n r- X" :.r iri .n n tcs Ar.f r r r . it I sir If" T "I of trade In war-.prrtant to American a y when 10.000,000 i.:;rmployed, and It's ' abandon the U. ti, : d trade at a time ar iai golnx It beot. w ar Uieir heart ; and will find it .ry hate In the re-stand by unmoved bombers rain death ;es. rir t days of the r- ..a : stood upon th t f.he freedom of the ui -1 t v maintain a tra il tT ' neutrality It's a -:i 7 a r -nmtry can do it. it BUtesJvuan'l w- tlj , do Jt u '? war of n embargo, jn . . In which the Unl really taking sides and Pi Amuran trad wouli r.j w i Err: ni ik. j .. if i.ie ay moacm-aay i nil- prohibiting Am-from sailing to Trade DulnHir.t "nin a year TI n fnrritm "lumen in n ii- aMa -- - uurmai vaiun N-ur Fnc. "iwra u secede nutln-M -urn oaa to worso At Inst .'"ling bctwppn rii-Ant n-itoi.. . Great Britain . Takes Bremen Mam-ow. Sept 18: (CP The German mbavador to Rula intimates that the Nail liner llrcmen, which has not been ..!. i reported since she left New IOI HI1U ... . ... 1 -., irty ine irnuDir oi inn . York August 31, was captured br Great Britain. Foreign Exchange And Exports And Imports To Be Strictly Regulated OTTAWA. September 16: (CP) Creation of a government board empowered to regulate the control of foreign exchange transactions, licence imports and exports of all goods, monies and securities and use an exchange stabilization fund as an aid to maintaining exchange rates was announced Friday night by Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of finance. The control becomes effective today and will be administered with the technical advice of the Bank of Canada with post offices and branches of the chartered banks carrying out, as agents, the various local functions which are of widespread character. Graham Towers, president of the Bank of Canada, is chairman of the board. The Bank of Canada acts as technical adviser as well as banker for the board. Local branches of banks are already in receipt of their instructions as to the new foreign exchange regulations. CONSPIRACY IN PRAGUE Sccrrt Police Claim To Have round Organliatlon Working To Give Help To Allies PARIS. September 14: The Ges ropes bad fortune. Ur)o, Nazi secret police, claims to ij the tradltionauy nave discovered an organisation pcan states, insisted , vneu for the miroose of glv- : of neutrals to carry i v,,in tn th Allies. Manv ar- w.ca Dome ousiness. rMt. have been made. it:.--?. Columbia Unlver- nr .1 r" s wpe- nn .ntemationai law.' vveatner rorecasi r 'uauon: "WIC a, y me neuirais pos- - - 1- - hal they should bv let abnormally low northwest ' ... .iiiuc ineir normct .. ,., . . mmmm. v. .. ... rictntr nvpr KniiLnrrii uriLiaii isvii- iiuiiirawy, incir uc- . . i a tnr.i t. il.i .u... iimnia. nam nas Deen xeiicrui un -1 b? free to carry on their lh coast and mattered showers f-trsr"' i-n. n.nAKi. a over the interior. . L . . . n . f It. MMt...M T.lqnn i iraica ny mc niKu . . . - "i uiscrcniv marKcis ana " " fc:h frf::.h, tnr 'shifting to south. Cloudy . and . cool , .wiin occasional rains. CHaifS nrlMth u.-nrcri.n Irv t. ftMnw till TL IHW 10 KCTU htiiA:! mn ir mn mil nr 1 11 i 1 inn pmmi rv nitn iiiiiiiiLX-11 liiu n.eron had Congress clamp age-old principle ot Jeuerson united, states mounted, ar or 1812 was the re j HiuLii li m Kiinin iriirv "c u a. enterorl nrnt the usual tifn.f ' wie lima -v 3 haH v.4iiu ouuuiui- OU Mf " I U ul mm H PDlnn "-.w. mns OI U. O. ph"8: and lcd nearly 60 n l.he zinnia dls- in-.. - "-'"iuwi vi war. "35, the U. s. first bc3an to the embargo to keep American vessels out of war trade in event the president declared a war ex istent. That, of course, means dropping rights as neutrals to free sens. The history of neutrality has been full of contradictions llkci that. It leads to all sorts of com?, plications arguments over