i i croei If the tr tnot ra c.i every f i' s not Uj vlt N vember 4, 1939. T THIS Hygsas Meetins Honored Bride n a 1 1 u nuAini ODAY! RIN at less than IE cent a tablet! Lnf now In taking chantes strong drugs. ..Saint fast relief featured by druggists everywhere. )100 tablets 98 No reason now why anyone should run the rule of taking dangerous, strong druaa for coldt, headache and rnmco-lar paint and ache. Get Aspirin, rated by phyii-ctam the lafett fast relief you can w. at any drug cist's today -r- in JOO tablet bottle for lew than' lUfckt' But remember, get Aspi-iE.-m used frequently, Atpirin wksmUhtail Aspirin U made and U the trademark of Co. Ltd. r, tsvre us AirlKINI I Hher Of Dave land Passes gYnttrday Morning In Van- rmentation .Made to Sin. Sth Amoth at Home of Mrs. It. C. Webher ine uyggas Ladles' Aid met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. R. c. Webber. Whist was en- Joyed, the prize winners belne: ladles' first. Mrs. O. Klldal; second. Mrs. Schlesvold: third. Mrt nan- sen. A surprise gift, a beautiful bedspread, was presented by the ladles to Mrs. Neli Amoth who was I'nterlalunient APPLES GOOD and GOOD FDR YOU Onlcr Your Supply TODAY "EXTRA FANCY" Include ound, handplckvd apple of jood colour for the variety, free "onx ncct peU and practl-ly free from ill.cn and lnnr Idrmlthc. Th apple fe lcd acconlhif to variety, by Government Grade PULL of rlcb flavour . . firm rul Juloyl Hut thatV only lult the ilory , . . for Ibew new-crop Canadian aple are not "ly joo.1, l,u t they're good for you too. So Irt the children have all they want ... eat plenty yourielf me llifin to your friend. A'l Canadian apple can be prepared and cooked in a variety oMlffcrent rfdpci all of them healthful a they are tatyl Onlcr a iilcntifiil upply of Canadian apple . . buy them by fue, viih confidence. Tie Govtrnment trail of CnaUn AppUt arei "FANCY" Include toutvd haittlpltked ppl f fair colour for the variety and reaon-Klv free from disease and other Injury. The apple arc .ic.l according to variety, DfcrUlinf Sffrft DOMLMON PMAIITMENT OF ACBlCl'l.Tt'Br., OTTAWA H DOGGED BY iirmii innrnru. uenrinn. re. . . fr.n,.. , . .7 . aucers and a .. vo..,..vmic cic scrycu py me nos-1 tPM. Thi AM AAA tu., i a Shield Brigade with Rev. R. C. H. Itudying Dutnford. rector of St. Peter's An- .tlnxeT BAD LUCK llut Alice Brady's Cenrare Never Weakened and She Sealed Ladder to Theatrical Success NEW YORK. November 4: CAP) Rarely in the theatre did ill fortune so dog. the footsteps of glamor and success as in the career of Alice Brady, who is dead In New York Time after time this daughter of one of uroaaways - most successzui pro- gay French mother achieved triumphs on the stage or In f..nrf. .nw a " !on in just so many Paur. ixUvZ: " iT w ol instances the triumph was marred Red Shield Brigade Has Good Concert K.. Illn,. .IJ .Ik.. t. fortune. She was born in New York City on November 2, 1832. Her father1 i-ai the famed actor - manager. w William A. Brady, and her mother Rose Rene, a Parisian singer. ... , Her trials began when she was a Wednesday Night i.i jf. , . It J I VTC ln ,n theatrical traditions of Maklns x, ek, I Saldler, tr ,ner panaU flut her falh d,d iw... , " not wish her to go on the stage v. ""vorable weather a and to t her Irom , ne;day night ln the to be a grand opera B.n nurcn. as cnairman. uemSj Sne mlde rirst appcarancc rendered by members and friendon the 6tajte 8Upporting Robert sine leads in 'The Mikado." "Pir- ates of Penzance'' and other OU- re"lhirt and Rnlrirn rrum In 141 matks Mr. Durnford. vocal due? by ,,,. ..u w, . ... V,.. -.. , nu , ....... I "v rss won her first lasting success 1 -'.as Vias Me Meg ln "Uttle Women" and( Alter Illness of atMonth r. . 