—— annie i ee THE DAILY NEWS "Not what we wish but what we want.”---Merrick. ~The News Way is a. Good Wa Auction Sale analy PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE to be held in THE EMPRESS THEATRE Thursday Eve., February 15 at 7.30 Get a map and leok thee up while wbdihion } is goad SECTION ONE. Lot 12, Bik. 37; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and . iS months. Has 3-room house, base- Lot ; aa % cash, bal. 6, 12 and ment, wat r. . Ot 8, Bik. 46 ca*.:, Dal. 6, 12 and Lot 26, Blk. 29; 4% cash, bal. 6 and "48 months. Rab” 3 , 8 y $ 2-room cottage; 12 months. subject to lease SECTION TWO. Lot 61, Bik. 3; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months Lot 17, Bik. 7; equity cash, ary 1, 2 Lot 63, BI 3 3; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and and 3 years from November 29, i911 18 months Lot 27, Bik. 2; equity cash, pal. 4,;9 and 3 years from November 2¢%th, SECTION EIGHT. $041. Lot 21, Bik. 1; % cash, bal. $50 every Lots 5 and 6, Bik. 5; equity cash, bal. 1 oeine 3 years from November 29th, Lots 48 ‘and 19, Bik. 1; % cash, bal. Lot 7, Bik. S; equity cath, dal. 1:2 pot’a3, Bik. 3; % cash, bal. 6 and {2 Lot 41, Bik. 5; $237.50 cash, #200 Lot 34, Bik. 3; % cash, bal. 6 and 12 fine Noaabereius Torn, © ToT? Lots, Bik, 7; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lae ae Siar nd ene. evi, Lot “6, Bik. 7; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot #1, Blk. 17; equity cash, bal. 1, 2 Lot 13, Bik. 12; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and ana 3 years from November 29th, 415 {9°and 20, Bik. 16; % cash, bal Lots 13 and-44, Bik. 15; equity cash, | ote a aon 24: % cash, bal oth, 2 and 3 years from November 6, 12 and 18 months. i944. ;. - OF athe ie 1Ot BS, Dik. O0y eqelty comm, het, 1, 9 Ot 20, Bik. 29;°% cash, bel. 6, 12 and and |3 years ‘from “November 29th, Lol 16, Bik. 30; \% cash, bal. 6, 12 and fs 1S months. SECTION FIVE. Lots sere 138 ye 139, Bik. 34; % Lots 12 and 13, Bik. 2; % cash, bal. cash, bal. 1 and 2 yesrs. : : 8 and 12 montbs. Lots 3, eed 36; % cash, bal. Lot 8, Blk. 5; % cash, bal. ‘6 and 18 c ee ss months. & cash, bal. 6 Lots 17 and 18, Blk. 17; % cash, bal. cash, bal. 6, 6, 12 and 18 months ee % cash. b 6. 12 and Lot 7, Bik. 18; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 je case, Des, ©, 25 Sue _% cash, bal. 6, 12 and % cash, bal. 6, 12 and a cent off deferred % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 2; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and * bt 5 per cent off deferred % cash, bal. 6, 12 and cash. / ona cash, bal. #25 4 cash, ba 12 apd ee nth, s Has 4-room % cash, bal 12 and Lots 1 and % cash, bal i ; Os. 28; -48 th Has & oa Rae naling cabins renting $7 ; 1$ months ot hie oat a Pp Lots 19 and 20, Bik. 3 } cash, bal 167, Bik. 39; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 1 and 2 years. 15 per cent off de-» 1$ months a had ; ferred payments for cash Lot 19 3 cash, bal 2 Lot 17, Bik. 42; 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 and i nea Sas ; anc 18 months. Lé Fee Bete SF ee ee SECTION SIX. Lot 21, Bik. 46; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 41, Blk. 7; 1-3 cash, bal. 3 years 1% months Lot 17, Bik. 11; 44 cash, bal. 6 and 12 Bik. 4¢ \% cash, bal. 6, 12 and months. t Lot 16, Bik. 18; % cash, bal and 12 ae if « cash, bal, 6, 12 and months Has 2-storey building, 24x ionths 36, plastered. Store below Six liv- Bik. 4 % cash, bal. 6, 12 and ing rooms above; water. nths > ' 31k % cas 1. 