F r I- r t.,:day September iM- . 1 w J we- A LOCAL NEWS 'NOTES (, 0!d Gold Uulger'8 tf p and courteou tS Tuxl. m tf. ,.T.e Theatre Building on Serenader'a Dance, hotbai Hall Saturday Nlte. 9 till 12. Jn Seven recruits for the 102nd Heavy Dattery arrived In the city M .III .. . I I A - .1 l n ' y.at arriu rcmmru ut irmn rimer ueorge on Thursday ,, the Princess Adelaide nlghfs train. .'rday afternoon from a'trlp to , ..uvrr MIm Lucille Broolubank will all' this t fiom u trip to Vancou- University of Washington. Dr. C. Marlus Dareau of Otta-Gf raid H Harry, Inspector wa. Dominion ethnologUt, arrived i; tools. arrived In the In the city on the Prince Adelaide i- Vancouver on the Prln- yrsterday afternoon from Vancou-i mn yesterday afternoon, Ver. being here to carry on ro m official duties. logical work In this district. F FWier. T. W. Drown James A. Sadler, who has been lo- Fultoit returned to the cated here for the past couple of Captain Masanorl Yamada, Ja panete Salvation Army Officer, ar rived In the city on Thursday even " " ClUdel on Sunday D J MATHESON. City Clerk. Prince Rupert,-D C 1219) ada. MENTMQLMiED FACEffll IBS DISPOSABLE iHYGIEMC USE FO R HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15c Ormes Ltd. Jit Ptoneer Drtu&ists tUr Mruii Store Phonei; 81 A 12 Open Halt) 'from 8 a.m. till IB p.m. mU and HtJIday 'frm IX nn l X ! 1 p.m. till 9 p-ro. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! catling al OCEAK FALLS d POWELL RIVER Stcumcr lcnves l'rlncc Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave l'Hnce Hupeft for the Kait Monday, Wliieilay, JFrIiIny, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or trrit City Ticket UJJice, jru nm ID A lit it g mmm VHM 5 KONOMY STORE '"219 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More .. Cents lulity - .ronipt .sT,fe Ilia show drop In and r our milk shakes, sodas and re cream. W ll.n 1 ave a conv'te stock Of . - fr,.ll. .... ... -..., una vegetaDies Hill lo t . III NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 30 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, U.C. Tbone28l P.O. Boa 1M Miss Alma Dybhavn sailed last night on the Princes Adelaide 'for Seattle where she will attend the University of Washington. Col. and Mrs. J. W. Nlcholla and daughter. MUs Patricia Nlcholls, left on last evening's train for tt trip to' Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. and Mrs. O. A. Brvant left . on last evening's train for a week- end trip to Smlthers. They expect u return to the city Tuesday night. Rte Dros. Ltd, There '"r-as was born oom at ai m the Royal Jub- . lne from the north and will be here I . and remova. or me - .. 1DM. ! Uee Hospital. Victoria, on Septem lal services at the Salvation Army, . Captain Yam ada Is a convert from Buddhism.1 Coming from San Tranclsco a few years ago. he was the pioneer of the Army's Japanese -work tn Can- SWAN A OLA FSON A.T.OM. Associate Teacher of Sllss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Stuarnts for Fall Term PHONE 845 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the nly 'talnton canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Itupert rta DAtLt mnn PAuB.THREa. ARMY CHIEF i IS FIGHTER; RAPID RISE Yixrcnnt Gort, V. C Commander Un The Field, Got Ahead Through Industry And Ability . i rwmrwt e.t 1 A (mi aiicrnuon 3 f ! prnrinti rvn on th Dinji.. r , . -v. n- me rrinceu Lou- rpp .(.,,.. 0 . P , a .-turned to the city Ue for Seattle where she TSEke Oapf K a?av iS?E noft' po,ntment 0f Vl3COUnt "rt' V C PM Adelaide yesterday up domfMlc Klfnce ,tudl at u,.' f flS Cmanderpuef of Brltih & lorcp in me neia wnen umain and other Alaska points and will went to war wlth 0ermanr aall at 5 pjn. for Vancouver. brought to light a military caree.- In arhfh trvtff rt h(ti rflctlni.. Mrs. James Balrd arrived In the -, .-r tn.,. and an odd episode on the ski- Join her husband who recently of swltrerland all had their came here to Join the staff of Mc- nart as radio expert. . nlger Oort ms(l from the rank 'of major-general to the hhhest Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunn railed ; aetlve command In the British ar- irM. intjti. (hu v.r. .. nrMim.hi .if.,- ff(-. ' on the Prince Adelaide my all In the space of two years. u. u-- ettfftnH'in tit fl ftc. f ( ui v Court. Tenders Invited t will be received for Is sailing this afternoon on the Princess Louise for Victoria to which city he has been transferred. 