i r (I . 4k Mrs. Prevost Was Leader In Army Wefl Know HeOaLztta Kmaa Hti Been Identified WUh Sal-ratMnut U'rk far JIany Tears The death occurred oo Ttui afaj tTKiha? at the Prtaee Rspert Oen-fral Kaprtal. of Urs Prerost wife of Field Captain Henry Prwoat, conuaaDdine officer of the Saira-tfcwi Army at 14tIaJcatla iin Pre- -" - - cer : GcTenior of lie T.mt: rot vaa one of the pscaseers of Army wort in the rffiace of Metia-katla, haateg bees a aaanber of the otianaation for the pan twenty-el(btcarx sbe am to aoarn her loaa thrte stsa aiat t daagh-tecc Panenri amsgementa at la the nana of the B C Undcrtatei tee raneral win be bekf 1 day afternoon frost the Pxtan a. pert Walrafaa Anay CHaM. Caa- tain DQr adrertULrf xa the Dafl 3 is sure to brir.z daily M A V M 9 I aajL aWtVr CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atjantic Transpacific To Vaaooavar nfk Oum Pang sajd War Prtfe 1 BB PRIMCBBS ADELAIDE Ever nny.'Wi, To Vaaconver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE aeptember lth, 2th, October 8th, 17th, 27th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific gerriees Tieketi and ReerraUons from n. it. iiiaiia. general ACcnt Prince Rnnert. R. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. fiteameri, Leave i-rfnee Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.8. CATALA EVLItl TULS. T.S.S. CAKOENA FRIDAY, DAY. 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn, ss , V'nvcn,c,lt I,le5,lke I'urehase Tickets at Office sJmwJ "JJ? R5arcUne KcservaUoiu and Tickets From ' nce Rupert AtenL Third Ave. Phone CCS -jr. id T London. SENATOR IS DEAD HIS CAREER Came From Sydney. Not And Wa Prominent In Indartry woraj sciences he rthers grain boatoess in Montreal, tbe city where be vaa bora Member 5. 133 asnsgfat only at la Caat- 'Ti tot kndi?? for the seasoa to date op to W I t - anaaUtB hoars -JrJ 7 T7J CV I . r n i (Yirufi i ihii lull til 1 r CanadanaJiBa tbe high price ef (dug an the northern afcere etenCktW. Inrbar vhere he batit 1 Xn 1M he boaght The Sydaer Poat and 29 years later aav it nterte vtth Us competitor The 3ney Rtcart! ta tons Tbe Syd ney FOt-Record J Work Kerocnbrd I Ttoaah a baaaeaaaaa. hat to-Hon. John Strnrt MtLenaar teres: in the historical seaport of Pasea Away la Ottawa At Ate Lowiabara becan darter kk n Of Dchty-Six roal mininr m tn ft 1 'CD: TheT 044 e children, one aad the steel mills of .IJfnl Hath a ergeanl in the Tet to be bam Ht. tw Jt, xnm uauery. was killed is aetloniTVA.. uounB i nvn 4 win 1 1 un - w 4rt toe out iwk At tta Mtfy law.fi. nan watrlwtad ' Raaart alHmrf m Ibkcotv-' r aialrtcttr ai w aettattas nd rwttaTrta to noraae Bx. tanear- bvt asc as anrtcd aa taatitbe mtaer beahi nxn iiaajtj kaa te LoS atf andaet vas teanM c!toc taeitts rwainaiiaiiiil ma &at lirnam ta acaaat cfc at the pan ( Seittte. ' kerakM aad ttMee tu bat ftttkr lk"f Tere are man? of wet vu t iat Je paid It will aot be that of manager of the Interna. Sii " 19,5 0thw Chica " 79 81 tionai at DM Bridgeport. 2 A W "war ne vaa m.. dirwi.