THE DAILY NEWS. soiree = j HON. JOHN REDMOND, me. SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) vo ; , | Samuel Harrison & Co, The Daily Nave” -(97- Piece Dinner Sets The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. $ 1 5.00 Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY | We are clearing some of our patterns, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch Gontéaet fates hence the above price, See them in our : ; . 2nd ave. window. on application. Sie ik Sa Wiel Gebe bed Com- Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PUR SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datty, 50c| [°'TS 41d Blankets, At per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All BIG FURNITURE STORE Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | F. W. HART Prince Rupert - and - Stewart in advance. | Phone 62 2nd Ave. & 6th St. sai HEAD OFFICE Entrance on 2nd Ave. Oe Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. a BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES MADE AND eo iy ee a eat i New YoRK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City oes eo® EPAIRED —_ EN a eer eee Oe Hine, ‘ SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. | | LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar JOHN CURRIE i { quare. SECOND AVENUE - - PRINCS RUPERT { } SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of { | | pepe aid or inattention on the part of the news carriers. pf i ! = | i a oF 3 1 es ___|Servian Labor Benefit Society . ; } Soe = ibe, £53, General Merchandise - - Largest Stoch {| Day EDITION. eo Monpay, Fes. 5 ads | | —=—_ —— == —— = ~ Meetings held every ist and 3rd Sunday of the j } month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall 2 , PATERNAL GOVERNMENT AND OLD AGE PENSIONS 0 voustiel, i hdeuue. Lowest Prices in Northern B.C || Mole Ie sae ee ee Secretary P.O. Box 991 President . { | The debate on old age pensions in the House of Commons re- | { ij cently demonstrated clearly the new alignment of parties which on ce aa tus reco ese eee rmernornid x has already proceeded very far in the United States and the first ee 6 2h 2b-6—0—6= 4 Peet a ee ee reat J beginnings which are discernable in Canada. Some Conservatives : and some Liberals favored the old age pensions; some Conver FRED. STORK — — —— % tives and some Liberals opposed this practical recognition of the Hard i | x claims of the worker when his working days are dore to as least ' —Aagpeeel eee" Ree eee ° as good treatment as the humane owner gives the horse which 4 The jeader of the Irish Nationalist party in the British House " } Builders’ Hardware has served him well.. ; . é ; ig ‘ 4 of Commons, whose powerful personality has been the main mov- H THE IDEAL FURNI ’ Progressive Conservatives, men who see the signs of the times, ¢ Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves || jing spring in the great political stride now taken towards Home HH recognize that unless both parties are one day to be superseded Graniteware Tinware | Rule for Ireland, the proposition that baffled Gladstone, till rr NNN by two new parties, one representing the interests of the classes, the other those of the masses, legislation must be enacted which will give the great working population assurance that lives spent in useful toil shall not terminate in penury and misery. Reac- SECOND - D . AVENUE 1 “TQ CHRIST LAND PURCHASE NOTICE z BOOT Corliss Coon Pilate ; 4 $6 bbe oe e+ ie ts D f Coast, a en ate , : : : ‘ | _ Ske 1 1 District—District o oas tionery Liberals, representing not the people, but the interests, fall) we ” we ee pri SHOE in line with the stick-in-the-mud Tories in resisting any reform, | a | ‘sa Panen Rane: fnranems B. Dormes, whether it take the form of the abolition of oppressive taxes intend to apply for perraission to purchase H SE H § ith 3 d & Tth | s ’ : ¢ 0 292 the following described lands: alry mi a - r workingmen’s compensation and employers’ liability or public ‘Little’ S NE S enc Commencing at @ post planted at the provision for workers in times of unemployment, sickness or per Y), meieitee Mona nt to Commem seey ave (ha), cueltis are nee rey manent disability. x chains east of the eet ete corner of Lot i ‘ neg +: Pe . lew . > oh strict, Porcher Unfortunately the Liberal leaders in this province of late years| Magazines :: Periodicals :: ‘ Maoabieel orate the 100th Anniversary 23, Range 5, Coast Distric rcher : of Constantine’s Conversion. e ; ———_—_—S————e——— = === and, thence following the shore line in northeasterly direction about twenty ecb ween meinly of the bhi described. That is why they have| CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS} es (20) chains to the north end of the island, xi} yeen quietly but effectively thrown into the discard both’ by the} laos Fel ‘ae nea thence ip @ southwesterly direction along ie electorate and the rank and file of the party. When leaders ap| StF WEES? F shad tt ; “Cl r t the "Vic to