1. . t." , . IU1U .VTW U . . UUW .Mi' ' .Ml V ' Tons-er and ....... Mr. Mostad: reaamg . whl.. ,hA nulrktv h4m star Sc-land sailed last night,b M" MarT ff'1 voc1 solo by , n snch Um, M -Bcutht and PaW If K Louise for Van- '"w " " icers For" and "Th- Glided Cae She i&:re hts mother, mm. eMnn: vocal auei. mm a. -th(l bird" tn the latt. r . - )-. after an Ulnrsa of about uuct' v- "u a (of Jennie in Borland was born In Olas- i Scotland, and had been a Br. of Vancouver since com? ft Canada from the Old Coun-Ib 1910. Her husband died in 2: addition to the son here, j a -land is survived by ah-' h Andrew Borland of Van- kr tnd three daughlers Miss : b E; land, Mrs. M. C. Hender-1 ' Mrs James Arthur all or E: advertising m Ely " sure to bring the dally isey: vocai ou. tne mihcs kuui jand Oroce Jones: recitation. D. ;lllldebrand: : vocal duct. Capt Hal- sey and A. Toftager; reading. Miss J. SkoR: vocal m1o. Cant. Halsey and cornet solo. Capt. Newton. Engagement I m DUCT mm? ' '-' !- -1. J LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tf Give generously' for your poppy this year. Let every cltbwn wear a poppy and every auto carry a windshield poppy. Tonight's train, sue from the last at 11 o'clock, wu reported this afternoon to b on time. REMEMBRANCE DAY CHURCH PARADE Sunday, November 5th to AngUzan Cathedral. Members of Legion fall in at clubroom 10:30 a.m. Berets, medals and decora tions to be worn. sO tf PEROXINE BLACKHEADS SALLOW SKIN nue and Eberts Street. 5 Dua't nun LU UionW turn imviiae pumiri ! nr Vnt Man. w raUr will, Iwl, Ml rkAlk Sfattt d mm. foctlleht atmnsnhere. h nent her Mr and Mrs. A. C SalVatiOn tn ttmlnn rnur.lnra f ltl lakpn Army Citadel to enjoy a musical fttted ,n ullh her iaS hith .toram ananged by the Rert..h- im mnt r hr tin,, m. nreer eoupfe of years a member of the "c"'u" enwea ino mre ana Mn3teU in "As You Like If In'steff of Drgby Island wireless sta u "5 muu ""u .a.1 .c,f 1911 she played In New Haven un-1 Hon, sailed last night on the of the procecdlnp. A freewill of- dpr tne mmc of Roe ln theleaa fur Alert Bay to which ,V"' lr Oraustarklan romance. -The Bal $8.75 was realized to help the Red jn Prlncewt " Shield Brigade work of the Armyt ,n c,lberl aa SnXn t LIT bb,ib' Px-ited by s Broadwnv debut.'ia tomorrow night. t " tMlag Qraay WM dwesrd by tlHhv Mrs Croquet and family. Mr. ' , p,8rn l"? 0Pt?1"1 quick faUure of the play. But she Cavanaujh's mother sailed on the song, led by Mrs. AdJutanti Fteh- uu.,!, ,nnm -.- t,.0r.e. Trx,.i,. niht CI. JltlllUlC ICUUiHS UJ All 3 IVHIl Haliey. introduction of chairman by Capt. Hakey. chairman's WEDDED AT GREENVILLE GREENVILLE. November 4: Borland, died at 11:45 union ana miss is. iitaa; ln lgj8 returned to the stage The wedding took place at Green morning " in her seventy-u u . vr.. """ u i in her most r" successful. part, thitlvlllc last -Weonesaay. oi reiet Aier Forever After." It ran for two solid years Hollywood oroducers sought her r-r MjcKay. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKay of Greenville, and Miss Grace Charlotte Moore. paln ln 1931 when she scored a I daughter of Capt. and Mrs. resounding success as Lavlnia I Ham Moore of Canyon City. innviinv" in iot .h hmlep hir ness in the years to come. Hnnnon in Eueene O'Neill's tri-'Greenville Concert Band was In 'ology. "Mourning Becomes Elec-S attendance and escorted the bridal jtra." This highly emotional role j procession to St. Andrew's Angll-'set Miss Brady on the hijh road can Church where the couple were j again for it was entirely different! Joined in matrimony by the Rev. 'from the fluttery. comedy parts ln.W. S. Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Hellbroner which she had won early fame, j After the ceremony the newly announce the eneagement or theirf So hack to the movies she went'married couple and their aUend-au'htsr. Maxln Theresa, to. this time In talking pl:tures andjants adjourned to the Greenville I ieutenant Robert John Carson, played both her customary comedy Community Hall where they and R. C. E.. son of Colonel and Mrs. I parts as well as serious tragic nles. many friends enjoyed a supper DalhiC all) 1 1 F Carson. Lahore. India. They Even this new success was at-dnrlng which, in fitting speeches. re-1 will be married Cathedral 8 p.m CANADIAN in St. Andrew' November 30. tended by much ill luck as. when (members of the community wished she was making "Goodbye To me onae ana groom every nappi The ankle in the midst of the shooting. 1 number of guests were about 300. It was necessary to rewrite some some from Aiyansh and some from of the Hnal scenes so they could Klncollth. be filmed with her sitting In a: In the evening a wedding dance chair ' jtook place in the Community Hall I The return to nlctures was cllm- ' It opened with a Grand March axed in 1938 when she won the when everybody Joined ln, led by 'Motion Picture Academy awnrd for the bride and groom. Chief Job her heart-warmln? cerfnrmance a -'rK masicr ji wnniiuji.ra. M s OXcary In "In Old Chicago." Audlnnce. wept at her nortrayal cf the woman whos kicking cow tuppowdlv started th area Chi-caao fire Not Downed By "Flops" V B dy's m'shaw Infludi'd a nervous breakdown in 1930. Sh; had to quit rlavs becaus; of Injuries to her legs. Always she revealed reat courage In the face of unfortunate breaks, At one time sh" had twelv failures in a row but she kept comlm tvek in nlay after play, lever hoping to find a hit. She : didn't mind appearing in half a ! doten plays a season If the sixth ione proved good. Miss Brady was brilliantly eau--cated, especially In the arts. She not only sang but played the plane ( nnri the zither. She spoke French,, Italian and German and was well-, ' yerscd In Latin. Fond or dogs, she always ws surrounded by them and was an ex-presldcnt of the Tauwaggen, Club, a Hollywood group devoted to protecting stray canines. Miss Brady was married In 1920 tr, TntnM i.von Crane, an actor VW w ..... " y who played opposite her In several dramas. They were divorced In 1022. A son, Donald Crane, ,born March 10, 1922. was Five thousand li.-c Rupert people read the Dally News. It Jpays to let them know what you I have to sell. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS iind CAFK Htionr St tar Best Household Coal Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp. Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Uatber and Beauty Shop ANNOUNCEMENT, Until further notice, on Sundays our Confectionery Store will be open only from 12:30 p.m. to 7 P-m. Mussallem's 'CONFECTIONERY POPPY DAY Include Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. M. J. Keays. Mrs. William Rothwell, Mrs.' Laurie. Mrs. Strachan, Mrs. James, ( Pmrnm Mr CI T. Mnore. Mjs. H. a. Breen, Airs, wnuara crass, aiisa, Nancy Dawes. Miss Jean Ayrev Miss Marie Lock, Miss Betty Allen, Miss Ken. Thomasson, Miss Kath- leen Dohertv. Miss Marie Boulter. Miss Elspeth McKenzle. Mrs. Clark! McLean. Mrs. Tommy Fraser. Mrs. George Rorle, Mrs. Orchard Mc- Leod. Mrs. Harold Davey. Misses Marearet and Eleanor Carr and Qlenna Moore. A fifty cent classUleo ad. often make you many dollars. Teachers H wUi 'NOTICE to CREDITORST' ' Rex Bowlinr Club, Limited All persons having claims against the above Company are requested to file same, duly verified, with the undersigned, on or before the fifteenth Instant. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Third day of November, AD. 1939. W. O. FULTON Smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (259) PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK ! AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric arid Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of (las Eneines Repaired and Overhauled Announcements All advertisements tn tola col-amn will be charged for a full month at 39c a word. Scotch and Canadian Dance, Metropole Hall, November 8, Anglican Bazaar November 9. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nor. 18. Vaudeville, November 17. Dance, Moose Hall. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23 Country Fair November 24. St. Andrews Dance, Nov. 30, . R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 Elfhth Avenue West Monthly Meet For prompt and courteous ser- 'w vice Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Miss Marjl &rWpe Is Elected SeereUry-i. B. Walker T POPPY TAQ DAY, SaturdayNo- Eiftlcstlve vember 4th. i ! The Prince Rusert Teachers' As- Honcr the dead and help the llv- soclatlon held It regular monthly ing Buy a Poppy. meeting at Borden Street School on Wednesday evening, T. L. Da-vies was in the chair and there was a fair number of members ln Annual canvass uing touuuticu lAtminc, iuiu ic- noon. In City Today by Women's sign by the pressure of other Auxiliary and I. O. D. E. auues ana tneir resignations were accepted with regret The vacaa-. Under general direction of the ties were filled by Miss Mary Canadian Legion, assisted by the Easthooe and Mrs B. Walker res- ! Women's Auxiliary and with the pectlvely. Activity for future I co-operation of the Imperial Or- meetings were discussed and it i dcr Daughters of the Empire, was decided not W hold a fa'l I Poppy Day is being held today convention this Wr with headquarters at the Legion After the twlajbOn of business Rooms. Mrs. Robert Murray, ft ras an jfystructive discussion President of the Women s Auxili.- n the relative importance of Eng-arr. is in eeneral charge, assisted in the schorl turrlculum: C E . by Mrs. William Brass. Mrs. Rob- Leighs and W. W C. Ocelli. harafert Anderson and Mrs. S. V. Cox. tributed chiefly .to this discussion. iwiiraiunrau (ere "" senfq at me up residence In a new house' A house to house canvass has been f"""e has been built by W. J. organized as well as the street of the, meeting, at the corner of Sixth Av- tagging in downtown areas and 1 nr.' point he is transferring. His successor, F. J. Croquet oi Alert Is hoped that the sales this year, ochohjchooooooochhh will exceed those of previous years William Cavanaugh. for the past asibe ml re.t Those distributing on the street ' MAiinntiviMlA AJCMK sJfclV v,.Di au.wul'""' Wl. T.. "I have wed BOVRIL for "qfany years and raised my "two boys on BOVRIL 1 "use it because I find it "nourishing." 34 attendance. Mrs. Robert St. Clair and daugh- Bminex Included election tn n ri rtat at nlslr aftr hiv rV A lfllVJl I IN m vacancles on tne execuUve. 3 jng spent several months in Van-I rlvJvJlil VX Vll s- Wilson, as secretary, and Miss CCUver. returned to the city on the fc. A. Mercer, as member of the princess Louise yesterday after- Miss Lillian McCormlck, who ar4 rived in the city yesterday morning rn the Prince John from the Queen, Charlottf- Islands, sailed last night ou. the Princess Louise for Nest Time You Ask For Stove Polbh Say "JET1 FOR HOT STOYES At All BX. Stores The Rexall Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys. Nominations for Entry Open Vedncs-day November 1st' and Close Sunday Y ' November 12th " t Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Hoys and Girls Make Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows rmes Ltd. 77fui Pioneer Druggists The Keiall Store Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. uttys and Holidays from. 12 noon tlU Z pjxx. ? p.m. till 9 pj-jl ,OOOOOOCOOCKCHKraOOOOOOOOOKO30rC4CKWCK JHHBVHaVHHaSBaJHBiaaaaiiBaH iSryv3MpaaaaaSavti ia , aaaagapaaajBrnpaoywa BBBBvlanBfafiSSSnflBHBVallB The LATEST "New "Typemaster" Personal Writing Machines. Select the model you want now. Complete details on request. No obligation From $39.50 '" $100.00 THE LATEST "EUROPE OF TODAY" Full color :aap of Europe November 1st With inset of Maglnot-Slegvd Lines. Keep up-to-date with this new map. Only 25c September 1st map clearing at 10c Only a few left) " t fr 9 mi flu. .Mi