PAf.l TWO SUMMER SHOES In All Their Latest Colours And Styles Wedge Heels, Dutch Boy, Box Heels and Flange Heels in combination colors in brown and white, wine and white and green and white and multi colors. The Snappiest Shoes on the Market Up From J $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlnre Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ..... Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire ana "United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising ner triird. ner insprtton DAILY EDITION SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7:00 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc.. call or write City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. V-17-29 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 Saturday, June 24. 1939. BRITISH BUSINESS BETTEK T T Umrnoc mol'infT on DnnnnmiV ffVtPUzt. in t flP Cup Finalists Share Bis Gate LONDON, June 24: (CP--Statc-ment of accounts placed before the annual general meeting of the Foot mouth, the English Cup finalists, each received L5.380 $25,280 as' their share of the Tlnal "gate." They, with Grimsby Town audi Iluddersfleld Town, finalists, each took frftm the .opml-flnnl The England versus Rest of Eu- pert rope match at Highbury brought a series National League W. Cincinnati 37 !St. Louis 32 New York j02 Local teaders, per line, per Insertion 25 Chicago News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations New York. 44 11 .800 'hrowL two-badger THE DAILY NEWS Saturday Jun u PRINCE RUPERT TAKES OPENER OF KETCHIKAN BASEBALL BY 10 TO 7 receipts iook is.ssb mo,wa irom Held, was the winning pitcher. Tlar-the cup semi-finals and 16,452 ry Ludwlgsen, the new Ketchikan ($178,3241 from the Wembley final moundsman. Vhom the locaU had Baseball Scores National League New York 7. Cincinnati 0. Brooklyn 1. Pittsburg 2. Philadelphia 3. Chicago 4. .American League Cleveland 12. Philadelphia 5. Detroit 7, Washington 4. Baseball Standings 31 31 Brooklyn 27 Pittsburg 26 Boston ,22 Philadelphia 17 nn-tn "'" 52 toe brought In Comadlna and Lindsay In eighth Inntngi. Art Uljestrand r-i.wi-.nA -" " it ms s'wundsen, who was to prove the! 'batted for Stedman In eighth Detroit Chicago monthly letter of the Royal Bank of Canada, suggests that , Washington the volume of business in Great Britain during the present st. Louis financial year will exceed that of any oth;r.year by a "h-' stantial margin. This prophesy is oased mainly on tnej fact that the government proposes to spend at least six; hundred and thirty million pounds on the defence budget, of which not less than three hundred and fifty million' pounds will be borrowed. This spending is twice as great t proportionately as that of the United States Under the' Roosevelt administration. This will give employment, iti is estimated, to approximately a million more people. At; L. 20 22 27 28 28 29 33 36 31 !28 27 29 22 34 23 37 17 39 Pet. , little dirrieulty In Tlndlng. gave way to Gay lfelland rn the eighth but the change made no difference lo ,the outcome. One of the largest crowds that has been seen on the Acropolis Hill grounds In many a day was on hand to witness the game and the Interest that was displayed augurs well for the remainder of the series which continues tonight and tomorrow afternoon. ' The second inning scoring merry-go-mond started when Wlndle !made a safe single which went 64j hit a grounder Into left field and 593 scored Wlndle Comadlna got to i34j first when Ludwlgsen tossed the 25 pick-up to second for an unsuc 491 cessful trap play on Bury between second and third. Lindsay ground- ... unless wunaer oi ine evening, wav"B- 304 ClussiFiEl) FOR SALE out. second to rirst. Johnson's Prince Ruperts-Minor Slmund -J ' , single scored Ourvlch and Stiles. J n cf., Walter Johnson 3b.. Alex :f Mitchell singled and Johnson went Mitchell 2b., Benny Wlndle ss.. to second. With Wlndle up ror the second time In the innlne. Ludwlgsen threw the ball away to secorfd and Johnson came safely home bift the ball was at the plate before Mitchell arrived. Ketchikan's big Inning was the irourth when the visitors scored 'four runs as a result of fast work on the bases. Mclsaac. the Urst City's heavy hlttlna third sar-'. was hit by the pitcher. Eastham present the number of Unemployed in Britain is set at a-roR SALE-Modern House. 