6, 12 ar SECTION SEVEN. oS Pree . Lots 78 and 79, Bik. 3; 1-3 wash, bal. 6; % cash, bal 12 and 1, 2 and 3 years Lot 19, Blk. 5; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 46; % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 18 months. Lot 24, Blk. 5; ™% cash, bal. 6, 12 and 4c 4 cash, bal. 1, 2 and 18 months. Lots 17 and 18, Bik. 6; \4 cash, bal. 4c cas bal. 6 and 12 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, Bik. 8; % cash, 4 cash, bal. 6 and 12 bal. 6. 12 and 18 months. All to be sold together. 38, 4 cash, bai Lot 6, Blk. 12; % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 18 3 years. ?; 14 cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lots 5 and 6, Bik. 24; %& cash, bal. 6 and 12 months. % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Let 12, Blk. 24; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months 9; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lots 1 and 2, Bik. 32; 1-3 cash, bal. 12, 18 months 18 end 24 months. Lot 17, Bik. 49; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and all cash. 18 months Lot 7, Bik. 46 O. M. Helgerson, Limited Real Estate Brokers Offices: Helgerson Block F. A. ELLIS, Auctioneer —_——~ With the Object of Developing Friendly Ties Between the Na- tions, Distinguished orn Visit Tsar’s Empire. Press Despatch. PORT ESSINGTON NOTES WATER IS PLENTIFUL BUT NOT MORE THAN ENOUGH SCANT SNOWFALL THIS “WINTER MAY MEAN REAL WATER SCARCITY IN SUMMER—SHOULD USE SAWATLANS SUPPLY AS SOON AS POSSIELE. A visit on Sunday to the dams, fronted in the summer dry - on the mountain showed that/son with a prospect of water there is a good reserve of water|scarcity, which, in view of the stored now, and yet the inflow|increased consumption as com- from the mountain to the dams/pared with previous years, may is so exactly counterbalanced by/|armount to a real water famine if the consumption in the cily that|cnuly the present supply is de- the water in the dam from which, pended on. The urgent need the city supply is directly drawn therefore of having the Wood- cannot rise enough to flow over worth pipe line constructed as far the spillway. There is enough) as Shawatlans Lake and the Morse water coming in on the mountain|Creek pumping plant established to render the pumped extra sup-|there is obvious. Alderman Mont- ply from Hays Creek unnecessary|gomery is the champion of this proposition principally in council has his doubts of the qual- at present, but the Morse Creek pump replaces this augmentation)! as he source. jily of Morse Creek water in suim- Owing to the scanty snow falljmer, though it has passed the this year the city will be con-jtests all right for this season. oe The Best Procurable. Absolutely pure Se eee i ccipeicacbastinetgernioaemaresoess —— '“The News” Classified Ads. | One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== ermB] es ++ ees] et . THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE me es er EE ip einamnatiereencrne nee o_o re aa LEFT ON CAMOSUN { For Rent Phone 150 Among the passengers § t bocce a | The Insurance People on the favorite steamer Camos FOR RENT- Two rooms, over Walla e's Fire yesterday were the following ply H. 8. Wallace. a Maris Miss Marie Rowley. + pia ceaieeil aahaait Miss Keeley j ‘P late Glass J. Dennis en. Insurance j Employe hae iabili vy, . ’. Moore ; ‘ 5 Contractors’ anc -ersona onds na : K aes arene Policies Written Direct te Carns. |OUR C soted for pr mpt and just THE Dr. Quinlan. petthoasenta, We. giie every known f k R & | E. McPherson | Insurance. ‘The Mack Resity ani Insurance C Mac e nsurance Ck ‘ Wilsor , | eer eer ere ete COMPANY. ; - = “ speek re | { P.S.