gaturday, June 24, JMfl. Hotel Arrivals Shower Is Held At Digby Island Prhrf- ttirprH C Arthur A .nd Vancouver." R t Ldward. Lovi Inlet; Dr. C. A. Anr -.rong and 5 "M. Flteh, Port r'T . Mrs. J. F Wtchlearifl son, W Rudland, t:. .and Dlttby. Knot 1 ;e Brown, city. Royal C'toOlsen, tlty. Third Avenue Invernes; t)J Mr and Mn. Alfred Teed, -who been spending some time In V. : :3uver where Mr. Teed was re. --.v;ng treatment for an eye Injury, passengers aboard the Prince fTvar yesterday returning Mitt YAnx VMttn llonorrd at At' fair Tttaraday Evening Mr nd Mr J. Olllett ncH n honor of Mis Edna Vlckers- Fkiv. y na MB. oiurtit Beiia t to be married shortly, a Cx.a ,iiupf Wfll-wUhlng friends made Ceneral ja shower fjreisentatlon at the home A, Andersen ana intx ueignvm, r Mm. u. k. mrciay at tne Mar line Station, Digby Island, on Thursday evening last The even- Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Donoho ar rived In the city on Thursday night's train on their way back to their home at Massett after a trip to to Mayo Clinic at Rochester. Mln "nesota, CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH OraM Mhn Swanna Olafwi A.T.C.M. leader Senior Choir I. S. Wilton leader Junior Choir II, T. Ixwk MinUter Iter. J. C. Jarkcon SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10 ajn. tIon of Sunday School for Seaon i-i' will be an onen waalon In charge of Ken Harding. Presrlatlri of attendance awards 11 ajn. -Church Service 8ufcjrct- "Are We Hiding; From riod?1' ument of the Lord's Supper and Reception of members Anthem by Junior Choir Bread of Life" 8. Pease 7 30 p.m Subject "What Should Treacher Preach About?" Special Anniversary Purchase Of Trunks and Suit Cases That's just what this special purchase made possible Come and louk around and sec for yourself those super valnes! NOTK llurtng the Fifth annWerary Sale the utore will be open "tin 6 p.m. Saturday nlfht till 9 p.m. ELIO'S FURNITURE fhone fireen 916 CLEARANCE SALE KLEEN KOOK and SUPERFEX y The Perfect Oil "Rurning Kanse Clean Economical Efficient Special Bargain Price, including Water Poil, Installed Ready to Use Only $110 .. "Superfex" Controlled Heat . ' v OIL HEATER The ideal unit for fhe home Special Prices Installed , $41 and $51 Se us for Special Low Prices on Silent Glow Ranuc Humers. Satisfaction Guaranteed McCaffery's tf. Oeorfge Cripps, provincial assessor, left on Ust evening"' train for a trlD to Terrace on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Drysdle .LIU D..mIm Hrlll to mfiwnrprt " 111::: .Tw the : ' Guests "..Hiboard thePrinceOeorge this even- appropriate to occasion. Included Miss Edna Vlckers and Mrs. Frank VlcVers. Mrs. C. J. O.! Olen, Misses Dorothy and Evelyn' Macdonald, Mrs. C. R. Taylor, Mrs. M Montgomery, E. Ogara and T.E. P nner. MUs E. P. Orassle. -.issr r. sailed on the Cardena Ml M- Shiel. Mrs. Roy Lancaster morning for Namu. ind Mrs. O. Hill Jr. ing going through to Vancouver. Miss 8. A. Mills, principal of Bor den Street School, "win sail this ev ening on the Prince George for Vic toria where she will spend the sum mer vacation. Miss Joan Watt, daughter of Government Agent Norman A Watt, sailed last night on thi Princess Adelaide Tor Vancouver She will make a trip to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderwood . -m II.. (It-. mmIm i ana lamny arc samns iiib on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver en rout to Pentlcton where they plan on taking up future residence. Mrs. Bemlce McLean RX left on, last evening's train for Mayo Clinic at Rochester. Minnesota. Recently Mrs. McLean has been engaged In nursing at Port Esslngton. Last federal department to move from the old premises In the Dominion Block to the new Federal Building, the customs offices made the transfer yesterday aicemnon and this morning. Mr. and Mrs. P. Mork and two children will sail this evening on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Mork Is section fore man for the Canadian National Railways at Dorreen. Mrs. J. Fred Ritchie and son, J. Fred Ritchie Jr.. sailed this morn ing on the Cardena for Vancouver where they plan to take up future residence. Mrs. Ritchie has made hvr- home in Prince Rupert for thirty-two years and her departure is regretted by numerous mends. Rev. F. A. Anfield, principal of the Indian industrial school at Alert Bay. was In the city aboard th. Cardena this morning. He Is making the round trip, having come north In company with a large omun of native nuplls from the rhil returnlnz to their homes along the coast for the summer va cation. Announcements AD advertisements in this col-emn will be charged for a roll month at 2te a word. Band Parent's Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Husoy, June 29. Dominion Day Dance, June 30. Dominion Day Celebration Port Esslngton July 1, native war dance at close. C.NR.A. Excursion to Terrace July 1. Eagles Straight Bridge July 5. PrinCe Rupert Regatta and Dance July 20. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big ger and Better. Dance every Thursday, East End Hall. IN THE M THEME COVUT OK MUTISM COM Mm t IV f'KOIHTR In We Slattrr of Hi Aflmlnbtratlon AtX Anil In the Mallrr of th Kta of Johannr' A John Mlon nammrr, iirrnru, IntrMate Tin vnnPE th.t tor order of Hl Honor. W. B. F1shr, Uie l&tti day or t.iv. a. n. lujy. i vu uHnmwa w n.i.iMratnr nf ihn Mtate of Jahannrs fjiun HundlBjnmn', ouierwue nowu m John NUsan Hnunr, dnmmt, and all irttm having rfalma against th mild rotate re hwby rrplrrd to furnish am, properly Twlftd o me on k.rnr. V. 1u. rlnv or JulT. A. D mm r att rarttra lndAbtfd to the nttot are required to y th amount of their uvdemexinB to m iurwrwuu, DATED June ltMA, A. v. jvjw. NORMAN A. WATT Officio Administrator, fttoce. Rupert, B.C. ma to V O 1 .... . IBBWH't nna . - . i j".'hi ' . a . LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash (or Old Oold. Bulger!, tl Catholic Jane 29, Tea, Mrs. DONT FORGET Dominion Day Celebration July 1. Children's Sports, Softball and Football. (1 ft. C. St. Clair, district forester. left oh last evening's train for a trip to Smlthers on official duties. Mrs. C. McKeown and daughter returned to the City on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kenned and child of Wllkle, Saskatchewan after a briet visit to the city, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanson of Tanoo, Queen Charlotte Islands. where Mr. Hansen Is superintend ent for the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.., sailed last night on the Prln cess Adelaide for Vancouver. ANNUAL PICNIC Canadian Leg ion, B.E.S.L., Digby Island, Sunday, June "25th. Boats leave Cow Bay lOrOO am. till liSO'pm. Adults 50c Children accompanying parents free. t.f: Mrs. Al Skinner returned home on the Prince George yesterday morning from' Victoria where she has been convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H." Sutherland, since her return from Rochester, lilinn. Mrs. H. F. SllveTthorne. who has been visiting here for the past week with her husband, who Is superintendent of fortification construction work at the entrance of the harbor for the Northern Construction Co.. sailed by the princess Aaeiaide last night on her return to Vancouver. In regard to the case of the late Wenzel Ellas, a relief reciDl ent residing In the Hays Creek area following "whose death con-; slderable cash money was found secreted about his premises, City Commissioner W. J. Alder stated this morning that, although Ellas was known "to have received In the neighborohood of $700 from the province In relief, the city's claim was less than 57 in relief and $40 for burial. NEW INDIAN AGENT HERE Mr. and Mrs. James Gillett ani family arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning from Bella Coola to take up residence, Mr. Olllett having been transferred here to assume the duties of In dian Agent in succession to W. E Colllson who has retired. For. the time being both Prince. Rupert and Bella Coola agencies will be handled from here. XIr. Gillett is no stranger to this part of the coast. For years he was Indian Agent for the -Queen Charlotte Islands before transfer ring to Bella Coola a.. couple of years ago. Prior to becoming Indian A?ent there, he was Anglican missionary at Massett. ' THE SEAL QUALITY 111 Hp GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only- salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince. Rupert S DAY and NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZZ1E Opp. Post Office, 4th St. TEACHERS IBaseball Dance ing. HONORED Presentations Made to Mis Caroline Mitchell and Miss Mary Hartin At as special meeting of the staff of King Edward School yesterday afternoon, opportunity was taken to make presentations to two of the members of the staff who are leav Miss Mercer, in making a presen tation to Miss Caroline Mltcneiu referred to the splendid support and loyalty that