PAOE TWO "Vanity Maid" FOOTWEAR For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45TO$5.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H- r. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance - By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Mne, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DALLY EDITION Member of Audit Bare., ol Circulations 9S 86 EDITORIALS RED CROSS WORK The Red Cross Society has been organized In Prince Rupert and already the committees are at work getting ready for practical help to the soldiers and sailors and others who need assistant during war time. The Red Cross is the leading fociety doing war work throughout the nation. Every town and villare has or will have its organization with groups of men and women engaged in Its various activities. It provides comforts for the men, supplementing the very meagre army rations. It provides materials for use in case of the wounded and for the siek In hospitals. Most gf the work h done by groups of noble women who give of their time and labjr without thought of reward. For the time belnr the vldirs are their children ad the wounded are their special care. Durine the First Ore-it War Oi RM Cross did spleniid work, in Prince Runert and there Is tf ba-'iw of doubt but they will da the same again and even more. First the peoole have to W hown Ihe way when the renonse will b- -neral. Because of the presence In the rlty of hundreds of soldiers, times are belt- than hey mi?ht have hn. Olb- df-nre'work heliw to nnvid- eraplovment which maVes nayrolU n the cltv. Rcaiiw of the rntitiin the people generalir are better able to support the Red Cross than if there had been no such Income coming to the city. Be-rayse of this and because of their known interest In the men who will do the fighting, we have confidence that the people of the city will extend themselves In supporting the Red Cross this winter and throughout the war. APPEAL FOR HELPLES& There U In Prince Rupert r group of men who cannot be classed as able bodied men and Hearings of local halibut boats, charged with Infractions of thj International Fisheries Commission regulations by fishing In closed areas, were concluded yesterday with the Imposing of fines by Justice of the Peace W. E. Col-llson on the boats Domino II, .12 .50 3.00 9.00 02 25 Saturday. November 4, 1939. who are not able to de very hard work and yet in some positions would give as good service as if they were graded Al. Most of them are between sixty and seventy years of age and, therefore, not eligible for pensions under our present laws. It was foj these men that Commissioner W. J. A'der "made a plea when he brought the matter of old I age pensions to the attention of i the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and secured its sup- i port for an appeal to, have the pensions given at (0 instead of ! "0. They might be employed only they cannot earn the minimum wage so they are paid the regular relief allowance of S11.10 a month, which as everyone wilt agree is not sufficient tn ketn any man in any degree of comfort these days. However, they have the privilege of doing ndd jobs in order to supplement this amount if thev have su'ficient energy and aggression to get thm. It used 1o be that we wonlr over the len a- member of h communilv. Now we have to worry over the sixties. th of pot-wantea men. While the --" f enraln- most of our attention we must not wholly for-fh-s r K-tt--n fttv "r" -v"f- nho fin-f lhrmsrlvs In lh- nosKion of being unable to help themselves. CANADA A TRAINING CENTRE No matter who originated th idea of making Canada the training ground for British aviation. It seems to be popular and also It seems likely to lead to a development of alrmindedness in Canada that should be generally beneficial to the country as a whole. Canada Is particularly well situated both In regard to its central position in the British Empire and also In regard to Its diversity of climate and the inaccessibility of some of its in. terior. Capt. E, Telgen, and the Atll, Capt. William Bussey. It was the second fine on the Atll Henry Smille prosecuted in the Domino case with T. W. Brown defending. Miss Willa Dyer prosecuted In the Atli case and Henry Smllli GOOD PAIR OF FILMS Another of the sene& of exciting detective pictures. "Bulldog Drum-mond's Bride," and a thrilling