— Houses and Rentals. Cc. B. Wark. Wanted Wm. Church Eon Bievens. eu ~~ < nt en “garaanae nee tog A SPECIALTY J. D. Wells. Sth st Rae poo A. J. Walters. TWO gentlemen to share room and board John Webber 412 Fou een oe 4: |Dressmaking and ‘ant Malate D. W. Church. | CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs. Cleaning & Pressing Work Done and three prisoners in charge of; eee eee: Se Sve tr SOO HOPE See | WANTED — Restaurant outft, especially /533 8th Avenue Prince ssc ee Cree cusats range, also bedding and cheap furniture | i yeh about ten rooms. P. O. box 105 ———————— 9-t ENGLISHMEN eg Pp. POST & 00. For Sale | Seema eee reer ncrernth | | ror sale—Iron bedstead and spring, $ REAL ESTATE ae as 261 3rd (near News office 3t ee ed TERRACE a eo Filet cs a Rad Business Chances THE I don. FY bee Headed by James W am Lawthe speas f the Hous f Cor ms, a dis- FLORIDA—Learn about Madis tinguished party ding a hed cae eo tit is, Obi bet imbe f embers of Parha- te heaper, for @ al farming, stock ent, peers, bishops and men | nureies, “‘ralirads Free woot! = @Ction Eight affairs, left for Russia today. The BOARD OF TRADE, Madison, Florida. 2t t of the visit is ihe Gesire Pe et Sale of Sixty Picked Lots sea en | Lost and Found On Very Easy Terms LIS EMAL CXISE | deme err ere er ere ere EMPRESS THEATRE ntries, iF ST—Tie pin with ruby setting. Reward rEeir ey at News (Office 29-35 Mr. Bourough, accountant for} Thursday, Feb. Sth, 1912 the Wes¢holme Lumber Co., has At 8 o'Clook Prompt eee un At naciness| Second Hand Store f himself. Mr. F.C. Clark, for-| Al) kinds of New and Second Hand | Mr. Frank A. Ellis, duly in- merly. of the Victoria Colonist, Goods Bought and Sold. ‘citi. edii anil oi have eo l suceeec {chy Jeti sansa acti sight ie will suc i him. F. M. CROSBIE 3rd Ave. | the following Phone Red 243 Between 7th and 8th St. Choice Residential Lots. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE SECTION EIGHT. The ena river Is now aha ey ise ata e Seen S, 9 and 40, Block 1, Edwards avenue for navigation, the ice havin Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | | 2 broke! i Range 5 * Take notice that Il, Abraham H. Barber, | | k Mrs. Enrich was the hostess] or prince Rupert, B.'C., occupation miner, f sane yleasant reception | tend to apply .for permission to purchase | | ‘ @ very’; Pigpsent =! : the following described lands: Lots given to Mrs. J. E. Gilmore last] Commencitr a post planted at the) Lots 2 Pee ck ee q | Southwest of @ small island about} Lots & 2 s lay evening. The were @) twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2 Elevent rege fumber present, and every- hair ast of the northwest corner of Lot) Lots GO; ae ‘7:3 k I ent ars ate . . ’ , 1323, Range 5, Coast District, Porcher avenue, India D one voted the affair a huge suc-| Island, thence following the shore line in| Lots 3, 4, 6. 7. 8 Block 37, E ‘ a northeasterly direction about twenty avenue. cess. 20) chains to the north end of the Iisland,! Lots 1 29, 3 I k 38. Justin street thence ir a southwesterly direction along) | b k 19. Tenth av é GAA aaa Part ” the shore line about twenty (30) chains | Lot k § Kelliher s . ow. to the point of commencement, being an || 2 ‘ Whereas, the workers of Van-| isiana containing about forty (40) acres, s ae °C e ine > selves inal! ya{ | More or less, L Egypt st t couver find themsely Pe ABRAHAM H. BARBER. i EOE tee eee hard and tyrannical situation Dated Dec. 6th, 1911. through present industrial con- UT, OC. 48s ditions, and ti a ek Pee Or PAYMENT: Riciotiansl Eaey Whereas, the Mayor and Coun-| "Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk $5 eil of ~OuVver ave resorte ,| of Victoria, intend