the. be nt of cominenceia ok being an * . aE pear who have a policy worthy the name, who are prepared to —_—_—_—— ey s cn oe : ae a ; ‘ “~ | island containing about forty (40) acres, A t ] G C ras fs trust the people and to lose their own political souls in order to rs an a Toke n i Tee et eee ABRAHAM H. BARBER. us ra lan overnment url ng 5 ia y save them, the Liberal party in the Province of British Colum-| 1836 1911 eas hea mn ero ce , OinG Beers guy ene ° ° ; aie bia will have some chance of commanding public confidence Deen nave Re eee ieee Drink Habit Adopts Famous i {600th anniversary of Empero aa —and not until then. Th B k { : 4 Pet : | e an 0 Constantine's acceptance Of! skeena Land District—District of Coast, ia j Christianity as the official reli- Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, cler oe ik OMAR car Bae 3 PAP MEMEA hav | B iti h N th A $ sOTIsianily as AM 5 of Victoria, intend to apply for permission a , 1 . n i! | rion the world. It is planned. to purchase the following described lands: rl S or merica Y he = . orld P ns E at a post planted on the 2 Commencing 2 to solicit subscriptions from) east boundary and about five (5) chains ° * ® aele i Telephone for NEW Heated by i tice wanes a Roman Catholics all the world| fram ‘the soumeast, corner of Lot 4484, Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundre ds of Guests = Steam C bea ee a over, chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or | onnections Throughout the | 30 chains to point of commence ment, con- Pri Cc il U H U ue te Citi u : . World, ies ae rison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Uitizens PAUL CURTISS. Beautifully Furnished Rooms Now Ready | = Too True, See ea "So . There was a young fellow from Dated Oct. 314, 1911. The government of South Australia | selves of the Nea Pub. Dec, 9. has set an example worthy of Iimita sanitariums in A The rooms in the Alberts Block are now ready for occu- Forei Drafts wi SS eas ee ae ae ti tion by the other nations of the world Scientific resea gn 10 was born on e day 0 s of ; pancy. Everything up to date, including bath and telephone. Owiltie to the: extelit: esormit? ano "Rh oe fiuence of Blackwater river with the Naas river Dear Mr, Editor: k= at . FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER1 | about two miles eouth from the sixth Dominion | 5 ; : : mae — h cabin. Post ked C. W. H. S. W. : ps Me and some friends of mine would like to buy a few city sk Bs eda aA, = | Corner, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | PIAL ILIA ONS NT cbs lots in Prince Rupert, but we don’t know anyone at present | a Sree anes wae eee, ale Cj | in Prince Rupert, so we have written to ask if you would be t Corley & Burgess, Props |. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE, | acres more or lew. ec sick Sara 5 j kind enough to send me on your daily paper, as I am told it i : < ____ | Dated September 28, 1911. er Ml of It Is The Trained Man or Woman ; 7 sie: Aiciacolitecabeas ie hivtta/htctin- cit biti artes datiea blend |p, een advertises the most city lots and property for sale in Prince | er bi Fub, Nov.) j R srt, for which I s y 3 c 3 ing vy Skeena Land District—District of Queen | j upert, for which send you on some stamps. Hoping you — Charlotte Islands. mais: ct | / ° dd sh ' , anes , fw fi Por str x Take notice that Ellen Marion : aie . | | will oblige us, and apologizing for the trouble. | victoria BG, occupation spinster, intends | , Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassiar — | § 0 ses to t @ op 0 @e Ladder. | Yours respectfully “UNION SS. COMPANY OF B. C Ltd to apply for permission to purchase the; Take notice that Herbert McLennan of Van- | \ § f YY; | " following described lands: couver, B, C., occupation real estate agent, intends | i ' | Commencing at a post planted at the | to apply for permission to purchase the following } : ha uw steal Phaccn nny Mebicai | southeast corner of Lot 1552, thence west pasar care «tour pisutaa? abeyi aaa l j THE DAILY NEWS has the biggest circula- | . g - ’ 40 the npr oases Saenee Lot 11 niaah ng | fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | i } | l . . | Pin x s ; west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chai bona fide circulation too. It enters the A amosun i BLLEY MAF ee hasnt east to point ot commencement, eontalaing 640 ° a acres more or | ; : | Dated Nov, 15, 1911. Dated Sept. 23, 1911 HERBERT McLENNAN | homes of real estate investors in every eee ee et Datad Soot. 1 leading city in Canada as well as England feacas lie { d h U x d St | Skeena Land Digiici--enee of Coast, Tot j e a , ahaha 4 . ' " f i “ in and the Unite ates. Lesa Rupert every Sunday | Take notice that 1 gonn Argiraclis, car. Skeens Land Distric + District of Cassiar. ae it your son or daughter et . ‘asl me are ores P cuter, of Victoria, BY Co intend to apply of pete, notice (that James Ewing Me rae, 1em a business training. ie best place to send the | at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, he parmasion to ‘purchase the following | jh iends to apply for pe rmission. to pur: } described lands: chase | olle e e { Do You Catch the Hint? arriving Tuesday morning, | oe Rare at 8 post planted gpous ope ge salad ah a pe rs Slanted” about i \ | e and one-half miles northeas roi seven miles distant and in an easter| anaim ll In SS 0 e e { For Stewart City on arrival | intexe of Trout River, om the ‘west tins | direction. from the Naas River, and about ] r. eight miles north of Alyansh Indian village, ' from AY ancouver Friday | pace Sree jhe waterfront, omntnee roe | thence north eighty chains, thence east } rht h 80 Sh ins. th es st 80 chains to eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, { nig | Point of commencement, containing 640| thence west Senty chains to point of i} ” commencemen | SF SPE Fi pes) 5 - = = = ——— = — > Northbound, leaves Vancou- | iS a 100 HN ARGIRACLIS. sAMRG FYING MAORAR. / tACe 2x Coste (tee (Hi fas) KNOL es) os; } r Z Fr Cowell, Agent. atid’ Gat. 4 : ey APR ©. , ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Dated Oct. 34, irri mated Oot. 84, 1944: i oi idee fod doa } Pub. Dec. 9. ae It is the nearest business laf shorthane course tactudes ° Steerage Fare ° $6 00! | / college to Prince Rupert f itman 5) t } Aer ay ‘ | yn fe ; FED Pp he The Ben I itman Sy | BEIRNES & MULVANY |) -'ccron' toe oy stun | a et. Ratte ass tun nuit a cur} step ster | poe aw &. on the run having water-tight bulk- | of Vancouver, B. G., occupation engineer: _ Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se- F * sors “is (4 Business English " j i heads and double bottom, thus en | !né atude nt, tatend to apply for | eemnianion attle, ww ee. occupation Woodsman, nit | j fr rsonal ai develops t ie ter writing ' { 2 3 ends to ap or p 8810) Oo purchas ri 1 ¥ > ithme \ ta g Skeena Mail and Express | Suring safety of passengers in case | | parabens se fo owing fanted 89 chains | the following described lands: Se” vain" eah Waned “ie sikan Commercial Arithn | of collision or wreck, east of Naas River and 40 chains south of Commencing at @ post planted four | | in N The 1? Office Routine ‘ | | pre-emption ho, 397 (SEC), meeee cs miles past of the Mass River and about | i -) SORE th 1€ ‘i papa 8 Spelling {) i j § ‘ : e i fe Lee hains th. the 's"wes e “8 north o yansh, thence west ea rom the distrac- Tyvpewriting j 1 Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- | 40 ae eae saute tos vine' eee Naas River;| eighty chains, thence south elghty chains, tions of whe larger cities; Sp wens | fer Co,, 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding J H. Rogers, Ticket Agent | thence 62 chains east to point of com: thence Gast elgity chains, thence nortti | { ; enmanshi} j Hag ‘ “ .| mencement; c ; ains to point of comme All accounts and correspondence addressed to : 8 | Segsemens; ene. ee ae EL AKENCE BOWEN. | Vf ) ( a | ie: J. T, FULLERTO H. P. Rutter, Agent, | ae) ED Ta pep ES | - - Rl HH Stewart, Agent. Dated Oct. 31, 1911. ey) (i) (Cre gs) Cease 6 BEIRNES & MULVANY _tutton nc. — | a pre nick meee | Pa 8) | ee, ' AT. DAVIS’ U ec. | xR F Same og j ill receive im ‘ : BOAT HOUSE : ‘toon , will receive immediate attention Skeena Land District—District of Coast, { it Moy Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure 'o Yo" } ocak Machine Shop and Ship’s a Land District—pistrict of Cassiar. : Range 5, | / 2 ; Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- | a Take notice that Frank Furey, of Beattls, Hanes, parice that I, Dagobert Aurlol, of { ~— , banks- Morse and Knox Gasoline | “8%. occupation chainman d analmo, &. %» occupation miner, intend : : 2 ee j . app! . he fol-| to apply for permissio “hase t ws , , 2Ac yrite sl i aa Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- | iowine de dtribed landss purchase t | following described lands; 2 eeoste Me) / Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to wri 1 e ' cessories carried in stock. | Commencing at @ post planted about six Commencing at a post planted at the| { taeda) | miles east of the Naas River and about] southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence south / ? : | Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | seven miles north of Alyansh, thence Nerth| 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence { ' } ews eighty chains, east eighty chains, south) north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to { |= Si a a elghty chains, west elghty chains to point point of -pomninen cen nt, containing 160) j ( { of commencemen Cres, more oF less, is i } } “ 399 PRANK FURRY. DAGOBERT AURIOL, C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, » And Get All the News rs ta ee want paiea oct: a4, setae” AMMA MFRBE | pase oy, sou toiks “Nel AB |! eee of ed Oc ate No i, ; | om tomeer . . nr pmermetemtrmee AD. WAY OF FINDING Dated Oct, 34, 19114 Gate Nov, 4 | 9O8 erento terermers | emer mermernesres re