5 5 t t 1'AwL 1UO Spring DAILY EDITION The Latest Designs and Colors In Straps, Pumps and p.vfords JUST ARRIVED Your Hosiery Is Here In All Of Penman's Latest Colors Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUrERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor J SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance S5.CI Paid in advance, per week , .U Paid in advance, per month Ji By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance J.OC By mail to all other countries, per year - 9.QC Member of Audit Bureau o( Circulations Monday. April 17, 1939. . A STATE OF MIND J Last week a local man was listening to the radio when he happened to hear a speaker in the United States re mark; "Democracy is a state of mind." It was a rather striking remark and he says it made him think about the state ot mind of the people of Germany, Italy, Russia and almost a dozen other countries. There countries are not democracies because they are not imbued with the democratic idea. Democracy was born in England. There it developed gradually step by step until the time came when every man had a right to vote, a right to free education; a right to express his opinion in any reasonable manner and the right to worship God as he pleased. In no country are all the people democratic. In Prince Rupert, even, it is noticed that a good many have not the democratic mind. They would like to force people to do i THE TEN YEAR PACT j The ten year pact proposed by President Roosevelt wopld be a wonderful thing, especially if it were guaran-! tee'd by the United States as well as the other nations con-' tion including Germany and Italy. With Great Britain.! United States, France and Russia guaranteeing the integrity of the smaller nations there would be a renewal of confidence and at once a general improvement in business WHY KNOCK? Let any citizen get an idea that he would like to do something for the community and immediately two other citizens want to know what sort of a fool he is to try to do anything in the "eol darn" town. For everv construct tiye thinker there are always at least two knockers and.! GOVERNING h This li J New Set-l'p tor Hit Proposed FOK KENT City CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 44f tf. FOR RENT 5 room flat In Louise Apartments, 249 5th Ave. W.. Apply L. Amadlo, Phone 756. (931 FOR RENT- 6 room furnlstied ap-' artment. Phone Green 905. tf. FOR RENT 5 room flat.. Oood location. Apply 733 5th West. 90 FOR SALE OR TRADE FLOAT and float-house. 11 by 28.1 Fishermen's Float. .91) FOK SALE FOR SALE 1937 deluxe Fordor Sedan, good as new; mileage 15,-000. Phone Blue 972. tf. CLAPP Block for sale Building 50' by 80. 3 storeys, eight 4 room flats with bath, pantry, monarch range in each flat; two stores 25' by 80': full sized basement; foundations good. Building cost $16,000. Taxes owing $1500. Owner Instructs us to sell equity for $1,000 or submit best offer. H O. Helgerson, Co. Ltd. (93) what they wish them to do. Happily they are a minority. . Ton sale House and Lot with A fi Ko i;ffa.ainAe i furniture. Owner forced to tell. All WJ ULlllUVlUVJf UlUlL U1& UUUliU Ulllvl CJltvO There are certain common interests such as those of labor, of busness, professional interests, interests depending upon location. If the members of these groups are al' tolerant and recognize fully the rights of the others there should'be no difficulty in (retting along well together. Will accept $350X0 cash. See W. O. Fulton, Smith Block or Phon 76. 