Published Every AfteriHKn, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. r PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week -. , J? Paid In advance, per month : : .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, pr Insertion , 02 Local readers, per line, per insert ion . -25 Advertising and ClrcoUUon Telephone 51 News Department Telephone , - W Member of Audit Btmi ot Circulations OAILY EDITION ( Timely Recipes Oyster Dressing Far Four 3 cups' soft bread crumbs 1 V teaspoon salt ' teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons oysters liquid V cup melter butter 2 cups chopped Canadian oysters 14 cup chopped celery Friday. December 29. 1939. EDITORIALS SUMMARY EXECUTIONS The method of dispensing justice in the Soviet reminds us of the stories we read when we were most of which seem to have beeen based on the Ar 1 teaspoon lemon Juice j Combine bread crumbs, salt andi pepper. Add oyster liquid to melted j butter. Wash oysters, remove the thick muscle and chop in pieces or. .ters, celery and lemon Juice to bread mixture and combine all Ingredients lightly with a fork. j PICKANINNY'S CHANCE " NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec 29 :i iiuutca mi cvnuuai ucaui irom tuberculosis for the colored baby are virtually two and one-half times as great as they are for the white Infant, medical statistics show. 1 This picture released by the Aiaed censors, th x -a heav weepen in front of the Maginot Lane TT' - m Line by the certsct board s caption-writers Ly :.e Clevt : - VISITORS TOO GOOD LAST EVE Varsity Hoop Plays Rings Around Squad and Wins Br To 53 Score The hard-checking and sure around the Standard Oilers of Prince Rupert last night In the second of a two-game basketball series and won by a score of 73 to 33. Half time score was 28 to 11 In Varsity's favor. Doug Alexander and George Pringle led the scorers with fifteen each while Pat Flynn made fourteen. Sonny-Beynon and Herbie Morgan were tops foi Prince Rupert with ten each. Sure-fire combination and stiff blocking tactics featured the piay of the visitors, giving the locals little freedom of action. Consequently, the Oilers were forced In to- the position of playing long passes and long shots, taking chances which conduced to loose play. The visitors were In control of abian Nights tales when men and women had their heads ,pIay at practically all time. CrlOTltW nff u-iH,nnt or,,, wrvro:, - ttV,n nt oor,: ,Thelr abiUty to long menl or horror. It is typically Oriental and out of keeping with western civilization. Yesterday we heard the expected result of the failure of th Russians to wipe out the Finns, A number of mili tary leaders were executed. We understood the punish-mept was not so much for losing the campaign as for ad-using the dictator to invade Finland when they were not in a condition to win. Either reason would have been sufficient for a man to be "liquidated" in that country. CURIOUS MENTALITY We cannot understand the mentality of the people who still look upon Russia as an ideal country with a government we well might imitate. They do not realize that, if they had lived m Russia and been outspoken against the system as these people are here, they would have been "liauidated" long ago. Opposition to the wobbling policy of Stalin is not allowed there. We suppose these people want to le different from others. We can hardly believe them sufficiently dense not to see through the crude camouflage of the Communists, ANOTHER REVIVAL 1 Now that Communism is in bad repute in this country, the Communists are said to be reviving the Labor Defense League as a means of carrying on their propaganda. At one time this semi-communist organization was active in Prince Rupert but, with the formation of a Communist branch here, it was gradually allowed to become more or less inactive. The same thing happened practically throughout the country. Now the Leairue seems to be coming l)ack. What is desirable to remember is that this is one of the organizations under the wing of the Communists and designed to carry on a similar kind of range was a feature of the game as indicated by the fact that Pringle. the big . All-Canadian guard, who shoved them In with unerring accuracy from mid-floor or even further, was a top scorer. Sonny Beynon. from floor centre, actually started the scoring again last night as he did in the first game and local hopes again ran high, only to be dashed when It turned out that this was to be the only Prince Rupert field basket for the entire first quarter. Brad Matheson scored a point from Campbell's personal and Pringle. from away put. netted a coonle of field baskets. From this oobit on. the Thunderblrds started to build tro their scqre as they showed fine combination and pass ins worr while their defence kept the locals almost completely at bay. being unable to get Into scoring nositton . In such brief brakawjyi as they had. Just be fore the end of the quarteT, Bobby Houston was able to snare a point on Livingstone's oersonal to make the count IS to 3 for Varsity Rupert and Urbitatone of Vancouver getting the foil foar. The penalty count was as follows: Vancouver Livingstone. 4; Straight. 3; Flynn. 3; Mathtson 1: Alexander. 3 Total. 14. Prince Rupert Campbell. 1; Beynon, 4; Morgan. 3; MacPhee. 3; Dominate, 3: Currie, 1; Stiles. 