3 bed-.bunted and Johnson dropped the - - . . . . i aam m 4T.a.Mft ill ii iu.' nnnsp ianna1 n tamu million and a half. While the situation resembles to some extent that in Germany it is with the difference that, while Great Britain can hope to finance the large expen rooms, furniture, beds, dressers, throw. Bauer fanned and Jones China cabinet, chesterfield, etc.iw at first on a fielder':: Phone Green 284. 148 choice, Mclsaac being safe at the j plate on a close call. Continuing ditures, Germany, Italy and Japan cannot hope to do so.'PIAl? D'nInR a"d K,uen .squeeze play tactics. Brooks bunted h thnso onrnitTMoc ac i rncn nf nvoctxiunt n in nn. w auu wuibi was sale lor parations, the standard of living is falling. In Britain tain the tendency is for it to rise. IN CANADA TOO rica naving a nag. Canada must have a flag soon, so why not now? I practically new. Phone Black 816. uv-ss ,q iiiiiciu iiica, an Mirror-Rack, Bookcase. Kitchen- other Ketchikan run. Smith hit ware. Pugsley. 320 2nd Ave. Blue I safely to right field and scored 53. (149) Jones and Brooks. Ludwle.ten tiviW ABBOTT" Professional Trumpet .i" J" SA" The visitors dded another hi Mr. Keynes says nothing about the situation in Can-! for quick sale Launch "Vic- the firth. Mcissac singled to lert ada but it is certain that the expenditures of large sums of money on defences is bound to absorb a good deal of local labor. It will increase the trade of the country and make it seem more prosperous. It was something that had to be done yet Ave do not like having to do it. That is one of the penalties of living in this age of militarism. For a few years at any rate it puts off having to undertake any mportant public works in order to find employment for everybody. WHY NOT A FLAG Now that we have a King of Canada why not have a flag of Canada? Some people think it might be looked upon as a disloyal act to cnoose a flag of our own but no one ever suggested that Australia was disloyal when that, country -put the Southern Cross on a Union Jack and rail. ed it the flag of -Australia. No one objected to South Af tory" complete with dinghy. $275 Held and stole second while East cash. Phone Black 805. (150) ham was up.- Eastham was out, n.vvm- . second to first. Bauer got first Cnl. rllrC Kli I when Lindsay chose to make a FOR RENT-Two. rooms and bath., bad lM f plate. Mclsaac reliable people only. 411 7th At- "qufez,"18, jn. Jones Hied out lo enue West. t.f. "f third W nJd first. tand Brooks waa do' iFORRENT For 3 months, furnish-1 Ketchikan tied up the count at? ed cottage, fully modern. Phone six all In th sixth. Smith crackeJ Red 168. (148) out a hot grounder to left field and was safe ot ,rst- Ludwlgsen iVAVTPn 1AIlilJ was oilt nltrhpr flrt RfpHmiin WANTED - Modern home, threi ,,em 0Ul w 'r"- pmaer nil into bedrooms, good foundations, r'6nt rield w core Smith. Mclsaac cash proposition. Address Dallv wa deliberately walked and East-News stating location and price. ham nled out 10 centre Held. "i Prince Rurwrt wrnt two ahead i " was saie at wnna. wtnaies saie porters seek connections with hlt ,nto de ,eft fleId Knd Canadian producers or manufac-, ,ohnson Burv Mt (lrgt m a turers. Samples, ofrers ror mer- ,,. rmnrtina wa afe on sec chandlse of all descriptions, prln- iond and Wlndie KOtei wnen cipally fish producU, and