con- traband, privateering, retaliations.! Nations at war have even fought for the trade of their enemies, i These are the facts nbout ncut Duke Of Windsor Sees Chamberlain wuim I IT 1 I J war News i i PAU1S The French mine riuton exploded in an nn-dbtloed port, killing one of her sailor. " nCKM.V German sources rlsim to have destroyed a Polih mine Ujrr and two run boats France agalns near Gydnla in the Baltic Sea. . ope that war started, mas Jefferson had .5 pretty forthright European wars. When t d French started wr-.t to his old A! r. in Donald: " ' war is decreed by s ' nly to pray that k ' - ra a great deal." IT V?" ' :tA tt'ftt rf i.i iH n r iha VANCOUVER W. II. Sharpe of this city concedes the death of hi- wife in the sinking of the Ath formerly a Saskatchewan School teacher. Former King Edward VIII Called At No. 10 Downing Street Yesterday LONDON, September 16: The Duke of Windsor visited Prims Minister Neville Chamberlain at No. 10 Downing Street yesterday VALVE IS ATFAULT Cause Of Disaster To United States Submarine Squalls Is Relieved Established "PORTSMOUTH. New Hampshire ScDtcmber 16: A faulty main In duction valve lock, which failed to -!it hi.hiipH from the rcDubllc's1 reclster properly. Indicating that ; - , -1 1 ,u -t, .-., isn v-nrs of cxDcr cncc ns a na- me vessel was cn ... ... tlon. Americans usually let their j not. Is blamed by r rnM inH wmnir load'naval Inquiry for OCIIOC; UI "- c. - ' nnl.. them into a struggle, or else insist on the right to use the world's highways. Belligerents don't always like that. They seem to be more In terested ln winning than Ihfy are In the rUhts of neutrals. thp nisnsier 10 we uji.h-u uwiw submarine Squalls. Tweniy-nve bodies have been recovered from the Squalls which was successfully raised and placed in dry flocK ye nrHv A twenty-sixth body was missing. U-BOATS IN DIFFICULTY Some Running Short t Fuel- 1' Others Hare Fired Last TorpedoesMore Ships Are Sunk LONDON. Sept 18: CP -Messages which have been Intercepted indicate that some German submarines at sea have been running short of fuel and that some have shot their last torpedoes. Operation of the British Nary are making the activities of ene-nv under ' A Belgian motorship was also re ported to have been sunk In the English Channel jesterdaiU.. . .:lt was the Alex van Opstall which was sunk either by a min or torpedo, the British blaming the sinking on enemy action. Survivors of the freighter Vancouver City, sent down a couple of days ago, reached Liverpool yesterday. Three of the crew had been killed, It was disclosed on arrlal. High 'the ship. KELOWNA A meeting of representatives of various Okanagan communities is to be held here to plan joint civilian war activities during the conflict. EDMONTON R. G. Wilson, superintendent of electricity for Edmonton, says that a black-out rould be brought about In Edmonton on notice of a minute and a half. There would be whistle signal warnings. Labor itio i r ' i nmorrow s i laes Weather Forecast 3:44 am. 20 ft. 15 46 p.m. 21.5 It. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 9:46 a.m. 50 ft. Islands Fresh to strong 22:23 pjn. 3.2 ft. southeast to south winds, unsettled and cool with rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , vrvill lo. 2i' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1939. PRICE: I CENTS errific Battle Is Now In Progress v . TUT -it r w vt SA. bUT Ob - OF IT? (niton Ml'" Aniwer Prrs Staff Writer 77 a- - gauge, there an Hi tamers to American jf7 are t-uaight from Uw i v n.rmiclvei profe no rd 8Utes efforts to rality dragged het War and the war of Wo struggles with ;.s since 1778. Allies Still Have Upper Hand On Western Front With Polish Defenders Holding Out Yet NOT VERY FRIENDLY sea craft Increasingly difficult. Sev- jnJon tna Forced To Admit ;eral have already been destroyed, g, noiXXt To Pound