a a a 0 o a o 0 8 0 I 0 0 0 g 0 0 O I F Del - Debs and Julia Arthur Fall Creations I 1R All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED AMILY SHOE STORE LTLJ, The Home of Good Shoes KEEP U-S-WAR FREE American Legion In Favor, However, of Strongly Arming CHICAGO. Sept. 29. The American Legion, at its national convention here went on record in favor of keeplcs this country out " It's Borden's It's COT to be good" the international Advertising is ai .trteswnent. SPELL IT BACKWARDS "And you ert the word MILK", pciati out Elsie, the Borden Cow. "And that's just what KLIM is pure, fresh, whole milk with all the cream left in, powdered by removing the natural moisture content. Simply add Klim to cold water whislc with a beater and you have an instant supply of creamy pasteur. ized whole milk. I can't recommend anything better for baby, home or camp." MacKpnzies Furniture Used Dressers C Used Dresser With beveled mirrors and with 3 and 4 drawers. From, each PHONE 775 $5.00 MENTHOLATED FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15 c Ofmes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgists I be Keiall Store Phones: 81 & 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday (rum 12 noon till Z p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. irtjowouooooouaoooQaaoooooootrtMrtjtioooooooooqooooooooi; CINCINNATI WINS FLAG ger"s twenty-fifth victory of the' season. Next week the World Series between Cincinnati and New York Yankees. American League pen- of the war. At the same time. It Is l,ia"' ui cu.u.u urged that American defences must;" ees one iwrorues rw itmifthMiMl matin nr. .rmvltO Win the r fourth Straight WOrld 8 and-navy second to none in the championship. world. Increasing of the Panama Canal defences to make them impregnable Is also called for. It was also urged that United States Congress continue in ses sion throughout crisis. Boston at Washington and Chicago at St Louis. I Yesterday's Big League scores were as follows: . National League St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 5. ' Brooklyn 1-3. Boston 3-0. j New York 4-B, Philadelphia 3-3. American League Boston 4-1. Washington, 2-6. Philadelphia 4-5. New York 6-4. i Commencing today the Major I League clubs will play their final 'stands of the season during the week-end as follows: National League St. Louis at Chlcaeo. New York at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Pittsburg. New York' at Boston. American: League Philadelphia J at New York, Cleveland at Detroit. FOR SALE FOR SALE Approximately foui" i H i acres wciuauig coiiage muu ttui-i tents belonging to the estate of Erik Eneroth, oona River wza Cash. Official Administrator Norman A. Watt, Prince Rupert, B.C. tf. FOR SALE Mc Clary range, grey enamel finish, almost pew. Complete with oil burner. $75. Stamford, Prince Rupert Hotel. tf. FOR SALE Boat Edye Pass with I contents now lying at Ward El-f- ectrlc float. Send tenders in writ ing to Indian Office, Prince Rupert. B. C. (230) FOR SALE Kitchen range, almost new- kitchen eabinet; two dressers; two small washstands; one double- bed; one sleeping couch; one brick-lined heater: two rocking chairs; kitchen chairs; one washing basin. Above can be seen this week between hours of 1:30 and 4 pjn. at 745 Ninth Ave. West. (232) j USED Victor Radio for sale, table model. News. Price $12. Apply Dally t.f. NEW American stamps lor sale.j ones ana inrees. uduy news, m; FOR SALE -Wealthy, Oravensteln and Mcintosh Red apples. 