-TT-. v-iiman Inurnstinnu1 ,4. , . " rs H H. Kendall vcUxA. OS IAe . VJUj Mh ny anta the Doaunkm Coal "sany was farmed by H M. Whitney of Boston in IMS to con-elldate ownershin of th r-e. . Breton sata. hmae in Cape Breton, bought ar 8 D ' D O O o o o o o o o o o o o D 10 o D fcLSIE F. HEAI3 Piano A.T.CJI. and Theory ALL GRADES 0 Private or Class instruction gi Beginners from Dre-school ant v also Teachers' Training CTaai o ! Twelve Years' Experience H' 01 I'll one I.LIII. 997 0 0000000000000000000000060 r. .V S. and Miss Katharine McLennan. Svdnev V r hi. ;dd in 1912 aa aiic In 1IS h- marrJed Orace Henop aidow of P n P Tvt,i a - - J a-t 4 at" . When WhJtnev ja. ? at.w ' 7 " ona axnr earn to vsnr a. laaa x,. f ewart McLennan. Jr ! tTihg Lennan vac nm.n 1 n.. ing which led to the famtitm r ' the Dominion Iron and Steel Com pany. He became first emmi manager of the company when the "a a memhr nf th vrtH.f tae saaatt of tar vtfv ak7 caaue. aaa we at and prwawili i actfraty vffl be evtdeat hare. -ONE RUN IN K a " '! for SJM mnvU Tk Mk Manhill LONG GAME St. Loah Cardinal Defeat B"toi J Ben in Foarteea Inning Ln-rotinter On Friday ST LOUIS. Seoteaaber 1C CP .year in Caoe Breton and later .-One ran in the foarteenth : lon hhn reeacalthm in the world, nine save the St Loads Card:r.a.. Jof letters He lived to see soeae of j the victory over Boston B?e her-tae aarka of the aaeteat Preaeh yeaterdav and the rana. . , r . excavated aad restored aaJL redaeed Ute vtai t a federal viiiMitcniii. laarum mMt - r, SeotU. rears later, taracty dae to has ef-'to three-aa-a-half games the 0-1 IS? totm tawJ byJrWs haetog ssttt a doahte-neade aok "Laakaarg frmn Ka alth the Ke York Giants ! ' Trme vas paid to Seaa-' OTTAWA. September U: Cp,- 'TTg , "7:7 ' -''-" the Senator's eoJJecttoo coo 01 of rehea. reaea. tn ial died yesterday after a two-day ins; Uhwas He had coaw here to at-1 . . M H tend the special war of . and' ParttaaW ofiIbefla Steamrt. his aife. he aeat, John atewm McLenna.', earty! ambition am, to be a profeajor of ZfZ ZZ J ? fe prnlosophy bat defective eye-st$ht : Trf1" defTe hmperwl hu nate an7 tarne 'fMte iIe l ha efforts into mare imcac toJSL!00:.8- tal ni. I"""? At uamBrkl&e he took aetamin, from Cambridge Uni- SL." Trt verity in ErrTne took-fSTter ? Sf .Pnw 18 lra Hta honors m tdiloaoDhr and th entered entered h hn IZLTTT . "T5 ne w" torlcal Sodety lEagbndv A year before be mored to Cap- He nr v moved movec . to to the the mdastrial indttstrial dia-'r dls-' mrrted Lw,Ue- daah-fcto tfkru of of Caoe Cape Breton Breton in in iaa 1M2 when? K-f1 -PranclJ Bradley -of Cbl- Yesterday- Br Leasee aoores National Lea(ne Nrr York narlaaiLI Baaton i. St. Laani I ifoarteeu nospruus Commission and, Served a b m . .1 Th Prinr Piirvr- T.. cruji. ' " wuiku mcniDer oil -.-v .riv n)ouwuii( the patriotic fund. In 1918 he ajC,ub heW a meet Thursday after- first ateel was wodneZd A v" HMniea " as Ca, w war Senator Me Canada's deJtcate to m ine rarK ATenne range Tn Tiato im.j rhati if ts t .iji... a . jlater he retired as general mana-j M l"" . t0 Uer hJ ot " and. deciding to make LA aervattve ta pontics he wa called w Canadian Senate In 1918. - m - - ww mMm m a V 4 ol , o WINNIPEG. Sept. 16: CPOc- the Winnipeg market jeslerday. CENTRAL HOTELS ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK PhuadetoMa 9-1. Cajteaas - Brooklyn 4, Pttseseg 2. American Lea cue Detroit J. Near York Ml Cleveland 7. Bootee. 1. CMeago 2. Philadelphia 3 St. Loata 9. Wa swan tea i The teagae sfinrwagi ta date: National Learnt Clneteaatt m St. Usns . aa CWeago . 