ft fit tr M, 1M8. IVES TO VICTORIA Sumford Tranifwed South l service of Marine Department ' ;cl ' Victoria as super- 7. A ;, W. tl in ment of Transport, w. L. stam- U A i pan nineteen years holding that position here and since 11929 acting agent for the marine i department, sailed on the prince .Rupert hut night for the aouth. N. 8. K. Brewer, accountant at the Dlgby laland marine depot, will carry on temporarily as agent here pending appointment of a permanent successor to Mr. Stamford. Mrs Stamford and son nnrf for the Depart- daughter are already In Victoria. CRIENDSHIP'S nttd .re few, bit fine. In tk club-houie, lod"je of ptivitc Mitctum . , . wherevtr mtn mctt in ftitndly union . . . Gnnt'i it offtrtd tnd tcctpltd with unhciiUtinj tiurncc. Unirtrully, men Uk Gnnt'i (or frMd. GrunVs LIQUEUR SCOTCH TAKE WHISKY $3.75 n 4m ox. FOR GXMiVrZD rment it not published or displayed by the Liquor jfd or by the Government of British Columbia. Smoked "Rupert Brand" ma urea oaimon anadian Fish & Cold Storage Ha Kupert Teacher of Piano 20 fold Davev opular Music ars experience in Vancouver Co. Ltd. fe Music with Un-No Scales nptlff. you: financially. HMMeat etc n.M x, 2!' NOW' At (K. VV. H. BULGER Optometrist toral Bank Hide ItritUh CalumbU N10N STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrince Rupert for Vancouver: IH.S. I'Itii . .......... . i. ntnnrvl cntlllV -'"AM t,il.ni Tllfc IAH tiviJr..-rt "AY t jo p.m. 10:30 port. Ju Vtnrouver. Monday sum. Thurs. p.m. " Vatirouver, II Convenient, fleaM Purchase Tickets at Office rr Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From k . BKlNNKIt, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. rnone aos COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE KUPEKT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 658 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 5 15c pkg. I For Lunch an TohhIciI Sandwiches or Horn d'ocuvrc i ' ' One Puckage Serves Four People K .ep for .Weeks in Refrigerator c Inspector C. O. Barber returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Ilazelton on official duties. Mrs. J. D. Ptaser sailed last night on the Prince Rupert, being called south by the sudden death of her brother. Mr. Justice Denis Murphy, who has been conducting the fall session of the Supreme Court Assizes here, will leave on this evening last evening from Ketchikan. They will proceed East on this evening's train. Mr. and Mrs. Ifrdahl to Winnipeg. Mr. Morrison to Kingston. Ontario, and Mr. Bergstedt to International Falls. Sea Cadets Need Uniform Money Rotary Club Asked to Help Organ-ifatirt Flnancisily in Order to Take In New Members There are at the present time six vacancies In the Sea Cadets and there are 24 applications for admission to membership. Should these be . admitted there would be that many new uniforms to secure and the iNavy League, which sponsors the radcU. doe not have the money At the meeting of the Prince Ru- . pert Rotary Club yesterday a letter i was read from the secretary of the League. W. O. Vlgar. asking for financial support. , R. M. Wlnslow. president of the League, told of the need of carry ine on this work. It was making every effort to have it continue. Al though the naval headquarters were needed for other purposes the Lea cue had been assured It would be allowed to use It as much as pos sible and the Instructor would still be available for the present It received no assistance from the government If eighteen boys were taken in. that number of new uniforms would be needed. Ouevti at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday afternoon Included Lieut. Cecil Fitzgerald. Lieut. Robert Dartlett. "William Crawford of Stewart. W. C. Carson of the Canadian National Express. Captain Morris of Vancouver, and Don Shea of Vancouver. Dally advertising m the Dail) New Is sure to bring daily v -T Public Notice Notice Lt hereby given that all property within the City Limits, subject to Tax Sale will be sold at Public Auction at