naval authorities deeming it un- Baltic JJy .fc..iet wis? to dlacIoAe Just how many. In Foreseen any case, it is confidently stated that submarines will soon be re- joNDON September 16: An in-moved as a menace to shipping. tematlonal political cirrespo .dent Yesterday the 5200-ton freighter of tne London Dally Herald admit Fanad Head, enroute from Mont- thal .Ru4Sia has certainly taken a real to Belfast was reported to have hostIf attitude towards Poland' i been junk by a submarine. "SOS." wnten ml.nt justify anticipation signals, reported 10 nave wra pics- tnat the pians 3Cuv co- ed up on both sides of the Atlantic. opf niioa w1th Germany agalns: are believed to have been from this that Country Jt u suggested that vessel Russia may take a'drantage of th." ' loday the loss of two more Brt- .ltuat,on to annex UtY and Es- tlsh snips was repo.ua-u.c thon,a and tn BlU,c of R1?a trawler Da vara and the; oil tank- jjieh Soviet officials still insist Brllih Blockade U Proving Effective In PiTventinf Germany From Getting Supplies LONDON. September 16: (CP- , The vessel was torpedoed amidships yhp Ministry of Information yes- l . . . V- . enia. She has not been heard of without warning ana me cic uc- tenjay announced mat. aunng me since the torpedoing. She was 'er saw the submarine wmcn past weej a result of me block ade operations. large quantities of contraband bound for Germany had been seized including 28,000 tons of petrol. 26,000 tons of iron ore. wood pulp and other Keep Peace Year OTTAWA. Sept 16: (CPl- r TV IJ The Trades and Labor Con- fOr Dig fair j nf ranarta. the All Can- ada Conzress of Labor and the Canadian. Federation of Labor Issued simultaneous stat- menu last night declaring that efforts wxuld be made to maintain labor peace in war- time. They have agreed vo co- 4- operate in preventing disputes during the war, MINISTER labor Golden Gate Pacific International Exposition May Run Into 1910 SAN FRANCISCO. September 16: It seems probable that the Gold en Gate Pacific International Exposition will continue for a second year in 1940. Mayor Angelo Rossi has been asked to name a .citizens' committee to consider financing. Among the means be- lng considered for financing the I second year would be state or fed- ' jeral aid, a civic bond Issue or straight contributions. j IS NAMEDPress Censors j Veteran Civil Servant Is Appointed Are Appointed to Succeed . . ... Sir Herbert ..! Marler ' At vtasningion OTTAWA, Sept. 16: (CP) Wal- 1 Iter S. Thompson, director of cen- mTAWA. Rpnt 16: (CP) Lorlne sorshlp for Canada, announces the . . n. ...-.,.. i v,e ' annrtlntmpnt of Claude Melancon to Washington, succeeding Sir Her bert Marler who has resigned ow lng to 111 health. War Supply Board Plan Joint press censors for Canada. Keep Out Of War, Lindbergh Warns Fierce Fighting Along Forty Mile Front Is Reported Today Hungarian and Other Sources Indicate Wins For Poles LONDON, September 16: (CP) A terrific battle was reported progressing along forty miles of the western front today as hundreds of thousands of French and German troops came into contact after two weeks of skirmishing. Fighting, Paris reports said, stretched all the way from the Moselle River, where France earlier claim- ed further advances Into German GERMANS RETREAT -PARIS, Sept. 16: (CP) Ger- rums are retreating at various PAMTD AD A Point? alonfthe western front. IS SEIZED dandoninr and dfstrovlnr. lace? in" the line of their with drawal, it was announced tonight in a French communique. The .Maginot-West Wall battle cone was the scene of heavy fiehting today, the communique said, both sides putting heavy .artillery and infantry units into action. The Germans- are continuing to send up reinforcements in a constant stream to the lines in the effort to bolster up their lines. Russian-Jap . Peace Signed. MOSCOW, Sept. 