oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocootioo GORDON & ANDERSON Arc Exclusive Agent tor FRIGIIMIRH Only Frlgldalre has "Cold-Wall"- The refrigeration sensation lor 1B39 No other refrigerator will operate so cheaply -Uo other re-i rjgeratfir is m "trouble free " See Them on I)inplay Priced from $124J0 Jlur Them on Eay Terms oooooooooooooooooooooocoooouwoooooooooooooooooooooooo o o 8 o u o a a u o a 8 8 o o a o a o o o 8 a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o a 8 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 II o o 8 0 8 o o 8 o o M J1 VELURE" Vanishing Cream Makes Hands Softer and Smoother Vanishes Quickly 39c And 59c Ormes Ltd. 77it Pioneer DriAQp'stj The ICeiall Store I'hours: III Oprn Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays from 12 uuun lill I un. 7 (Mil. lill 9 p.m. STANDARD MARINE STATIONS , IN BRITISH COLUMBIA . Vivtr Co Hfbour Dunlevy Avetu Deep Cov Marietta Py New Wettmlniter Ylclwlt KUatimo OiWUU iuj GjrdM BT Churtheuta Heriot Bay Alert Bay Bull Harbour Cascade Harbour HJn Ulet (aletr ' Print Rur Waireri Ce C Ceer ZeballM , t$ C . ItmlitU PtW NerUU BrH fait ' Cmii Bay Toqutrt Tlln Ybrtama lay Leray Bay AL NEWMAN IS HONORED i -.- .. Presentation Made At Star Party By Junior Chamber of Commerce fttturdar Night As a farewell honor to Al New man, their president, who Is Jeav- llnir the (nr Vsnn-ivivpr mem others of the Junior .Section of the Pnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa Prrnce Rupert Chamber of Com Bauer & Black 2 inirjLc mu menus fciuneieu w Prince Rupert Club Saturday nlghi at an informal stag party, about forty being present. The feature of the evening was the presenta tion to Mr. Newman, as a token of appreciation for his work with the Chamber and of well wishing for the future, the presentation was made by a. L. Rone of a handsome pen and pencil set Mr. Rorie spoke suitably in making the presentation and the recipient replied. Frank Skinner, who succeeds Mr. Newman as agent of the Union Steamship Co. here, was also heard from. The evening was enjoyably spent In playing cards and othei forms of entertainment and re freshments were served. The committee organizing the I affair consisted of A. S. Nlckerson L. M. Asemlssen and R. O. Van- dersluys. Mr. and Mrs. Newman and daughter are sailing on the Ca tala tomorrow afternoon for Van couver. Steamship Sailings For Vancoum Tuesday Catala 1:30 pm Thursday Ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. .Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pm ss. Cardena 10:30 pm April 6. 17 and 28 SS. Princess Norah - 5 pm rrom Vancouver Sunday ss Catala pm Wed. S3. Pr. Rupert .... 10:30 am. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide ... 4 pm ss Cardena pm April 13 and 23 SS. Princess Norah am For For Anyox Anyox and and Stewart Stewart-Sunday Sunday ss. ss. Catala Catala 8 8 pm pm Wednesday " j Ss. Prince ------- . - Not all important landmark are shown on tin- oflirial marinriV tharU, but iho fumiliar insignia mIiScIi marks Standard Iariii Stations an; jusi as Important to pood the liplits and buoys wliii li mark votir toure. Your proldcms of nijrath.n will W if vou rely on Standard Marine Product for engine efficiency. This year, get the habit TIE IT TO STANDAim. STANDARD MARINE PRODUCTS ( Rti1 Crv 6aiel!n Slandanl Gaioline Umurpaiied Standi' Dietil Fl Pearl Oil (Kl Kro0 Standard StoYe Oil RPM Meter Oil "RPM" DEL0, Dieiel Injlne Lubricating Oil CALOL Diesel Enln Oil and other fine Standard Oil Productl . . i . . ' . .L. VU." General Batterlea STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dr E. B. Pugsley has returned Canadian Legion bjlbi. Jiair to the city from a trip to on-iyeany moeung posiponea uu new tarla. She visited her home and also took up medical post-graduate work while away. E. T. JeaneT.MXA for Bkeena paying a brief visit to the city Be arrived from Terrace on Satur day night's train and is returning to Terrace this evening. Miss Ivy Anderson .arrived in the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver to pay a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Anderson. Sixth Aenue East Engagement Mr. and Mrs. George V. Wilkin son Announce the engagement ot their second daughter, .Edith Mar. ion. to Clifford Lanls Madlll, son of Mrs. M. C Madlll of this city. The wedding to take place In the First United Church on May 25. Nippon Young People Elect New Officers as follows: . i .i i , , i v l 6 , DOOvOUOOOOOOOtiraWOOVUVVUWVVVt' 11'VVUUUVVVi rwvrv wwvri I , .1 m ipt i jinn i 7 L rrr TrVTrZr X . - RACE ROCKS LIGHTHOUSE AND STAPARD STATIONS The Nippon Young People's As soclatlon held its election of off! cers as well as a social evening Saturday night at the Japanese Mission, The election sJL officers resulted President. Setsuo Kuwahara. Vice-President. Shoji Shlmlzu. Recording Secretary; Mary No- neyama. Corresponding Secretary, Hlroshl Hamasakl. Treasurer. Sada Nakamoto. Program convener. Kazl Wshlo The new officers, who were el ected by secret ballot with II Hamasakl acting as returning of fleer, will be installed In Septem ber. The social entertainment took the form of community slnsing playing of games and dancing President II. Yamanaka was mas week. ter of ceremonies, assisted by Kasi Nlshlo and Yorlka Hlrano. The enjoyable and successful evening Tame to a close at midnight aftei refreshment hud heen served un-1er the direction of Emily Yam-inaka Guests of the evening were Miss Yuki Nakatanl. Miss Kanj Yamanaka. Hedy Suehiro, Roy