romantic drama of the race track, -The Lady's From Kentucky, comprise an interesting double bill program at the Capitol Theatre tonight. The pursuit of a daring bank robber from England to Trance provide "Bulldog Drummond Bride" with material for plenty of drilling adventur and action. The story progresses to a hectic and romantic climax. The support ing cast Includes, as usual, such popular figures as Heather Ansel, ir. B. Warner, Reginald Denny. E E. dive. Elizabeth Patterson and Fduardo Ciannelli. Ir Th I,ndy From Kentucky" Oeorre Raft plays the role of a tambler with. Ellen Drew as h's partner. The story Is romantic and fast-paced and has some good comedy in which Hu?h Herbert and Zazu Pitts play an lmoortant part Louise Beavers. poDiilar colored actress, is also an important member of the cast CUssiHED FOE SALE ("NEW American stamps for sale. ones and threes. Daily News. tf) FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping outfit, complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital. Lf FOR SALE 5-room house, two bed- Phone Red 751. (258) FOR SALE Piano, radio, china cabinet, twin beds, rug 6x9. dressers, other articles. Phone Black 236 or call 1126 9th1 Ave. E. BOARD AND ROOM and: 1 Seattle Donkey Engine 10 by 12, 73 Horsepower Boiler on float carrying 160 lb. steam. I 258l FOR SALE 35-50 h-p. Acadia mar-1 ine engine wun eieetnc starter and dynamo In splendid condition $335. Ward Electric & Marine Supply. Cow Bay. tf. FIRST class room and board residence, close In, reasonable rate Phone Black 965. (258) FOR SALE BY TENDER LOGGING Outfit on Porcher Isl Lines and Blocks and other log-i glng equipment, 2 bunk houses 18 by 20 and 18 by 30, accomodate 16 men, Iron beds, 1 cook house 20 by 40, 1 large heater. 1 cook stove. 1 cord wood heater, 1 meati house 14 by 14, 1 small house, ll blacksmith shop, 1 Sky Line 1600 feet, in good shape, carriage and guy lines. 1 gasboat 32 feet, 16 horsepower engine. Thomas Mc-Meekln. (259 WANTED WANTED Olrl for housework, sleep In if desired.. Phone Oreen 503. 260 PERSONAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks an nounced. Open to all Appllca tlons to reach Ottawa by Novem ber 30th, 1939. Our advice has helped hundreds, obtain civil Ser vice positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free Booklet on request. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU can run a Home Klndergar-ten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnni-peg. Manitoba. AGENTS 'WANTED' BEST KNOWN LINE SUCCESSFUL Christmas Card salespeople know they inust have the Premier Line of Personal Chrlstmaa Cards; they know; It la advertised from coast to coast and has been shown continuously at the Canadian National Exhibition for ten years, They know our line sells; they know the public has confidence In our values. They know we treat our sales staff courteously and. pay liberal commissions. We Invite you to loin this salej staff apd earn extra, money In your spare time between now and Christmas Apply for sample book today. No charge. Experience Unnecessary, Premier ' Art Oulld, 576 Seymour St., the OAiLTmmi gt0rdr,Konttb,,,, BELGIUM LOOKS TO BORDER DEFENCES was held yesterday afternoon In the Legion rooms. In spite of un tavorabie weather, there was a Qeneval V a. De: Dearie holding may. chief of the general -lair it th? t i .an army, u pictured as he made a tour of in-sp en :.i ci th- ; i. i f-n es uiang lit" t.ieran iH'iii'M. tr Uut Ut.mait, blitzkrieg" toward the west may involve vtnla-uan of Blaiuin ? frontiers, led to these precautions. BAZAAR WAS SUCCESSFUL Radio or mantel temp, J. Mar- Half ton of coil. J. Doyle. N 1038. Half ton of coal. John Lambfe. No. 523. . . ... ... . Walnut Table. Jack Vrtmt. No. e i j-, Splendid Affair by Umtn' Aux- Hiary of Canadian Legl... , M SehjWi. No terd-y . ?9C8. Barrel of oil, Mr. A tUbm. Nn. Under the general convenership 592. of the president. Mrs. Robert Mur-j Twelve pound of eclfe. A. O ray. who received the guests, the j Morse. No. 1161. annual bazaar of the Women's) 5 Intrade. Oordon HMdwitf. Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion H. E. Eastman. No. 681 $5 in trade. Brysnt Co.. Mn. J P. Allen. No. 1228. $5 in Milk ticket. DoeitntM large attendance and the results Dairy. P.. Oman. Sixteenth Cam were very gratifying. dlan Scottish. No. 1294. Mrs. William Rothwell was In $5 jn Milk tlcketa. Prtnee Rupert charge of the tea room, assisted Dairy. Irene Olske. N, 1117 by a eeneral committee. Mrs. H v-,,u V W1MM 4J4. -a-c jr B. EasUnahlohd Mrs. Annie Taylor Fruit Cake. Chrtas' Mill, J Murr injure-. servuers were Mrs. nes. No. 4S1. laurie. Mrs. C MJchaloff. Mrs. Case of Milk. Edward lije" Walter Overend and Mrs. Harold Ltd.. Mra. H. Sratth,. ho XBZ w-vey. cannier was Mrs. uooert- Case of Milk. O. W Nickerv-r 500 . H. L. 1L. Box 315. Na 1218, In charge Vjf the boths were! Premium HamMrt. J. Malr. No Home Cooking Mrs. S. V. Cox 1113. and Mrs. Walter Longwill. J shamrock Ham; Mn a Mlehal- Candy Mrs. M. M. Lamb and off tin aw Mrs. Oarllck. I fiv mrf. f t n , Country Store-Mr. J. Laurie Nn trrti an 1 53 ,n traJe. Family Shoe Ster- Rafnes-Mrs. Hugh Klllln and T. H. Priest. No. 5 Mrs. F. Barber. j ntty ,,urlt Sewing and Fancy Work-Mrs. ' R. nnhrt i- v - T. Anderson and Mrs. P. M. Ray-1 Rocking Horse!' D. rto. Mra. R" v.. 1 lllin.n h T .11 . IVH, ill). HI, Fish , Pond . Mrs. W. H. Goodselll tf r t-,k d. i AL1J!.e,ham' JamM lentT Olasepoole. Irish Wheel and Paddles - Men of Fusiliers. No. 1273. Last nlcht a danc wn ViM -u.i. m ... ... M"-,"'iu wucn. no. iioa. with music , . by . Mrs. . J. S. Black's1 side of Lamb Bulklev Market Orchestra, drawing ,n the raffles! James McolaXn f S. being the feature with results as. Walnut Table. McKenzle's Fur- nlture- Mrs- 0"' Thaln. No M. $ 0, w W . V -v. Tattersall. No. 1004. Cosmetic Set. Ormes Ltd F. $15 cash. Mrs. Sam Bill. No. 106. Dickens, Na 23 Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-WellinKton Dulkley Valley a wry 1 Keep your fuel cost down this winter by hurnlng heat teMed coal that give yu more heat and less waste. Our special coals give you more heat for your money. Jut phone C5J. or 652 and we will gladly advise yon which coal h best suited for your furnace, range or heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. L KE7 I I ftAJlWAIT I OXMUNiCAJiONl BKA vavfo-uftftti 'Tur CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver vlx Ocean Falls and Way Ports 8.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 85. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th B3. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 10th, 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 QO 3 A A final Return Limit-March 31st 1940 tJ)JiQ-Ulf Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paoific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCALS i 1 nomas McMeekln If ft on last night's train for a business trip to Prince George and other Interior point. 1 Mist D, Carmkchail sailed last , night on the Prince John for a visit to her home In Queen Charlotte City. Judgment for the full amount of claim amounting to some $175 was given by Judge V E Fisher yesterday in the County Court case of Charles Morris vs L II Brawand. The case arose tn b. Freer of th. ... counsel for k .., fendant In mn 'Nil A. 8. Woods, , I Dominion Radiot. sailed last night , ifor Bull Harbor j,. loeal station on C FDuke. who elty earlier In m i art, sailed last tugtt iuiin lor Massett Mike Andervn. the city, sailed f last night on t, Charlotte Clh - -4 It; V Check this line-up VALUE k imm Cbum. uium, long mag Naoainf UoJing favourite, nvouiiir. i , . 5Clrtl OUl now ouVrt mora la em for jour money. With more toh-a in eirry -k-jc t n eitf cot, the Vj Ih. tin r-ducnl to (XV am a mrw huvij rkrt pcxKb t IV. Old Cbum In line-up to IxJil any tbutia-nl Savour tb kuIJ, MnoH fiaTOur of it m Ykgiiik Uf rut amre foe Uh pif, cut fin fur rvUing your own- there k no olW tiJrrj jotl bio Old Chum. I in n nin... ' ' 'V fmolfAi1 Riinorf Rrnnrl" ' - Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Horn d'ocuvrc One Package Servea Four People Keps for Week In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage frlnee Runert BfK1,h Cc,BbW MacKenzie's Furniture tMltltYMOUK CARPETS aud ilARDIXfl 16 Carpets 9xlOV,. From Carpet -0x12 18 Carpet-.' "x 9. Front 11 Carpet- 4' 6 "xT rom - Carpet Throw Hug- From - - Phone 7S COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 81 and Ul J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Dank Bldg. 3:7 TIIIHO $11H flM AVtNiJ NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FK0 I1.M op 80 Rooms lM&CottW Prince Rupert, tll Fresh Local Raw Pasteurized ML VALENTlNDAlBy n