pias rouH Men's and Youngs Men's Fancy Worsted TROUSERS Tailored By "Northwestern" Colors Blues, Blacks, Browns Waist Sizes 30 to 44 ' $ C .00 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd., Ave. W. P.O. Box G32 STORE-WIDE SALE Elio's Furniture THIRD AVENUE Green 916 BAGGAGE' VALUES SUITCASES 25-inch wooden frame, fibre case. Black or brown TOURING CASE-28-inch, metal covered for hard travel Prince Rupert EXTRA VALUE IX RANGES FOR THIS SALE f ENTERPRISE CORONET CCfl flft Sale price, plus your old range toUUU ENTERPRISE BELMONT C7I HA Sale pricr. plus your old range v iff ENTERPRISE MARINA op. Sale price, plus your old range , 300UU Trade In Your Old StoTe Now for the New t Extra - Value SUNANAIR MATTRESS . Sae price, plus your old mattress . $34.50 81.75 .83.75 "J... 85.50- 87.00 STEAMER TRUNK Well reinforced, full size on Si tray QtJ.OU FORTNIGIITERS Linen covered, leather bound. For ladies or gentlemen 815.50 It takes Time to make Coal It takes Time to mine Coal Novs the time to buy Bulkley Valley Coal The Daily News is a member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit isurcau ot (Jireulat ons. It is fhn of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership n these organizations. - 1 Waterfront Whiffs Prince Rupert Halibut Fleet Had Better Year Final Totals of American Landings Here Chinese Junk Ends Career on Coast Near Hear pert halibut fleet fared somewhat better fro standpoint during the 1939 season. The g Canadian fish this season was 7,137,400 poun ed with b,209,bo0 pounds last year. Numbe 916.150 pounds in 1935. American'? , (landings thU year totalled 8.886.-:, 300 pounds as against 1-271.900 I pounds In 1938, 6.220.650 pounds In ;rf. Paloma 27500 29X00 15500 14500 40X00 16X00 25,000 39,000 21,000 12,000 24,000 1 ft AA7 iiiuja Undy Masonic The heaviest lander of halibut at'Middleton i Prince Rupert for the American McKlnley ... fleet this year was the Atlas which Martlndale brought in 263.500 pounds In eight Midway trips. The Arrow was second with Mary R. 243,000 pounds in seven trips and Mermaid .... the Rainier third with 208X00 Mltkof pounds in six trips. Not including Maiestlc the Martlndale which only landed MIddleton . one catch of 40.500 pounds, the Mariner heaviest average lander for the Narrona American fleet was the Foremost Norland ..... which, averaged 40X00 pounds on Nordic four trips and the Wizard which National had a similar average of 40X00 Norby . pounds oh two trip.. Greatest nura- Northern .... ber of trips twelve were landed Onah by the Visitor for a total of 81X00 Oceanic . ... pounds. The Zarembo landed nine Paragon .. trips for a total of 138X00 pound? Pacific and the following boats made eight Pierce trips: Atlas. 263.500 pounds; Eureka. Pearl 84X00 pounds: Hazel ll., 153X00 Pioneer III. pounds: Middleton. 188X00 pounds; Pershing . Pierce, 103.500 pounds. Individual Portlock . landing records of the American Polaris fleet at Prince RuDert for the 1939 Roy II season were as follows: Revllla . Reliance I No. of Total Av. per .Rapid Trips Pndg. Trip RamW Alkl .... ... 4 35X00 Arcade 6 90X00 AUas 8 263500 Augusta 6 104X00 Arrow . 7 243X00 Arctic 4 110,000 Andrea 1 20X00 Arden 1 15500 Alglr 2 29X00 Arthur H. 1 40X00 Arne 1 16X00 Atlantic 1 25X00 Aleutian j 1 39X00 Angelus 1 21X00 Avona ... '1 12X00 Attu '. 1 24X00 Baltic 3 50,000 Betty 6 100500 Bravo 2 23,000 Brisk l 35X00 Blanco 2 31X00 Bonanza 2 51X00 Condor ....... 3 33500 Cascade l 8X00 Chum 2 10X00 California 4 70X00 Coolldge 3 84,000 Chelan 5 81500 Ceylon 1 8500 Cora r 4 35X00 Cascade 1 Curlew l 2.200 Celtic 1 40X00 Dpri Q. 2 28,000 Dean 1 1 8X00 Diana ... 1 9X00 Doric 1 40,000 Eureka : 8 84.000 Emma 2 26.000 Excel f..... 6 114500 Explorer 5 143 500 Edgecumbe 5 63500 Eleanor ... 4 52500 Esther 3 31500 Eastern 1 11X00 Estep 1 17,000 Electra .-. 