Yo-hlda and Roger Ohata. Hotel Arrivals Savoy A. McVicar and O. Olson, city. 0. S". Urseth. Bella Coola; P. S. Dannhauer. Copper River; Mrs. E. Haugland, Mrs. J. F. Jones. Ed. IGleason and Mrs. S.'Beaudln, Ter- I ... . ! ace; d. l. wicierson, waiuax. llllam Jones, Port Esslnston. Itoyal Mr and Mrs. J. Davidson and Martin Paulson, Inverness; 1L Hart. Catham, Ont.; Walter John-, son and Barney Krltsmansson, Os- land; George Pearson. Mr, and Mrs. F McDonald and A. Peter sen, Vancouver. I'riace Rupert Dr. Stanley Mills. Master Parker Mills and E. T. Kenney. Terrace: Miss L. Kathleen How, Port Simp son; S. J. Mayer, Smlthers; F. Hart. Victoria. Central ' C. Closter. Blllmor: Mr. and Mrs. Koines. Vancouver; P. Dickey. N. R. -Build B. C. Payrolls" PUTTING PACIFIC UNDER VACUUM SEAL m let mm It took a lot of experiment. The search was worth it. It would make Pacific a better milk, but belief prevailed fluids could not h canned in this way. When found Pacific was purer, fresher, the natural flavor retainer undiminished, People at once saw an improvement and the demand increased. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated Of Course Mike Melniek, charged with driv ing a motorvehlcle without & lic ence. Appeared In city police court this morning and was remanded until Wednesday. Ir. Hugh Morrison, Inspector of schools, sailed last -evening on the atala for a trip to Port Simpson on official .duties. He will be back tomorrow morning on the same steamer. C F. Griffin, .accountant, and other members of the crew of A randale cannery 'were passengers aboard the Catala last venin gang through to the ttaas River olarrt lor the season. (69-91) C G. Strombech, well known pioneer Alice Arm mining man. was a passenger aboard the Ca- ala last evening returning north after having spent the winter In Vancouver. ' .. S-J. Mayer arrived 'in '.the,. eityq in Saturday TTigms tram irom Smlthers for a brief visit to the ity on railway hrotherhood busl- aess and is returning to the in- rior this evening. Miss Kathleen How. who teaches school at 1011 Simpson, arrived In the city on Baturday .night's train-, liter spending Easter at her horn In Edmonton, left hy the Ca tala last sight on hx return to Dr. 'W. T. Kergin returned to the ?Ky on the Catala last evening from a three months' vacation trip n the course of which he travelled U Honolulu, Suva, New Zealand' ind Australia. Miss Betty Dover, daughter ofi Mr. and Mrs. George Dover oil Terrace, is making excellent re-' the Prince Rupert General Hos- oltal. Her mother nas reen nere m be with her and leaves by this ev ening's train on her return to Ter race. Announcements All advertisements la tfili column will be charged for s full month at 25c a word. Baptist Supper AprU 13. Eagle's Bridge April 19. Women of Moose Spring Sale April 19. 20. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April j', C. N. R. A. Annual Ball. Moose i Hall, AprU 21. 1 Moose Bridge. April 25, 8 sharp. Boys' Band Tea, AprU 26. pjn. Mrs. Jack Joy's, Sut Tea. Mrs. Hougaa's Apill 27. Hodsson School. Danclns Reclt- j al, Capitol Theatre. April 27, 28. Dance. St. Peter's Hall. AprU 28 Baptist Missionary Tea, May 1. United Spring Sale Mayt 3. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 4. Milk Fund Tea May 6. Eastern Star Tea at Mrs. Oammon's home, May 9th. Presbyterian May 11. 12. Sgt.- Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, Cambral Spinster's Spree, May ORANGE Spring Sale, Metropole Hall, May 17. Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home, May, 18. ' I PIUNCE ItUPFJtT TO YIUTUUIA CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS April 20, Amateur Night, Moose Hall. May S. Orind Dance, Moose Hall. seas Otorge Flynn was dismissed In Alex Itlx, district manager of city police court this morning ort the Imperial Oil Co.. sailed last ;a charge of supplying liquor to evening on the Catala for a trip Indians. to 8tewart on company business. OCKHKKlKH50000DOOOOOOO 0000000000000000000000000000000 COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. Improved Services. J. X. Klllas, manager, has Just returned from Vancouver with the bet staff obtainable. New Cooks, New Everything. Up to the 8 Minute g Special Rlue Ribbon Beef, Especially Imported for . This Cafe Nothing Here But the Best. Try Our Special Sunday Dinners g I Try a Dally News cncwlfled advertisement for best rtiuiu. THE CABABET lias been converted into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards provided free. Ladles may meet their friends In this room without obligation. Make it Downtown Headquarters O00O0O0OOO0OOOO0WS000OODO01O0&Ch3&00OOO00OOO6O600OO. PENGUIN BOOKS Handy Size Paper Bound Books A wonderful list including travel, adventure, politics, economics, world affairs, iiction, classics, mystery, romance in fact every subject is included. 20c Each Everyone can afford the world's finest reading at this low price Come in ami start your rol!etIon. We have a very larce stoek and new titles Mill be added monthly SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Crystal Confectionery Try Our IIome-Made Candy Tea, Coffee and Light Lunches Soda Fountain and Fruit AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office. 616 3rd Ave. v-17-: I ' Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 ii COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 8 and 558 li. Opening of New Number tot Service and Dependability Phone i 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE ' Opp. Post Office, 4th 8t.