THE DAILY NEWS. ] zy s] - — AANA ADR ARAR AR ADAIR AAIAIAPRADRIAAAARADAAD ADA | DUKE REVIEWS FLEET | W L. BARKER wwe » ROUGH TIMES | BAR ] in Vancouver 3) When _in You Should Stay at the $| IN VANCOUVER § Second aven.e and Third street $ | | Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. CARL I ON HOTEL 3 Old Yukoner Tells of a Terrible Pi se 2 | Onslaught Made by Police Up- gee: Munro W. Nicholson Lailey Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 4 Wes an ene en ae | MUNRO & LAILEY j a ness. Hot and Cold Water in each room, $) en z Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for | Architects, 3 John Doyle, a wellknown hotel- VANCOUVER VICTORIA, SEATILE Stork Building, Second Avenue. NER CORDOVA AND : Q pyie, ’ COR y CAMBIE STREETS 3 man of Dawson, is in town for a oie PRINCE JOHN | & id dianibete sii tii nai ok ancouver, B.C 4 ¢ . . Every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart, ’ . b| few days as the guest of his old) 4), intains weekly service to aM 2 chum, Billy Wright, proprietor Charlotte Island points For paral | STUART & STEWART aw Dk stoee Aa eical cate ee _| Phone ACCOUNTANTS -;- AUDITORS | 2 th W ie Af Hotel . = om Train Service to Van Arsdol Law-Butler Building Phone No, 286 course of a chat he spoke very Mixed trains leave Prince Rupert Prince Rupert P.O. Box 851 PILI oy (neater tc Lo: ease of the ways “ preg ce i: wor all points East of Chicago travel yia| ea Sen in Vancouver, mounted on horse-| the Gran run lailway System for | ad a Aa REY “FROM HOME TO HOME." back, had ridden into an appar-|""for' tun information, ‘reservations and ALFRED CARS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. : lently peaceful crowd, and club-| tickets to all points apply to | Pete Cole Rae aaaen bed the peopie right and left with A. E. MCMASTER ; berta Bars, the loaded handles of their quirts. LOW se : ‘ pe | CARSS & BENNETT GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK SIUM “Tt was sickening. It made me PACIFIC RY. CO, BARRISTERS, Norarigs, Etc. ‘4 lrmad with anger. Here is a clip-, Agency al! Atlantic Steamship Lines Office~ Exchange eh aes ae Sid. Sykes, Manager ping from the Vancouver Proy- } The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. inge, and I was there when all BATE DENTIST. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, this happened.” This is the | ‘ Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. clipping: | WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. 0.8. enemas, All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. | “At the same time Inspector Phone 8500. McLennan gaye the word to ad- Meet ee ees Coneeeear eran iieen: | Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. : fi-12 vance to forty ununiformed pol- ~~ FASO ~ : co “iicemen who had been lined up at no jthe west ed of the field and Ser- of the Vr. penne eee es song 0 and ; na eR EK ESSENCES RENEE ce a ec niet aetaaaearnn ed B.C, Coast glen.) Me a Princess | |Officer Morgan with another sev- F h len raided the field simultaneous- Princess Beatrice tala Lie Lb Alex.M.Manson 3.A.,_ W.E.Williams,B.A., LL.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C {ly from both sides. “The constables drew their Saturday, February 10th, at 9 a.m batons and laid about them right For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle } and left while the mounted men] y Gg, McNab 2 General Agent |bore in upon the crowd, swinging | their heavy quirts with her Ss impartiality. In a moment the field was transformed into a NOTICE P.20. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT > JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING =F TOER WCCO ONE ———— SARS. PUPIL OF WM. POXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., TON., ENG Duke is not a nobleman, but he is the most popular mascot of the | Atlantic fleet GEORGE LEEK & CO. | scene of the wildest disorder. a MERCANTILE AGENCY | Most of the crowd scattered and . Notice is hereby given thas an applica- Snoueh uncultivated land to pro COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS ; eee ‘ ._| tion w pe made to the Legislative i ate é ‘O- . : fled like sheep and those not for sembly of the Province of British Columbia | DD BACON duce many times the amount of Michie Guarantee: devas Aine West ¢ » Wes lies Telegraph ieee caleD “powbrs oe Aven veaweaws ° e ay fat ana protein, pound for pound ou g : : at 4 ’ * south line of Lot 8062, thence north 20} ane 7 eretar si are . s g > the most interesting paper Sb than the ordinary feedstuffs in local chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence | °° { of liy ing, Secretary Wil n,}who are publicly upportin the 2 nea e it west 40 chains along south line’ of Lot}of Washington, U.S.A., thinks the|revolution, Bishop Bashford of E. L. FISHER ° 9%? ° ye : 3065 to point of comme neement, contain- 7" J : N ° e we receive, writes a suD- Meets all the Requirements of a ing 560 acres, more or llands near the large cities should|the Methodist Episcopal Mission Funeral’ Dissstie cad iinbaliiec oye : ; . ( ROLINE JOHNSON, i he . ¢ iP arkate |¢z : P . . r ries : 3 Profitable Dairy Feed Ri Care A@en b ust d so that their markets|and other prominent American CHARGES REASONABLE scriber from England. 4} snd compared in price with what is Dated Dec, 23, 1911 lfor foodstuffs could be supplied] missionaries haye expressed to THIRD |AVENUE PHONE 356 es asked for other feedstumts 1s triple SUR Aen See FP S9 with home grown products. Only|the Washington administration OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3 pro ey ties nor Rove paper faerie Skeena Land District—District of Coast,} recently 15,000 tons of potatoes); the view that a Republic is inevit- be A 8 , = Range 5, 7 Y | > ing it increases both the total di- Take notice that |, Michas Beganis, cook,| reached New York from Scotland|able, while another group, have POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN ye gestible matter and the amount of of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- | : , | . ree AID 1 Al ADDRESS fat and protein in the daily ration mission to purchase the fohowing de-| for New York city consumption. heresraphe d to the Empress-Dow- ay scribed lands | “Within en hour’s ride of thelager and the leading Princes ask- og : 3 AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 50 Commencing at a post planted on the x Pa re : United States or Eng. Canada By PER CENT ON FEED. north side of Williams Creek, where the| greater city,” he says, “there is}ing them not to abdicate. HAYNER BROS 3 You should not be without it, Kitimat branch of the G, T. P. Ry, crosses | ° ay Malted grains, fresh ane sweet from | Williams Creek, and abou en: (10) chains | - ~ UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS the brew kettle dried in a continu- | from the creek shore, thence south 3 pre ay ous vacuum process by | chains, thence east 40 Chains, thence north |. SASSERASEESEA SOS mennes Funeral Directors e e 2 | 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point $3833 SeSSESSESES 332332 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 z THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co | of of commencement, containing 120 point | $8 esersharsers has ee et mor or less. ee ine ee MICHAS BEGANIS. o} Z | | | Typeypeny ee het Siar es aie es Me Limited ee 11, ried B Cowell, Agent, | $38 Y W t Ny BT pee tris noes ntipeelie a : in eine aia - A Oe ee ated Oct. 31, 19114. ) RR SRR sisi ee || —_evere of age mestere in Roos Pub. Dee. ®. i: rou an YOK enone 201 Po, wox 804 SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS Skeena Land District—District of Queen | 38% te Ro a eT PONY EXPRESS VANCOUVER, B. C. Charlotte Islands, > Take notice that John Scott Young, of | ee a ' a t Cc ds SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE | Saanich, B, C., occupation farmer, intends ce Then get into communication 2° Z eae Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents, For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Geor etown | F to apply for permission to purchase the g | Fi ¢ _ | following described lands: | ~ and THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH } TYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8ST. Idi ervices every Sunday at 11 ou ings | | | a.m and 7.30 p.m, Sunday Soh 30 p.m, Baraca ble Clees $40 p.m | | SSS ’e Cf serve you as - Church Services . —- — Commencing at a post planted at the & TS with us, We can serve yo ° northeast corner of Lo 60, thence south 2, Pe . 