to apply for rmission evV0 Cash pel! t, balance § i! of Vancouver have 1 ried tO} t, purehasé the following described lands: |, 4 mah in pics See et Russianized methods to prevent Commencing at a post planted on the /PCr month, 5 per cent per a Wi I : oie at id al east boundary and about five (5) chains | them it thei constitutional] trom the southeast corner of Lot 4484, ee rights of assemblage and free| ‘hemce north 60 chains, thence east 30 ee 4 F | chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west Lot 13, Block 40, § tt speech to discuss these condi-| 30 chains to point of commencement, con- | h« rey and a ha ed r ae taining 180 acres, more or less. me k This is a ot tions, PAUL CURTISS. t st 2 lots), with f ages on Be it resolved, that we, citizens _, Fred E. Cowell, Agent. { avenue and Ninth avenue ‘ Dated Oct, 31, 1911. Lots 7. 8. 9 = of Prince Rupert, in mass meet- Pub. Dec. 9. eer Bec 10, Block 31, Sectior ing assembled, hereby express our| % ae is beer tak : erms of Payment— cash, bala f condemnation f the inhuman Skeena Land District—District of Coast,|!? 4nd 18 month, 8 per cent per a " actions of said council through} Range 5. ; ac the ri i and unted lice| ,Take notice that 1, Theodore Nichalis, : eir armed and mounted poOlce) ariver, of Victoria, B: C., Cen. intend © N. B.—AIl the above lots offe in riding down an unarmed and] 4pply for permission to purchase the fol- . . 4 ; ‘ , ie | lowing described lands: athe id's exceptional! opportunity for lucra peaceable opel assembiage arn Commencing at a post plante a € e estment Jame } the larreat d imprisonment of | 30uthwest corner of Lot No, 2287, thence SVE IBY Panel Remember, the : wee & imp nme feast 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, | diry dock will very shortly be com- their speakers, and | thence west 40 chains, thence south 46 : ’ F : ’ : roa Z | chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north |!menced and property in that lo- se it further resolved, that we) 80 chains to point of commencement, con-| «4 )ity wil] be reatly in demand ledge our sur nt f the fight |} taining 480 acres, more or less. ss . e* Pe as are = re eine 7 eed THEODORE NICHALIS, Ur ces for freedom and constitutional] Fred E. Cowell, Agent. : F Dated Oct. 31, 1911. For any rther particulars rights, and Pub. Dec. 9. apply Be it further resolved, that a} ; copy of this resolution be mailed} a . ‘ se Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar to the Mayor in council of Van-|! ‘Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of Van- rank A. Ellis couver and also that copies be | Byer B. C., occupation carpenter, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following presented to the press of} aneartoes, Nenae: at post planted at the con- | Auctioneer and Appraiser , Prince Rupert, Vancouver and the | @uenee of Blackwater river with Naas river, about lal % x } two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegraph Phone 44 Albert Block abor press, cabin. Post marked T. A. W.8. E. Corner, ¢ ee | This resol] oO as assed ¢ 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence This 1 lution was passed at) 8 chs ae Berets mente 90 Sane Sete ees of | a meeting held in the Majestic | commencement, containin 640 cores mare or lane. a ee THOMA THU 7 Theatre, Prince Rupert, B. C.,, Dated Sept, 23, 1911. MAB AR February 4th, 1942. it | Po N C. B. Wark, the jeweller, left on the .Camosun, taking all his household effects with him. | THE WEATHER. ire i Twenty-four hours ending 5 | a. m., February 5: Bar, 30.072;| max, temp., 51.0; min. temp.,| 43.0; precipitation, .44. McBride