aMi 3haetXai wVtL COfeCtd IFOR REAL COMFORT TRY A PAIR Family shoestore ltD. Th 'Horn cf Good S2x THE DAILY NEWS. nrecx tcmi - euxxsb colocsu X. 7- TSTPf Vtrtprg-Easac PaiS fc aars. per vest hit as tJntr, pgr are-rsia SycsrS 3 sZ pxra S3 gtefo-i Saa ycrrtj yrrBt. pail s rrnnr Sy aaft 3 aJL .vir eairtr)i psr year - teal rrVrrt, per sae, per !ry-to 5m .J&epartatext Tifeyfo . K Meaner af Aaizl Bcrcu cC f1 ' -i ra SJX c Sirly SegtfaJjgg ML IBS. OTORIALS SERVICE CLUBS Serrier stress are c-petrreiT a rr2zatks5. Ttey wir scsn bj a. fr rear? ac by tbe sea wir mr&msed a firsc Eotarr Osb is tie cky of Csx2roi If tie 5 Pzal Hsrri? viw tftoezst k vtasM be a atfci tiaK for ire fnead U Eieei oeee week, people TPs ewcrrflBii zad Tie coo! seip essca c&er k bes-res or yrasi. -Bra? use 54&i i2 tfce dot 027 oasrnew asg issued devoted k? eaergks U X f&aasr was k desoosrraied ihs a service dor Kzrsai. Tkrtrir ire te j2at.B Gjree. like Lnas, lie eB72Ur for l&e rfiij of Uit cfrasEBk b "ssiikii 2& hsicieas iae z&a s tics It feof pscticsr 1 tee aad prof e- : as tafe k jjres sis z to teak of tisBr a(arsr aobej. It team UtpxtUsa a ociaEiatkoi Umtrd Me. K. i7 lptt wv Sis' 54; sex c&nA Tfert s a uaebs for ??oca xo faM U a grwrTe. A nnaol "Rrkfav tice dob osee a week tier s&et sew people, dfek? x-eTr LonSutlltcd HoVdb. gt aew 365 of viesr. broades tbeir auads. rtesl tec -s tt? tenr. iM!1i3m. Afert Bay Li? tul eat Eire eii jbkb m&meTt. lafifeaa o: ? 7b? xy-ss tissrs sasr tfeH tiKr at faso at a rsstasra&t eoccater list dav tbej cei: s; fcn arr b-n Members of Lbfe5e etois ire exited to do aarJd ftL?r! TH3 XraTT jj ?K2NG.QUEEN AND PRINCES ATTEND ROYAL TOURNAMENT ENGLISH ! GALENTO IS PLIO PEDIC PO 0TB ALL V1L1UK10US ARCH SUPPORTING RESUMED ' Street Dress Shoes i itiMllM mob kravlte w J Hfe tttt kusi m Puiji . Straps ami Oxfoetk is Bbefc. Qar Tr-rtV-:- xt Pri-irm ILumi Sas M: ISsbcS: X.T txrw. btv crtftr VUjor- QfSB acd Hx :o 5 TODAY'S WEATHER sue 14 ir.TrJgMTR. 30: nod. a afes ps- ir?xr. rat vtadL U Otitf fviit Stemj. 312. iijap.rismi:. 5C TODAY'S live dubwirii to Ifeen ij wAik tiutics. Pefiiicsareta-s I Sa AeAceb 1JB2. STOCKS CMibe Qw. 1.33 A. FiAntpv. OC Gefe BtOk 2ft. IS!. -0f. Saw Tart), J. PRMC. L2L PJum, ja. Bcfttf AiOjimm. OS. Ckrfk. tit. oa A. P. Ota. J. c & e. ra. j QtsJU. 111. I jaOaaMc .45. i6o bot ret poStksl questsoss are dbcased asatia thejtr pcvnaciii trraet Mrfloleri. TiioaBj lie deb incites pspototxo rrre a ? H LaB f Tm" Aon aAir at each lm& sotkses oee of SieirJJ BSfcc. wa sierabtrs aad s&zeumes stm presuoest person on x x Kfni t bSTm-ii oaeae. jffiii. tie OHUkie. Aa a rale the zddresfe? are of an edacatioiial irort pzc3z vvh u ti? er- BDt IK tore. 'aer J Ptfth Atc9b lsd UrfirVSf G2- -a- la 50e efabs raeiabers are afked to prepare ut? oaf1 1aafafca nia CETLaiS SJ3fTnMl OVhW--T It tc fumri 1hqt 4K H- J3. Zesr ABE m ZJttfc Leac Loc. 'SjU. . UcLftuS Qui iOt 1.75l Ep4 Late, JM. JM Sanad. 71101 PcUf Owr .