90 FOR SALE Cheap. Cruiser "Bonanza". A real off shore boat, good accomodation and equipment. Engine most reliable and In first class running order. Terms to reliable party. Apply Hubert Ward. Cow Bay or Oreen 157 tf cerned. As it is today we seem to be rapidly drifting into roR SAix-cheap. Launch "Dixi a war x,V,nl .on anA nnUr ,'r, ,1loncU oi,. Rupert." Length 35 ft. Imperial heavy duty gas engine fully equipped In first class condition. Suitable for pleasure, trolling or patrol purposes. Call Newcombe's Confectionery. Seal Cove. tf. conditions. People with money would be willincr to invest for sale-sealed tenders for it yith the result that new industries would spring up and . the purchase of gin-net gasboat mere wouia oe more employment. belonging to the estate of Jos.' Ilarowlcsl, will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wed-j nesday, April 26th, 1939. Tho highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. length 28 ft., Beam 7ft., 7 h.p. Vulcan. Tems strictly caiih -Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. the more active the person who tries to do something, the roR sale English pram, only $10. more active becomes the knockers. Tr. is tho snmo ovJ Phone Red 182. (90) ' ... w v x j - I . ...1 T i. U 1 1 1 1 .1 ... . I wueit:. uki a man Duua a nouse ana me neighbors at once went to know why he built it there, why he did not build it taller or lower, larrer or smaller and wW in t hu FURNITURE for 6ale Fine solid dlnlngroom 4ulte and solid walnut bedroom suite, etc. Phone name of all that's foolish he ever thought of building fa cvcnlow' tmstownT i FOR LEASE tuJl PSSS5 lPA occasionally, even T7 v, WHW wujev iaj uuier peupie uuing it. . two upper floors of Alder Block: THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold. Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. WANTED (tf) 36 rooms. Furniture for sale. Apply W. J, Alder, City IU)l. tf. MALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE Man take care store route; New plan or distribution. No selling, Earn excellent weekly i income. H. it W. Nut Co., St, ' Paul, Minn. (89) WANTEP udy to tftkc over Agency for good Foundation Garment. Apply Box 6, Dally News. (91) THE DAILY NEWS revision oi county .boundaries. Dart of his program ocoro- i . ..14 i ttrt a flattr rr f itXTJIdon'0ounoH,e,1uuatelwUhtl,e l!r whjvi LIJpIiJUIM . ;.4minlstraUon of an area embrac-jl 2M9 mM wUhm a rad. ' . .... . r, 11... r, r. 1 CI A S SJ F I E D JUS 3 10 nuirs su uuiwig I Cross. Such an area would be 20 I times larger than the present Jurls- diction of the L.C.C. with a popula-. I tlon of approximately 9,000.000. I LONDON, April 17: (CP) An The plan provides for the crea-ambltlous scheme to eliminate ov-,tion of constituencies or wards of erlapplng legislative machinery In '75,000 people, each of which would Oreater London and creation of a have an equal voice In ,the .election central administrative authority Is 0f au administrative courwll of 120 advocated In a report Just released members and 30 aldermen, by V. A. Jtobsou. of London ilni- u b propoged to abolish the an-verslty. cicnt office of Lord Mayor which A noted specialist -on civic ov- tbe corporation of London has eminent, Mr. Robson has produced eiected annually since King John his plans alter years oi investigation And study of the peculiar problems of the Empire's metropolis which critics have declared "the granted a new charter to the city In 1214. The chairman of the new body would become the Lord Mnyor of .Greater London most over-governed area in the. Mr Rohson believes millions of world. pounds would be aved annually by Under the beading "The Govern- w, pln At present the corpora-ment And Mlsgovernment of Lon- uon 0f London consists of the .Lord don." Robson's report recommends Mayor. 25 aldermeu and iOC coun-abolitlon of the present London cUlo'rs. The L.C.C. has its County Council, the Corporation of rnan jo aldermen and J 24 couocil-the City of London, the Middlesex There are also Jll local County Council, amalgamation of within the L.C.C area. Robsop boroughs and councils and sweep- suggests these he reduced to 29 by i byeofjraalUcal amalgamations And Uut the 28 Metropolitan boroughs along with the "City" hemerged into 12 groups. Similar amalgamations are advocated for other areas in Oreater London. CUPS ARE PRESENTED Happy Dinner Dance by Prince Ituprt Badminton dub Saturday Nljht To mark the dosing