and Single Tax Mr. Fels, the millionaire single |taxer, tells of a conversation he | had with Premier McBride of Bri- tish Columbia. “I asked him | how he liked single tax.” don't like it,’ he replied, “but it is | coming.” rer 9 Tr Re es momen oe Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se- attle, Wash., occupation woodsman, in- tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted For Rent, four miles east of the Naas River and about /Oilice on Second venue five miles north of Alyansh, thence west : ’ | eighty chains, thence south elghty chains, close to Government office. $20 thence east eighty chains, thence Doren | | eighty chains to point of ‘commencement. “SLARENCE BOWEN. j H. P, Rutter, Agent. a Dated Oct. 31, 1911, 3-room house on Fifth ave- Pub. Dec, 14, . nue; partly furnished. . Skeena Land Digits —District of Coast, 5. Take notice that 44 Dagobert Aurioi, of | kero 7 Nanaimo, B. C., at I Dao miner, intend i-room house, across Hays to apply for permission to purchase the ‘ree} following described lands: v Ureek $15 Commencing at a post planted at She _ southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence 80) 40 chains, thence west 40 chains. Woe, nerth 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing eF| acres, more or less. DAGOBERT AURIOL, | Fred &, Cowell, Agent. | Date Nov. 10th, 1094 Pub. Dee. 9. ' Second Ave. G.R.NADEN COMPANY Limited, Prince Rupert, B,C | LAND LE Skeena Land Dist Bie ake notice that | | Prince Ru iper BA | eer, intend t acres of land Commencing at of the Tyee Sta : 7 I- 4 mil a j | westerly cha r grade to point 70 acres more Date Jan. 31, i9 Pub. Fet ) Skeena Land | section 1, $1,995; $1,000] g Nake notice : Saanich, B. ¢ i ; and 18 mo t 7 S 0 as O apply f pert 4s section 1, $¢ 10; $2,50 lowing described ; 1 } Commencing at 14, section 1, $16,000; \% | 50Utheas rhe x by 2 and 3 years of the 4 7, section 1, $2,500 each; | 7 ‘4 eee 2 and 3 years chains », section 1, $6,500 pair; | point 1 , 12 and 18 mo hundred and twe & thre section 5, $1,500; 8 less and 18 mo | . 28, section 5, $525; $225 eorge Young. Agso Dated Nov. 15, 1911 \eeut er ree mo | : i is every three months | Pub. Dec. 18, 1911 7, section 6, $1,750; % | $3 a 38 WO: | Skeena Land Dis: m 6, $1,600; 81,000 Cha Queca and 18 mo Take 10lice " 21, section 7, $1,500; %| Victoria, pa Gor, of ? to apply bg 16, section 7, $650; $300 Pe 4 0 > mo . : a | and 12 m se three-quar . section 7, $550 each;! the southwest per month Inlet, thence east : section 7 #6 ; $20 south to the no ; thence west ne t sectio g or .aeh- | 185, tuence nort , soe m ck" » CACO; | east to the beach, t . : “ point of commence Two section 8, $315 each;| hundred and forty a ‘ #75 cash, bal. $15 per mo Two fronts | less, - Two | lock 16, section 8, $300 each; | i 87? , bal. 815 per mo j ; g &, Agent One lot, block 40, section 8, $375, $100 bem nae ash, bal. $15 per mo : FOR SALE. |; Skeena Land Distr | sari ¥ af Restaurant on Second avenue . 3 Farm land at Lakelse, only $25 per acre./ of Saanic bh. | ; uM, tends & a FOR RENT. following bed ase ie | r t rner Second avenue and Seventh} Commencing at 4 at the street $s utheas t oJ . eremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. i Phone 317 SECTION 1 ooor NEW HAZELTON MAI t t fron © Northern I N tneelar stand Company Ree a oo in| I i i Section i il tow f New Hazelton, Skeena Land t I : i Kelly Town . | . Section 1 is at t and al-| Tak t tt business section of New! Sas i saxétton, so-called the Kelly Townsite. it apy f t Three-quarters of the bullidings are on! lowing es lots sold by us in Section 1. | Cor 4 t I tf