16. Tass, t official Soviet news agency. early today reported an agree- ment whereby Russia and Ja- pan will cease hostilities on the Manchoukuoan - Outer Mon- gollan frontier where for months there has been fight- lng. Present positions will be maintained with a Joint com- mlttee to determine the per- manent frontiers. . AIR BASE DESTROYED Polish Planes Succeed In Measure Of Relief For Beleaguered , Warsaw WARSAW, September 16: Polish base from which German planei J were operating In bombardment of Warsaw. Germans countered tnts report and claimed that 39 Polish planes had been destroyed yester day. Polish troops were reported last NEW YORK, September 14: In night to have broken through the thp first radio address he has ever lines of the invaders at several mart rvii rhnrlp A Llndbereh . nolnts. German forces, nettlne far- OTTAWA, Sept. 16: (CP) Gor-'ast night appealed to the United ther from their bases as they ad-i don W. Scott oi Montreal ana wat- states to stay out of tne war. iterance, are now saia to De in con-son Sellar, comptroller of the Treas-J warned against propaganda from siderable danger at several points ury. have been appointed to plan both sides. Western civilization of being completely cut off. preliminary organization of the mlcht be destroyed if the United German advances continue to be war supply board of Canada. states went Into this war, he said, resolutely resisted by the Poles. territory towards Saarbrucken, rich industrial centre. The French said that .Germans, counter-attacking . in the lower Nled River Valley, had been repulsed after hours of fighting. j Germany, meantime, reported advances on the Polish front and a morning Berlin communique said I that enemy artillery was active at Saarbruecken but enemy thrusts ST? .? ;rM ,ha' ,here " n tatent,9n 01 tne Abandoning and Destrojinc Villages had warded wlth bvy , , h . British losses through torpcdJ of g, lnUrTentn. tn pnd and A Th,r Fa., Rart ., French losses. attack in the war to aate 10 ,nat rrfsent warlike measures are Western Front I Hun8arian diplomatic and press twrnty-one entirely precautionary so that circles at Budapest said that the All crews ana passengers oi me Ruwta may not be caught un-W Fanad Head. Davara and Chey- awares. enne were rescuea. Polish defenders of Warsaw and Llow had pushed back the beselg-ers. Inflicting heavy losses. Other foreign sources also reported Polish gains but there was no contlr--matlon.The French said that heavy-German attacks had been repulsed at Vola, a suburb of Warsaw, i New German divisions sent against the Polish army were 'encircled west of Warsaw but it was claimed that German forces were closing In. A German communique said that German forces had swept "shattered units" of the Polish southern army before them. Germans are reported In Paris to have Introduced a low flying aer- , ial attack in operation on the western front only to be beaten off by French pursuit planes with heavy losses. On the eastern front the German air force backed up swift motorized detachments. :WILHELM'S GRANDSON IS KILLED Descendant ot Former Kaiser Is Reported Slain In Action On Polish Front BERLIN, September 16: (CP) -'Reports say that Prince Oskar Jr.. I grandson of the Former Kalsei (and son of Prince Oskar, has been killed In action on the Polish fron. Petrol Rationing In England Delay .Motorists In Old Country Are Al lowed .noiner vteen in vtnicn To Obtain Cards I LONDON, September 16: (CD- Petrol rationing ln England has been delayed for a week so that many motorists who have not ye been able to do so may obtain their cards. The authorities state, that, since there Is no Immediate emergency. It Is desired that no hardship should be worked upon any person. Halibut Sales Canadian Clipper IL, 4,500, Atlln, 9c and 5c. Oslo, 17,000, Cold Storage 8.9: and 5c.