she had had from her at all times. Her work in the class room had been of the highest char acter and her Interest In extra -cur rlciilar activities had been of the greatest value. It would be very difficult indeed to replace her. She extended the heartiest congratu lations of the staff on her approch ing marriage and the best of wishes for the future. Miss Mitchell admitted she would miss the happy companionship of the teachers and the association with the pupils very much. She would always have the happiest recollections of these years and she would value the gift all the more for what it stood for. To Miss Mary Hartin, who leaves for London, England, on exchange for a year. Miss Mercer conveyea the best wishes of the teachers. The idea of exchange of teachers was a progressive move and she was sure Miss Hartin would make the fullest use of it and at the same time be a decided asqulsitlon In the schools In which she would be teaching. Miss Hartin felt rather taken by surprise. She thanked the teachers for their kind remembrance and would think of them often during the year she would be away. Guests Included Mrs. J. S. Wilson, Miss D. Rothwell and Miss D. PriesUey. NEW VISIBLE COOKING An Exceptionally Durable 3-Coat Enamelware White with Red Trim Every Piece Has a Pyrcx Glass Cover Come in and Sec Them on Display 'NYLON' Fishing Leaders Stronger Than Gut-Uniform Elastic No Sheen Will straighten WhenDry Will Not Split or Fray Will Not Become Sleazy Wc Have All Sizes KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Enjoyable Event Ketchikan Visitors Entertained At Affair Last Night With Over Two Hundred In Attendance For the entertainment of the vUltln? Ketchikan baseball party. a" very enjoyable dance was held in Moose Hall last night under Joint auspices of the Moose Lodge and Prince Rupert Biseball Association. Upwards of two hundred persons were In attendance and a very fine time was had by all. Music was by the Moose Orchestra and Fred Cameron was master of ceremonies. A. D. Vance and Shane Murray presided at the door. Mrs. W. Jones and son, Arthur, sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver. A letter has been received In the city from Rev. L. C. Jensen, formerly of Prince Rupert who Is now living at Saco, Montana. He says that while he Is supposed to be in the dry belt ever since May 19 they have had three or four showers a week and it rained every day for a whole- week. The gardens are backward and some of the seed rotted In the ground because of the cold and wet. Fly To Zealand 1 With Own Wings ; Southern Dominion's New IiJinbln Planes To Try Distance Flitht' LONDON, June 24: (CP Twerily Vlckers "Wellesley" long - range bnmbera. ordered bv the New iZea- land government, will be flown to the Dominion soon by New Zealand pilots specially trained in England. AuthoriUes said the machines would be ferried to New Zealand in flights of four, but that no attempt would be made to establl a new distance record. They are merely being sent by air instead of being shipped by ser fo sire the personnel experience,' an official said. First of the flights will leave England next month and others will follow as the machine? are delivered from the assembly line and tested. Tf Capt W. P. Armour sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a business trip to Vancouver. Tonight's trauv ffue from the iSast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Keep up to date Advertise B.C. FURNITURE CO. Used Furniture rric... S2.00 1.00 Underwood Typewriter Gothic type. 2600 " v A real snap 1 Royal Typewriter Standard key. 2700 In excellent condition v 9 1 Leather Couch In good SI 900 condition 1 6-Piecc Ivory Bedroom Suite A 4500 real bargain v 2 Washing Machines In excellent 35.00 condition from, up v 3 Sewing Machines 7.50 v From, up 1 Delco Rcmy Generator 8.00 At Phone BLACK 324 3rd AVE. (Next Door to B.C. Clothiers) Phone 10 kMMawaMrawMMBMBHUBBHBM " t VELVET ICE CREAM . HAS MANY VARIETIES Cones Lemon. Raspberry, Vanilla. Chocolate and Strawberry Dixie Cups Tutti Fruitti and Vanilla Cream Lunch and Candy Freeie Bars Vanilla. Cherry Custard, Tuttl Fruitti and Maple Walnut Dominion Dairy Fifth Avenue East and McBrlde UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVER! TCES T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Aeent. Third Ave. Phone 563 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 If, you lose anything, advertise for It. It t i