-t JM. Bseiabers are usually ranch mere isterestisz than those. Mail rh(4aaP ftke professional talker. They nay tsey are more meatv. jiv not flini feKIINLK RUr'tK I w madelhatlhey would die a natural deati rery soon. Tbeyj AND SHIPYARD aawar aa w irvvv mMwm- w iimihwi vatC OkattA 1 1 ffj t w t forceful than ever. The Junior Cbaml-ers of Conuseree; are somewhat along IheJine of the service dubs only they! do not make professions of public serviee although "devot- ed to that kind of work, carrying it out energetically. The Chambers of Commerce serve the interests of the; business -and professional section of the community. The! service dubs undfrtakenrork usually on behalf of -the tin-; der-privileged, the suffering or sometimes of the commun-! ity as a whole. lra Bna Cattiacs XVctric AKtytese SpccixJHtt a Sai AS Typet f Ca Enaes Crpaired asi OiTrfcatled Frilaj ' rnxa the Lict Tatsiiy Tiisnslry Jffl2 j asanlay Tar Taacvrm , Taesxy Taxr-aSay Prtisy irraat Tmkwiu- S Eciiay - WSatiiy . S:M pat .Kut . 4 pa ! NIAGARA Ca OVERDUE Bne .tnM At llwiliw HOBKXJDUC 0h AsXtpadrf i Vat iast aiffc: K: au lutf awt f ar naWMpps mortaW. St k Martvtf ictr tu.! brr Maff4 bj iras of 5 A faTtv etat rataaftf a -rT j C1MFIE0 FOR SALE N0- ApfiroKiaAlf fas; Mcte4b&c ftfiiff eon- teats feetantpag vc i.V estate f Ksia A 7Tiu Praxv BsprrV HELP WANTED OEOESLy Wxabed Apply PrtortJ Rapst GesarnJ BaCUJ to FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Gowi but-sa ctbarrt Arfj Dair Jri WANTED PERSONAL how to Grr a GOTEssncnvr JOS is VttUr Camer. PbOal C3trk. CaCiwTit Fti ,trr. Ste9 U. C C SzixrAi. Ltd WssEjt. OOdea as Cmaa. lEo AcxsU ts! TOU exs rxa a Boot 5Qn4?rrxr- Kfarfrcana InsJStsi. WSsad-4. prr. Kas3tc&a. tl POUNU POCKD J5trai2ji tfiJ rasas'. Oraer aay fblala rjrr.t ciX-asc at DaOy Crrt aad Piftet to tts &4reraasrst LHrMtrr Caty 1. Aamtm 1 runt in wo Nans aaaaaJa kBgfeaaB nmntr Um Mm W,"i",r' 1 1 fcl ' ' w raiM m.. Bw 1 UwImCw OOF 4 , w DoDe&Afr nwui 0. OvAXnet Off X Ufltv! 1 . DATES FOR MODEL "JM" Cap ity c. Heio ts 3C t ad woe- I . am Other Models from ft t SERIES SET I n Til iMOft Oi At0lr Arcyte t. -momj OO- Gtrr I In rw Twt IdHlNli 'MtiMOai'. Or-, v t ,! 1, OMmb AtkMtr t Ttatw Me - v 3 r i ,1 SeMO Bat OMH C Xaraach ta Iaik r.-, ' ira SaaUCHy 1. Oanamii CMy 1. etert ton-. w Tm9 S ailBii X aaaaaaBB '-v' thr- a $mJ Oxxon laa vr Cfeir 1 WVbbbbbbbbbbI -v" t-VST Wibm have ETTC TTH1.VG ) aa : f ta prf' cai hmwme Hnmirj rrifr Ijckic Life Eaiet Action -tares Lifetime Guarantee Super-Safe !t Fm - Modern st.iaf Batf WaaaOay Wcnas ter the real f yoar i?' " h EAST aaal aarr a r awtntku X OMfcatMC 7 , i emta&fJivsMci 9 aaaal I Maiaoi-Ba MacKenzie's Furniture CH PTRRFIELI) SUITES rnoE Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 29 TW JJte.Ji.e to Vuitwue? Ttt MMiie fta lmm Sealn The ost.Jt tvmatnd foam ttoat besstfru yoB flnanrtaHy. piaytet for parte etc tart Xnr? At the e L aa5 COAL Grain Feed S and Fertilixtr PRINCE RLTERT FEED CO. If jou lojuijthipc, julvertis for it