5 ¢ ¢ ¢ Seventh Ave, anc ulton none 3 f Lot 4550, tl ul iatantoini® 00 lau cmopawidde s ha i Ful Phone 801 ees S ill C Ltd | to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence a satisfactorily 9 miles away § FIR; | vast along the said boundary to the sea- | &% “ ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH awml oO. ° eee a he aks | shore, thence f¢ llow ng along the shore to Po though you stood before the 5 bine That Suna in | yee | the point of commencement, | containing | gop /inpress Theatre, 11 a.m, anc ree red and sixty-one (361) acres, 0 he P . ate »part- ( : I bie Gi Sunday School and | Lipere ar tee came ot a3} ney OE ONe Sateh Ae ee rand Hotel.. py gible Class at 2.30 p. m. OHN SCOTT YOUNG, eo ee ae saa et i EV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR Lumber “PRINCE RUPERT INN | 1 OT ormer Youle, Agent: cS ment, We earry every reliable Workindman’s Home | Pub “pee. i igtt x watch known to the trade. Send 8 ; : eh a Z Free Labor Bureau in Connection } SS SG . for our illustrated catalogue or regard- Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range | Take notice that I, Samuel Beiltees, | gardener, of Victoria, Intend to apply for Henry Birks & Sons write us for information | | | AND | | Be See COS O80 OOS O86 06006080 C0COCOE ES COOOCOOESOOOOOOOSOS POROUS oud erreur sur eur old Obes we she sls + be ene suds beds be eed sed {permission to purchase the following de- me auatoh . a os W.H ee { scribed lands w vial e GUORES ’. H. Me LEOD B.A B.D, Pastor A large stock of dry finish- ( omnmenci ng at ® post, planted on the ‘Limited 90 CARTAGE and , , ig reek, * ‘HE PIRST METHODIST CHURCH ing lumber on hand. a ee | rortns back from the creek’ bank, and Jewellers and Silversmiths STORAGE WEEN CENTRE SY. AND 2nd AVE. lumber a specialty. Delivery aC Tt a labout fifty chains southeast from where ervices every Sunday at 1 made at short notice. | the Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. right- Geo. E, Trorey ROW’; Managing Director 9 G. T. P. Transfer Agents {obs crosses Williams oreek, apps a " south 40 chains, thence east 4 chains, ¢@e: Owned and operated by the ff) thence north 40° chains, thence west 40 ay Vancouver -: B.C. SLESESESSE See SESE SESS Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on chains to point of eomme ne ement, Ccon- the American and Euro 1 talning 160 acres, more oF Reeneenceacens as SOSEHS ‘ pean pian, ch debweud S3SESSES SES ES ESET Srsershlivenssheeneee washer shasees | less 'SAMUEL BEILTEES Excellently furnished, with | pated Oct. 81, 1911. eS | } .m. and st 30 p.m. Sunday chool at 2,30 p.m, REV, ©, R. SING, B.D. PASTOR xs Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, eee eRe FLOP Rt FROs Re Phe ARe BR e FRO BR PRs PRS PROBROPROSROSRCSRE, ee OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, Fred E, Cowell, Agent. Cs steam heat, electric light, and all Pub. Dec. 9. | FFICE: odern conveniences, being abso- 0 mod » being ab : '| SMITH & MALLETT PAPE ra RHANGING | a RTA YEE. 10 lutely first-slaas in every respect. | iN THE SUPRE ME COUR RT OF BRITISH | THIRD AVE or. . an . "he j 2 eek | co | } AVE. Lage loys pppoe: acaptega HAVE YOU EVER STRIPPED Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and } ig. nm are ual to b : \IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA re | om oe Sheet Metal Work | = } TION ACT, and H coast, THE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF se a Worksh: IGH CLASS | LUDGER ROY, DEGRABED, INTESTATE | chine made gun, built by the mile and cut off Pres ra Are 2nd Ave. bet, 7th and sth Sts we wun Tack ’ rhe lock work of a so-called ma . | TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His by the yard? While its exterior might pass muster the veriest novice would x SIGN -——— |}Honor, Judge Young, Made the 23rd day reject the erudeness of its int ! ‘ i} of Novembe i911, | was appointed Ad Now with a GREENER GUN ie and outside receive the same care, in | estate, and all parties having Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. are ee Saal nari having fact, the gun ts made under U ect supervision of member of the firm in rainst the Said estate are hereby the most completely equipper iat diy “ent ws the experi > opnrye | Dec ‘eyes OUR SE ECIALTIES | Horseshoore fee ee ” Bt terial is ihe best, the inspection in every sta ee | Carriage Repairing ina ae wand Ln a ence is unrivalled and the whok ns the perfect gun-—a GREENER Y | | General Work | het ae ' 49th day of March, A! D rhe only fault to be found with the Greener gun ts that It lasts too long | 1942; an 4 parties indebted to the said send for catalogue describing 88 grades from $56 to 81,000, matied free | SILVERSIDES BROS. agora | s G. A. Sweet, Mana: er. | eatate are required +9 Day the amount of 8 ingjaied tis bth Gay"of January, a, D.|| Ws W. GRERNER MONTREALP.Q |] @ °. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET 1191 DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL Second Avenue, near McBride Phone 69 Red THOMAS A, ROY, Administrator RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT Feb, 3 Prince Rupert, B, C.|