1 40,000 Eclipse 'i 1 40,000 8,750' 1 c rw ..Reform Ranier II. 32938 Rap nL Reso,ut 17.333 '- 34X04 rU,F ocnwnei 8tar Sherman Sitka ... Seattle Sirius 8unset Superior Spencer Seven Brothers Summit . Sea Bird iiit Spray, 1U00 35X00 1 UY 11.167 9X00 5.450 17500 28X00 16500 8500 8,750 Tacoma Tillicum 25500 IW1 luiisa.v? .... Tuscan . Tatoosh Thor Urania . Viking Preliminary estimates indicate that the Prince Ru- and the personnel were at a mini-"Irene J. mum. The grand total of halibut land- higs at Prince Rupert for the 1939; Ma.nn 'IfifrMTIVl nnimHi In ; Ionic -Ina J. 1 Judith Jane ... Minirtinn n-4V. n ill UW A . ' Kingfisher In 1938, liZMZht pounds In 1937. 1937. 6.655X00 pounds in 1936 and 6.637.300 pounds In 1935. Kodlak Kanaga ..... n a financTal; and total of Is as compar- of Canadian! boats operating in the halibut fisheries out of Prince j Rupert this year totalled 119 in - comparison with 102 last year, eon- . No. of Total tlnulng the annual increase which Trips Pndg. : has been shown steadily during the Friendly 'past few years.. A somewhat high- oarland er average price par pound this Glacier year, together with the consider- GJorlavII. ably increased production, coun- Galveston jteracted the Increased number of Grant i units "sn as to make for better earn-, Gony Ings In 1939 per boat and man. ojoa There were few, if any. "hole" trips j Hazel H. this. year. Weather conditions for.ina J. 'fishing were none too favorable Ivanhoe .': this year but casualties to the fleet Hene 10500 Visitor 12 Venture 10500 10500 'XH11 2,200. c Vanse 40.000 ' 14X00 Wabash 8 000 Washington 9;000 Wizard 40X00 wlre'e 10500 Wekrn 13,000 yrukon 19.083 Yak"tat 26,700 Y1ulna. 10,700 Zaremb 13,150 Zcnltn 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 3 1 7 .2 1 9 1 31,000 405O0 62500 44.000 109.000 40X00 351500 13X00 153.000 12X00 97X00 73X00 9.000 21X00 13X00 28500 26X00 45X00 40X00 39.000 43500 74X00 74X00 21.000 32X00 39X00 91X00 144X00 40X00 405O0 39X00 23X00 16500 35X00 56X00 188X00 13X00 93X00 121X00 23X00 53X00 66.000 40.000 47X00 87500 39500 117X00 103500 31X00 34X00 32X00 15000 40.000 13X00 47X00 63X00 46.800 208X00 43X00 45.900 48X00 38X00 79,000 150.000 39,000 132500 67.000 79.000 28X00 72X00 87X00 13500 23500 17X00 29X00 30,000 35.000 55.000 26X00 108X00 70X00 83X00 100X00 39X00 125X00 50500 81X00 69X00 15X00 21500 25X00 14X00 27X00 80X00. 44,000 40,000 176,000 79,000 24.000 138X00 40X00 Av. per Trip 15500 13500 12500 8.800 21500 40,000 11533 13.000 19.125 12.000; 32533' 36500, 9,000 21,000. 13X00 9500 13X00 22500 49X00 39X00 14500 14500 14500 27X00 32X00 39X00 30533 24X00 40X00 405O0 13X00 11500 16500 35X00 28X00 24500 13X00 2350 25500 11500 13550 33.000 40.000 15.667 17500 39500 39XO0 12538 10533 34X00 10.667 39X00 40X00 13X00 11.750 15.730 9560 34.667 21500 15.180 12,000 38X00 39500 25X00 13X00 18X29 33500 38500 14X00 36X0Q 21.733 13500 11.750 17,000 29X00 30.000 17500 18533 13,000 64X00 35.000 16.600 25,000 39X00 25.000 12525 6,750 34500 7500 10.750 25,000 3500 13500 40.000 14.667 40X00 25.144 39500 24,000 15533, 40,000, 11,000 ,unk Is Total Lom 17,000 According to word received in 40X00 Pr,nce Rupert from Ocean Falls, It 40nnn appears Ukelv that ih rhin..-' "emont :. 2 32X00 16X00 ,unK "'Ping ln which Capt. John Frisco ,.. 7 .75,000 .10,714 Anderson, his wife and crew of five, Foremost . 4 160,000 40X00 jmade a hectitf trip across the Pa-Fern n, '2 37,000 . 18,500 c,f,c cean from the Orient will ena 11s career a total wreck on the' west coast of Princess Royal Wand J where It went on the rocki recently after being blown from QuaUIno oni the West Coast of Vancouver inland when essaying a trip to SeatUe after the Pacific crowing. pm and Mrs. Anderson have returned to Ocean Falls from the scene of the wreck after stripping the dere-Ui t of such belongings as could be removed before It was completely ( destroyed by the sea. Capt. An-, derfon considers chances of the1 salvage of the Taiplng very remote. Capt. and Mrs-. Anderson made the IHn tn th UT(t from OtMtl FaiM' aboard the Charles Todd with thei owner. Murray Balmer. Prevtoiwly the crew of the junk had been pkk-k 11 n on the wst coast of Prln-i cess Royal Island by a fishing boat and taken to Ocean Fatk. One of the members of the erew broke his leg when the Tatping hit the rocks and is still In Ocean Falls hospital. Union steamer Cardrua. Capt. John Boden, arrived In port at 8 o'clock last night and sailed at 10 30 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Capt. Peter Hann has left Queen Charlotte City with hU seiner Bea trice II. for Vancouver Island where he and his crew will engage In sal mon seining. The Mary Louise. Capt. Clarence McPhall. left Queen Charlotte some time ago for the same waters. 