2 Total 17. Johnny Coma d ma was referee ind Norton Young umpire with Andre Letoumeau as score keeper ind Etlo AntonelU, time keeper. Mettakatla Beats Navy In the curtain raiser for the venlne, Old Metlakatla defeated a team representing the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve by a score of 25 to 17. The naUves were good value for the victory over the larger but slower navy men who are probably too busy winning the war to ge much time for basketball practice. Half time score was 13 to 9 for the Navy. Th individual scoring was as follows: Metlakafla- F Auckland. 8; Arnold LelRhton 2: J. Haldane. 2. After Beynon and MacPhee had J Allan Prevost. 11; B. Nelson. 2: 1? :v7-t . Ft- ii a."" rr. Mn-ir . -.lied dr?c .df - f Mr. mot the wordas'? on thr ur. t. irre! cen out in. the name started to Sinclair. II Leinhti.n. H Leaak liven up for a while in the second Total. 26. , quarter. Currie and Beynon made R C N V. R. Luodquiai. 3; 0. a couple of nice field baskets for Brawn. 11; Keaya; Hasty; McKay;' Prince Rupert but the visiters were Arney. I; Blaln; A. Davtea Ttal. j tossing them In from all angle 17. I and the half ended 38 to 11. j p. Auckland was banished fori WhlV the count so far aaahut 1 personals and A. Leighton and J j them,0acfc Dido Otsrrteh Sire HaMane each had three called the local older l ataoot at all j against them with A Prevoat .one Lca' costs but the wide open plan There was only one Prince Rupert! availed nothing. Herbie Morgan I offender. Arney against whom two came to life and was able to net were called by Referee Dominic j a ample of basket among those Monteaano. j which Prance Rupert made. Var-t iy. mraniime, ws siftl buttdmg umbia T 1 Thunderblrds 7 . played 7'7 circle Z " U re and the three-oaarter time count ... was 4? to nQ 19. The- fawth Quarter was a repl- tton of the earlier stage of the game vrtth the visitors eon tinnitus to score themaehrea with monotonous regularity as they almost completely smothered the local attack. Beynon and Morgan were ch responsible for a couple of i!ce basket nevertheless. The individual scoring was as follows: Yarattjr Uvtacstone. 6. Straight 7: Pedtew. 9: Frynn. 14: Mathtson. 7: Alexander. 15; Pringle. 15. Standard OU Campbell; Hotke-slad: Beynon. 10; Morgan. 19; Mac-hee. 6; Daminato: Houston. 2; Carrie. 2; Stiles. 3. In view of the nature of play, the game was replete with pergonals with Beynon of Prince TAK'A PEC O' The crowd wttneating the games was about the same sice at that of the night prevtowi. It waa atttl-; cipated last night that the aerteal would about break even financially 1 despite the heavy expense hi-j volved in bringing the Varsity ; team here. SOME TALL IJAHY SYDNEY. Australia. Dec 29. 'CP) e4M4 giraffe to be bwi in cap- ttvtty in Australia. Taronga. an Infant of six feet four inches, was born to African-bred parraW in the I soo here. Mother! DON'T DOSE GOLDS Avoid Rhlc and Rerevv Mhtry W QUICK External Way Exrcricncrd mothers don't like to risk nuking discomfort of colds worse by drastic internal dosing. That's Why they treat children's cold ex tenuHy with Vicfcs VapoRub. VapoRub acts on the skin Lite a wanriuig poultice and at the same time gives off soothing vapour that arc breathed direct Into irritated air pasuccs. This pouiikc and varour action relieve miscrkt of coli quickly-WITHOUT NEEDLESS DOSING. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe tn good condition. Apply DaUy News. tf. FOUND FOUND Locking gas tank cap. See it at the Dally News. tf. FOUND Man's black kid neece1 lined glove Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement tf. JOHN BEGG IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement ;s not published or aUplayed by the Liquor Ccittrol Board or by the Government of BrltL-h Columbia Friday, Dccmr.t 2 , ,j. PAfJt TWO TIHI DAILY NEWS DEFENDING THE MAGINOT LINE JUST IN CASK (COUNCIL CANBERRA FOR MOBt nl Three men who Ctoh hi the Otm g . V. "4 ELECTED w militiamen for othe "4 Jame Adam 1 Lesder of Nan KUer Native Village Of r.UUk. 1940 euulau of '.ru t New Year damlks Thl Vfar PMnt. James a-, r . Happy Vlee-Presidcnt Councillors-Jan., a p AIYAN8H. Dec 29: 8 pedal to raham William., i Dally News 1 The newly elected Orwald Morten ,, 1 Oltlakdamlx village council for Grand isoa To All Our Friends, and Customers Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes xuxu -'Xi -'a -x, -xt -xt -aa a - - 4 THE DAILY NEWS. MINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1940 Ford V-8 Del uxe Sedan Now On Display Cume in and Ask for a Dfmimstratiim S. E. Parker Ltd, Ilcmcmhcr It's Ford for Forty MacKenzie's Furniture liraulj r.ct MattrcM A REAL NEW YE AR'S GIFT $42.50 w;":Ktaf S14.25 Trier Are Built Thane 7 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for V T-S-S. CATALA EVtRY Tt'CS- T-S.S. CARDtSA FKIDAY DAY, 1 :3I p.m. II'Mbjh. Owe Vancouver. Thor. p.m. Due Vantwm. Mooiir . If Convenient, Tleaie l'archae Ticket at Offke Further Information Retarding Reservation a ' T rr3 FRANK J. SKINNrtl. Prince Itupcrt Arent. Third Ate. A Happy New Year from us Of The Bulkley Valley to you Of the Prince Rupert District Bulkley Valley Collieries Ltd. jn smrr fc ... . . . . . - ... anLaltftlfulk' I WAMAMMAAMAJJUUUL. - - K.JJ.S m W M W , SHIP A 10-LH. ROX OF NEW PROCESS Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS For S1J we wfll deliver a box of Klpners to your frifnd'i noMj In y Express Klnt In ti.C or any Canadian National W Express pomt In Alkerta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. .. . n.tlinl V P15II & COW ...... ni uci hi tn inrque or can io AAtr& STORARE CO. LTD. Hrlnr rtniwrt. it C. with name and sd" f rtmslcnee. We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 1,1 1 j,., am Prince Rupert (Jq Hrltbh j