R. Mit chell's June 15. Parent Teachers Tea. Oddfellows'. Hall, June 16. Eagle's Straight Bridge June 21. United Tea Mrs. Armour June, Sons of Norway Mid-Summer1 Dance June 23 Oddfellows' Hall ' Ketchikan Baseball Dance, Moose pall. June 23. Presbyterian Picnic, 1:30 June 24 Band Parent's Strawberry 'Tea, Mrs. Husoy. June 29. ON.R.A. Excursion to Terrace July 1. Catholic Baxaar October 11. 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big ger and Better. Phone 62 Phone 63 Eggs Brookfield 4A' Grade large in car- l7(f tons.3doz. .... V Pork Butts 25C Rolled Pot i Holled Rst. Veal Shoiiider Veal Swiffs.Gotfafte OQn Rolls-Lb. '....v Half or Whole First Grade 3 lbs. ........ iOC Fresh Killed Frying Chicken- A Ap Each Pork Hocks OC 2 lbs. Rakeasy OKi M .2 lbs Swift's Lard OCr 2 lbs Sausage Meat 25C K-9 Dog Food Off o 2 tins Fresh Cottage Cheese and Whipping Cream Fresh Fish for Friday Remember! You Can Get It at The Sterllnr ' For the Men in Your Life Every woman knows that men really like Ice aeam even those who say they don't. But you can make juperUthe ice cream with Irradiated Carnation Milk that the men in your household will practically voribip! Try the Chocolate Marsbmallow Ice Cream redpe below ... Or you'll find Carnation very economical to use with the ice cream mix- tuxes on the marker. Carnation Milk makes ice cream smooth and rich. But it does that for all kinds of dishes which call for milk or cream. Carnation is just whole milk with just the natural water taken rj Mar? BiaVe out; sterilized so it keeps, on the pantry shelf indefinitely; homogenized to give every drop equal creamy smoothness; irroJioted for extra "sunshine" vitamin D. Irradiated Carnation Milk is so good that baby specialists are using k for thousands of bottle-fed babies. It is easier to digest always the same and contains an extra helping of the important "sunshine" vitamin D. There are glorified recipe -of all kinds In the beautifully Illustrated Carnation Cook Book 15c (postpaid). Carnation Company Limited. Abbott St. Vancouver. B.C. aa mana1 WBows w ..A choco""- - 1,.1" .RADIATED mmmt A CANADIAN PRODUCT "on Contented Cows" ELIO'S Fifth Anniversary SALE Great Savings in Home Furniture Chesterfield Suites. Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites. Enterprise Ranees, Linoleums. Floor Covering. Axminster Carpets Bajgaee, Wheel Goods.. Pianos. Foldin? Carriers. Boys Wagons. Tricycles, Etc, Etc. All Prices Marked Down to the Limit Buy Now Save Money ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue Phone Green 916 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! MlfeS OCEAN FALLS and POWELL BIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7:00 p.m. Trains leate Prince Rupert for the Etwt Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. f AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, ete, call or write City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. p-. v.n . J. H. BULGER Fresh Local Raw and r . . . Pasteurized .Milk Optometrist valentin daihy Royal Bank Bide PHONE 657 It'a interesting to know when reading the Daily Newa that the people of the whole district are doing the same.