65c to $1.25' per box. Box 46, Terrace, B.C. 233) FOR RENT FOh RENT-r-Noyeraber 1, Premises now occupied by Boston Cafe. SALES HELP FEMALE OUR RECORDS SHOW GIRLS and women are some of our best Baseball Standings The league standings to date; KationalTLeaiae Cincinnati St. Louis , Red Capture First National ?Uyn League Pennant la Twenty ?? w lare !NW York --. Pittsburg Boston NEW YOFRK, September Philadelphia CP Cincinnati Keds yesterday American clinched their Ural National League jfew York '. pennant since 1919 when . Uiry de- iinston - fe&ted fit. Louis Cardinals by Chicago score ol 5 to 3 in the fourth and Cleveland deciding game of a cruclai series. Detroit ., me Kas have ihiee games left to Washington play with Puuburg Pirates and the uj, ladt'phia- i Cardinal, have three to play with't Louis tucag( Cubs but, no matter what, happens in these, it cannot affect: the outcome as the Reds have a J three-an-a-half gam lead over) the Cards. j Pain Derringer won the gamej yesterday for the Reds although' Cincinnati was outhlt fourteen to) 'eight by the Cardinals. The Reds' ; placed thetn better and on morei timely occasions. It was Derrln- W 94 .....91 80 81 76 67 60 Vao4ufr 88 85 84 .20 64 .&5 L. 5 59 68 10 73 S3 84 46 101 League 106 44 1307 n 70 89 41 1 j in Big .Missouri, Jfl. Bralorne; 10551 Cariboo Quarts) Dentontn. .02VA. Falrvlew. .01 & Gold Belt. 42. Hedley Mascot? i. Mlntc. .01. Noble Five .03JAA Pacific NtekeX IS. Pend Oreille. ' Pioneer. 2.10. Premier. 156." Privateer. .90A. Reeve McDonald. .45A, Reno. .47. Relief Arlington. .13. Salmon Onld. M. Fbee PttX&JJ. Cariboo Hudjn .01. " "flil A. P. Con, 2fl, Calroat. .40.' C. & E, 2J0. Freehold. MS-Home. 2.71. Pacalto, .06Ji Royal Canadian, 24). OkalU. 155. Prairie RayalUea. JOVi. Turonto Aldrmae. .40. BeaUk. S&. Onfral Pat. 2.10. Con Smelters. 49X0, F Milartle. 2.13, Francoeur. 55. God' Laker J7. Hardrock. JEfi. Tnt Nickel. 46i. Kerr Addison. L70. Little Longf Lac 2.60, MacLeod Cockshutt. 155. Madsen Red Lake. 59. MaeKenzle Red Lak. 1X9. Moneta. 50, Noranda. ;72. Pickle Crow. 4.0 Preston E. Dome. 11. San Antonio, 1.70. 8herrltt Oordon, 155. Stadacona. 56. UchL .70. BouscadJllac. .04. Mosher Oklend. j06. Oklend, MK Pet .629 X07 .541 .537 .510 .447 .411 .313 5i ; 3co .418 Ml Xll TODAYS, SOCKS 1 t' 8melter Oold, S32. Dominion Bridge. 41.75. New York American Can., 112V4. American Car and Foundry. 36 14. Am. Smelting and Refining, SMi. American Tel. and Tel., 16li. Anaconda, 333. Caterpillar Tractor, 61 'x. Dupont, 182. General Electric, 40. General Motors, 53?8. Ooodyear Tire and Rubber. 29 4. Inland Steel, 97. International Nickel, 37'i. Kennecott Copper. 41 Vt. National Biscuit. 271b. New York Central, 21i. Radio Corporation, iV. Standard Oil of California, 30'4. Standard Oil of New Jersey, 49. United Fruit, 85. United States Steel, 76. IN THE WATTEB OP THE ESTATE OP THE LATE EM OPEEN, DECEASED. In-dlaa a the lwt Ewltigton band, lnt-tMte To Notice tb.t by tirtua ol auth-crtty ol tbe 8uprlutn0mt Ocnnaj ct Indian Affairs. Ottawa. I wat appotnt-fd admialsUaAor or ti 6at of Ell Orwa, lrM(l Indlao of poa Easliic. ton band In U. province of UrUUti All pr harinf claim against are rerrly reoulrrd to fur- ' ro vrvixxM venried to m on or - BOARD AND ttOOMiir t " " - ra rMIUlrrd tn UtUm 4hlr Inrfwt. FIRST Class, board and room residences. Reasonable" rates, dose in. Phone Qreen 65. (235) wm to ra torthwith. J OUXETT. Indian Agent TENDEHS INVITED Ansllcan Synod of Caledonia Tenders are invited for the build-Ins: of the Motor Launch "Western Hope" also for a suitable marine enKine (installed). These two tend- Christinas Card agents. If you (ers to be submitted separately. Spe-have spare time we will furnish ; clflcatlons, plans and full partlcu-you with our Christmas Card .Jars can be had at the Ward Elep-album free from which to take' Mar,ne BY Company. orders from your friends andj All tenders to be submitted to C, acquaintances. Oood commls slons; friendly service. Premier Art Guild, 570 Seymour St. Van-couver. Write if you live in a smaller town. V. Evltt. Synod Office. Prince Ku pert, B.C.. marked "Mission Boat Tender." not later than Saturday, October 7th, 1939, the lowest or an tender will not necessarily be Johnnie Walker Kt'tl Jhel: 20 oz. $3.75, 40 om. tUack Laiurl ivcr 13 yrars old I Una a.lvrrirnnrrii l JET' . S5.60 1.. 