terms Bauer fumbied, Lindsay was out solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, ,on a nice -running catch by Smith. buiubcu, oeuyiwaji nouse, win neba, Gold Coast, British West ' Africa ir. PERSONAL YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- peK. Manitoba. tf. BE READY FOR EXAMINATIONS. We have helped hundreds to obtain positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examln-j ers, Clerks and Stenographers, etc. Free booklet of lnrormatlon. M. C. C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. if. HOLIDAYS Try SANGAN river HOLIDAY CAMP This Year Situated on the Finest Sea- Beach In Canada Apply to MRS. DUNN, Massett, Queen "charlotte Islands, ror Full Particulars Scooo Bury If., Johnny Comadlna rf.. Jack Lindsay p.. Dido Ourvlch c Sonny Stiles lb. Score by Innings: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ketchikan 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 07 P. Rupert 0 6 0 0 0 0 2 2 010 I .'I Hits Prince Rupert. 7. Ketch!-Id kan, 8. g SPORT CHAT well as they did a rootball, Den ver rugby coaches protested at the raising or scholastic standards fori athletes.. Protests got them Athol, Idaho, high school won the district's baseball chamnlon- ship two years In succession. Thel first year there were 10 boys hi the school and one dldnt play' baseball. This year all played. o Johnny McCarthy. Pittsburg PIr- ' ates fielder, almost had a flying j foul ball over by the grandstand wnen a r.m iihu .. .. . .vuvmiu If U W UliU caught It. And the fan wa n rriend Johnny had brought In on'5 a pass. i CONNECTIONS WANTED In the seventh. Johnson "walked.l Dr. A. Boyce Barrow. 04-venr nM 1S.1--1I L.. 4 . J A. u .! . t . rvi i iA 1 1 p 1 1 uiinin mil. m nil iiriri.iiik itir nnru nvnfft nni . UITST Ifriran lmrvrfr and . . V : , T " ,7 . "u rcon, aiea wnen tne car in "which h(. was travelling hit a lamp-stand ard at Walthamstow. England. 1 There were eight grades in the Callow. Washington, grade school and one boy In each erade Tn up riles on right field. the rirst bounce at There's been a White So team (In Chicago since 1878 when that! was the name or the National League entry. When they became the Cubs, Charles Comlskey -called his transplanted 'St, Louis Ameri-' can club the "White Sox" In 1890. Jople Waalberg, Holland's holder ,or world breast stroke records, may swim at Leeds and Sheffield swimming meets this month. She win be pitted against Doris Storey, TWO FILMS Today's Bride FEATURED, Watches Pence -.Man To Remember" and "WeVe CHICAOO, June 2 (Joint to lie Rich" At Capitol Theatre "Man to Remember." dram of Yorkshire hokfer of the national I title. Formerly a racing eyeltst. now a London opera basso. Eric Pime cycles to keep fit He Wke to ride to the Savoy Ilolei. rendezvous of limousines, for hta luneh A team of s4x Artenttne golfers has arrived m England to compete in the open ehamplonthlp at 8t. Andrew's. o o 0 l o Because or the current inten- 8 sive training or conscripts and 2 territorial army recruits, the Brl- 0 tlsh territorial army will not com- 5? pete In this year's Blsley. g might not handle a text book as "Mis I.-OrevHle was defeated In the Middlesex women's double tennis championship match In London the other day. "MLm Ore-vllle" U the pseudonym of Princess Maria Christina of Spain. year'i June bride elf for $208. aav , Mfc a . h a irvn I iih; kiBiwn a iiiifH . iiniiiii. 1 1 1 1 r- iiiiiirv as ilia m ., i 11 . v. . vm: .nil 1 1 ct 1 1 1 1 111 iia&iwiiai ljvi iui fi iiiii v !" 1 - Over Week-End ' In "Man to Remember" Edward he and Lee Bowman as his son. The story covers a period of twenty years, starting with the return of BunchinL' their hits for six nins in the second Inning th. d(ielnr to his native town 4i the V other semi a,ul tang advanUge of the breaks to add a couple morejstart life over anew with his small mo toiPi . , 1.982 $9ji5 i 0,,.. an,i eighth innintrs. Prince WuAn "r the death tf hu wife. Lingerie takes $15. such as gloves unl itount for $12. Ourvlch filed out to lfft field. fighting of an epidemic of Infan- tor la.