es are t t advar Ss L al t D t miss 4 t i ’ mis 4 ‘ i v 4s sa be é ast . : FORT GEORGE i he British mbia Gove rnmen é mised to t 1, ort t a Dated Nov. 14 Vancouver, Fort George and the Pea Pub. Dec, 15, 191! ee. D at re. val wit Edmonton, Goleary and Winnipeg. All Information Free. LAND PURCHAS TICES PRINCE RUPERT ae RENT t ja . e , | Skeena Land Dist ang a er - Take notice tt Le * vows ey" 3 ; Rupert, B. C, oceupat ‘ ots . c ©, #19) to apply for permissoc wing , ’ i a described lands FOR SALE | Commencing at ® post t |} in @& mortherly uirec Lot and av section | post of Lot 1329, Range x * i ' | east 30 chains, thence an s west to bank of river ¥ ing ae 0% bank of river to poir ° tainine more k } $2 “1 Dated Ser 1 ; i Sir 7 4 t | Pub, Oct. 10, io ee ‘ 2 82 4 is Skeena Land Th. COLLART Take notice tha Sole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. at Is Bcx 805 225 6th &t. Phone 881) w ‘ ‘ . . Exclusive Offerings Pr Dated Oct. 31, 191 ; Pub. Dec. 9 —in ' | ‘ REAL ESTATE | Skeena Land Distric : Lot 6, E k 2 Section 1, $2 Terms | y oor ee I f 887 ‘ Balance in 1, 2 at cn crane ‘permis . , foll described 314 ir e _— : Commencing at & vest med {4 southeast corner of { aS and 49, Block 1, $8 to the northeast t ; . ; : a south to bea ys Mg 7" 14, $7 ui point of mmencel ' nundre nd four (104 %, Block 2 Secti 2, $9 Hunted and « cas i” lot 1 I k Section a1 | ELI : Dated Noy. 1 101 ae $6, Block 9, Bect $2,1 Pub, Dec, 15, 1011 pa Lots 11 B K 4, Section $1,260 i ce 1 termi Skeena Land t I f I " with bath, on nge 1 xt 1 é Small cash Take notice J i pply past Balance a4 t penter, of Victoria, I ving Lot vith house, Block Section 5,] for permission to purcha ror 9 Good terms described lands + ont Lot 25, Block 22, Sec 81 Half Commencing at 4 [ ; » and one-half mites 1 4 Lot 2 Block 1 Section 22 ). Good! intake of Trout Riv 7 f Lakelse Lake, and a ts 4 and I k 7, Section 6, $2.800.] back from the wate $1,300 cash 80 chains, thence west sins I $ 11 and 12, Block Section 6, $3,850] north 80 chains, thence s 64 pa point of commencemen Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, $600. Goed| acres, more or less. er term JOHN Ag I Block 21, Sect 7, $52 Good | Fred | tein | Dated Oct. 31, 1911 I i I k ¢ Section 7 00 s 0 Pub, Dec. 9 4 balance ¢ 12 and 18 m nths sid I 1 and 2, Ff k 16, Seetion 7, 8900,} Skeena Land District D Ka terms | Take notice that |, Ja : inet Lots 40 and 41 ock 6, Section 7, 81,100] of Vancouver, B. ¢ , palr ng student, intend to apt nds J $ ind 34, Block 23, Section 8, $900) t oO purchase the followll naa ying pa Fa terms | Commencing at at , ! Quarter section of Lakelse Valley land for| east of Naas River and 4 ‘ i? per acre | pre-emption ho, 3¥/ 7 t ! scres of land at Francols Lake, $7 per| chains north, thence 24 : _ 1000 terms | 40 chains south, following na River farm lands in ten acre tracts,| thence 62 chains e4 ‘ }mencement; containing meee or less, N INSURANCE— Poet Ae KR. H rh ot M Dated Prince Rupert, Dec. ! cla rery i ONS! pub. vec. 13. . of Cassia THIRD AVENUE Skeena Land District-—-D f Seatlit Take notice that Frank ! 5 Wash,, occupation ae TT . th apply for permissto n » | lowing described lands: ‘a t sis Commencing at @ post I as al miles east of the Naas 2 seven miles north of Alyal 1 8 eighty chains, east oe pole? cE elehty chains, west eigh of commencement PUREY FRAN agent H. P. A 9 om ** Prince Rupert Lodge 1.0.0.F. No. Meets in the ars Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in city reguested visit the lodge. are to A. DOUGLAS, N, G, W. G, BARRIE, See, | the | Dated Oct, 31, Pub, De 14. Advertise 12 The Daily News