75 Broukrra 71 iKear York 87 PHtabarg gg Boston m PhfladelnhU u Detroit American Learne N'rr York 93 Waahfneton Philadelphia St. Louis 71 69 50 34 L. M 64 H 74 To 41 W 69 61 64 St to 98 Pet. Ml jm at! JM in 4M in 70S J .423 279 SHOWS HOW TO SHOOT u-hen M. H. Laldlaw Of Vancouver was on hand to show the local marksmen some of the fine points about pigeon busting. Mr. Laldlaw nlssed one bird and the snectators .are still wondering how he did It. Alter the shoot, the ahootlnr nartv vas entertained at the home of Paul Armour where Mr. Laldlaw J ave a talk. 1 The scores were: M. R. Laldlaw 24 Joe Scott 16 Paul Armour 12 Oeorge Bryant n John Bulger 10 Mr. Laldlaw. accomnanled Lv hi wife, sailed Thursday night by the Prince Rupert on bis return la Van couver. Ke Y rk L Na: A: cn;te; 1 . : .: . of a ta tae arr Weav Tbe ear. abo k-eiaan AaUWRy ABaa. iaaar Salpti. Tintea Dai- rm witmx trv; the eet for Aserieaa Atb' aa eoo aa the 2aa rtart mate BUartoai ha-near In r;tt 'n 10e aaa! 6e vbteh tbe Extei the !a4a VC I da w n. At rttia i n-r ik MMKf. . Ht.iaw.iBi ina. vapa.:xaxaa saaf. t otthwi -tt v Sr ttraajat vhkh the VaMar antrtd of at pert taU wk fraa Vaa- TKabfc At 5 M tnd Cnthc Un. . Tsr The mm Se With IUmI Ra AJdai aa4 r'- lor jB99 poands. WfeUt the eoarer Ther Ofwnted at by the ecceatrtr Maa BH -k-allba fahiac. mhb deaaas of Bateaale hi raanuitim h tae 0 as KarsJea at th ' ; 'Ttfbgr 22 fr haaaaee Caoada naBtat; q.'a frilatHiwi haraaad bU of every prmak TwatthTa In. m i mi i to swi m eoa- aiaat there. The Iraaa U a braatt aaoan to rrmafUm After reach ' "'" a-, ner veaaet TBacti -raj meauy eetm- a coaaaz mt. rav aaval of nunhK eU pletetf ta Vaacaaver . ihad of MM ia vataaae at n& Oaten tteaawr Oartfeaa, Gaai. a Bodea. arrtvcd ha part at:tt Tbe deer hanUns aeaaoa opened but evening from the mala aatf Jaa Satarriay bat ovlaf towsiaj laUeil at 19 M on her rttara ta local people bemg eaatt (ttreetly Vaneovrer and vaypoiata taae next door an TTn .nil i tlo. . r r." stc i prti- .tc . ' C.ra' Bs.'-a. '. a,-d k'.vndf .a U...'fi S:le DC- In u Elios Furniture SIWANAIR MATTRESS The remarkable new bo u print and lnnenprinr unit vN'ow on ditplsy In oar tore mi:ati:ks. stoves. liccsld furmti re ntrr Third Atcnne Thone Green 91C C 1 I n . n vf i uuiurveu iupert Drana ' ?inz rocs Satariaj S;.e-y, PICTURESQUE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD HOLD 3I0R.NTNG SERVICE Waterfront THIS BILL ENTERTAINS iu.Mi.irr c IT Whiffs 2 Complete Sbow - Dr-vxis aKiirx The K4 Ff Teiu" aad "D Halibut Landings Nqt So Hravr ThI TrMe Sfcovaag a CapHol Week Bat Prices Better Deer limiting; lhiut TmhiM I Opens But Not Much Interest t THE KID Shown Herring; Seiners I The Xjd front Tern,' the stor 1 Arrive FROM of a. co lay who tauu to pter , TEXAS' and -Soy Trnrtii.' a -. At I U b1 r- HaKlmt sandmgs at Prince Rupert for the past week free-tar-ai; with Man Boi-- iid 361 pounds of wfeiei 27QJ0O pootfc was frwn u4 aad Caste ntln. cosaprav-! ms itcrtauoc doubt hJI beta; CHARLIE Bt uj MARY BOLLND "Boy Trouble" Trioce Kcpf1 B-C Mild Cured Salmon I 15c pkg. i For UHrh on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeurrc $ One Package 8crves Four People f K.eps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rrince Rupert fn UA BrlUU Co,ombU J ffa fram . Vkvt ... . HEAD OF BRITAIN'S NAVAL ARC HITKTs WWAMAAAAAii. .... . .JUIA J. H. BULGER Optometrist Ryal Bank BIdg. Fresh Lucid Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 -1.