of the season, an enjoyable dinner dance was staged In the Commodore Cafa Saturday night by the Prince Rup- ert Badminton Club, the feature) of1 the evening being the jrem-(l taUon to their winners of the1 championship trophic or the past; winter. President Harry Ward was in the chair and made the presentations as follows: Ladlw' Single. MVw Bessie' Thompson. m j Ladles' Doubles, Miss Elsie Da via I And Miss Nellie Lawrence j Mixed Doubles. Miss France v Cross and Walter Cross. Men's Singles, Walter Cross. Men's Doubles. Walter Cross and John Murray. Musk for dancing was by Charlie JBalagno's .Orchestra and there .were about Uty persons present at tlve Ualr wtUch broke up ai midnight. During the evening community singing was enJoyd under the leadership of George Mitchell and with Mk Margaret McCaffery nt the piano. Mail Schedule i ms 1 WINNIPEG, April 17: (CP) - For ie Kat Winnipeg wheat price were up on Monday. Wednesday, and Saturday with May clndng at Friday 3 ijn. MVo:. From the East 1 Tuesday. Thursday and . Mrs. O. L. Murray of Jap Inlet. Saturdav Pm. porcher Island, who has been on From Skeena Klver to Vaucouver a with hr Fridayss. Cardena pjn. mother. Mrs. William Miller, whu For Vancouver- te m retuniel to the city on tht Tuesday 12:30 noon Catala last night. Thursday 10 pjn. r,,try - :3u pjr Mrs. E. A. Biwhfleld of Duma April 6, 17 and 2 5 p.m. Lake sends In a bunh of willow From Vancouver catkins of a different variety from 8unda 4 pjn. those seen In Prince Rupert. The Wednesday 10:30 ajn. catkins are large and the wood frtday 4 p.m. dark. They make an exceedingly April 13 and 23 ajn. pretty boquei I f 1 i THAT REMINDS ME - THERE'S MORE VALUE FOR THE MONEY IN OGDEN'S "Roll-your-owners" with a yen for real value bank oh Ogdcn's for real money's worth. They know that Ogden's gives tho highest perccntago of smoking pleas- uiu, iiiai 11 pays suro uivi- dends in cooler, smoother, sweeter smoking. Fact is, it's a better fine cut a tobacco you'll check with from the very beginning . . . Particularly if you're careful to use tho best papers "Chantecler" or "Voguo". Take Pride In Your CLEAN UP WEEK . Local efforts to clean up Print Rupert commeoeed this morning and will continue ail wrek. People who have untidy tots are bein asked to remove the objectionable feuture The city is being askiit t, co -operate and CommtMkmer W J. Alder has offered to cart away rubbish ince It Is gathered The Dally New has been asked to make a personal appeal to every eiUzea to do his bit this week In making the e4ly tit to be een. Members of the Junior Chamber of "onuneroc nommlttt in charge 'of the work eonsku ef Peter De-Jtn Ram Ingram. Alfred Rivet William RlklfM and Sidney If vmi rlh in s., Try a CTavrlfled .mrthtng- Walker's Music Store Uric Stock JIutk Jtrlntiman. Nordhflmer and (earr riancn nnn Tunlne with h..n. Hl,.r 1K tit lh St Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Betner Block Phone 234 NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday, April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open Until J0;00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion '1 Commencing Sunday. April is Phone 282 Any Afternoon for Removal of Clean-Up Week Use Uapeo Paint to Beautify and IVot Your Property Sold My Thompson Hardware Co' I It Pays ANTIM0 PAINTS They Cot No .More Bui Lat lnferfc,j Bj SILVERSIDES BROS, CLEANING UP CITY I-oraJ Effort Commenred TbU Slorulug and Will ContUiue All Week George I PAINTING a DKCOKATLV natiB,.! RJtn XUtk f EsUmi,r-; r NEW ROM HOTS J Zarc P 70 1 4 iinMEiwirrt iioxr fUtn UN tf 50 Rooms Prta-eR PhonrMI fOM J. H. BULGE Optometrisi THE SEAL QUAU GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Social FINK SEAL Finest PInk.Sahs the rtar round p! ... ... ..r.ir I ol In (!. Mllfr of II" I .trlhor TAKE NOTJ AprU. A. I). IW9:. ' thur Urovn f if (WIM . 'py verify PJ tndrtWtvw. to It DATtt) A W ,-J Haj, rfir of Anrtl. sbOv JANET IW.M POft Try a Dally fie1 Htl 1 1 1 A