1 OoritPutoff. "Alkalizina when you have thete tlsns of Acid Indigestion Chk thrte trmntomt .! ocW, tak rhllllpt'Milh 0 Mag. nttla. if trouble prtltU, S Ymir Dttftnr. Today It's so eaiy to "allujlize" excess add onyvehat ou are. Now htn dutmi cotom at home, all (wuid rhilUps' MUk oTMak: When you are out with otheri, simply Uip 2 llullipt Milk of hUz-nesia Tablrts in jour mouth life j-ou would candy mints. That i all ou do to feel wonderful Either form of Itiillips worki the fame way ttri qukklj. You can't beat it for wefooroe fart relief from a'tewating distress. Almost at once J.feel "gaj". nausea, that "lumpy" leriine from hprr-aciditr btgin to ea. IAcid"headacb. "acid breath-are corrected right at the source. It s a wonderful way to free your-MU f rom distress and embarrassment. Try it But be sure when you buy to ask for "PhllUp,' " to injure crtting the genuine fast-acting Phillips'artkle. PHILLIPS' m7chk UK II UUU Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. Si 8. Grocery Phone 318 CHIMNEYS Furnaces and Stove Pipes Cleaned Steen's Limited Phone 5 THE SEAL ' QUALITY mm VMO GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINK SEAL Finest PinK Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Charles Graham, Inspector of mine, sailed last night on the Prince John for a trip to Queen Charlotte City on official duties. MUs Edna Dobblc R.N. of the Prince Rupert Ocneral Hospital nursing staff left on last evening's train for a week-end visit to her home at Copper City. Doutlas Ederuhaw. who has been receiving treatment here for a broken arm. sailed last night by the Prince John for his home at Mas- KU. Rev. a. Abraham. Anglltan Church missionary at Massett, sail, ed last night by the Prince John on h return to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a brief visit to the city. Mrs. Edward Pent, who has been pending the past couple of weeks In the city, sailed last nltht by the Prince John on hn return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1 II ' 1 I v III , itr.hittW. "l 'The Lady's Frnm Kami...! (A :N snd 1,3, rim I IA1 Va . com.no Movn; B. C. Furniture Co, Musical Instruments 1 Conn Soprano Saxophone jj 1 5-Strinjr Itanjo nj.A. At ;;; 915.011 " 1 Mandolin Koundcd back; nood Q 4 A n condition .'. ; . . ... pll.51 1 Kcch Accordion 21 treble keyF, 8 Q4A tk bass keys and steel reeds Vm 2 Ukeleles At low prices. 1 Hohner Harmonica-'Thc Goliath," Q4 H Double reed and case : vAw, 1 Violins of Various Makes Q( ' From WW Larc Shipment of Unpainted Tables And Chairs Newly Arrived at Very m Tritei m ... . nione iilauk 3It THIRD ill (Nest Door to IL C. Clolhers UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARtS Including all meals and berth accomada '.dn TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN FYom PRINCE RUPERT QOC Afl FVom Pnrl Cl, .,.. OUUUU Reduced Rats Fare and one half also apply to Vintoow from Intermediate points.' Chlldreti--tFlve years of age and under trelve UH tin Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1935 (o Febrary !lh.l"' Oood to return up to March 31st IW Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar Vmkw S.S. CATAL Every Tuesday 1 :30 jun. Thnndty1 SS.CARDE.NA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. .Mondif Tickets and ReseryatlonJ from .5. Prince Rupert Asent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third ATf. rbone If Convenient, Please Purchase Tiekeu al ()!) REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Qrcan Fall and rowell River $36 Returh Meals and Berth Included' I 1 ' I'rlnce Rupert THURSDAYS. XSS Rate Effective Now Until February 28-Retirrn Limit, .Ma'ch 3L Canadian National Steamships