11! successor. J. Helherlngton, arrived this week from Vancouver. where Mr. Dunn has been called on Copsolldated Mining ti Smelting Cor business. 'Birth Notices of military circles but on all sides the government's choice met wth whole-hearted approval. It started in 1937 when War Secretary Leslie Uore-Bellsha, answering the demand for a shake-up m the British high command appointed the 51-year old Viscount Oort as chief 6f the general staff. ber 16 to Mr and Mrs. O. Wilkin- qualifications and made the ap- son, formerly Margaret Cook, a son. pointment over the heads of some 3d senior generals. ( Announcements All adtertlsements In this column win be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge September 20. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's. September 28. 1 1 Anglican Tea Mrs. 1 1 September 27. Neal Carters Ridley Home grocery shower. Sep tember 28. 3 to 6 pm. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Baiaar October 11, 12. Sonja' Bazaar November 3. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 18 Anglican Bazaar November 23 Country Fair November 24. DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Cammenring Sept. 1 Specializing Ballet. Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Are. Blue 898 Winning The V. C. Then military secretary to the war secretary. Oort, a member ol a distinguished soldiering family, had a record of 32 years In thje army. Going Into the Oreat Wa.-as a captain In 1914, the Sandhurst trained officer won decoration after decoration and as a brevet-major In 1918, won the Vlc- tftrfa Pmc, HrUlIn Vilrrfcjh-t mttl. Queer .Mary Tea Mr,. Uneham's & for vr ' September 21. . A few months before the armis tice in 1918, Oort was leading the Orenadler Ouards In an attack across the Canal du Nord. Twice he Boy's Band Bridge Drive. Eagle, Vf J eroded- But he 5Vnt,mh,r 21 sl$tKl on Mn carried forward or a stretcher, directing the advance until the position was won. Only when flares announced the cap ture of the goal did Gort collapse. Previously he had won the Mlll-itnry Cross and Distinguished Service Order and had been mentioned In dispatches nine times. When Hore-Belisha was looking for a military secretary to help him rejuvenate the army, the wa4 secretary recalled an Incident In Switzerland and a hurried trip tn 2,5 Ascot, where Oort was engaged In manoeuvres, followed. "Who the hell are you?" de manded Hore - Bellsha, picking himself out Of the snow. "Ocrt." was the terse reply. The Commander - In - Chief, a soldier from head to toes, was said by a fellow officer to be "hard but no bully." He added! the "Tiger'' had n0 time for anything but his' work. Served In Orient During the past tw0 years a personal acquaintance with condlt tlons In the Orient has been valuable with undeclared war ragln? between Japan and China. Oort has also seen service In India. A qualified pilot, he learned to fly a few years before he became chief of the Imperial Oeneral Staff. Since 1937 wide army reforms; many of them having to do with mechanization, have been Insti tuted under Viscount Gort's dlrec Hon. One of the most Important was the creation of a large strat eglc reserve "In a zone from which It could be directed where secur Uy was most likely to be threat-? ened." This Involved reduction by ' 'JET' STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At AH R.C. Stores NOTICE Commencing September 11, 11. Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian' Guitar for the'Wes-tern Academy wDl be In the Prince Hupert Hotel MUSIC Vcnctia Feero A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE 633 BRITISH BATTLESHIP AND GRISIS CENTRE A view of Palma, Majorca, hi the Balearic Islands which is another storm centre tn the crisis m the Mediterranean. The British government ordered. ILMJ3Hodd, the world's most powerfal warship right, to proceed from Gibraltar to-Palma. Officially, the shift -was-explained as a routine move. Hotel Arrivals Ityal O. Power Oscar Ueland, Alfred HoreBellsha disregarded seniority Henriksen.'Eric 6koJberg. A. DahL Wah Soon, J..Renaerts, 1. Balfour and H. Hansen, city; M. C. O'Neill, Smlthers; Roy P. Coswan, Gold- fields; A. MlHChin, Winnipeg; L. Qdland, !L Findlay and W. Ma ben. Vancouver; George Ferguson, Chi cago; A. L. Davies, Shushartle; Mr. ind Mrs. Oscar Oteson and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wlnther. Petersburg; N. G. Pratt, Port Esslngton: James Mc- Kenna, Burns Lake; Lee Larsen, Port Edward; L. Garfln, CXR. R. 1. Peterson, Vancouver. Prince Rupert O. E. Daubleday and W. Page1, Vancouver; Dr. C. Marlus Barbeau Ottawa; J. B. Barclay. Blllmor; Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong, Port Simpson; J. R. Mc Williams, Dlgby; V S. MacMillan, Caspaco. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Holds Red Cross Party The first of a series of bridge parties to be held by the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion In aid of the Red Cross work for the war was held last night in the Legion Hall and proved to be an enjoyable affair. Mrs. Robert Mur ray, president of the Auxiliary, was In charge, being given assist ance by members generally. Tha prize-winners were: ladles first, Mrs. A. Jacobsen; second, Mrs. Peter Solem; men's first. George Howe; second, Mr. Clemens. Delicious refreshments were served. Most people ads. Do you? reso the classified several units of the Indian Army! and transfer of a British Expedi tionary Force from England to the' ' Middle East. i Born John Standish Surtees !Loctl erans Escort iRemains Of iRoy (Gurd the steamship Cardena for shin ment to Vancouver. Pallbearers were G. J. Dawes, Nell Cameron, D. Segouln, William Reid, James Laid-law, J. R. Elfert, J. S. Wilson and S. C. Thompson. Mr. Gurd was a iNorman Miller ILaid At IRest With many friends of in attendance, the funeral of . the late Norman Clayton WHler. Members of the Prince Rupert of j M Morrison. !Bor-braneh of the Canadian "Leflon of dfn 6trm took place this alter-iie British Empire -Service League noon rrOH1 the chapel of B. C. last evening escorted the body of Undertakers to Fairview Cemetery, the late Robert H. Ourd of Cassiar Re7 j c jackson. pastor of First Cannery from the parlors of the B. united Church, officiated and C Undertakers to the wharf where ,ohn E oey presided at the or-the remains were placed on board ,gan to accompany the hymns. Pallbearers were Robert March. Reg Webber. Thomas Smith. J. p. Morrison. Clarence Campbell -and Jack Joy. viricran 01 uie ureal war navmg Five thousand t.uct. Rupert been a sergeant In the Twenty- oeonle read the Dallv News. It Ninth Battalion with which regi- pays to let them know what' vol mem ne served in France. hav in CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Ave East J. II. Mvrwang, S.TJ), Pastor Sunday, September 17 11:00 ajn. Divine Services In English 12:15 am. Sunday School ' 780 pjn. Divine Services in Norwegian Tuesday, September 19 'ZiOO pjn. Devotional meeting at thurch Wednesday, September -Z0 7:30 p.m. The Junior Luther League meets at Parsonage Thursday, September 21 8:00 pjn. Sewing Circle No. 3 meets at P. Peterson home. Sth'AveJEast . Saturday, September 23 10:00 ajn. Confirmation class meets at church All the members of congregation please attend our services Sundays Visitors, and others, without . a church home are cordially Invited "arid 1111 receive a hearty welcome. A specral Invitation to all young people.' Fishermen at home over Sunday, we welcome you to church! The Salvation Army iTwo Great Meetings-n Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Conducted xy CAPTAIN MASANORI YAMADA Prendergast Vereker. the Com-(xhe Japanese Salvation Army Officer who commenced the Salvation mander-ln-Chief succeeded his Army Japanese work In Canada father as Viscount Gort at the ago Adjutant and Mrs. Howard Fisher will be welcomed as the new super-6t 16. In 1911 he married hH 0f the Eventide Home cousin, Corinne Vereker. They Mrs captain Victor Suddaby will farewell for Canyon City were divorced in 1925. They had u re Welcome to Come and Spend a Happy Day at the 'Army one son and one daughter. MMMM B. C. FURNITURE Real Values In Reconditioned Furniture Consisting of CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING 1 IROOM SUITES, BEDS, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIK5, UAlii LKUJS, UUli-GIES, KITCHEN RANGES and RANGES WITH OIL BURNERS, ETC. Lare stock of Remington and Underwood typewriters in first class condition at the lowest possible prices. PHONE BLACK 324 3rd. Ave NEXT DOOR TO B. C. CLOTHIERS i I