the City Hall, on Saturday. September 30th, at 10 a.m. unless the 1M7 taxes are paid , previous to that date ' List of the property to be sold I can been seen at the Collector's Of fice. City Hall. 229) ooooooooooooooooooaooooooci ELSIK F. HEAPS A.T.OM. Piano and Theory ALL GRADES Private or Class instruction Beginners from pre-school ag also Teachers' Training Clasj Twelve Years' Experience Phone BLUE 99? oooeocH0OOOO0OOCfHoooooooa DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept, 1 Specialising Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. nlue 898 Violin & Guitar Western Academy of Music R, Shaw IMione BLUE 892 For prompt rice Phone 13 m Dim kiwi LOCAL NEWS NOTES and courteous Taxi. er- tf. Robert Parker of Ketchikan passed through the city on the Prince Rupert last evening enr&ute to Vancouver and Winnipeg. Miss Norma Morrison R. N. of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital tailed last night on the Prince Kuprt for a holiday trip to Vancouver train for Prince Oeorge to presidel A. C. Oardiner and W U. Man over the session there. 'uel, Canadian National Railways travelling auditors, who have beeu Mr. and Mrs. E. Lrrdahl of Pair- visiting hcrp for verai days' on banks, A. E. Morrison of Eagle official duties, sailed la.si night and Bert Bergstedt of Intematlon- on the Prince Rupert for Van-al Falls, Minnesota, were arrivals couver. in the city on the Prince Rupert Mothers! RELIEVE GOLDS WITHOUT "DOSING' Don't risk upsetting your child's stomach and making him more miserable by drastic internal dosing for colds. Just massage Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest, and back. VapoRub arts on the skin like a warming, stimulating poultice. At the same time it give off soothing medicinal vapours that are breathed direct into irritated This poultice-and-vapour action swiftly relieves the misery of a cold. Brett air parages. Ridley Home Shower Is Successful VapoRub A fine afternoon brought quite number of visitor to the Ridley Home Shower yesterday. Gifts in grec. variety were received and many who were unable to come senl groceries. j Miss Bird received visitors at the door and Mrs. J. B. Gibson, one of the trustees, waa there to welcome them. The gifts were received by Mrs. J. II. Nordan and Mr JAdcock Mrs. M. McKerlie was in charge of the tea room assisted by Mrs. Inch. Mrs. M. Lemon and Mrs. Tbtfre so different! So Delicious! So Kourhbing! "We lo 'em! They're really ran to eat," sar millions of happy, healthy boys and girls just like oui. "Those two keea cereals are so diStrtaU They look different sad taste different. Yes sir, they're the tops.' Yes, Mother, these delicious cereals are etpeciallj good for youe UmUy. They're rkh in nourishment, ia food energy. Get yeker Puled Wbeat and CJuafccr Putted Kice in Ue turnout red and blue packages right away. KITWANGA Military Wedding WELCOME In Local Church New Missionary and Teacher Given Reception by Townsfolk KITWANGA, Sept. 29. After a postponement of several days In order to await the return from the canneries of more of the villagers, a well attended and very enjoyable reception was held In the Kitwan-ga Community Hall on Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hayhurst who have just taken up their duties here, the former as missionary and the latter as teacher. The reception commenced with hearty singing of "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." ably led by Mrs. Gus Sam pare. This was 'ollowed by an opening speech of welcome by Chief Semldeeks, David Wells, chovn to represent the village acting as chairman. Henry Willizu, as successor to the late Chief Lelt. recently deceased ind mourned by alL spoke warmly 'n welcome. Speeches expressing hearty welcome and urging co-op eration on the part of one and all were given by George Moore, as renresentative of the Village Coun cil: Lieut. Solomon Bryant, speaking for friends, of the Church Army md v local chief, constable: harles $misesmah for 'the humpback whale' of which he is hief. Chief Arthur McDames, vis-'ting from Skeena Crossing, extend ed a welcome to his village at Kit The houses were gay with vases uegucla and Gus Sampare .the gfcdloli. dahlias. wt peas and Uaster at Kitwnnga. added his I S J A 1 14. U.M marigolds, the gift of Mrs. Hem- mlngs. Gifts were received from the fol lowing : Bishop and Mrs. Rix. Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Miss R. M. Davles OJ3.E.. Rev. Roy Durnford. Mrs. If. T. Cross. Mrs. Adeock. Mrs. J. D. Allan. Mrs. Thomas Andrew. Mrs. Bedard. Mrs. John Bremner. Mrs. W. H. Brett. Mrs. Jack Bulger. Mrs. Berg. Mrs. II. Qapstlck. Mrs. N. M. Carter, ChrU?" Mill. Mrs. W. B. Cook. Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Mrs. William Crulk-shank. Mrs. John Currle. Mrs. J Currlgh. Mrs. Davison. Mrs. H. Dolron. Mrs. P. Dolron. Mrs. J. Dur-ran. Mrs. C V. Evitt. Mrs. F. N. Good. Mrs W. J Greer. Mrs. Hans Hagen. Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Hyde Transfer. Mrs. J. G. Johns, Mrs. Inch. Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnson, Mrs. Karstensen. Kelly Douglas It Co. Mrs. P. Lakie Mrs. M. M. Lamb. Mrs. Arthur Lelghton. Mrs. M. Lem on. Mrs F. McLeod, Mrs. J. McLeod, Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse. Mrs. J. H. Nordan. Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Mrs. H. F. Pullen, Miss Strand. Mr. V. Ranee. Mrs. A. G. Rix, St. Andrew's Girls' Auxiliary, Mrs. A. J. Squire. Mrs. S. C. Thomson, Mrs. W. II. Tobey, Mrs. Wood, and Mrs. M. J. Keays. Announcements All advertisements In this col fimn will be charged for a full month at 25 a word. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Eagles Bridge October 4. Empire Dance, October 6. Oddfellows' Hall C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct. 27. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18, Country Fair November 24, ureetines to those already express ed In th? warmest terms. In reply. Mr. and Mrs. Hayhurst exoresed their deeofelt appreci ation of all that had been said In Telcorr.e and of the many efforts that bad made to make them feel themselves welcome as mem bers of the community. Delicious refreshments were daintily served by the ladies. The Drogram closed with prayer led by Mr. Hayhurst. Games were then participated In by all. Solomon Bryant considerably adding to the laughter and enjoyment of all by clowning. Mrs. Gus Sampare treated those assembled to a very humorous story of native life. The party went to their homes shortly before midnight after having passed a very enjoyable Keep up to date, larly. Aavvtiise regu- Corp. Edward Mclntyre of Irish Fusiliers and Miss Muriel Higgins To Be United Tuesday Evening The marriage of Corp. Mclntyr tif Irish Fusiliers. Vancouver Regiment, to MlS3 Muriel jlliggings of Vancouver will take ! place Tuesday evening next In i First Presbyterian Church. There will be a guard of honor of ten men. forming an arch with crossed rifles. Most people Edward i ads. Do you? react the classified BLUE Stops Your Clothes from Turning Yellow When joxl come to the Ust tins remember to add Rcckiu's Blue for whiteness. No extra effort-Cost? A cent or two a month. MUSSALLEMS ECONOMY STOKE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop in and try our milk shakes, sodas and ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Box 55 Reckitt's BLUE Prevents Clothes Turning Yellow NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 B. C. FURNITURE Used Furniture Values 1 McCIary Range In C07 CA good shape .tlV 1 Majestic Range In COC tZfl good condition AO.tlU 7-Picce Dining Room O-l 7 Suite In light oak .. 3 Vacuum Cleaners .. g5Q 2 Up Sewing Machines S7 P 50 Phone BLACK 321 2 3-Piece Chester-field Suites $36.00 111 $39.00 1 Stewart Warner Q-f Q CA Radio Special jU.tJ.DU 1 DeForrest-Crossley Long and Short Wave Cabinet, late QIQ tZti model $tJDU 1 Radio Table Genuine Qfi CA walnut. Special pU.DU Next Door To B.C. Clothiers ill THIRD AVENUE PAfJl TfJtH 16