1 publUlied ur dijlii)tU by the. Uqi'ur i:umin Hoard ur w Uir (jvvcriioot .f HrHI' JjJuml.la WAR WORK i OF WOMEN i.Mu. C. V. Iilt Appwinleil Hialr-; man In Charce of Keciotralioii i Fur ThU Klrctural UUUlct VolunUry reUtniUon of women jthe r ear4nee tn varioaa kinds I of work, the auaa&tlitte tn on-nection with any plan that may be made to brta rafssiecs to Ca-nada: th nrslMiity of taking U9 1 work which would reieaae men 'from indastry and aiao Htey are lacked what If anything, they may be willing to do tn con&eetJott with the sending of troop oversaw, j The taUMial chairman of the ; movement is Senator Iva Camp- ibeil Faille and the irovtnaiaJ tsc- retary la Mrs. L M. Drydsu The appointment of Mrs. EvlU as chairman of the district was evidently bated pa lily on Iter well , known interest In oublic and army affairs generally but also berau.i nf lhe serve the rendered In th Inte war where she was 1 Jteuten-n n ie Women's L'gion at Whitehall. London. Bngland a:id also worked for Ihp Arrr.v Seri" Corps In Carlisle. England while THE SEAL"' QUALITY j GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye IMNK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the utily lalmon cannlnt company with an all the year round payroll Ui Prlnre Kapert STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety Al All U.C. Stores CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Bent Household Coal MU8. C. P. KLACK her husband. Major Evttt. was ynutce and a orlsuner of war. in DISCOUNT ItATE CLT m-' LONDON, Sept 29 ivwi the appoinUxjent, has al-'BK,ana dlWHUrt rat. w nidy totntsenccd work and U'aaj reduce from four p w awaiting detailed loaUuetiont ln PW cenl-as i how to prel , CPil KoUk- utM ewwrw utturci uW , Mcjcinrwn. alter a oy lone e.au?ndin U Queen Charlotte, .at w,,h , mn, YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING HERE! Old Virginia Fine Cul iKe mellowest, moil otrv:y.'j tobacco yoi ever lucked into a cigarette popetl Jutl look al ill bright, clean colour. Get a load cf the' extra fine aroma. Feel trie difference in tfioie long, 1 r threads of selected Virginia tobaccos, saenfiHc; y prepared for cigarettes by on exclusive process, cul eiro fine so you con toll a trim, tidy cigarette without wast? Man, oh man! This is cigarette toboccol Treat yourself to Old Virginia. It won't disappoint ys. Package 101 V2 lb. Tin lit Potltt Humidor Pouth ISt Ut lltsstw SPECI A LS Loose Leaf Recipe Books Ideal for kitchen use and for gifts. Standard three ring. Complete recipe index and filler. Only Refill KlieethPkK. of 100 Each Sovereign tie lute Cleantlng Tiwue 150 sheet box Fancy Tiaue Lined Package Self-Seal Envelope 2 pkgs Illue Lined Envelojj pk. . Mailc biatei .. Envelopes 15c 35c ;4Q0 sheet box Dozen l:c.jSa lUlaiuk and AUIn and Including, fof Nortimn UrtUjll g ituun .... ' th Yukon, waa In tr V in twho are ndy and wRHn ub- SmUhera. Hatelton. Bunu Lake. to 10:JO lnU roornUi. :j. ottta dMtake war work of any Wnd If""; !f, . "v meeedlng from her- u Vascane Ibeint unguium and Mra C. V. ,ChrtoUe city. BuUdal. Urt. Alice u w lhe NwU . Evttt f Prtnee Hpe twa lUm aHd man)r oUltr acwL way north but week L. n. appointed district chairman for .plosion In lr alter lu. itrve electoral diatrtct tt'.i the eurutatlv erfeet of a.1 cauted death of one kjxi ni j Last Mar the women of Hnftend vctttatrtK that eounU. tbe Injury of two other ,atrted tMmion of wotneji will- km to uadertake duties of notow wind. They told great ttreas on work ioeh as fmt aid. arobulanee I driving, fire flfjht'nf . evacuation 'and orsiinlslng A few centres In I Canada followed suit bat the movement wa confined to the lanrrr elites, eormrvenetna in Victoria. Aeeordtng to the plan adopted in other places a central registration buraaa tt etbtohMl with women In ehrge where those who wish to do so may call and fin out a form arwwerius: a atimher of queaUona a to thctr eafwbMttls The wcrrf n are a red to state 50c 25c 25c 20c 25c 5c 10cand20c llrldceway Playing- Cadi-rFancy backs excellent quallt Blngles . 50C Doubles 95C Relly llrlle Uake Cupa-rWlilte or. Assorted 110 in. a pkg 15c