- mine eignin. ueuana nowpucn-;tlle paralysis Is one of the for Ketchikan In place of Ltid- mall- hlahllthu or the stnrv. thei wigsen. sines waicea ana aimun-sen got to first v.hen Stiles wa thrown out at second.. Johnmn sent out a well placed hit and sen stole second.. Wlndle's sIn?lM ; scored SimundVen and Johnson also came across when the ball was thrown away In loose Bury fanned. play. The game ended In the ninth when Bauer fanned. Jones singled to right field and Brooks and ror three bases as Wills Miller. Smlln plher to first. In J out In the right field Harden. let fau,ck succession. 1,1 1 it . i . K Qtf)n Mvrln Iimn1 rf Knll mc uau go inruugn nis less, uury " -j v u ...j ana simes ana cyrri msjr orn- dated on the bxtes. The teams: Ketchikan Vern Stedman 2b. Joe Splnder cf.. Mickey Mclsaac 3b.. Bill Eastham lb.. Dick Diufr "400 ed to short and Bury was out at . Willis Miller rf 'replaced by third. Ourvlch got to first when Vern Jones In thlrd. Bob Brooks Easthan dropped Ludwlesen'ilc. Vern Smith If.. Harry Ludwle- ser by SUles wn p. 'replaced by Oay Helland " "Ala. the National Ooiuun;. t. 'mission h-r- n. .-' the horse and buggy doctor days, nd her bridal g: t a I?1- ana -were ----- uom? to ue men,- 1 - serave miss &o. an aji t r fm and Oracle Fields, comprises an four dresses, a bi t. :? t , .nt.rtxl.ltiio H.,llht- hill nt SUlt Pi IT KtvtHt 0I...1 .. d Capitol Theatre here tonight only. !' iiowi $22. ciothii, in . trousseau-u,ir. ' bail Association showed that Wol-: LarKC Crowd of Fans Sees Home Town Win Out in First ails u cut u a small town phy;three hat, cvntin $ - , Jr vwrhamnton Wanderers and Ports-i n - . .. 1 tl..... owi.i-.. 1.1. .-j'nir kr t.n.. .j 1 HOIT1IAIL ros.rosu, uwing to the int. t took the opening same of the international baseball J eThirhV es from Ketchikan last night by a coreof ten to ?ev-iefffCt upon ythe tUe commvmU Prince Rupert. Sen,, inZ:! g gate-or 5,075 ($23,750). en. Jack Lindsay, playing a steady game nnd being ac-.which looks upon him as a failure1"11 urn of ti, t n The F A. for percentage of the corded consistem support by his, "" lis dramatically depicted. ThHL,,U' ,ul Mn0" v Ore obscure old pracUtloner tmerg- MlNloit scoiT Mirr Ing as the hero of the hour. There CRIEFF SaoUand, ,TU , 2 n 1 also a romantic ollmax -European ten, x ' "We're Ontas to Be Rich" hn...ii.,i . . Stiles advanced to third. Mltchen:. hithKn tmf.minr .tinn f'::: Z'T?'-m " ' VI c x ranned. With Wlndle up. Slmund the world as its locale That see. herein the groanc .VL iiiuu is nuiimna biiu wit kih'Mi nnl miuilh t .. f - Is Melbourne of the Eighties. Th. story Is that of a ne'er-do-well dreamer and hu music hall songstress wife In the boom days. Brian Don levy heads the supporting east Ut MeLanien and Mfet Fields, being the third mrmbcr of the triangle. Orrmany planned , however MISS VI KI Dressmaker Ladle' and OiUdrvi'i Alteration Mwlmtt hkt rhone r.nrr.N tit 717 ntASlR ST, NEW ROYAL HOTEL " J ZareV r . v. r -A IIOMF. AHT.IT IHOM . HOMr Rain 1M it 50 Rooms H'lsCOlvViter Prince Rupf Bc Phone 211 f.O.BiilM ooooooooooooooooooooooooooovwooooooooooooooooooocooct Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&iats The Rexall Store rhones: 11 & 12 Open Daily from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 P--7 p.m. (Ill 9 p.m. ""C . wWwwvrwwwvirvrwuwvwuuww"-- in the school marm who scooped Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COURSE CHICKEN DINNER At The Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Phone 71 COAL Grain Feed Sccd and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO Phones 58 and M